Tuesday 22 May 2018


Rupa-rupanya ini adalah tipu belaka...

Ini pun tipu juga...

Yang ini pun sama tipu...

Yang betul ialah 1MDB telah menerima dana untuk menyelamatkan syarikat itu daripada Kementerian Kewangan hampir RM7 bilion.

Ini baru pendedahan hari pertama Lim Guan Eng masuk ke pejabatnya sebagai Menteri Kewangan. Barangkali lebih banyak lagi akan terdedah selepas ini.

Bayangkan jika BN terus berkuasa dan Najib Razak kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri, sudah tentu lebih banyak lagi dana rakyat digunakan untuk menyelamatkan 1MDB.

Lalu, apa khabar Arul Kanda? (ShahbudinHusin 22/05/2018)


  1. Warkah Buat Shayang

    Kehadapan Shayang yang Syantik.....









    tAhUkAh Shayang???????? ISU yang akan dimainkan untuk menghalalkan cara mereka ialah:

    a. Islam

    b. Melayu

    c. DAP

    PRU 14 belum selesai Shayang.........

    Abang tak bermaksud untuk menakutkan Shayang tetapi abang berharap agar kita berdua dapat memberi sokongan yang padu kepada Tun untuk memulihkan segera negara. Beliau tahu apa yang perlu dibuat.

    Tidak semua benda yang dibuat olen Tun adalah betul tetapi:

    a. Dalam sepuluh perkara yang beliau lakukan mungkin lapan betul dan dua salah.

    b. Dalam sepuluh perkara yang DS Najib lakukan mungkin ada lapan salah dan dua betul.

    Tiada siapa yang sempurna, pilihlah yang terbaik sebagaimana Shayang memilih abang.........

    Ada banyak benda yang tersirat yang kita masih belum faham........

    Sekiranya pemulihan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat maka perkara diatas dapat dihindari dan mereka yang berniat jahat tidak berani bertindak sesuka hati. Rakyat adalah penentu.....

    Jom dangdut Shayang......


    1. bodo walaun seko nie...
      100 juta + barang kemas + mcm2 lg dalam tangan perdana menteri yg berapa sen sangat la gaji ny.. mana yea nye... amanah kepimpinan kelaut la dol...
      kalau dibiarkan, bukan takat tak reti meniaga... jahanam dah negara nie dol..
      ko ingat senang ke, nak stabilkan semula... tp kita yg terbanyak nie, yakin dengan kumpulan yg dilantik...


    2. Shayanggg......

      Apai marah abang.....tapi Shayang tak marah abang kan......

      Abang shayang Shayang tau Shayang....sampai bila-bila...

    3. Kalo tak tipu nanti lambat kaya.


    4. Tugas Khairy struktur semula Umno - Malaysiakini

      Tikus Membaiki Labu

    5. Maaf kita Off topic seketika.....

      TO ALL PAKATANS........sila hati2........ditakoti ada gunting dalam lipatan...........atau duri dalam daging memandangkan sekarang ini satu demi satu kenyataan2 sudah mula keluar.

      PAKATAN HARAPAN mesti ingat.......jarum2 pasti akan berjalan untuk melemahkan ikatan Pakatan yg wujud sekarang ni.

      Harap semua sentiasa BERAWAS kerana yg berbulu bukan semuanya ayam.

      Jangan sampai IKATAN KERAJAAN PAKATAN mereput dari dalam.

      Celikkan mata........tajamkan fikiran anda.
      Sentiasa berawas...!!

    6. Pundek..untuk Kau dan Arul.

    7. bijak betul nasihat abang, shayang bangga dengan ketajaman fikiran abang. we all the wives love you and tun.


      Dr Maszlee diminta martabatkan Bahasa Melayu
      22 MEI 2018
      Rais Yatim
      A- A+ (Ubah saiz teks)
      KUALA LUMPUR – Presiden Universiti Islam Antrabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) Tan Sri Dr Rais Yatim hari ini melahirkan harapan agar Menteri Pendidikan yang baharu Dr Maszlee Malik dapat memartabatkan bahasa Melayu dan menerapkan amalan budi di pelbagai peringkat pelajaran.

      Amalan budi itu, kata Rais, hendaklah juga dipupuk kepada rakyat Malaysia bermula di bangku sekolah lagi.

      “Apa yang dihajatkan adalah agar bahasa Melayu dan amalan budi tidak dicicirkan. Sekolah Kebangsaan pula mestilah menyediakan pilihan kursus untuk pelajar seperti bahasa Mandarin, Arab, Tamil dan lain-lain,” kata Rais dalam satu kenyataan dikeluarkan UIAM.

      Beliau berkata seluruh warga UIAM melahirkan rasa bangga di atas pelantikan Maszlee itu.

      Ini kerana Maszlee merupakan salah seorang bekas pensyarah di Jabatan Sains Politik, Kulliyyah Ilmu Wahyu dan Sains Kemanusiaan UIAM, kata Rais.

      Sementara itu, Rektor UIAM Prof Datuk Zaleha Kamarudin turut mengucapkan tahniah di atas pelantikan itu serta menyifatkan Maszlee sebagai ahli akademik yang mampu mengutarakan pelbagai idea baru dalam usaha perubahan dan reformasi pendidikan negara.

      “Pensyarah UIAM bersedia untuk memberikan sokongan padu kepada Maszlee dan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia,” katanya.

      Maszlee berkhidmat sebagai pensyarah di UIAM selama 18 tahun dari tahun 2000 hingga 2018.

      Beliau pernah dilantik sebagai Presiden Kakitangan Akademik UIAM selama dua penggal iaitu dari 2012 hingga 2015. - Bernama

  2. Gile lah depa nie ... akta fake news molek digunakan utk kerajaan BN lah ... kuat betul meiou rakyat

  3. Apa khabar Arul Kanda esok?

    Dia kena jawab besok, kenapa tak ada audit & laporan kewangan 1mdb bagi tahun 2016, 2017...??

    Mana RM42 bilyon duit 1mdb yg dipinjam itu, kenapa hanya RM2.6 bilyon yg balik ke Malaysia tapi masuk poket Najib....??

    Mana pergi duit pencen amanah tabung tentera & keuntungan jual tanah TRX.....??

    Bolehkah dia klentong auta lagi besok?

    1. Malam ni practise depan cermin.

      Jangan lupa orang yg ngaku ada jumpa dengan penderma Tok Arab tu.

    2. Sdra Othaman , ma'afkan saya ...

      sepanjang pencarian fakta2 keatas 1MDB , tiada rekod yang menunjukkan ia pernah membuat pinjaman dari amanah tabung tentera atau LTAT ...jika itu yang dimaksudkan ??

      1MDB , melalui anak syarikat (sebelum di ambilalih olih MOF) , SRC International walaubagaimana pun ada meminjam 4 billion dari Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen @ KWAP .

      Dari 4 billion ini , yang dapat di pastikan adalah ;

      42 juta telah berpindah kedalam akaun Najib . Selain itu , 1.8 billion ringgit telah 'di leburkan' di dalam industry perlombongan di Mongolia . Selebihnya ..wallahhualam !!!!

      Pendapat serta pandangan saya , sebab mengapa SRC di pindahkan ke MOF adalah ingin mengkaburi kehilangan wang itu dari muncul didalam buku kira2 1MDB . Adakah dikalangan para walaunta yang berani menyangkal pendapat serta pandangan saya ini ??

    3. Zaman Jack Sparrow banyak peleburan dari pelaboran ye.........

  4. PAS kata "Kami puas hati". Kahkahkah... Macam pengakuan pakar bunyinya. Puas hati "apa kebenda" PAS woiiii? Lagu ni punya pemikiran pun masih ada hati nak memerintah Malaysia? Lingkup... Mujur PAS tak menang banyak kerusi, kalau tidak, entahlah apa jadinya negara ini.

    1. puas hati dapat derma 90 juta kot..

    2. tunggu dapat ilham dlm mimpi dulu, lepas tu baru tuang punasihat boleh komen....kikikikikkkkk

    3. Puas hati kena tipu oleh wakanda ....huhuhu. satu malaysia kena tipu n pas kena kencing bulat bulat

    4. Hey hey hey... bos pas Sang Takfir Ah Wang itu kini nampaknya kekafiran telah balik terpukul atas kepala bungkusnya. Binate ni yang tak habis habis mengkafirkan Tun Mahathir dan kerajaannya pada tahun 80 puluhan dulu...

  5. Tn .Budin ,

    Masih teriang iang di telinga saya ,betapa saya menyangkal dakwaan2 serta kenyataan2 dari walaunta terutama Mr. J yang cuba 'membersihkan' 1MDB .

    Mereka sering memanjangkan laungan para pendokong 1MDB yang mengatakan 1MDB itu sihat , yang 1MDB punya asset melebihi dari liabilti . Semua ini saya sangkal . Saya pernah katakan 1MDB adalah hancus ..penuh dengan penipuan , putar belit dan pembohongan secara total .

    Soalan ajaib yang kerap saya ajukan kepada walaunta terutama Mr. J ;-

    Berapa lagi nilai asset yang 1MDB masih ada ?

    Berapa lagi tanggungan serta hutang yang di tanggung olih 1MDB ?

    Soalan yang sampai kini tiada jawapan secara khusus olih para walaunta ini akan terlurai didalam sedikit masa lagi ...insyaallah !!!

    Dari pengalaman sendiri selama 3 dekad didalam bidang ini , berani saya katakan , MOF akan terpaksa menghulurkan bantuan tidak kurang dari 20 billion untuk menutup 'lubang2' yang di gali olih 1MDB . Saya katakan ini adalah tanggungan MOF @rakyat Malaysia kerana 1MDB telah pun menjadi 'baby' MOF .

    Inilah dia kebijaksanaan Najib saperti yang sering di war2 kan olih Geng Najib .

    Di penghujung penganalisaan data2 keatas status kewangan Negara , pada perkiraan saya merasakan 'net Malaysian government debt' berada disekitar 1.2 trillion ringgit ketika ini . Adakah dikalangan walaunta yang berani nafikan terutama Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO .??

    1. Bro Diny......sebab satu kepalalah maka Mr J dan Geng Kepala Naga boleh duduk bawah satu camp.

      Errrr FYI Mr J udaaah lama ke lautttt bersama Equanimity.......bon voyage.....

    2. Bro Phantom ... kamu telah membuatkan saya ketawa kecil ... TQVM !!!

  6. Elok benar Senator walaun nie nnti...berhujah lah tegakkan benang basah

  7. Yg mencuri satu.. yg subahat tu ramai majoriti kabinet kayu lama.. patut kena skali tu


  8. Azeez likely to resign as Tabung Haji chairman soon

    PETALING JAYA: After the resignation of a few Umno leaders from top positions in key institutions such as Felda and Felcra, Tabung Haji chairman Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim is now “highly likely” to resign, a source said.

    But the source told FMT that Azeez, who is a political appointee, had yet to submit his resignation.

    “For now it’s status quo. He is still our chairman. Neither he nor some of the board members who are political appointees have submitted their resignations.

    “I think once the new government appoints a new minister in charge of Islamic affairs, then those who are political appointees will resign.”

    Previously, Tabung Haji, which was established to facilitate pilgrimages for Malaysian Muslims, had come under the purview of the minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom

    Azeez, a two-term Baling MP, was first appointed to Tabung Haji’s board of directors in 2011.

    In July 2013, he was appointed as its chairman. FMT’s attempts to reach Azeez for comment were unsuccessful.

    During his time as chairman, Azeez had defended Tabung Haji’s decisions following criticisms that it had “bailed out” 1 Malaysia Development Berhad.

