Wednesday 21 March 2018


1. Najib dan konco-konconya masih cuba pertahan cukai G.S.T. sebagai amat penting bagi kewangan Kerajaan. Kononnya tanpa GST Kerajaan tidak boleh berfungsi, tak dapat bangunkan negara.

2. Bahawa negara ini berjaya dibangunkan dahulu sehingga mendapat gelaran “Harimau Asia” tanpa GST tidak disebut sama sekali.

3. Sebenarnya pendapatan Kerajaan tiap tahun sejak 2009 hingga 2017 jauh lebih tinggi (3 kali ganda) dari pendapatan Kerajaan pada 1995-2002. Dengan pertambahan pendapatan yang begitu besar apa perlunya cukai tambahan seperti GST.

4. GST adalah faktor terbesar yang menyebabkan kos sara hidup melambung tinggi. Dengan ditarik balik berbagai subsidi termasuk minyak tekanan ke atas rakyat, terutama golongan miskin dan yang berpendapatan sederhana amatlah berat.

5. Sudah tentu kos sara hidup akan turun jika GST dihapuskan.

6. Penghapusan GST tidak akan menjejaskan pentadbiran dan pembangunan negara. Jika hari ini GST diperlukan sebabnya ialah kerana banyak wang Kerajaan disalah guna dan dibazirkan. Salahguna ini menjadi begitu besar menjelang PRU 14.

7. Sogokan kepada pengundi meningkat dengan mendadak. Wang tunai beribu Ringgit diberi kepada pengundi tanpa sebab. Di tiap-tiap negeri diadakan Ekspo mempamer jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan. Swasta dipaksa ambil bahagian dalam Ekspo ini. Hadiah yang diberi kepada pelanggan cabutan nombor bertuah termasuk rumah dan tanah, kereta dan motosikal, beras berkampit kampit, alatan dapur dan bermacam lagi. Bermillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan disalah guna untuk sogokan ini.

8. Kontrak Kerajaan dinaikkan nilai supaya  sebahagian  diselewengkan untuk kegunaan parti Kerajaan dan orang tertentu.

9. Hutang Kerajaan sekarang sudah hampir 1 trillion. Hutang 1MDB sekarang dibeban kepada Kementerian Kewangan. Bayaran faedah hutang ini menelan ratusan juta Ringgit.

10. Walaupun hutang sudah begitu tinggi, Najib hutang lagi. Keretapi Pantai Timur tidak berdaya maju tetapi pembangunannya dirancang supaya boleh hutang lagi. Lima puluh lima billion Ringgit di hutang dari negara China untuk ECRL walaupun keperluan hanya 35 billion Ringgit.

11. Dirancang lagi keretapi laju dari Singapura ke Kuala Lumpur. Ini memerlukan 60 billion Ringgit. LRT/MRT Kuala Lumpur akan telan berbillion lagi.

12. Dahulu tanpa GST negara bangunkan Lebuhraya Utara Selatan, landasan keretapi berkembar elektrik, Lapangan Terbang KLIA dan di bandar-bandar lain, pelabuhan-pelabuhan, jaringan lebuhraya, pembangunan luar bandar, sekolah, universiti, hospital, bekalan air dan stesen janaelektrik dan bermacam lagi. Sesungguhnya tanpa GST pembangunan  dan pentadbiran negara tidak terjejas bahkan lebih hebat dari sekarang. Hutang negara juga tidak begitu tinggi. Beban bayaran hutang tidak memakan peratusan yang tinggi dalam belanjawan negara.

13. Dengan pendapatan  Kerajaan jauh lebih tinggi dari dahulu, pentadbiran dan pembangunan negara sepatutnya ternampak jelas. Tetapi hakikatnya tidak banyak pembangunan terlihat dan yang meningkat dengan tinggi ialah hutang.

14. Sesungguhnya bukan sahaja GST tidak diperlukan tetapi hutang juga tidak perlu dipinjam dengan begitu banyak.

15. GST tidak diperlukan. Yang penting ialah pentadbiran dan pembangunan negara dibuat secara berhemah, tanpa pembaziran, tanpa rasuah.

16. Jikalau dahulu kita dapat bangunkan negara sehingga dikenali sebagai Asian Tiger, tidak ada sebab kenapa kita tidak boleh bangunkan negara dengan lebih baik dengan pendapatan Kerajaan jauh lebih tinggi tanpa GST.

17. Dibawah ini diperturunkan angka-angka pendapatan Kerajaan antara tahun 1995 hingga 1997, pendapatan antara tahun 2000 hingga 2002, dan pendapatan antara tahun 2009 hingga 2017.

Tun Mahathir Mohamad

Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan

(Dipetik daripada blog Chedet)


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    1. G.S.T
      Gasak Sampai Tenat..........!!

    2. Golongan Susah Teraniaya... Yg tak teraniaya ialah pencacai. Sebab tu dia org beriya2 sokong walaupun badan dah melengkung menanggung beban hutang.

    3. Yg papa kedana hanya wak kojola kengkang kepala mancis sorang tu saja. Terpaksa buat bisnes sewa pungkoq dan ambil upah hisap rokok john.

    4. Rata-rata orang ramai menganggap manifesto PRU14 Pakatan Harapan (Harapan) yang akan tawarkan rumah setiap seorang terlalu tinggi dan tidak logik.

      Mereka berpendapat janji yang diberikan lebih kepada ingin mengambil hati pengundi sedangkan jika dilihat secara kasar, terlalu sukar untuk ditepati.

      Bagi Mohd Khairul Anwar Omar, 27, yang bekerja sendiri berpendapat manifesto untuk berikan rumah memang sangat ‘sedap’ didengar tetapi jika difikirkan sebaliknya sangat tidak logik.