    His defence came on the heels of news that Tabung Haji had paid RM2,773 per square foot for a 1.5 acre plot in the Tun Razak Exchange area in Kuala Lumpur, a hefty premium on the RM64psf price at which 1MDB had acquired the land from the federal government.

    It was recently reported that former Johor Bahru MP Shahrir Samad had resigned as Felda chairman, while Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokthar Radin had announced he would resign as Felcra chairman at the end of the month.

    #### Tunggu apa lagi ??? Muka tiada malu ..

    Penduduk Baling pun malu ber MP kan dia !!!

    Sekor lagi yang kena berhenti serta merta dari TH ..tu si Apandi .

    1. Isa samad pon kena cabut dari SPAD....semua jawatan lantikan politik umno kena cabut...

  9. Mana arul kanda kling pembelit no 1?..Edra dan tanah pulau indah dah ghaib....trx kerajaan kena kluarkan wang bilion untuk beli tanah dan bangunan...ini dikatakan pelan rasionalisasi tak rational..

    Bandar 1 malaysia syarikat cina kominis yg akan kaut untung besar...kroni najib pon dan nganga tembolok...
    Lepas ni ape plak belit arul kanda?...

  10. Undang² sula dan sebat wajar dikembalikan..

  11. Tuan Budin,

    Firasat saya Geng Najib dan Lebai Modern adalah acronym JASA mungkin Tun Faisal atau Fuad Zakarshi sendiri. Semalam Geng bawak balik sumber2 Third Force tulisan Reggie juga acronym RPK setelah disaman Claire diUK dan dapat court order.

    Psywar dulu rangkaian RPK- Eric See To(Liam Sin See)/ JASA dgn unlimited budget PMO berganding bahu bersepadu dgn tteori2 antiIslam/Zionis/Soros/regime change/ evangelism/donation Arab.. semua smoking gun nak defend klepto. Sumber copy paste Geng Najib, Lebai Modern, Mr. J, Pejuang Rakyat et al

    Salah satu prioriti utama Gobind yg MCMC bernaung yalah dismantle JASA dan rangkaian fake news klepto ni. Kedua, channel news RPK/LSS/JASA dikenal pasti termasuk Geng Najib dan Lebai Modern dan diambil tindakan segera kerana masih kental dgn fake news2 nak kembalikan regime klepto dlm 100 hari gagal Kerajaan PH.

    Sebelum Akta Fake News direview, apa kata Gobind perkena kan mereka dulu a taste of their own medicine RM500,000 terutama sekali RPK dan LSS nilah RBA sebenar klepto.

    1. Firasat yang langsung tak betul...ke tong sampah ajelah jawabnya !!!!!!!!

    2. Aiiii...berani lagi kau gn?

  12. duit bailout yg terlalu banyak. bukankah lebih baik digunakan utk rakyat? apa lagi yg umno hendak perjuangkan?

  13. Nampaknya sudah ada pihak2 tertentu yang cuba untuk mengheret Raja2 melayu dalam isu kemelut 1MDB ni. kita pun tak tau aap tujuan dan agenda disebalik tindakan tersebut....yang pasti ini bukanlah petanda yang baik untuk maruah Raja2 tersebut. Rakyat yang cintakan negara dan menjunjung tinggi kedaulatan Raja2 tentunya tidak mahu maruah Raja2 melayu diperlakukan sedemikian rupa. Semakin menjadi2 pulak 'keberanian' tidak bertempat yang ditujukkan oleh pihak2 tertentu ini untuk mencemar nama baik majlis Raja2, yang kita semua tau langsung tidak campur tangan dalam isu2 urus tadbir kerajaan pusat dan negeri. Ingat..kuasa dan kedaulatan Raja2 adalah keramat..rakyat dan Raja berpisah tiada...jangan kita sekali2 berani mempertikaikannya, jangan menderhakai mereka !!!!!

    1. 22 Mei 2018
      PDRM Perlu Bertindak Komen Biadap Hina YDP Agong di Media Sosial Ini

      Penulis baru menemui video yang memaparkan komen begitu memualkan di media sosial yang dimuatnaik dalam video ini.

      Pedih apabila membaca komen liar di media sosia yang ditujukan terhadap YDP Agong di sini yang jelas sikap tidak beradap yang boleh jadi bertujuan membina hasutan kebencian terhadap institusi beraja di negara kita.


      Sewajarnya tangkapan perlu dilakukan kepada pelaku yang berselindung atau secara terang-terangan menghina Raja kita.

      Kita memohon kebijaksanaan PDRM dalam hal ini...

      Jangan biarkan barah menjadi nanah atau Malaysia akan musnah!!!

    2. Blaaahhhh lah luuuuu Geng Kepala Naga.
      Pigi minom air cap badaaakkk banyak2 lerrr.....

      Kepala bapaakkk batu api nombor satu !!

      Beraambosssslah luuuu !!

  14. Tahniah diucapkan kepada TSMY kerana dilantik sebagai menteri dalam negeri baru2 ini. Nampak gayanya, Bersatu telah membolot kementerian2 penting dalam kerajaan baru bila Dr Maszlee juga dilantik sebagai menteri pelajaran yang baru. Kita pun tau, KDN dan MOE ini adalah kementerian kanan dalam struktur kerajaan Msia. Walaupun DAP dan PKR mempunyai MP2 ynag lebih ramai, tapi hanya menjawat menteri kewangan dan menteri ekonomi aje. Rasa2nya..pimpinan komponen2 parti dalam PH tu berpuas hati ke dengan perlantikan kabinet baru ni??? kalau tak berpuas hati pun, dah tentu tak berani nak menyuarakan pada PM..mereka semua tau macam mana perangai PM kita...tak boleh terima pandangan orang lain. Walau apa pun, rakyat Msia yang waras amat2 berharap agar TSMY akan menyiasat hart2 yang dimiliki oleh Tun Daim dan juga salahguna kuasa mantan MB Selangor dan KM Penang . Pastikan kes terowong bawah laut dan pembelian banglow bawah harga pasaran di Penang tu disiasat secara telus dan adil..dan janagn sekali2 takut untuk mendakwa mereka yg terlibat di bawah undang2 sedia ada..kita tak mau semuanya 'sweep under the carpet'...

    1. GN....henti lah menyalak.

    2. Masih cuba nak mengadu domba kau ni...hahahaha

    3. Geng Najib ... kerap kali saya katakan , lontarkan komen kamu menggunakan fakta2 yang benar lagi betul . Jikalau ya pun ianya artikel copy~paste , pastikan ianya betul serta kamu faham apa yang tertulis .

      Harap maklum , DAP di wakili olih 4 menteri bukannya 2 saperti yang kamu nyatakan .
      PKR di wakili olih 3 menteri di samping jawatan TPM .
      Bersatu juga di wakili dengan 3 menteri serta jawatan PM .
      Manakala Amanah di wakili olih 3 menteri .

      Jadi dimana yang kamu tidak katakan seimbang .? Dari awalan lagi PH berkata semua komponen akan bergerak di atas platform sama rata .

      Perlu di ingatkan , kami semuanya rakyat yang berfikiran waras . Yang berfikiran senteng adalah kamu itu sendiri . Ingat lagi kata2 memperkecilkan serta mengutuk TSMY yang sering kamu lontarkan ...apa yang DinPagoh bolih lakukan ?? Itu yang kerap kamu perkatakan . Betul ke tidak ???

    4. Geng Kepala Naga..........apa tak menyalak lagi Lim Kit Siang jadi PM kalo Pakatan menang...??

      Dulu apa ke sensasi meletop-letop puak2 ko salak Kit Siang akan jadi PM.

      Sekarang jawatan menteri pon Lim Kit Siang tolak.

      Woiiii badigol......sia2 jerrr korang terpekiikkk melaalaaakk dulu......last2 jadi lawak badut sarkis.

  15. MAY 22, 2018
    Sidang Media KP SPRM Untuk Mengangkat Diri Sendiri Dan Memburukkan Orang?
    image: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NmPh62HiPiM/WwOqliaXRzI/AAAAAAABQsQ/q_EH20SyFAwIyQN2b1YU6DtGFIpq242NQCLcBGAs/s640/DdxvwsBVQAAotT-.jpg

    Apa tujuan sebenar Sidang Media yang dilakukan oleh Ketua Resuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), DS Shukri Abdull, di Putrajaya hari ini? Tidak ada sesuatu yang positif yang diperolehi dari Sidang Media berkenaan selain daripada cerita mengenai dirinya yang kononnya hero dan mengaibkan Mantan Perdana Menteri, DS Najib Tun Razak tanpa mengemukakan sebarang bukti.

    Kenyataan yang dibuat oleh KP SPRM juga bersifat terlalu peribadi dan tidak professional. Sidang Media SPRM menjadi medan melepas emosi Ketua Pengarah SPRM. Ini drama apa? Adakah KP SPRM mampu berlaku adil kepada orang yang akan beliau siasat dan tuduh? Jika beliau mahu mencurah perasaan, lebih baik beliau buat skrip filem. Jangan jadi penjawat awam yang melaksanakan undang-undang.

    KP SPRM tidak wajar buat cerita tanpa bukti dalam Sidang Media berkenaan. Beliau wajar didakwa di bawah Suruhanjaya Integriti Agensi Penguatkuasa. Sepatutnya KP SPRM perlu selesaikan siasatan terlebih dulu dan membawa bukti-bukti yang ada ke Mahkamah. Bukan dengan membuat pelbagai tuduhan di Sidang Media. Adakah ini satu bentuk penyalahgunaan kuasa seorang KP agensi penguatkuasaan Kerajaan Malaysia Baru?

    Nota Kaki: Peguam PAS turut mempertikaikan sikap tidak professional KP SPRM.

    image: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zCjTIjJl_v0/WwPNibw6u3I/AAAAAAABQtE/W1_g5HNUSCEMn-zGm2ZdYsvggABzAfYtACLcBGAs/s640/Capture.JPG

    image: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bmNCMRcPuRo/WwOvgDQsgVI/AAAAAAABQsg/IvAxhHxacUYZ1EEyZQ0NInVSSbYog5RswCLcBGAs/s640/33191579_950644481783052_6021956427197710336_n.jpg

    Read more at http://khairulryezal.blogspot.com/2018/05/sidang-media-kp-sprm-untuk-mengangkat.html#hIUpcT6yyWL4YcVm.99

    1. Segala cucu ,cicit,nenek si penipu bugis akan dihukum sekiranya bersalah.tak kira apa saja alasan.

      Hahahahaha...puas hati tak gn?

    2. Kerana mempunyai banyak buktilah , Shukri serta beberapa orang lagi di racip racip olih pahlawan Bugis .

      Tempat2 mereka digantikan olih pahlawan Bugis dengan langau dan tungau .

    3. Bro Diny.......kessiaann bro dengan puak2 Jack Sparrow ni.........bila performance sendiri tak seberapa maka diburokkanlah orang lain untuk cover kelemahan diri.

      Sampai saat ni pon deme masih sombong dan bongkak..........masih berhalunisasi denial yg berpanjangan.

    4. Denial yg bpanjangan

      = Permanent stupidity

      Samalah macam najip sekarang

      Agaknya najip nanti akan mohon untuk diklasifikasikan sebagai tidak siuman utk melepaskan diri dari sebarang pertuduhan

      Sbb skg ni pun najip dah buat2 gila dah

      Penjilat2 dia memang dah gila betul skg ni sbb dedak putus

  16. Zahid nafi dakwaan ditemui Mohd Shukri minta desak Najib berundur
    Diterbitkan pada Mei 22, 2018 22:04 MYT
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    Zahid nafi dakwaan ditemui Mohd Shukri minta desak Najib berundur
    Naib Presiden UMNO yang menjalankan tugas Presiden Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (dua, kanan) ketika sidang media selepas Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO di Menara Dato Onn hari ini. - Foto Bernama
    KUALA LUMPUR: Naib Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menafikan dakwaan Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Datuk Seri Shukri Abdull pernah berjumpanya dalam usaha mendesak Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak meletak jawatan selaku perdana menteri berikutan skandal 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

    "Ia di luar maklumat saya. Tidak ada (pertemuan)," kata bekas timbalan perdana menteri itu kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat bulanan UMNO di ibu pejabat parti hari ini.

    Ahmad Zahid diminta mengulas pendedahan Mohd Shukri dalam satu sidang akhbar hari ini bahawa SPRM ada menemui jemaah menteri ketika itu berhubung skandal 1MDB yang didakwa melibatkan Najib.

    Ahmad Zahid yang kini menjalankan tugas presiden parti, kemudian turut bertanyakan soalan tersebut kepada Naib Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein yang hanya menjawab "tidak" sambil menggeleng kepala.

    BACA: Jawatan Presiden UMNO akan dipertandingkan - Ahmad Zahid

    Mohd Shukri dalam sidang media itu berkata daripada kesemua menteri yang ditemui pihaknya, hanya tiga berani bersuara iaitu bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, bekas Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal dan bekas Menteri Kewangan Kedua Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah.

    -- BERNAMA

    1. Pak jahid jawa tu next kes...lepas sekor kena dia pulak akan kena. Dan yang seterusnya

      Puas hati kau gn?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Woiii samdol Geng Naga........Wak Jahid ngaku dia ada jumpa dengan penderrrmaaa Arab tu so buat apa Shukri nak pegi jumpa orang yg tegar backing up 2.6b tu....??

      Ko ada common sense tak dol...??

      Tentulah Shukri pegi jumpa menteri2 lain selain Wak Jahid yg memang terang2 back up duit 2.6b tu.

      Shukri kata dia jumpa BEBERAPA orang menteri.
      Ko reti bahasa ke tak dengan "beberapa".
      Maknanya bukan semua menteri tapi "beberapa" menteri.

      Woooiii dol......dulu ko belajar BM ke tak..??

      Lagi satu hal.......Shukri tak sebut pon nama Wak Jahid.

      Dulu Wak Jahid bagitau Mahathir anak lelaki Iskandar Kutty..........mana buktinya...???

      Anak dibinkan kepada datok pon korang tepok tangan bersorak bagai.

      Geng Naga........mana logik akal dol......???
      Ayah Mahathir namanya Mohamad.
      Iskandar (tapi tak derr Kutty) tu Tok dia.

  17. Raja-Raja Melayu beri perhatian berat berhubung isu 1MDB - Syed Danial
    Diterbitkan pada Mei 22, 2018 22:05 MYT
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    Raja-Raja Melayu beri perhatian berat berhubung isu 1MDB - Syed Danial
    Raja-raja Melayu telah memberikan perhatian yang berat berhubung isu 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) - Gambar fail
    KUALA LUMPUR: Raja-raja Melayu telah memberikan perhatian yang berat berhubung isu 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), kata Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Tan Sri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad.

    Merujuk kepada kenyataan Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull pada satu sidang media khas hari ini, Syed Danial berkata susulan itu, Raja-raja telah menitahkan satu kenyataan pada 6 Okt 2015 berhubung isu itu.

    "Sebenarnya, atas titah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja, saya telah mengundang Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM dan Timbalan serta pegawai kanan beliau menghadap baginda sekalian bagi menyembahkan taklimat yang berkaitan.

    "Dalam ruang lingkup peranan dan kuasa Raja-raja berlandaskan Perlembagaan, Raja-raja telah menitahkan untuk satu kenyataan, yang menunjukkan bahawa Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia memberikan perhatian yang berat, dikeluarkan oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-raja (pada 6 Okt 2015)," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

    Syed Danial turut melampirkan kenyataan tersebut yang antara lain menyatakan Raja-raja Melayu maklum bahawa kerajaan sedang melakukan siasatan dan menegaskan perlunya pihak kerajaan menyelesaikan secepat mungkin penyiasatan yang sedang berjalan itu.

    Kenyataan lebih dua tahun lepas itu turut menyatakan kerajaan hendaklah mengambil tindakan tegas yang sewajarnya terhadap pihak-pihak yang terlibat.

    Selain itu, kenyataan itu juga menyatakan bahawa Raja-raja Melayu bimbang jika isu itu tidak ditangani dengan bijak serta berlarutan dan memakan masa lama, ia berpotensi menjejaskan keadaan ekonomi negara dan memudaratkan kehidupan rakyat jelata.

    Mohd Shukri hari ini mendakwa beliau dan bekas ketuanya di SPRM Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed telah berjumpa dengan beberapa menteri kabinet sebelum ini bagi menyakinkan mereka untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap bekas perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

    Mohd Shukri yang merupakan Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya (Operasi) SPRM ketika itu berkata selepas usaha menyakinkan menteri-menteri pada waktu itu tidak mencapai seperti yang dihasratkan, beliau dan Abu Kassim kemudian mengadakan pertemuan dengan Majlis Raja-raja untuk menyakinkan majlis itu supaya mengambil tindakan terhadap Najib, namun hampa.

    -- BERNAMA

    1. Yang bersalah tak kira pangkat...salah adalah salah.sesiapa bersubahat kita kasi hentammmmmmm...

      Puas hati kau gn?

  18. 'Putera Raja Arab' jadi saksi kepada SPRM
    Sinar Harian | Diterbitkan pada Mei 22, 2018 21:46 MYT
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    'Putera Raja Arab' jadi saksi kepada SPRM
    Menurut Mohd Shukri, dalam amalan prosedur operasi standard (SOP), SPRM akan mengenal pasti individu sebagai saksi. - Foto Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar
    PUTRAJAYA: Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull mendedahkan bahawa ada individu yang memperkenalkan ‘Putera Raja Arab’ sebagai saksi kepada suruhanjaya itu.

    Menurutnya, dalam amalan prosedur operasi standard (SOP), SPRM akan mengenal pasti individu sebagai saksi.

    “Tetapi dalam kes ini, seseorang telah memperkenalkan ‘Putera Diraja Arab’ kepada kami yang didakwa sebagai penderma RM2.6 bilion kepada bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak,” katanya.

    Menurutnya, ketika pasukan penyiasat berjumpa, putera berkenaan mengakui dakwaan itu.

    1. Apa kata dedahkan sumer bank transactions........habis citerrr.....

      Kalo dedahkan bank transaction lagi mamposss kepala bapak ko.

  19. TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2018
    Tidak wujud unsur bail out 1MDB dari pihak kerajaan, ini buktinya!

    Pelik bila Guan Eng hanya mendedahkan bayaran-bayaran yg dibuat oleh MOF utk 1MDB dan tidak mendedahkan aset-aset yg diterima MOF akibat drpd pelan rasionalisasi 1MDB.

    Pelan rasionalisasi 1MDB disebut sejak 2015 dan pemindahan aset kpd MOF diusulkan sejak 2016. Antara yg berlaku semasa pelan rasionalisasi 1MDB ialah pemindahan aset dan pinjaman 1MDB kpd MOF INC, kementerian kewangan.

    Apa yg berlaku ialah aset dan pinjaman 1MDB saling berkaitan. Ini kerana perolehan aset 1MDB dibeli menggunakan dana drpd bond atau pinjaman bank, maka aset tersebut akan terkait dgn pinjaman jangka panjang tersebut. Contohnya 1MDB GIL bond terikat dgn aset-aset investment units dan 1MDB bond terikat dgn aset hartanah Bandar Malaysia.

    Hal ini berlaku kerana 1MDB tidak menerima dana duit kerajaan atau mana-mana sumber dana rakyat, maka syarikat perlu menerima pinjaman/pelaburan drpd peminjam/pelabur.

    Semasa pemindahan aset berlaku, 1MDB ada sekitar RM60 billion dan RM41.7 billion hutang.

    1. Baki hartanah di TRX and saham di Lend Lease’s LifeStyle’s Quarter – RM8 billion.
    2. 100% hartanah Bandar Malaysia - RM26 billion
    3. US$2.5 billion unit dana pelaburan 1MDB - RM10.83 billion
    4. Claim keatas IPIC US$3.5 billion, security deposits dan lain2 - RM15.17 billion

    Malah malaysiakini pernah siarkan artikel tentang bagaimana Bandar Malaysia boleh menjana RM105 billion jika dijual dalam tempoh yg lebih strategik.

    Dan dalam temubual terbaru 1MDB bersama CNBC, aset 1MDB dianggarkan bernilai sekitar RM43 billion manakala hutang hanya bernilai sekitar RM30 billion.

    Bagaimana untuk katakan 1MDB dibailout apabila bayaran diambil drpd pencairan aset-aset syarikat sendiri dan bukan aset kerajaan. MOF dapat aset 1MDB sebagai timbal balik, tidak seperti RM30 billion forex yang hilang hangus begitu sahaja -saj


    [1] 1MDB PRESS RELEASE 26-10-2017 http://www.1mdb.com.my/…/stop-misleading-the-people-tony-pu…

    [2] Malaysiakini: Bandar Malaysia boleh hasilkan RM105 billion

    [3] TRX: Lend Lease’s LifeStyle’s Quarter http://www.thestar.com.my/…/business-news/2017/03/27/ready…/

    [4] 1MDB 2018: Aset RM43 billion vs hutang RM30 billion http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/…/1mdb-debt-now-at-rm30bn…/

    1. Hampir keseluruhan penyataan di atas hanya cantik di atas kertas sahaja .

      Lihat sahaja nilai Keatas Bandar Malaysia di tafsirkan sebanyak 26 billion . Padahal Tanah itu dijual kerajaan kepada 1MDB tidak sampai 2 billion .

      Tak payahlah kamu , Geng Najib , turut serta didalam memperbodohkan rakyat Malaysia .

    2. Pak diny.. gn mana ada otak..dia x kan defend punya sampah yg dia pos kt sini..fikiran dia di generate oleh hasad dengki saje skrg..dedak mkin dh x masuk

    3. Aku nak usul kat pakatan....geng najib ni pun patut dihukum kerana mengadu domba rakyat malaysia


    4. Bro Diny......Geng Naga tak tau pon bijik butir yg dia kopipes tu.........sebab dia sendiri pon sampah...!!

  20. Tuesday, May 22, 2018
    Investors short market in reaction to foul mouth new government

    A market player was lamenting yesterday of foreigners not only sold their stock market holdings but went short.

    What actually happened is more startling than the report by The Star here of foreign investors selling-off RM2.48 billion worth of shares caused the biggest fall to the Bursa since August 2013.

    Prior to the election, foreign analysts expressed optimism with BN to win and the macroeconomic policies of former Prime Minister, Dato Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak.

    The loss was not taken well by foreign investors who views the unconventional policies by the new government not to their liking and disruptive to the Malaysian economy.

    The words coming out from the new government leader does not indicate any intention to win back their confidence.

    In reaction to the sharp decline of ringgit and stock market abroad over the long holidays after the election, the Council of Elders attempted to calm the market with statements claiming the economic situation including its reserve is strong.

    This is despite Pakatan Harapan campaigners claim that the government is bankrupt.

    Damage done

    However, damage had been done by campaign promises that is deemed as detrimental to the country's fiscal policies.

    The new government made bold and voter-friendly specific promises that they must commit to ensure the euphoria from their victory remain.

    The change-seeking young voters may not take kindly to broken promises.

    A WA message commented:

    1. Looking at PH govt from the perspective of a foreign investor:

      1. The PM saying not to worry about credit ratings is telling foreign investors that Malaysia does not mind losing its A-grade investment status.

      2. The govt decision to zero-rate GST because high oil prices allows some buffer is telling investors that the govt is over-relying on global oil prices again - something beyond the control of our govt - and that if oil prices goes down again, Malaysia is screwed.