      “Secara peribadi, saya lihat janji diberikan kepada rakyat terlalu tinggi dan lebih kepada hendak mengambil hati pengundi semata-mata.

      “Diakui memang lah ramai dalam kalangan rakyat masih tidak memiliki rumah sendiri tetapi janganlah disebabkan ini, pihak berkenaan ingin mengambil kesempatan berjanji perkara seperti ini,” katanya.

      Pendapat sama turut dikongsi pengundi muda, Fazri Kasim, 25, yang menganggap janji diberikan semata- mata hendak menyedapkan hati pengundi terutama pengundi muda sepertinya.

      “Ganer (macam mana) nak buwi ( bagi) rumah, tanah pun payoh (payah) nak cari sekarang, inikan pula nak bagi sebuah seorang.

      “Kami pengundi muda memanglah tertarik bila dengar janji diberikan tapi rasa macam dok ( tak) logik langsung,” katanya.

      Selain itu, seorang pekerja swasta, Wan Mohd Redzuan Ngah, 36, berpendapat manifesto dijanjikan hanya ‘gula-gula’ politik yang hanya ingin meraih undi semata-mata.

      “Saya dapati manifesto dibentangkan meskipun lebih mirip dengan manifesto parti-parti lain tetapi tidak memberi kesan yang besar kepada pengundi.

      “Tentang janji nak bagi rumah, bagi saya ianya hanya janji kosong sahaja lebih kepada hendak meletakkan keyakinan yang tinggi untuk menang pilihan raya semata-mata,” katanya.

      Sementara itu bagi peniaga, Che Zaliha Hamzah, 59, manifesto yang dibentangkan itu sebenarnya sudah baik kerana janji hendak bagi rumah memandangkan ramai dalam kalangan rakyat hari ini tidak memiliki rumah sendiri, malah terpaksa menyewa dengan kos yang tinggi.

      “Saya suka dengan janji yang diberi tetapi berharap janji itu ditunaikan sekiranya mereka menang.

      “Jangan setakat janji kosong ibarat ‘tin kosong’ sahaja, masa mahukan rakyat, macam-macam janji manis ditaburkan, tetapi apabila sudah dapat yang dihajati, janji sebelum ini dilupakan,” katanya.

    5. Hoi bahlul Tun M menaikkan Malaysia selama 22 tahun,,mungkin diwaktu kau masih pakai pampers lagi,,so jangan nak ajar PH apa nak buat.

    6. saya nak tanya Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) adakah anda faham serta tahu apa yang diucapkan oleh Presiden PAS, Abdul Awang tiga malam lepas. Atau anda sekadar baca berita dan mengikut persepsi berita sahaja?

      Tahukan anda Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) bahawa Allah memperingatkan kepada kita orang Islam kena mendapat maklumat yang benar dan sahih.

      Allah berfirman, maksudnya:-

      “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti, agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu”. [Al Hujurat : 6].
      Saya bawa petikan yang Presiden PAS ucap yang kononnya fitnah ditujukan kepada PKR, AMANAH dan BERSATU.

      Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menyindir parti-parti Melayu dalam Pakatan Harapan, yang diibaratkan ‘lembu kenyang’ kerana tidak berani mempertahan Islam apabila berdepan dengan DAP.

      Presiden PAS itu berkata, selama ini parti rasis dan cauvinis itu secara terang-terangan menetang Islam dan menolak agenda untuk menegakkan agama di negara ini.

      “DAP secara jelas menyatakan penentangan terhadap Islam. Mereka tidak setuju dengan Islam. Tetapi parti lain masih bersama DAP. Mereka jadi lembu kenyang, tidak berani mempertahankan Islam.
      Adakah itu fitnah wahai Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH)??

      Saya setuju bahawa parti AMANAH terlalu "taat' kepada DAP untuk meraih undi bukan Islam sehingga sanggup menepikan agama dalam kempen politik. Apa bezanya AMANAH dengan UMNO jika memisahkan agama dalam politik?

      Saya ada banyak bukti parti AMANAH dibodohkan oleh DAP dalam banyak isu termasuk isu agama. Jadi apa yang disebut oleh Presiden PAS perumpamaan LEMBU KENYANG sangat menepati.

      Saya bawa satu bukti apabila pimpinan DAP membuat kenyataan dan disiarkan oleh KiniTV untuk meminta parti dalam HARAPAN untuk tidak meggunakan agama dalam kempen politiknya terutama untuk mendapat undi. Awak Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) faham maksud tidak menggunakan agama yang dikatakan oleh DAP?

      Apa sikap parti-parti lain dalam HARAPAN. Yang lain diam sahaja tapi AMANAH nak tunjuk mereka ini "TAAT" kepada DAP mengeluarkan kenyataan. Bukan Mat Sabu, Bukan Khalid Samad tetapi penasihat agama Mereka Ustaz Ahmad Awang. Apa Ustaz Ahmad Awang kata??

      AMANAH tak akan perguna agama demi politk. Apa maksud tak guna agama untuk politik. Maknanya politik suku agama suku. Sama dengan UMNO.

      INI LAH DIKATAKAN LEMBU KENYANG!! wahai Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH).

      Itu baru satu contoh. Oleh kerana artikel si Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron ini panjang saya perlu jawab semuanya saya bagi satu dulu, tunggu respon si Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron.

      Kenapa Presiden PAS menggunakan kiasan binatang dalam ucapannya?? Ini Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) kena belajar bagaimana orang Melayu yang kaya dengan peribahasa dengan bahasa bidalannya. Orang tua juga menggunakan perumpaan begitu untuk memberikan nasihat.