      3. Swearing in a Finance minister that is in the middle of a corruption trial means that the PH govt tolerates corruption even at the highest levels and has no intention of being accountable.

      4. The new finance minister asking for the AG to drop its case is telling investors that the PH govt does not mind interfering with the independence of the institutions as long as political goals are met.

      5. Shocking investors that the national debt is now RM1 trillion and not RM680m as previously reported is telling investors that none of Malaysia's economic data or its institutions such as BNM or treasury can be trusted or that the new PH govt does not mind lying to the world - even on crucial economic data - as long as there are political gains.
      Talking as government

      Another WA message reminded the new government to be watchful of their words:
      There is a difference of what you can say and cannot say when you are in the opposition or in government.

      For example, you can irresponsibly allege that there is RM1 trillion in national debt when you are in opposition and the consequences that you only lie to your voters to cheat them of their votes.

      But if you are in government and you still make such untrue statements, it will jolt the markets, undermine investor confidence and throw the entire financial system into doubt causing foreign investors to flee, capital outflows to accelerate and our ringgit to drop.

      Already, foreign outflows the week after PH won has seen foreign investors pull US$625 million out of Malaysia - close to wiping out all the inflows earlier this year. Our Ringgit has also weakened and is now close to RM4,00 to USD1.

      You can lie to Malaysians but you must not lie to the investors. They are smarter and more knowledgeable than us voters.

      Tell us exactly how you came to this figure of RM1 trillion? Was it official debt or off-balance sheet guarantees that are backed by assets? Surely, our auditor-general, all the hard-working civil servants in Treasury, BNM and EPU, all the financial analysts were wrong and colluding in giving a false figure?

      If this lie is a pre-paid excuse to not honour your many manifesto promises which many already said cannot be delivered then I am afraid that this new PH government is deceitful, incompetent and deserves to fall in the very next opportunity.
      Mat Sabu got the message and in his first statement as Minister of Defense, he said he must be watchful of his words from now on.

      However, yesterday's comment by Prime Minister Mahathir to question the official national debt of RM680 billion as fake and the debt should be RM1 trillion has myriad implications.

    2. Facebooker Tokong Tan commented:
      If you are a investor and is now suddenly told that Malaysia's national debt is actually RM1 trillion and not RM680m as reported by treasury and BNM, you can only come to two conclusions:

      1. The previous BN government, all the institutions such as BNM, all the civil servants had faked all statements and financial data. None of what you see today can be trusted or used to make your investment decision; or

      2. The new PH government are liars and would prefer to continue to play politics instead of running the country or being truthful to investors.

      So as an investor, what would you do know?

      Run away.
      Mahathir's comment to not worry of credit rating downgrade does not auger well.

      Mahathir is aware of the implications of his popularity seeking statements and gap in the government cashflow arising from the fiscal policy to remove GST and meeting PH campaign manifesto.

      It will take more than the presence of Tun Daim and Tan Sri Robert Kuok in the Council of Elders to return confidence to the market.

      Its a different world today.

      Sure hope he will not do the predictable move to reinstate the fix ringgit ftom his 1999 Selective Capital Control measures to insulate the economy.

      It will permanemtly steer sway both portfolio managers and direct FDI from Malaysia.

      Remember that the key ingredient of Malaysia's past economic success and attractiveness as an investmemt destination that is missing today is political stability.

    3. Geng Najib , I'm not very sure whether you really understand and aware the topic copy~paste by yourself ??

    4. No....he only understand how to rompaakkk...

    5. Fake smile Arul and his psycho rationalizations!!! We want this freaking jibby stooge in the courtroom dock!!! A.S.A.P.!

    By watan on May 22, 2018No Comment

    UMNO akan menjadi pembangkang yang berkesan dan sedia memantau segala pelaksanaan janji-janji Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang ditawarkan dalam Manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU14) lalu.

    Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang menjalankan tugas Presiden UMNO berkata, parti itu dengan kekuatan 54 ahli Parlimennya akan memastikan pelaksanaan janji khususnya dalam tempoh 100 hari dilaksanakan.

    “Tahniah atas pembentukkan Kabinet Baharu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, selamat jalankan tugas demi negara dan rakyat.

    “Kami akan perhatikan setiap langkah kerajaan baharu, kami akan membangkang secara konstruktif khususnya melihat kepada pelaksanaan janji-janji.

    “Rakyat berharap agar janji-janji dalam manifesto untuk 100 hari pertama dilaksanakan,” katanya dalam satu sidang media di ibu pejabat parti itu di Kuala Lumpur petang Rabu.

    Hadir sama, Hishammuddin yang menjalankan tugas Timbalan Presiden; Setiausaha Agung, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor; Ketua Penerangan, Tan Sri Annuar Musa serta Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin.

    Ahmad Zahid berkata, Ahli Parlimen UMNO bersama 24 Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) komited menjalan amanah rakyat dengan baik di Dewan Rakyat.

    Wartawan Watan-Online

    1. Lepas ni jangan nak berdrama bagi excuses mengelak dari debat pasal 1MDB di Parlimen.........

  22. Prioritise on LGE’s case?
    Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Centre) activist Cynthia Gabriel urged that the case on DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng be given a priority attention.

    The Edge Market story:

    ‘AG should prioritise Guan Eng’s corruption charge’ says C4 Centre
    Syahirah Syed Jaafar

    May 22, 2018 12:36 pm +08

    KUALA LUMPUR (May 22): The Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Centre) has urged for the Attorney General’s office to prioritise the corruption charge of the newly-appointed Minister of Finance, in order to uphold good governance.

    In a statement, the centre today said it is troubled that Lim Guan Eng has been appointed as Finance Minister, despite earlier statements by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir that he can only be appointed if he has been cleared of his corruption charge.

    “We acknowledge that there is no legal compulsion that prevents Lim’s appointment as minister, while still answering for a corruption charge. However, there are good governance principles that underlie the importance of Tun Dr Mahathir’s earlier statement.

    “Public officials must uphold full accountability for their actions, and corruption must be completely absent — how can this be neglected with the newly-minted cabinet and especially [with] the leadership of the finance ministry at stake?” said C4 executive director Cynthia Gabriel.

    Gabriel said while swiftness is required to implement the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s promises to the people and its 100-day policy goals, the government should also walk the talk on systemic reforms.

    “Therefore, the rule of law and due process in clearing Lim Guan Eng must uncompromisingly be followed, before any federal appointments,” she added.

    Additionally, C4 also urged for greater transparency on the process between the prime minister and the attorney general’s office to instill confidence in the public sphere that no strings were pulled, demonstrating due process was adhered to, despite the urgency.

    “We trust that the PH government is vigilant and must not falter at this pivotal moment in Malaysian history. Precedent must be set for future generations, such that reform truly takes root in Malaysia,” the centre said.

    1. t is rather odd that Gabriel inaugural statement post appointment of the Special Task Force reactivated to investigate the so called 1MDB scandals, is not anything related to the strategic investment company which is now under the Ministry of Finance (MOF) Inc.

      The fact Attorney General Tan Srì Apandi Mohamed Ali was asked to go on leave last Monday by Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, had arisen suspicion by many.

      AG Apandi in the capacity of Public Prosecutor who charged Lim, then Chief Minister of Penang for corrupt practices, in June 2016.

      Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir also reactivated the Task-Force to investigate on 1MDB matters, headed by Tan Srì Abu Talib Othman and members comprised of former AG Tan Srì Abdul Gani Patail, former MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, newly appointed MACC Chief Commissioner Dato’ Seri Shukri and Gabriel herself.

      In reference to PP Vs Lim Guan Eng, Gabriel as the so called graft-watch-dog should be mindful that so far, no new evidence has been tendered in consideration of the prosecution’s case.

      Therefore, there is neither reason for AG Apandi nor the Solicitor General currently acting as his behalf should review the case but to allow the case to continue on its normal cause without any interference.

      In one of his daily media conference, Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir promised the “Separation of powers”, hence the Public Prosecutor should be allowed to do their duty and the bench be given the independence to hear the case, in the name of justice.

      When Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir announced his first top five of his Cabinet days after his Pakatan Harapan were declared winners of the XIV GE, DAP Secretary General Kim Guan Eng was named the Minister of Finance.

      Then days later after being highlighted by many including the netizens, Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir said “Lim Guan Eng got to clear his name first”.

      Yet, yesterday he swore in before His majesty Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong as the Minister of Finance as his corrupt parctices case is still ongoing.

      This is also what Gabriel highlighted.

    2. The Star story:

      Guan Eng must be cleared of corruption charges before becoming Finance Minister, says C4
      Tuesday, 22 May 2018

      3:40 PM MYT

      image: https://www.thestar.com.my/~/media/online/2018/05/04/10/35/lim-guan-eng-ceramah.ashx/?w=620&h=413&crop=1&hash=EE804A65C7541A39C70308053FC7EE2898AD2E97

      PETALING JAYA: Lim Guan Eng must be cleared of any corruption charges before becoming the Finance Minister, said the Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4).
      “The C4 Centre is troubled that Lim has been appointed as Finance Minister despite earlier statements by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that he can only be appointed if he has been cleared of his corruption charge,” its executive director Cynthia Gabriel said in a statement on Tuesday (May 22).

      Lim is currently facing charges of using his position as the former Penang chief minister to obtain a plot of land and a bungalow at below market value.

      He was also charged with gaining gratification for himself and his wife Betty Chew Gek Cheng by approving the application for conversion of agricultural land to a public housing zone in Balik Pulau to a company.

      image: https://content.thestar.com.my/smg/settag/name=lotame/tags=Demo_AffluentAudience,Int_Property_Affluent,Int_Business_Finance,Int_Property,all
      Despite his ongoing trial, Lim was sworn in as the new Finance Minister on Monday (May 21).

      “While there is no question about Lim Guan Eng’s suitability for the candidacy, it raises questions about how the Pakatan Harapan is pushing his appointment through,” said Gabriel.

      “Public officials must uphold full accountability for their actions, and corruption must be completely absent – how can this be neglected with the newly minted Cabinet and especially the leadership of the Finance Ministry at stake,” she added.

      She said the Pakatan government needed to “walk their talk” of systemic reform, adding that the country needs clean and honest leaders.

      Gabriel added that the rule of law and due process in clearing Lim must be followed uncompromisingly before any federal appointments.

      She said that as such, the Attorney-General’s (AG) office has to treat Lim’s case with the greatest urgency and the highest priority.

      “We urge greater transparency about the process between the Prime Minister and the A-G’s office to instil confidence in the public sphere that no strings were pulled, demonstrating that due process was adhered to despite the urgency,” she said.

      Gabriel acknowledged that there were no legal implications that prevented Lim from taking up the role.

      She, however, noted that there are good governance principles which underlay the importance of Dr Mahathir’s statement.

      Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/05/22/guan-eng-must-be-cleared-of-corruption-charges-before-becoming-finance-minister-says-c4/#vOzHk55r7rYhuDvC.9

  23. Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir already ‘Flip-Flop’ped on several items pertaining to his Cabinet and other strategic appointments last week. The omision of the appointment of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Imternational Trade and Industry are worrying analysts.

    The retired MACC Deputy Chief Commisioner Dato’ Shukri Abdul came back after Tan Sri Zulkefli quit, and begins his new term with a drama from the past.

    The Star story:

    New MACC chief breaks down in recounting what he went through (full story)
    Tuesday, 22 May 2018

    12:03 PM MYT

    by ashley tang

    image: https://www.thestar.com.my/~/media/online/2018/05/22/04/10/malaysiacorruption44076jpg0bcb8.ashx/?w=620&h=413&crop=1&hash=7A0FDCC0C31FCE2492871957A25BC512DEEEE8A8

    PUTRAJAYA: Newly appointed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull broke down when he recounted his time running away from Malaysian authorities to the United States.

    This came in 2015 after his former boss Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed at the MACC decided to indict former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak over the RM2.6bil that was found in his personal bank account.

    Shukri said that the commission had well-founded basis to initiate an investigation into SRC International, a subsidiary of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), which had been accused of transferring millions of ringgit into Najib’s private account.

    According to Shukri, Abu Kassim asked him whether he was ready for the consequences of indicting a sitting prime minister, which could have led to their dismissal.

    image: https://content.thestar.com.my/smg/settag/name=lotame/tags=Int_Property_Affluent,Demo_AffluentAudience,Int_Business_Finance,all,Int_Property

    However, on the day in July 2015 when Abu Kassim was going to do indict Najib, former Attorney-General Gani Patail was removed from his position.

    The announcement came along with the reshuffling of the Cabinet that also saw the sacking of the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal, who had also raised questions about 1MDB.

    With all these sackings foremost in his mind, Shukri left for Washington on July 31, 2015, to bring up the 1MDB issue with US authorities.

    Wary, he released misleading information that he was headed to Saudi Arabia, and he heard that people were waiting to arrest him in Jeddah.

    Shukri said that before he left for Washington, he faced tremendous pressure.

    “The witnesses I interviewed had been taken away.

    “I was threatened to be fired, was told to retire early and was even threatened to be sent to the training division,” he said.

    The trip to Washington had its own drama.

    1. “I noticed someone was following me (in Washington). My team in the United States took pictures of the man who was following me.

      “I sent the pictures to MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Datuk Azam Baki, and asked him to send it to the then Inspector-General Police,” he said, adding that he made it clear that he knew that men were following him.

      Shukri said he felt unsafe in Washington and decided to go to New York, where he met up with a friend who worked in the New York Police Department (NYPD).

      “I got protection from the NYPD and they provided me with three bodyguards,” he said.

      Shukri said he then returned to Washington.

      It was in recounting this episode during his Tuesday press conference that Shukri broke down in tears, saying he felt guilty when he was told that his men who were working for him had been incarcerated.

      “I felt helpless and was frustrated for failing to protect my men.

      “I cried in front of the mat salleh (Caucasians). My men and I had been accused of conspiring to topple the (Barisan Nasional) government,” he said.

      Shukri finally retired in August 2016 at the age of 56. During his farewell speech, he hit out at an “individual” who had alleged that he was involved in a conspiracy to topple Najib and his administration.

      Abu Kassim, who was appointed MACC chief in 2010, was also replaced by Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad in 2016.

      Shukri served at the anti-graft body for 32 years before he retired. He first joined the then Anti-Corruption Agency in 1984 as investigations officer after graduating from Universiti Kebangsaan Malay­sia.

      He rose up the ranks and served as ACA director in Perlis, Kelantan and Sabah.

      Upon his return to the headquarters in July 2006, he was promoted to the post of assistant investigations director and two months later, was promoted yet again to be the director of investigations.

      In 2010, he took on the position of MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations), which he held till his retirement.

      Pakatan Harapan appointed Shukri to head the MACC when it took over Putrajaya after GE14.

      He clocked in for work at 10.29am on Monday (May 21), having received his appointment letter just about an hour before reporting for duty.

    2. Never mind all the showboating before. All the dramas, manipulations, slanders and lies, which were the basis of Malaysians’ thought and decision when they went to the polls on 9 May.

      Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir and his Motley Crew, have in exactly two weeks demonstrated that they are inconsistent and drama is the best that they have to sell, instead of a bankable plan.

    3. Geng Najib ,

      Can you please clarify the meaning of flip flopping made by Mahathir ??

      At the same time , what drama are you talking about ?? Shukri , from what I see is just trying to refresh of what transform at the earlier stage of the scandal . What's wrong with that ??

      In other way , it is also to let people realised on reason or reasons on why action can be taken rather quickly and drastically since the ground work had been done .

      Remember the promise made by PH ... trying to unfold the 1MDB saga in 100 days .

  24. PM ‘Flip-Flop’ped on ‘New Malaysia’

    Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad ‘Flip-Flop’ed on his own words about DAP Secretary General “Lim Guan Eng has got to clear his name first” as the latter swore in before His Majesty SPB YDP Agong as the Minister of Finance.

    The Star story:

    PM: Lim must clear his name before taking up finance post

    Tuesday, 15 May 2018

    image: https://content.aimatch.com/default.gif

    image: https://content.thestar.com.my/smg/settag/name=lotame/tags=Demo_Gender_Female_enr,Int_Property,Int_Travel_Business,Int_Automotive,Int_Property_Affluent,Int_Entertainment,Demo_AffluentAudience,Int_Travel,all,Demo_Gender_Male_enr,Int_Sports_Football,Demo_Age_45to54_enr,Int_Sports,Int_Business_Finance

    PUTRAJAYA: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng can only be officially appointed Finance Minister if and after he is cleared of his corruption case.

    Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad clarified that Lim has merely been named Finance Minis­ter but has yet to take his oath of office.

    “Every minister must be someone who is qualified for the position.

    “If there is a case against such a person, we cannot appoint him or her,” he told reporters after meeting with ministry secretaries-general to explain the functions and roles of the new government here yesterday.

    Dr Mahathir stressed that the rule of law must be followed, and the Government will have to wait until Lim is cleared of charges before he can be made the minister.

    Asked who would take charge of the Finance Ministry for now, he said: “I am not taking charge but they report to me.

    “We have a panel which will look into the work at the ministry. Some implementations which can be carried out, will be carried out.

    “For some, we will need to wait until the minister is appointed.”

    Dr Mahathir said while there is no alternative candidate for the post, it is understood that where ministries need to make a decision but the head has not been established, matters will be brought to the Prime Minister.

    Lim, 58, is currently facing trial in Penang, charged with using his position as a public officer to gain gratification for himself and his wife Betty Chew Gek Cheng by approving the application for conversion of agriculture land to a public housing zone in south-west Penang to a company, Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd.

    He is also charged with using his position to obtain for himself a plot of land and a bungalow at 25 Jalan Pinhorn, George Town, from businesswoman Phang Li Koon for RM2.8mil, a price which he allegedly knew was not commensurate with the property’s market value at the time of RM4.27mil.

    1. On a separate matter, Dr Maha­thir, who is also Pakatan Harapan chairman, said its component parties will submit names to him for consideration as Cabinet ministers, and stressed that he will make the final call on their posts.

      He said PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail met him last week to submit 10 names, although he had only asked for an initial three.

      He said priority will be given to three names on that list to be part of the core Cabinet which will be made up of 10 people including himself.

      Parti Amanah Negara president Mohamad Sabu has also sent a letter suggesting three names for ministerial positions, he said.

      “Our stand is that the parties will give us the names. I will decide which ministry they will be in charge of.

      “Maybe I will meet the party chiefs one more time,” Dr Mahathir said.

      Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/05/15/pm-lim-must-clear-his-name-before-taking-up-finance-post/#biX1BR2BrgBwMJCj.99


      This statement the Prime Minister made is definitely the opposite of what happened in Istana Negara a few minutes ago.

      Lim currently under going trial in Penang for a corrupt practices crime and under active investigation by MACC for another case.

      It is obvious that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir isn’t consistent about what he plans to do.

      Earlier, he announced that he would also sit in the Cabinet portfolio for Education.

  25. Selasa, 22 Mei 2018
    Siang tadi Sangkakala ikuti perkembangan tentang YB Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang diambil keterangannya oleh pihak Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia atau SPRM.

    Dalam sidang akhbar ya g dilakukan oleh Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM yang baharu saja dilantik Sangkakala lihat penuh dengan keegoan seolah olah beliau baru lepas menang dalam peperangan.

    Apa yang Sangkakala agak sedikit musykil ialah, bagaimana seorang Ketua Pesuruhjaya boleh mengadakan sidang akhbar sedangkan rakaman percakapan belum habis diperolehi?

    Sangkakala lihat Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM ni seolah olah tidak sabar hendak menjatuhkan hukuman keatas bekas Perdana Menteri dan ada juga desus desas yang mengatakan bahawa beliau memang berdendam dengan YB Datuk Seri Najib Razak ekoran ketidak naikan pangkat beliau kepada Ketua Pesuruhjaya satu ketika dulu yang membuatkan beliau mengambil keputusan untuk bersara awal.

    Kesempatan daripada dendam ini pula digunakan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Muhamad yang kini menjadi Perdana Menteri hasil daripada fitnah yang dilemparkan kepada kerajaan sebelum ini.

    Apa yang menarik perhatian Sangkakala sepanjang sidang media tadi, Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM ada menyebut bahawa beliau didatangi oleh seorang ahli parlimen BN dari utara dan menawarkan rasuah kepada beliau untuk menutup kes 1MDB.

    1. Persoalannya sekarang, adakah Ketua Pengarah ini tahu atau tidak bahawa melindungi perbuatan pemberian atau penawaran rasuah juga merupakan satu kesalahan dibawah akta SPRM yang mana mereka yang tidak melaporkan kejadian kejadian yang melibatkan rasuah boleh dikenakan hukuman denda tidak lebih RM 100 ribu atau penjara tidak lebih 10 tahun atau kedua duanya sekali dibawah peruntukan seksyen 25 (1) dan (2) akta SPRM 2009.

      Jika Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM yang pada ketika itu memegang jawatan sebagai Timbapan Pesuruhjaya Operasi SPRM mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak tahu adalah amat tepat mengapa beliau tidak dipilih untuk menjawat jawatan berkenaan sebelum ini, dan jika beliau mengatakan bahawa beliau tahu, maka satu siasatan perlu dijalankan keatas beliau kerana menyembunyikan kejadian cubaan merasuah penjawat awam.

      Lagi satu yang Sangkakala nak sebut disini, dalam negara kita ada undang undang dan setiap hukuman berlandaskan undang undang tersebut perlu melalui prosedur tertentu dan ianya akan diputuskan oleh mahkamah.

      Jadi Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM tak perlulah nak berlagak sebagai ahli parlimen dan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang Sangkakala kuhat agak bercanggah dengan etika Suruhanjaya tersebut.

      Jalankan siasatan dan lakukan tugas anda sehabis baik supaya diri anda akan dipandang tinggi oleh orang lain.

    2. Dah sampai nak ugut bunuh...atuk kau pun tak tahan gn oiii.undang2 dia punya,polis dia punya,hakim dia punya..lawan lebih2 nt masuk tong drum kan naya

      Hahahahahaha dunguuuuuu geng najib ni

  26. RAFIDAH AZIZ JANGAN CUBA BERLAGAK SUCI @NajibRazak @Zahid_Hamidi @TunFaisal #pru14
    Hari ni Sangkakala terbaca satu artikel yang dikeluarkan oleh Malaysiakini yang merujuk kepada kenyataan bekas Menteri semasa zaman Tun Mahathir, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.

    Dalam artikel berkenaan, Tan Sri Rafidah membidas Ainina Saadudin yang meminta beliau untuj mengisytiharkan harta beliau yang terkumpul selama ini.

    Dalam artikel sama, Rafidah menyatakan bahawa aset beliau diperolehi secara jujur dan meminta Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Malaysia memulangkan semula pinjaman yang dibuat oleh National Feedlot Corporation atau NFC.

    Mungkin Rafidah hari ni, nak menunjukkan bahawa beliau sesuci embun pagi apabila di pecat daripada UMNO kerana menyokong pembangkang dan mungkin Rafidah juga merasakan dosa dosa lampau beliau telah terampun.

    Untuk makluman Nek Pidah, NFC tu buat pinjaman dengan kerajaan dan ianya dibayar mengikut perjanjian yang dipersetujui oleh NFC dan kerajaan.