      Tapi kalau Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) manipulasi dengan membuat persepsi jahat kononnya perumpaan itu kasar itu suatu yang sangat bertentangan dengan adab kita orang Melayu.

      Banyak nama-nama binatang dalam peribahasa Melayu termasuk binatang yang hina seperti anjing dan babi dalam peribahasa Melayu.

      Tapi malang Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) cuba mengubah persepsi ini dengan menulis artikel kononnya perkara itu salah dengan cuba mengaibkan Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang.

      Kenapa saya kata Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) "bodoh" (maaf guna perkataan kasar) dan jahat dalam membuat tuduhan ini kepada Presiden PAS berkaitan ucapan binatang dlm ceramahnya sedangkan perkara itu biasa. Malah bukan penceramah guna binatang, pelukis juga guna binatang. Contoh Zunar.

    7. Apa kata Zunar mengenai binatang (bahasa lembutnya haiwan). Kartunis kontroversi Zulkiflee Anwar Haque atau Zunar berkata penggunaan watak haiwan dalam karya kartun adalah perkara biasa untuk memudahkan kartunis menyampaikan mesejnya. “Lebih mudah melukis sesuatu objek sebagai haiwan, malah saya berbuat demikian dalam kerja saya” (Sila rujuk FMT 11 April 2017)

      Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) tak tegur pula Zunar dia banyak guna binatang dalam karyanya. Atas itu satu contoh, ada yang teruk lagi tapi saya malas nak cari...

      Sebenarnya Presiden PAS tak kata hari-hari unngkapan perumpaaan binatang ni. Setahun adalah satu atau dua. Tapi kerana puak ni jahat dia kumpul nak tunjuk ni HADI AWANG MULUT JAHAT. Kamu semua cuba di bodohkan oleh Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH).

      Lagi pun bukan Presiden PAS kata kepada AMANAH & Geng HARAPAN sahaja. Abdul Hadi kata juga kepada BN. Tapi kerana jahat Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) manipulasi dalam artikelnya. Nak bukti??

      Pada 12 Sepetember 2015 Presiden PAS menyifatkan tekanan rakyat terhadap pengurusan pentadbiran Barisan Nasional (BN) bukan seperti 'anjing menyalak bukit' atau melakukan perbuatan sia-sia.

      Jelas Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, perjuangan rakyat menerusi pelbagai tindakan adalah isyarat penting bagi memberi teguran kepada kerajaan terutama dalam menguruskan ekonomi negara dengan baik.

      "Orang boleh kata kita macam anjing salak bukit sahaja...ya macam anjing salak bukit.

      "(Hakikatnya) anjing tak salak bukit, tapi anjing menyalak babi yang ada di bukit itu.

      NAK TANYA PUAK AMANAH salah ke apa yang HADI AWANG KATA di atas. Kalau salah makna awaklah yang bergaul dengan PENGUASA YANG ZALIM.. Kan nampak awak bodoh.

    8. Pasal penggunaan nama binatang tu biasalh ko cakap..tapi mencerca tu lg teruk..kata sopan x guna perkataan kasar..ko pandai buat kesah 1000 satu mlm..pencacai ko bolehlh ko kelabu asapkan..kami masih waraslh beb..
      klentong klentang..
      lotong punbinatang.

    9. Ko dan puak puak yg kata..
      Bila mana DAP menentang islam..korang tuduh parti tu mcm mcm..ko ni lobai buat malu jd rakyatlh..korang sebenarnya rasis..itu dlm pandangan kami..

    10. Saya masih ingat ketika menjelang pru 13 dulu, Tun Mahathir telah menunjukkan jalan yang mudah dan praktikal untuk dilakukan oleh Najib iaitu kurangkan kos, berjimat-cermat, kawal ketirisan dan naikkan sesuatu secara berperingkat-peringkat agar rakyat tidak terasa bebannya. Tapi anak durhaka ini degil nak tunjuk lagak pandai & tunduk dgn kemahuan Rosmah puaka.

      Dimanakah peranan Pemandu, Idris Jala, Omar Ong, puluhan pegawai dan penasihat Perdana Menteri, con-sultan dan con-setan yang direkodkan telah dibayar sebanyak RM7.2 bilion oleh kerajaan sepanjang Najib jadi pm serta penasihat kiri dan kanan dalam menasihati Najib supaya menguruskan negara ini dengan cara yang betul?

      Nampaknya Najib memang sah2 bakal rebah tersungkur & tercampak ke Sungai Buluh......!!

    11. Membazir masa betul dbuatnya..apa kami perlu komen ko punya tulisan ke..jauh..jauh pi jlnlh lu..lobai..otak segabut segabai..x boleh pakai..ko dan puak2 ko x tau yg lurus yg mana bengkok bhai..PRU 14 korang kena tibai bersepai..hahahalobailobai!!

    12. Ko puak ko boleh genglh dgn mufti NS..ntah siapa munafik x taulh..sedap cakap je..ajak mufti join korang..pasumno..hahaha!!

    13. Salam Sdra Ramly Ahmad...

      Lebai serabai ini tak abis sekolah sebab tuu dia pakai redah jer dgn bahan2 sampah yg dikutip. Dia dah tojolkan kebengapan dirinya di atas tingkahnya itu.

      Orang sepatutnya tuntaskan satu topik dulu sebelum beralih ke topik lain.

  2. saya nak tanya Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron dimana PAS atau Presiden PAS bersetongkol dengan penguasa yang zalim. Bodohkan Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron nak berfikir sudah berpuluhan tahun PAS menentang penguasa yang zalim?