    Tapi selama Nek Pidah duduk sebagai menteri MITI dulu, berapa banyak AP kenderaan yang Nek Pidah dah sakau?

    Kalau nak kata aset beliau diperolehi secara jujur, berapa sangat pendapatan seorang menteri di zaman Tun Mahathir.

    Kekayaan Nek Pidah memang diketahui umum dan ianya dulu kerap kali dimainkan oleh pembangkang dan apabila Tun Mahathir kini mengepalai pihak pembangkang, Nek Pidah mungkin merasa gusar jika Tun Mahathir melondehkan lagi prilaku Nek Pidah semasa dalam kabinet.

    Jadi mahu tidak mahu, maka Nek Pidah terpaksa mengikut jejak Tu n Mahathir untuk menutup segala kepincangan dan penyelewengan pemberian permit import kenderaan kepada kroni beliau hingga membuatkan mereka kini kaya raya.

    Adakah Nek Pidah nak kata itu perolehan secara jujur segala harta beliau?

    Sudah sudahlah Nek Pidah, NFC buat pinjaman dan kini masih dalam proses pembayaran tapi AP yang Nek Pidah seleweng boleh tak dipulangkan semula kepada rakyat Malaysia?

    1. Soalan mudah kepada Geng najib ...

      Dari 250 juta ringgit yang di pinjam olih NFC , sudah berapa banyak yang di bayar balik kepada kerajaan ???

      Kamu nampaknya hanya pandai copy~paste sahaja ..di khuatir nanti kamu yang kena sula ..

    2. GN hanya berkomunikasi satu hala..dia mkin pekak badak atau telinga kuali..paling malang jika beliau rupanya hanyalah mesen perang saraf zaman purba

  27. Nothing personal in C4’s stand over Guan Eng, says NGO
    FMT Reporters | May 22, 2018
    The anti-graft body’s executive director Cynthia Gabriel insists the finance minister should have been cleared of his corruption charges first before taking public office.

    Cynthia Gabriel acknowledges there is no legal provision to prevent Lim’s appointment pending his corruption case.

    GEORGE TOWN: Anti-graft group Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism’s (C4) executive director Cynthia Gabriel today said there was nothing personal in her stand that Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng should have been cleared of his corruption charges first before taking office.

    Cynthia acknowledged that Lim was the right man for the job, but pointed out that good governance principles must be upheld.

    “It is nothing personal. In fact, he is the great man for the job. But, we are urging that his corruption charge be cleared first before he takes public office.

    “(Prime Minister) Dr Mahathir Mohamad had also said the same thing,” she tweeted this evening, referring to Mahathir previously saying that Lim could only be officially appointed as finance minister if and when he was cleared of his corruption case.

    Mahathir had stressed that the rule of law must be followed and the government will have to wait until Lim is cleared of the charges before he can be made minister.

    Cynthia’s tweet came in response to criminal lawyer SN Nair’s comments today. Nair had told the anti-graft group to stop singling out Lim for holding public office despite corruption charges hanging over his head.

    Nair had said that the hallowed legal principle that one was innocent until proven guilty must be upheld.

    “C4 is barking up the wrong tree,” Nair had said.

    Cynthia had, in an earlier statement, said the NGO was “troubled” that Lim had been appointed despite Mahathir saying the DAP secretary-general could only take office after he had been cleared of the charges.

    Cynthia acknowledged that there was no legal provision to prevent Lim’s appointment pending his corruption case, but noted that there were good governance principles behind Mahathir’s earlier statement.

    In 2016, Lim was charged with using his public office to obtain gratification for himself and his wife by approving an application by Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd to convert agricultural land for residential purposes.

    Lim was also alleged to have used his position to obtain gratification by purchasing a bungalow from businesswoman Phang Li Koon at below the market price.



    I did what I could in the system we had, says Paul Low
    Sheith Khidhir Bin Abu Bakar | May 22, 2018
    Former minister Paul Low says it was he who reversed the transfer of several MACC officers who investigated 1MDB.

    Low says he did his best to protect MACC officers when the 1MDB probe was going on.

    PETALING JAYA: Former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low Seng Kuan says he did his best to protect Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers when the 1MDB probe was going on.

    Speaking to FMT, Low said he was the one who managed to reverse the decision to transfer several MACC officers.

    He was commenting on remarks by MACC chief Mohd Shukri Abdull during a press conference at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya that when his staff were transferred, he had asked Low and Shahidan Kassim, another minister then, to stop the move.

    Low said: “I reversed the decision and got the two officers transferred back and I did come out with a statement saying that MACC staff should be protected. That’s the stance I made in the press in the past.”

    Shukri had claimed that while he was on the lam in Washington, he had received word that several of his officers had been detained while two had been transferred.

    He said he then WhatsApped both Low and Shahidan to let his people go and that both responded to his message, assuring him they would handle it.

    “The team investigating 1MDB did what it thought was best according to the law,” Low said. “When it did that, obviously things snowballed where the team was being dismantled and removed, but it was not within my powers to stop it.”

    Low said Shukri was making it seem as though he (Low) had done nothing. He reminded Shukri that it was a time when everyone but the prime minister had very limited powers.

    “As much as the system was not perfect and there were a lot of things that needed fixing, I had to operate within the system and within my powers to change what I could.

    “Do we need to restructure the MACC and protect the staff? Do we need to separate the MACC from the executive? Of course we do! But that was the system I worked with back then.”


  29. Here’s what former ministers think of their PH successors
    FMT Reporters | May 22, 2018
    Former BN ministers wish their successors all the best, with some saying they are the right choice.

    PETALING JAYA: Several Barisan Nasional-era federal ministers have congratulated their successors from Pakatan Harapan, with some agreeing with the choice of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Serian MP Richard Riot Jaem, who was former human resources minister, was full of praise for his successor, the DAP’s M Kulasegaran.

    Kulasegaran, he said, was the “perfect” person for the job as he had heard of Kulasegaran’s good work at the Industrial Court, where employee-employer disputes are heard.

    Contacted by FMT, he said he hoped Kulasegaran would continue where he had left off and see to it that what he had set in motion would be allowed to bear fruit.

    Former education minister Mahdzir Khalid said Maszlee Malik was suitably qualified to be the education minister.

    “Malaysians must give him time because our education system is big and complex; we have many different types of schools. But from what I’ve read so far, I like some of his ideas,” he said.

    Mahdzir hoped Maszlee would continue the emphasis on empowering the English language and science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects.

    Other former ministers had this to say to their successors:

    Former defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein, on Mohamed Sabu: “I just want to wish him all the very best. I am very proud to have been given the opportunity to serve Mindef (ministry of defence) and ATM (armed forces) and hope that he will feel the same way once he settles down.”

    Former communications and multimedia minister Salleh Said Keruak, on Gobind Singh Deo: “Being an experienced parliamentarian and a practising lawyer, I am confident he has the leadership qualities to helm the ministry.”

    Former agriculture and agro-based minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek, on Salahuddin Ayub: “Congratulations and all the best in your new job.”

    Former second finance minister Johari Abdul Ghani, on Lim Guan Eng: “He (Lim) is innocent until proven guilty.”

    Thirteen PH leaders were sworn in as ministers before the King yesterday. Dr Mahathir is expected to include at least another 12 ministers to his Cabinet in a week or two.

  30. Keeper of Ruler’s Seal: Claims by MACC today baseless
    May 22, 2018 Raggie Jessy

    Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, Tan Sri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad, said MACC’s chief commissioner, deputy and senior officers were granted an audience with the Malay Rulers to present a briefing on 1MDB in 2015.

    In his Press conference as the MACC chief earlier today, Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull said he and the then MACC chief, Tan Sri Abu Kassim, had started an initiative to appeal the ministers to replace Najib, due to the problems surrounding 1MDB including itssRM2.6 billion debt.

    KUALA LUMPUR: Claims by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that the Conference of Rulers turned a blind eye on issues surrounding 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) was baseless.

    Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, Tan Sri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad, said MACC’s chief commissioner, deputy and senior officers were granted an audience with the Malay Rulers to present a briefing on 1MDB in 2015.

    “Following that, a statement was released, showing that the issues pertaining 1MDB were being monitored closed by the rulers, based on the roles and powers of the rulers and in accordance to the Federal Constitution. The statement was issued by Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal on Oct 6, 2015,” he said in a statement today.

    This was following an earlier statement by MACC chief commissioner Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull that he was left disappointed after bringing the matter concerning former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s position to the rulers.

    The rulers in the statement had asked the government to complete the investigation related to 1MDB with haste and for appropriate stern action to be taken against those found to be implicated.

    “The findings of the investigation must be reported comprehensively and in a transparent manner so that the people will be convinced of the sincerity of the government which shall not at all conceal facts and the truth,” they said.

    In his Press conference as the MACC chief earlier today, Shukri said he and the then MACC chief, Tan Sri Abu Kassim, had started an initiative to appeal the ministers to replace Najib, due to the problems surrounding 1MDB including itssRM2.6 billion debt.

    He said, however, only three ministers spoke up , namely, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal and Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah.

  31. Shukri, stop the cockamamie babble and get to work
    May 22, 2018 Raggie Jessy

    The MACC’s Dato’ Mohd Shukri Abdull claimed today that ministers were afraid to speak up against Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak.

    However, he forgot to mention that the one who did, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, told an UMNO Supreme Council meeting that a conspiracy to oust Najib existed.

    As a matter of fact, Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s own son told a Kuala Lumpur High Court that his father was behind a scheme to topple Najib.

    So what’s with all the cockamamie babble about ministers being afraid to talk?


    Justin Lee accuses Daniel of stealing RM1 million. Daniel then sets up an inquiry led by Justin’s own brother, Ruvy, to investigate the alleged crime. Ruvy then comes out to announce that the inquiry found no wrongdoing on Daniel’s part, telling the media instead that the allegation was without merit and devoid of substance. Now, can anyone tell me where that puts Justin?

    Why, on the horns of a very sticky dilemma, of course.

    Unless and until Justin can furnish Ruvy with the cut-and-dry proof, nobody would believe him as his own brother cleared Daniel of wrongdoing. The same applies to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Despite having (then) spent a year accusing Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak of committing thievery, the DAP had two of its own “brothers” on board a Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that cleared the former premier of wrongdoing.

    1. The committee was more a “Pakatan Rakyat thing” than it was a Barisan affair. Yet, on the 7th of April 2016, its co-chairman, Dr Tan Seng Giaw, came out to announce that Najib was never involved in 1MDB’s dealings as “he merely was the chairman of its advisory board.” Though the DAP denied it, its leadership punished the former Kepong incumbent for the announcement by dropping him from the party’s candidate-list weeks prior to the 14th general election (GE14).

      So what is Dato’ Mohd Shukri Abdull bitchxng about?

      It seems that Shukri forgot how Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin himself conceded to an UMNO Supreme Council meeting that a conspiracy to commit democratic thievery against Najib existed. And let’s not forget the time Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir admitted to the Kuala Lumpur High Court that his own father, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, was behind a scheme to remove Najib from power. So what’s with all this talk about ministers being afraid?

      Take it from me, Shukri – there is no point going to the press with all this cockamamie babble about who didn’t say what, when and where. The odds will always be stacked against your favour unless you can prove without a shadow of doubt that Najib did indeed misappropriate funds from 1MDB. Till that day comes, it’s best that you focus on grinding the ‘truth’ grinders and quit bitchxng about in public spheres. None of us are interested in your conspiracy theories about aliens robbing your underwear until and unless you can point to us the aliens that did it.

      Get the drift?

  32. Kenyataan Perdana Menteri berkenaan hutang negara mengelirukan
    May 22, 2018 Raggie Jessy

    Tun Carlos

    “Hutang Negara Mencecah RM1 Trillion” ujar Tun Mahathir.

    Adalah tidak benar hutang kerajaan mencecah RM1 TRILLION. Ini kerana mengikut laporan BNM, as at 31 Disember 2017 hutang kerajaan sekitar RM686 billion, hanya 50.8% drpd KDNK iaitu paras selamat statutori yg ditetapkan.

    Paling hampir RM1 TRILLION ialah hutang luar (external debt) iaitu sekitar RM893 billion.. itu pun hutang termasuk bukan kerajaan seperti hutang offshore, pelaburan dlm hutang berdenominasi ringgit oleh bukan warganegara, deposit/simpanan, kredit perdagangan, tuntutan insurans belum bayar, dan faedah kena bayar; oleh pengurus dana, bank, insuran, insitusi kewangan; syarikat-syarikat dan individu warganegara Malaysia kepada pengurus dana, bank, insuran, insitusi kewangan; syarikat-syarikat dan individu BUKAN warganegara Malaysia.

    Maksudnya total keseluruhan hutang seluruh negara oleh warganegara Malaysia iaitu termasuk kerajaan dan swasta kepada pelabur/peminjam bukan warganegara.

    Takkanlah nk salahkan kerajaan utk urusan kewangan korporat pihak swasta, yg mereka sendiri mempunyai aliran pendapatan, aset, rizab tunai sendiri dan mampu utk selesaikan pinjaman/tuntutan/bayaran kpd korporat/pelabur luar, masing-masing.

    Dan jika Tun nak bandingkan hutang zamannya iaitu RM300 billion adalah sgt tak logik kerana saiz ekonomi zamannya juga kecil. KDNK 2003 hanyalah US$110.2 billion, dgn tukaran RM3.80, hanya sekitar RM418 billion.

    Jadi, kalau mengikut perbandingan walaupun hutang kerajaan RM686 billion, akan tetapi, KDNK kini dah bersaiz RM1.3 TRILLION. Secara automatiknya mengkerdilkan KDNK zaman Tun yg hanya bernilai RM418 billion. -saj

    Credit to: Syed Agil Jamalullail

  33. Saya bukanlah sebahagian daripada golongan “uneducated” yang di sebutkan Mahathir Mohamad
    May 22, 2018 Raggie Jessy

    Mohd Zulfan Irfan

    “Ketika ramai orang muda sama ada menjadi penyokong PH ataupun PAS, kenapa kau pilih menyokong BN?”

    Soalan yang paling ramai orang tanya kepada saya sejak dulu.

    Jawapan saya mudah.

    Kerana saya bukanlah sebahagian daripada “uneducated” yang di sebutkan oleh Mahathir Mohamad Iskandar Kutty.

    Saya tidak bergerak mengikut arus membuta tuli. Bahkan ketika orang berkata bahawa Najib Razak mencuri, merompak, membunuh, saya adalah antara yang berfikir, mengkaji, mencari bukti-bukti kenapa mereka berkata demikian.

    Walaupun di hina, di kutuk, di keji, di rendah-rendahkan apabila saya mengatakan bahawa beliau di fitnah, tetap juga saya bertahan untuk apa yang saya percaya.

    Dalam prinsip pemerintahan, saya di ajar untuk mengikuti jemaah kaum muslimin terbesar. Jangan berpecah belah.

    Namun kerana ketagihan manusia kepada apa yang mereka namakan sebagai “DEMOKRASI” menyebabkan kaum muslimin kehilangan tampuk pemerintahan kepada golongan munafik.

    Saya bukanlah insan mulia. Bukan insan di lidahnya keluar perkataan Allah namun hatinya hati serigala.

    Tetapi saya berjuang untuk apa yang saya percaya.

    Percaya dengan yakin bahawa diri saya milik Tuhan dan saya dan saya akan kembali kepadaNya.

    Ketika saya berkata, khalifah kaum Muslimin, mereka mempersenda, memperli dan memperlekeh kerana pada mereka, tidak wujud khalifah sehingga negara ini runtuh.

    Khalifah kaum muslimin itu wujud dalam semua jenis pemerintahan. Hanya saja bagaimana manusia memahami kewujudan itu yang perlu di fikirkan semula.

    Jika sekiranya mereka manusia yang berfikir.


    Mohd Zulfan Irfan merupakan seorang penulis blog

  34. The Mahathirs, a family of crooks
    February 18, 2018 Raggie Jessy

    TTF: Let’s talk kleptocracy.

    Today, let it be known that the money Dr Mahathir Mohamad got his cronies from BMF to siphon through offshore entities snowballed to a great many million and is now parked all over the globe, Taiwan and Hong Kong included. Some of that money was used by George Tan’s nephew, Danny Lee, to fund various activities by the DAP in the guise of funds arranged by Malaysiakini’s already-known funders.

    There is that money, and the loot from BBMB, Bank Negara, and not to mention, the truckloads of bribe money running into the millions that the former premier obtained from the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong almost on a quarter yearly basis. Most of that money was spirited to discrete locations all around the globe and is currently being managed by one of Mahathir’s most trusted confidantes.

    And we’re not even talking about the restructuring of financial institutions in the nineties that led to the biggest coup in banking history. Through a series of corporate acrobatics involving Pantai Holdings Berhad, Mahathir helped his son, Mokhzani Mahathir, own a huge banking concern by breaking several banking laws before getting the latter to enter a ridiculously skewed share-swap deal that earned both father and son millions.

  35. Are Laws A Violation Of Our Civil Liberties?
    By MT Webmaster Last updated May 22, 2018

    These are just some examples and the list can be very long indeed. Laws must be based on you must not harm others. Other than that, you can do what you want. If you want to smoke ganja then so be it. Why is that a crime? You get sent to jail if you smoke ganja but nothing happens if you drink a whole bottle of brandy and collapse on the floor. Yet ganja is far safer than an overdose of brandy.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    My lawyer and good friend, Gobind Singh Deo, has just signed in on his first day of work as the Minister of Communications and Multimedia. It was ten years ago when Gobind walked into court to inform the judge he was representing me as my lawyer to face the charge of sedition. I did not ask Gobind to act as my lawyer, he just walked in and volunteered his services and did not charge me one sen.

    Once we sat down in a pub near his office to talk about PAS and why his late father, Karpal Singh, was so opposed to PAS, Hudud and so on. Gobind did not become his father’s apologist or attack PAS for its ‘Islamic stand’. And I know Gobind did not do this just because he knows I am a staunch PAS supporter. All Gobind did was smile and said, “My father is ‘old school’. Let him say what he wants. We just listen and allow him his space to give his views.”

    And have you noticed one thing? Over the last three years I have been attacking Pakatan Harapan and DAP and Gobind did not once attack me back. He allowed me my right to disagree in the spirit of we agree to disagree. I hope, as a new cabinet minister, Gobind will do what he said today, which is he will review and/or repeal some laws that violate our civil liberties.

    Gobind defended me in court when I was charged under the Church of England’s Sedition Act

    1. I once wrote some years back that Malaysia is an over-regulated country, in that we have too many laws. And many of these laws were inherited from the time Malaya was a British colony. And some of these laws go back centuries to the time when The Church laid down the laws.

      If there was one good thing that Napoleon Bonaparte did for France it was to remove the powers of the church and introduce secularism or the separation of the church and state. Even education used to be under the control of the church and Napoleon changed this by setting up public schools, not just for the elite like before, but for everyone and anyone who wanted to get an education.

      That eventually not only changed France but it changed the whole of Europe. Nationalism emerged and Monarchies and Empires collapsed. This, of course, led to wars as new territories and boundaries were created — the result of nationalism, and the result of language and cultures determining these new territories and boundaries.

      Napoleon got rid of the church and the entire Europe transformed
      This division is still going on until today like what is happening in the Crimea, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, etc. — new territories and boundaries are being created.

      Some have said I am an anarchist. That may be true but do not mistake anarchist as also being a supporter of the violent overthrow of the government. The Cambridge dictionary defines an anarchist as ‘someone who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws’. Other definitions are nihilist, insurgent, agitator, subversive, guerrilla, terrorist, etc.

      But then there is another definition of anarchist: people who want to live under their own authority. Wikipedia explains anarchism as ‘a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions’

    2. Ayah Pin the Anarchist
      I suppose Ayah Pin’s commune would best describe such a set up. (READ MORE on Ayah Pin or Ariffin Mohammed HERE).

      Anyway, the subject today is: are laws a violation of our civil liberties and is Malaysia an over-regulated country? Being an ‘anarchist’, I would say yes. And I hope Gobind will not only look at the laws under the purview of his ministry but all laws in general.

      Gobind defended me in my sedition trial so he knows what I mean. How in the first place did Malaysia even have a Sedition Act? Well, I have written about this before.

      When King Henry VIII of England broke away from Rome and set up the Church of England, there was a lot of opposition from the Papists. The common belief is that Henry did this because he wanted to divorce his wife and the Vatican forbade him from doing so. Actually, that is just one reason and not the main reason.

      Henry VIII broke away from Rome and created the Church of England, and introduced the Sedition Act to silence all dissent
      England was constantly at war and the nation was practically bankrupt. The Crown needed to raise money so one way was to increase taxes. The Nobles had to pay more taxes than before but the Church was exempted from paying any tax. The Church was rich because it owned 20% of all the land in England and it was sending huge sums of money to Rome, making the Vatican even richer.

      So, King Henry broke away from Rome, made himself the head of the Church of England, and rampas or confiscated all the church property. Overnight, King Henry became the richest monarch in Europe. And as a bonus, King Henry managed to marry his second wife as well.

      But the many Papists who were still loyal to Rome opposed this. They also refused to accept that King Henry was God’s representative on earth. So the Crown introduced the Sedition Act that made questioning or opposing the Monarch a crime. Questioning the King tantamount to questioning God. And for that you can be put to death or the very minimum have both your ears cut off.

      Sodomy or same-sex relationships are also against Christianity. So the buggery laws made that a crime punishable by death. Even up to the 1950s sodomy or same-sex relationships were crimes. And that is why Malaysia has the Sedition Act and sodomy or same-sex relationships are crimes — because the Church of England says so.

    3. Same sex relationships is a crime because the ‘Holy Books’ say so
      Civil liberties mean we decide what is right and wrong. As long as we do not harm anyone else, the state has no business telling us what we can and cannot do. Why must we be ‘legally’ married? In the UK merely living together makes you ‘legally’ married. And you can be man and man or woman and woman ‘legally’ married.

      Why must Muslims be arrested if they eat during Ramadan or drink beer or have sex with someone they are not married to? Why must Muslims be sent to jail if they have sex without a piece of paper that allows them to have sex? Are these not ‘church’ laws?

      These are just some examples and the list can be very long indeed. Laws must be based on you must not harm others. Other than that, you can do what you want. If you want to smoke ganja then so be it. Why is that a crime? You get sent to jail if you smoke ganja but nothing happens if you drink a whole bottle of brandy and collapse on the floor. Yet ganja is far safer than an overdose of brandy.

  36. Cuba Check Rumah Tun, Mesti Banyak Duit – Johan As’ari
    23/05/2018 0
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    Pelakon Johan As’ari telah menulis kata-kata yang mungkin agak pedas bagi sesetengah orang di Twitternya @JohanAsari terutama pengikut setia Tun Dr. Mahathir.

    Tulisnya, ‘Cuba check rumah Tun, mesti banyak jugak duit.’ diikuti dengan emoji duit.

    Ekoran itu, ada kalangan pengikut-pengikutnya yang meluahkan rasa kurang senang dengan tindakan pelakon tersebut.