    Adakah dengan satu-satu gambar ini maka Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) mengatakan Abdul Hadi, Presiden PAS bersama penguasa yang zalim?

    Adakah dengan Presiden PAS hadir perhimpunan yang dihadiri Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan para pemimpin PAS di Putrajaya pada 22 Disember lalu maka dengan mudah Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron dan pengikut parti AMANAH mengatakan PAS telah bersama penguasa yang zalim?

    Mana Islam yang telah diajar ole Rasulullah s.a.w. dalam diri Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH)?

    Saya ingin membuat peringatan kepada Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) tentang setiap tuduhan mesti dibawa bukti.

    Dari Ibnu Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhuma, bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda,

    لو يُعْطَى الناسُ بدعواهُم لادّعَى قومٌ دماءَ قومٍ وأموالهُم ، ولكنّ البيّنَة على المُدّعِي ، واليمينُ على من أنكرَ حديث حسن رواه البيهقي وغيره هكذا وبعضه في الصحيحين

    “Jika semua orang diberi hak (hanya) dengan dakwaan (klaim) mereka (semata), niscaya (akan) banyak orang yang mendakwakan (mengklaim) harta orang lain dan darah-darah mereka. Namun, bukti wajib didatangkan oleh pendakwa (pengklaim), dan sumpah harus diucapkan oleh orang yang mengingkari (tidak mengaku)”.
    Hadits hasan, diriwayatkan oleh Al-Baihaqi dan yang lainnya. Sebagian kandungan teks semisal tercantum dalam kitab Ash-Shahihain.
    Apakah dengan membuat persepsi terhadap gambar Najib dan Abdul Hadi maka dengan mudah kamu Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron (dan pengikut parti AMANAH) menuduh? Kamu juga menyeleweng dengan ajaran Islam dengan menjaja kalau tak benar tuduhan itu PAS kena saman sedangkan islam mengajar yang kena tuduh mesti bersumpah dan yang menuduh kena bawa bukti dan saksi.

    1. Pemimpin2 pas pun dah jadi jutawan sejak menjadi kekasih gelap umno.

    2. Lobaimodern ni bodoo...saoe yg nak UG dengan umno sejak dari kekalahan umno 2008?..

    3. Sape yh makan sedekah duit haram 90 jota dari najib...

    4. Baru baru ini presiden PAN Mohamad Sabu berkata tahaluf siyasi dengan parti kafir harus.

      Ada ulamak mengatakan harus dan ada ulamak mengatakan haram.bermakna ada dua pendapat yang harus diambil kira.

      Harus hukumnya jika bertujuan untuk berdakwah Dan haram hukumnya jika bertujuan berdakyah.

      Jika ditanya apakah tujuan PAN bertahaluf siyasi dengan DAP sudah barang tentu diberi jawapan kami semata mata untuk berdakwah.Ya ke?

      Jawapan itu memang sedap di mulut sahaja, sedangkan sakit dihati. Mengapa? Kerana DAP menganjurkan pesta arak dan PAN tidak membantah.

      Tidak membantah, atau membisu dan mendiamkan diri bererti PAN menyokong pesta arak yang dianjurkan oleh DAP.

      Jawpan itu tersasar jauh daripada erti atu pengertian sebenar konsepsi dakwah dan ia lebih menjurus dengan pegertian dakyah.

      Hukum meminta bantuan dan membantu orang Islam atau parti milik orang Islam memang tidak boleh dipertikaikan lagi.

      Mengapa? Kerana ia adalah asal hubungan antara sesama Islam, sama ada dalam bentuk individu, parti atau Negara berpandukan kepada kerjasama atas asas kebaikan dan takwa (ta’awun ala birri wa al takwa)

      Yang menjadi persoalan sekarang ialah hukum seorang muslim meminta bantuan kafir atau membantu kafir dan minta bantuan parti kafir dan membantu parti kafir.

      Sekarang ini PAN meminta bantuan parti kafir (DAP) dan membantu parti kafir (DAP) supaya menang PRU 14.

      Minta bantuan dengan kafir seperti meminta bantuan Negara kafir, parti kafir (DAP) dan kumpulan kumpulan bukan Islam (kafir NGO) tidak diharuskan.

      Namun demkian harus meminta bantuan individu kafir sekiranya ada isyarat yang menunjukkan kepada amanah seseorang.

      Sepertimana Saidina Abu Bakar Al Siddif meminta dan memberi upah kepada Abdullah Uraiqit seorang musyrik Mekah memanandu perjalanan Rasulullah SAW ke Madinah,

      Ini adalah dalil yang jelas.

      Dalil yang tidak diharuskan bekerjasama dengan parti dan kumpulan kumplan kafir ialah hadis hadis sahih

      Dalam sahih muslim ada menceritakan tentamg seorang musyrik mahu menyertai Rasulullah SAW dalam peperangan Badar, Nabi bertanya sekiranya dia telah Islam. Lelaki tersebut menafikan keislamannya. Nabi minta dia balik dan bersabda bahawa Baginda tidak akan meminta tolong dengan seorang musyrik.

      Dalam satu peperangan yang tidak dinyatakan nama peperangan tersebut oleh perawinya. Baginda berkata bahawa tidak akan meminta bantuan orang orang musyrik untuk memerangi orang orang musyrik yang lain.’

      Sekarang ini PAN bekerjasama dengan DAP bukan sahaja untuk menang pilihanraya umum dan menatkluki Putrajaya, akan tetapi untuk memerangai PAS parti Islam se Malaysia .

      Bermakna mempunyai dua tujuan. Pertama untuk memenang PRU 14 yang tiada kaitan langsung dengan konsepsi dakwah dan ia lebih kepada berdakyah

      Kedua, memerangi individu Islam yang tidak menyertai parti PAN, terutama sekali memerangi parti Pas, termasuk bekerjasama untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Pas Kelantan pada PRU 14 ini.

    5. Masa dlm PR tahalul wajib sekarang tahalol haram kerana dah dapat 90 jota...

    6. Empat bekas pemimpin dan ahli DAP hari ini membuat laporan polis terhadap Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang berhubung video yang tersebar menunjukkan Lim Guan Eng menghasut kanak-kanak membenci kerajaan dalam satu program pelancaran kelas tuisyen di Jelutong, Sabtu lepas.

      Laporan polis itu dibuat bagi meminta pihak berkuasa menjalankan siasatan dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya terhadap perbuatan setiausaha agung DAP itu yang disifatkan keterlaluan apabila berpolitik.

      Bekas Pengerusi DAP Cawangan Bagan Luar, G Asoghan berkata tindakan Lim yang berjenaka dengan mengubah suai turutan abjad dalam lagu yang menjadi rutin kepada kanak-kanak itu boleh meracuni fikiran mereka yang masih kecil.

      “Aksi Lim dalam video itu sangat keterlaluan dan kami begitu kecewa serta kesal dengan tindakan Ketua Menteri yang sepatutnya tahu bahawa perkara sebegini tidak boleh dibuat main-main.

      “Mereka (kanak-kanak) bukan faham apa yang ingin disampaikan dan apa mereka tahu adalah mengikut apa yang diajar dan ini memburukkan keadaan apabila anak-anak kecil berkenaan terdedah kepada permainan politik pada usia awal,” katanya selepas membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Butterworth hari ini.

      Asoghan berkata tindakan berpolitik terhadap kanak-kanak terutama murid sekolah juga bukan budaya diamalkan di Pulau Pinang sejak kepimpinan terdahulu.

      “Ini mengecewakan apabila seseorang yang dari Melaka kemudian diberi mandat oleh rakyat di negeri ini selama 10 tahun, tiba-tiba menimbulkan banyak masalah yang tidak dapat diselesaikan kini sanggup pula menghasut kanak-kanak,” katanya.

      Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut ACP Anuar Omar ketika dihubungi Bernama berkata polis menerima 4 laporan polis daripada pelbagai pihak termasuk pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) berhubung video berkenaan dan siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan.

      Katanya polis akan melengkapkan kertas siasatan kes itu dalam masa terdekat sebelum menyerahkan kepada pejabat Timbalan Pendakwa Raya bagi tindakan selanjutnya.

      Sabtu lepas, Lim dalam satu video 32 saat itu didapati mengajar sekumpulan kanak-kanak menyanyi mengikut rentak lagu mengenai cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST) seolah-olah ia memberi kesan buruk kepada rakyat, ketika merasmikan Program Tuisyen Rakyat diperkenalkan kerajaan negeri.

      Ia kemudian mendapat perhatian ramai pihak termasuk Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) selepas video berkenaan tular di laman media sosial Facebook.

    7. Jika dulu Tun Dol mula menerima kesan penolakan rakyat akibat tindakannya menaikkan harga minyak sebanyak 78 sen yang kemudian dihubung-kaitkan dengan pelbagai kelemahannya yang lain, Najib pula dilihat mula menerima kesan yang lebih buruk akibat pemborosan dia laki bini serta tindakannya menaikkan beberapa jenis barang dan perkhidmatan sejak kebelakangan ini.

      Najib bukan saja sedang menuruti jejak Tun Dol, bahkan langsung lebih badigol tidak mengambil teladan daripadanya.

      Satu demi satu kenaikan yang gagal dikawalnya telah menyebabkan populariti Najib kini semakin jatuh merosot.

      Selain mendapati lonjakan kemarahan rakyat kerana kenaikan harga barang keperluan harian, kajian mendapati bantuan BR1M tidak lagi berkesan dalam meringankan beban kehidupan rakyat. Mentelah pulak kes penahanan bot mewah Jho Low di Indonesia, duit US400 juta yg dibekukan oleh pemerintah Swiss & penipuan di Felda & Bank Negara telah benar2 membuka mata rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu di bandar maupun di kawasan pendalaman. Sabah & Johor bukan lagi fixed deposit Najib. Malah di Sabah kini tiap hari mereka berteriak, menjerit, melaung GST - 'Giliran Sabah Tumbang' atau 'Gelombang Sabah Tiba'......!!

  3. Johan/First: Tuan Punahsihat mana?

  4. 12. Dahulu tanpa GST negara bangunkan Lebuhraya Utara Selatan, landasan keretapi berkembar elektrik, Lapangan Terbang KLIA ,klcc,litar sepang,kompleks putrajaya,mrt,komuter,putra,monorel,dan di bandar-bandar lain, pelabuhan-pelabuhan, jaringan lebuhraya, pembangunan luar bandar, sekolah, universiti, hospital, bekalan air dan stesen janaelektrik dan bermacam lagi. Sesungguhnya tanpa GST pembangunan dan pentadbiran negara tidak terjejas bahkan lebih hebat dari sekarang. Hutang negara juga tidak begitu tinggi. Beban bayaran hutang tidak memakan peratusan yang tinggi dalam belanjawan negara.

  5. Dgn adanya GST kesemua bapak2 menteri di dlm kerajaan hari ini telah menjadi jutawan besar.

    Malah bini no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 bapak2 menteri yg tak bekerja pun turut menjadi jutawan sehingga ke anak2.