    Antara pengikutnya di Twitter berkata;

    ‘I lost my respect dekat you Johan’

    Undi Pasukan Pilihan Sebagai Juara Piala Dunia 2018

    ‘Sorang lagi cari publisiti. Kesian’

    ‘Saja cari publisiti murahan nak suruh viral’

    Johan yang dihubungi mengakui bahawa dia yang menulis kata-kata itu.

    “Johan kasihan dengan DSN dan sekeluarganya. Maaflah andai Johan mengguris hati ramai pihak,” katanya ringkas.

    Pun begitu tidak bermaksud yang Johan tidak menghormati Tun Dr. Mahathir.

    “Ya, Johan amat mengagumi Tun M, beliau seorang yang begitu pintar. Semua PM ada kelebihan yang tersendiri. Pasti ada hikmah di dalam apa jua situasi. Johan sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik buat Malaysia tercinta,” katanya lagi. – Sinar Harian

    1. Peh..taik lembu pon lebih berharga dari sampah kopipes nih

    2. Hahahaha besok aku arahkan polis halau si johan dari malaysia...tak suka pm malaysia kau boleh blah dari malaysia

      Opssssss....terikut kata menteri dulu2 pulak dah

    3. Nak kesian ape kpd orang yg dah disiasat oleh fbi...kalo najib tidak melakukan kesalahan najib boleh buat bantahan kpd duta amerikana di kl...kenape najib bisu...najib takut duta amerikana mintak bukti derma 2.6 billion dari raja arab?..

  37. Menteri kewangan patut panggil Arul kanda sahkan 1 mdb mampu bayar bunga hutang 144 juta seblm 30 mei....sesuai dengan siri penerangan Arul kanda pelan rasionalisasi 1 mdb sudah berjalan dengan baik...tengok terberak ato tidak kling ni...

  38. Menteri kewangan dah sahkan 7 billion hutang 1 mdb dibayar guna wang kerajaan...bermakna wang kutipan gst yg dikutip dari rakyat telah digunakan bayar hutang 1 mdb yg rugi kerana dirompak...

    Jawatankuasa 1 mdb wajar kutip balik wang 1 mdb yg telah diagih kpd penerima2 sumbangan najib termasuk lobai2 Pas...

    Ade ker patut kita tanggung penerima2 sumbangan wang 1 mdb?


  39. 'No proof to support RM2.6 billion was donation from Saudi prince'

    PUTRAJAYA: There was no proof to support Datuk Seri Najib Razak's claim that the RM2.6 billion deposited into his personal account in 2014 was a donation from a Saudi prince.

    Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull said this was based on the findings of a team of investigators sent to Saudi Arabia to meet the prince in 2015.

    "In an investigation, our procedure is to find a witness. Based on a letter that said the money was a donation from a prince, our officers went there," Shukri told a press conference at the MACC headquarters, here, today.

    Shukri explained that while the prince in question admitted to donating the money, he could not provide relevant documents to support his claim.

    "Standard operating procedure for transferring of funds, there must be documentation and proof. But this prince failed to provide proof," he said.

    In August 2015, the MACC in a statement said that the RM2.6 billion deposited into former Prime Minister Najib's personal account was confirmed to be a donation.

    The statement said MACC had received an explanation from the donor and found the details of the donor via documents obtained from the bank.

    The commission found that there were four letters handed to the bank when a large amount of money was transferred into Najib's account.

    "In the document, it is explained that the RM2.6 billion was a donation," read the statement dated Aug 5, 2015.

    Meanwhile, in 2016, Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir clarified that the donation was genuine with 'nothing expected in return'.

    © New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd

    1. Kalo ade bikti dah lama najib saman wsj dan sr...najib takut buat nota bantahan kpd duta amerikana di kl ..takut kena lipat dgn duta amerikana..

  40. Ambil tindakan kepada semua yang terlibat berlandaskan rules of law .....

  41. Benda Allah yang guna nama Geng Najib, Kejora, pejuang rakyat, lebaimodern dan mcm mcm lain ini perlu di maki.

    Maki terang2, sekuat2 maki, sebusuk2 maki, cara direk. No holes (puki mak kau holes) barred.

    Di cakap baik2 jangan kopipes banyak sangat kau tak peduli. Kau tak hirau langsung. Macam ini blog Kepala Bapak kau punya. Mcm lain orang takda di sini. Mcm ini blog salur poppaganda kau.

    Itu semua sudah tentu kopipes. Kau selalu keluarkan tiap 1 minit. Kopipes yang panjang2. Tak mungkin kau tulis sendiri. Pukimak kau. Butuh bapak kau sondol puki mak kau koyak rabak.

    Tak cukup maki dengan kata Kepala Bapak Kau saja. Perlu di maki dengan kata2

    Pukimak kau. Puki yang kluarkan kau tak mengajor kau. Tak bimbing kau. Tak kasi kau adab sopan.

    Pukimak kau rabak tak langsung terangkan kpd kau cara2 berinteraksi dalam masyarakat. Tak hemahkan hak dan kepentingan orang lain. Yang kali2 kata jangan kopipes bertalu talu.

    Pukimak kau asyik di sondol bapak kau setiap masa. Hingga takda masa lain, terpaksa menjahit puki yang rabak, kudis, menanah.

    Dah tak dapat sondol puki, bapak kau sondol lubang jubor mak kau. Hari hari sondol punya. Itu pasal takda masa nak ajar kau apa apa.

    1. Ada sesiapa yg kata aku melampau? Kau pembaca baru di sini? Baca lah pos2 yang lalu, tengok betapa banyak nya binatang itu mengkopipes.

      Tak boleh maki, pelangkong dia di bulan puasa? Siapa kata?

      Kketahui lah bahawa Nabi Muhammad pun perang di bulan puasa, menang - Perang Badr. Google lah Battle oof Badr dan kamu akan tahu.

      Itu musuh Islam. Binatang Geng Najib dll ini pun musuh Islam. Dia melaknati, menyakit hati orang2 Islam di sini tak habis habis.

    2. Hilang mood aku nak komen.

      Itu memang tujuan binatang yang pakai nama Geng Najib dll ini. Dia nak kabuskan komen2 pro-PH dengan propaganda pro-Umno/Bn. Dan nak bikin pengkomen dan pembaca di sini bosan dan lari dari blog ini.

      Dia buat dengan melampau. Bukan pembaca tertarik kpd kopipes2 nya dan kpd Umno/Bn. Depa tak baca pun kopipes itu. Jadi benci kpd Umno/Bn akibat tabi'at buruk wakil nya di blog ini.

      Tapi aku hilang mood nak komen sekejap aje. Nanti aku maki hamun dia lagi. Binatang pukimak dia punya. Keluar dari pukimak dia lepas 9 bulan di rodok butuh bapak dia.


    3. Battle of Badr happened in Ramadan

      Ramadan is more than a month of ibadah with history showing the first generation of Muslims achieved great victories during this blessed ...

    4. Menghentam binatang yang pakai nama Geng Najib dll itu ibadah.

      Dia musuh Muslimin di blog ini.

    5. Geng kapla biol kena hentam pon tak jadi ape....bukan kita aje kena tipu dengan arulkanda...geng najis pon kena jugak...duit gst geng najis dan puak umno pon bayar utang 1 mdb jugak...


  42. Let Dr M complete full term as PM

    Now that the euphoria of Pakatan Harapan’s historic win is gradually waning, Malaysians must find the strength to question the undemocratic and ultimately unconstitutional agreement for Dr Mahathir Mohamad to step down and for Anwar Ibrahim to take over as prime minister in an uncertain “year or two”.

    If we are to go back to the original Permatang Pauh Declaration, then the “reformasi” to implement sweeping reforms in governance is already well underway, and it is now up to the elected representatives to draft policies, implement them and continue to monitor the new government.

    In a brief interview with TRT World, Nurul Izzah was questioned about the possible formation of a “family dynasty” and concerns about nepotism if both her parents led the country.

    “Anwar spent years in prison and at the end of the day, we are concerned about the reform movement. And whoever becomes prime minister, my job, the youth’s job, is to make sure the prime minister toes the line of the reform agenda” she added, reaffirming her responsibility to serve the people.

    On the night of his release from imprisonment, Anwar attended a celebration rally and again spoke of reformasi just like before. One wonders if the agenda has ever been clearly defined or does it simply take on the flavour of its time, bending to the need of whoever wielding it? Is the reformasi movement now nothing more than a personal (or now familial) charge towards the seat of power?

    Anwar has clearly stated his intention to return to active politics by contesting in a by-election at year’s end in a “safe seat”. This poses numerous problems, as listed below:

    The naming of a ‘next prime minister’ clearly undermines the position and authority of the current prime minister, especially when the transition is only vaguely established as “in a year or two”. The only person qualified to succeed a prime minister should be his deputy unless he is subjected to a vote-of-no-confidence in Parliament.

    Expecting an elected representative (wakil rakyat) to step down would be a slap to the face of democracy and to voters of that constituency and to all Malaysians regardless if it is his own daughter (Permatang Pauh) or wife (Pandan, who is also the current deputy prime minister).

    In case there is a by-election, and Anwar returns as a member of Parliament, would the DPM then be expected to step down to make way for a seat in the Cabinet? If not, then will the prime minister step down immediately and Malaysia is to be helmed by a husband-and-wife team?

    The ‘revolution’ of May 9 was a display of maturity from both sides of the divide. It was then or never, and everyone knew it. Opposition leaders put aside their differences and sang the same tune, while Malaysians took the leap of faith to put a self-professed dictator back in the driver’s seat.

    If critics Harapan’s campaign were quick to single out the return of Mahathir as a major step backwards for the country, then they should be very concerned about the way Anwar Ibrahim is being ushered towards the premiership.

    The only ‘clean’ way forward is to let the elected PM see his term to completion, and for Anwar to lead the coalition to victory as a candidate and opposition leader in the next general elections.

    1. https://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/426224

  43. geng najib is showing a sign of a lost soul. feels like in hell but it is not, feels hot as hell but it does not.

    copy paste without knowing shits of those trash is a self reflection of geng najib and najib.....unable to accept reality.

    a clear showing of self pity and hoping some dudes will response to give hopes that are fading away...

    geng....u are on your way down to the endless pit of cess.

    like to recall all of your grandeur remarks and curses for those against najib....u asked for it1

  44. Pengerusi Bernama kata, "We are ready to serve as best as possible and all staff at various levels, including in the states, have been told to do their best so that the aspiration of the Pakatan Harapan government .."

    Saya fikir tidak cukup dengan mengarahkan agensi berita nasional itu "to do their best" sahaja. Perlu dapatkan sidang pengarang (editors) yang boleh membimbing pemberita pemberita di mana perlu di cari berita, bahawa berita boleh di "cipta" dengan sengaja pergi meng"interview" mereka yang kata kata nya boleh jadi berita. Soalan soalan yang berfaedah, membina dan menonjolkan isu isu.

    Ini ada lah memandang kapada hal bahawa kelulusan dan pengalaman pemberita dan sidng pengarang tidak sebanding dengan yang di luarf ngara - Washington Post, New York Times, dan sebagai nya.

    Pemberita pemberita Washington Post Bob Woodward dan Carl Bernstein begitu cekap dan gigih hingga berita berita nya boleh menjatuhkan Presiden Richard Nixon dan di catat dalam sejarah Amerika.

  45. Keep digging mr lim guan eng..
    Much work to do..yes..it aint yet end..
    We want the truth and put those kleptos behind bars in d n..
    Hahahahanon partisan yea GN..
    Ini ank hantu puaka c&p bkn main..menyerupai pelbagai bentuk sanggup msk najib sarong punya kain...hahahahassinpain..

  46. Demam Arul dibuat LGE. Rahsia dah dibongkar. Duit rakyat juga digunakan untuk bail out 1MDB.


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