    1. Betul bro... Yg tak dpt mewah mcm pak menteri terpaksa menjadi pencacai kat sini. Kononnya nanti dptlah rasa hidup mcm jutawan.

    2. Dh smpi masanya mangkuk tumpang ni dibuang ke laut.

    3. Kami setuju pandangan buah fikiran Tun bang Shah..tiada kekeliruan..kleptokrasi tiada boleh bertapak dtanah air kita..memang patut kerajaan yg ada ini dtumbankan..
      bala pula menimpa dek lobailobai berfikiran paspispus..otak bekuss..

      Lawan tetap Lawan!!

    4. Sesiapa pun kini tidak dapat lagi menyembunyikan kebimbangannya terhadap keupayaan Najib dalam memimpin negara ini. Pretasinya merosot hari demi hari, kedudukan ekonomi kian memburuk, hutang negara bertambah dan kehidupan rakyat tidak pernah menjadi lebih baik.

      Najib Sudah Boleh Dikategori Perdana Menteri OKU.......!!

  6. Orang bodoh je yg percaya cakap najib.Arul kanda memang tak boleh pakai langsung dia apa tau,tukang hangguk je.

  7. Cai kata melayu semua kaye2 ...



    Malam tadi sekitar jam 10.00, Ust Miqdad Zakaria telah menaik muat satu lagi siri rakaman audio Nik Abduh bagi kali ke - 5.

    1. Antara modal puak PH n BN utk menyerang PAS ialah kenapa dulu PAS bole bersama DAP skrg tidak.. Maka mereka post statement ATGNA n TGHH yg menyokong DAP ketika bersama dlm PR.. Kenapa dulu PAS kempen undi DAP kenapa skrg tidak.. Sebenarnya mereka tahu jawapannya tp sengaja bertanya utk memburukkan PAS.

      PAS bukan seperti parti lain yg meletakkan KEMENANGAN diatas mengatasi kepentingan agama.. PAS bertahalluf dgn DAP setelah melalui proses yg ketat melalui Majlis Syura.. Keadaan pada masa itu iaitu pada tahun 1998 memerlukan semua parti pembangkang bersatu melawan BN d Bwh REJIM madey yg begitu kejam terhadap lawan politik.. Kezaliman madey hingga digelar Mahazalim memerlukan semua parti pembangkang bersatu ketika itu.. Jika tidak kerana undi kaum Tiong Hua tentunya BN rebah ketika itu.. Hasilnya PAS dpt menawan Trengganu dan Ust Fadhil menjadi Ketua Pembangkang.. DAP kehilangan byk kerusi dan keluar dr gabungan pembangkang..

      Pada pilihanraya 12 DAP kembali kpd pembangkang n tertubuhnya PR.. PAS dpt memerintah Kedah, Perak, Selangor n PP bersama PR.. Hubungan dlm PR begitu kukuh n konsep agree to disagree..Maknanya setiap parti berhak memperjuangkan dasar parti masing2 utk kebaikan rakyat .PAS menerusknegakkan hukum ISLAM d Kelantan..

      Tiba2 DAP secara terang menentang dgn keras n mendesak PAS meninggalkan hudud..Walaupun ia dicadangkan d Kelantan n hanya utk org Islam tapi DAP terus menyerang PAS.. Malangnya ada pemimpin PAS sendiri yg menyokong DAP.. Bagi mereka gabungan dgn DAP lebih penting dari hudud.. Hudud bukan penting yg penting PR!!! Mereka melihat hudud hanya menakutkan non Muslim n PAS akan kehilangan undi non Muslim jika mempertahankan hudud..

      Serangan terhadap PAS semakin kuat terutamanya TGHH.. DAP secara terang menolak TGHH n memutuskan hubungan dgn President PAS!!! Mereka berusaha menukar TGHH dlm muktamar tp gagal n lahirlah PAN..DAP membubarkan PR dan menubuhkan PH.. Tujuannya utk singkirkan PAS dari kerajaan PR n masukkan PAN sbg ganti.. Hakikatnya DAP yg menolak PAS bukan sebaliknya.. Tapi puak2 PAN n sekutunya menuduh PAS yg menyingkirkan DAP..

      PAS bersama DAP kerana kepentingan rakyat n negara utk berhadapan dgn rejim umno.. Tapi DAP telah melanggar persetujuan dgn mencampuri urusan PAS utk menegakkan hukum ISLAM!!! PAS bukan nak laksanakan hudud serta merta d seluruh negara cuma d Kelantan kerana majority umat Islam..Mungkin DAP takut jika ia dilaksanakan d Kelantan rakyat akan melihat kebaikan hukum Islam.. Dan tokey besar d blkg DAP sama sekali tidak menerima hukum Islam.
      Bila itu pendirian DAP maka tentulah PAS istiqamah dgn ISLAM walaupun org melihat PAS akan hilang undi non Muslim.. Cthnya Dr Mariah dgn yakin berkata PAS akan hilang undi kerana pengundi undi PAS bukan sebab Islam tp benci kat umno!!! Undi PAS spt sampah.. PAS akan hilang kerusi bla7..Itulah keyakinan PAN menyebabkan mereka meninggalkan PAS.

      Nabi Muhammad saw pernah mengadakan tahalluf dgn Yahudi Bani Quraizah demi mempertahankan Madinah. Tetapi bila Bani Quraizah mengKhianati perjanjian tiada maaf Nabi saw memerangi puak yahudi itu.. PAS bole bersama siapa sahaja utk kebaikan n Islam tetapi akan menentang SESIAPA sahaja demi ISLAM.. PAS tidak memaksa Sesiapun menerima ISLAM tetapi akan menentang Sesiapun yg menghalang PAS melaksanakan Islam.. PAS tak takut kalah mcm Dr Mariah kerana YAKIN kemenangan itu milik Allah swt.

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai, ada orang kisah....??


    Sila Klik di sini
    Simpati jugak.. depa buat pelancaran besar besaran Manifesto.. takda sapa teringin nak ulas.. sebab takda sapa pun percaya depa boleh perintah Malaysia.. cuma orang tanya mana Hudud ? Orang tanya pun depa marah..

    Bukan kah selama ni depa dok bergaduh dgn DAP..dok Kapirkan orang sana sini.. Sebab Hudud.

    Ingat lagi.. bila wartawan tanya Ds Nizar dan majlis Pakatan perak.. ada tak Hudud dalam dasar bersama Pakatan harapan.. Nizar jawab Takda.. Nizar tak jawab pun dia tolak Hudud..

    Jawapan Dr Khairuddin SU Pakatan Rakyat di muka depan Sinar itulah yg dijadikan Modal Ostad2 dan Ulama Jahat PAS menyerang Ds Nizar menolak Hudud.. Muka Depan tu lah jadi modal depa singkirkan Nizar dalam Pemilihan 2015..

    Dari muka depan Sinar itulah yg menjadi modal Razman Zakaria gunakan sebagai fitnah kepada Nizar menolak Hudud dan jadi khadam DAP, yg sebabkan Razman di Saman.. akhirnya kalah saman Fitnah di Mahkamah.. hanya disebabkan Pakatan Harapan jawab Hudud takda dalam agenda depa.. habis Pakatan Rakyat dan PAS berpecah..

    Hari ni bila kita tanya depa.. mana Hudud..depa marah..Duduk sorang2 pun takut nak letak agenda Hudud dan negara Islam jugak ker..?

    Dulu kata DAP jadi penghalang.. sebab DAP kononnya PAS terpaksa gugurkan agenda Negara Islam dan Hudud..sekarang sapa pulak halang ?

    Kalau bagi alasan kita kena ikut keutamaan, bijak dalam Politik..itulah yg dilakukan Pemimpin yg ada dalam Pakatan Harapan selama ni.. jadi takda beza pun..itu yg hangpa tuduh kapir..

    Tiba2 depa nak berlakon jadi bijak..dah terlambat.. Sebenarnya puak ni bukan nak hudud sangat pun..depa ni gila kuasa jer..

    Betul kata Sheikh Said Ramadhan Bhuti.. depa ni jadi kan Hukum Islam , Hukum Syariah sebagai alat untuk mencapai cita cita politik depa.. Jahat puak Khawarij ni.. :) ~ Ipoh Mali

    1. Apabila Gagasan Sejahtera (GAGASAN) melancarkan Manifesto Malaysia Sejahtera-nya (Peringkat Pertama), kamu (baca PAN) segera melancang, mana hudud? PAS bohong, penunggang ugama!

      Komentar saya:

      Bukan setakat hudud, solat pun PAS tak sebut dalam manifestonya. Patutnya kamu bertanya, mana solat? Mana zakat dan haji? Bukankah itu lebih besar dalam pemerintahan Islam daripada hudud? Mengapa PAS tak sebut?

      Bacalah Manifesto Malaysia Sejahtera yang mengandungi 9 Teras dan 20 Tawaran Utama dan Tawaran Khas itu dengan teliti. Kamu akan temui semua sekali daripada ajaran Islam. Islam yang sempurna, menyeluruh dan bersifat sejahtera dan sederhana.

      Semuanya ada. Akidah yang benar, ibadah yang sohih, akhlak yang luhur, undang-undang Islam yang adil, pemerintahan yang bersih berintegriti dan kehidupan rakyat yang makmur sejahtera. Manifesto Malaysia Sejahtera adalah manifestasi sebahagian gagasan Islam sempurna yang ditawarkan oleh PAS demi Malaysia yang lebih baik selepas PRU-14 nanti.

      Malang, akal kamu sempit sesempit tempurung otak. Tempurung untuk otak, bukan untuk akal. Akal biarlah luas seluas Islam.

      Berpuluh tahun PAS berjuang menerang dan menerangi, anda masih di kelas peralihan, tak naik naik. Lebih tak 'menahan', PAN, terus jatuh kelas. Daripada faham bertahun-tahun, tetiba jadi tak faham. Gejala DAP apakah ini? Kan haru guru menggaru?..


    2. Solat haji puasa zakat kena sebut jugak dlm manifesto?...itu rukun asas...hudud sistem perundangan yg digembar gemburkan sblm ni....

    3. Timbul tanda tanya di makan PAS meletakkan agenda hudud mereka dalam manifesto yang diumumkan Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang di Cyberjaya malam tadi.

      Pengarah Syariah Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) Zolkharnain Abidin berkata dokumen yang menjadi tawaran Gagasan Sejahtera untuk pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang menunjukkan PAS akur pada realiti walaupun dulu menganggap Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai tidak Islamik.

      "Tiada kenyataan khusus berkaitan pelaksanaan syariah khususnya hukum hudud dalam tawaran Gagasan Sejahtera," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

      Rasa bodoh Pengarah Syariah Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) Zolkharnain Abidin kerana tak faham maksud no. 11 daripada 20 tawaran PAS.

      Tolong baca dan faham sekali lagi jangan buat kenyataan bodoh nanti makin nampak bodoh anda.

      11. Memperkasakan peruntukan Islam sebagai agama persekutuan dengan melaksanakan tuntutan Islam sebagai al-Din.

      Wartawan Free Malaysia Today walaupun tak belajar agama, tahu bahawa dalam Manifesto PAS ada mengenai RUU355 dan diyat. Kenapa ustaz PAN ni bodoh sangat? Ini mesti terpengaruh dengan sikap anti-islam Malaysiakini.

      Kesian, makin bertambah sikap suudzon kepada sesama Islam.

    4. Bila lebai menceceh serabai, ada orang kisah....??


    Oleh Tamrin Tun Ghafar

    1. Kata saya pula, mungkin sebab pemimpin Parti Amanah lebih mengenali dan memahami pemikiran politik Almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz berbanding saya dan pimpinan PAS hari inilah maka mereka tidak menjemput saya dan pimpinan PAS hari ini tetapi menjemput pemimpin DAP, Liew Chin Tong, untuk mensyarahkan kepada mereka mengenainya.

      Pelik sungguh pemimpin Parti Amanah ini, jika benar mereka lebih mengenali dan memahami pemikiran politik Almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz, sepatutnya merekalah yang mensyarahkan kepada pemimpin DAP mengenainya, bukan pemimpin DAP yang mensyarahkan kepada mereka apa yang mereka mahu dari pemikiran politik Almarhum.

      Apa yang boleh diharapkan dari kefahaman pemimpin DAP seperti Liew Chin Tong ke atas pemikiran politik Almarhum selain menyatakan kononnya Almarhum mengamalkan “pragmatisme”, “Islam bukan hanya label tetapi idea yang dapat dipraktikkan”, “isu hudud telah banyak membuang masa kita” dan “kita perlu kembali kepada perjuangan asal”.

      Inilah silap besar pemimpin Parti Amanah, iaitu membiarkan DAP mendictate apa yang mereka mahu dari mereka, bukan mereka yang mendictate apa yang mereka mahu dari DAP, sedangkan sepatutnya, jika mereka benar-benar ikhlas dengan Almarhum, merekalah yang sepatutnya mensyarahkan kepada DAP mengenai pemikiran politik sebenar Almarhum.

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??


    Oleh Zolkharnain Abidin Al-Abyadhi

    1. Baru saja saya selesai membaca 20 tawaran utama Gagasan Sejahtera yg diterajui oleh Pas.

    2. Berbanding 60 tawaran PH, tawaran utama GS hanya 20, sepertiga saja.

    3. Ada tawaran yg bukan polisi seperti menyediakan perkhidmatan bas sekolah percuma. Itu program bukan polisi.

    1. Presiden Majlis Peguam George Varughese dilaporkan sebuah portal telah menolak usul peguam Mohd Amir Sharil Bahari Md Noor atau Amir Bahari untuk mengharamkan sebarang hidangan alkohol dalam mana-mana majlis badan itu.

      Dakwa Varughese seperti dipetik daripada The Malay Mail Online, Majlis Peguam tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa bagi membicangkan usul ini. "Cadangan itu tidak dibincangkan...kerana bentuk dan isi kandungannya bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh dibincangkan oleh Majlis Peguam."

      "Bentuk dan kandungan usul ini tidak konsisten dengan profesion perundangan atau Akta Profesion Undang-Undang." Sebelum ini dilaporkan beberapa aktivis peguam memberikan komen positif cadangan yang dibawa oleh Mohd Amir Sharil Bahari Md Noor tersebut.

      Ini merupakan kali kedua peguam Amir Bahari membawakan usul ini dan juga kali kedua ianya ‘ditolak'. Setahun yang lalu, usul yang dibahaskan Amir pada mesyuarat am tahunan badan itu ditolak dengan 588 undi menentang, sembilan memihak manakala 16 berkecuali daripada mengundi

    2. Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir menggunakan khidmat firma Cambridge Analytica (CA) dan SCL Group, sekali gus bertentangan dengan penafian timbalan presiden Parti Pribumi Bersatu (BERSATU) itu.

      "Bertentangan dengan laporan media, sama ada CA atau syarikat induknya SCL Group tidak pernah atau sebelum ini - telah dikontrak, digunakan atau dibayar dalam apa cara oleh BN, PMO atau kerajaan Malaysia.

      "Bagaimanapun, wakil SCL hari ini mengesahkan kepada kerajaan bahawa nasihat CA pada Pilihan Raya Umum 2013 diberikan secara peribadi kepada Mukhriz, timbalan presiden BERSATU.

      "Wakil SCL juga mengesahkan bahawa beliau melaporkan langsung kepada Mukhriz, bukan BN atau kerajaan," kata PMO dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

      CA, yang memainkan peranan penting dalam kempen pilihan raya Presiden Donald Trump, menjadi tumpuan selepas dituduh menyalahgunakan berjuta-juta data pengguna dari Facebook untuk tujuan politik.

      Firma analisis data itu juga dikatakan menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada BN di Kedah pada pilihan raya umum yang lalu.

      "BN memenangi Kedah kembali dari Pakatan Rakyat pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13.

      "Dengan kemenangan dalam 21 daripada 36 kerusi negeri dan 10 daripada 15 kerusi Parlimen di negeri ini, BN menikmati kemenangan bergaya," kata CA menerusi laman webnya.

      Terdahulu, Mukhriz hari ini menafikan beliau mengetahui mengenai CA atau terlibat dengan firma itu.

      "Saya tidak pernah kenal CA atau pernah melibatkan mereka untuk membuat sebarang kerja. Jika mereka mendakwa terlibat dalam PRU13 di Kedah, saya tidak sedar akan perkara tersebut.

      "Tiada satupun strategi dan taktik yang saya gunakan sebagai pengarah pilihanraya untuk BN Kedah diambil daripada nasihat CA.

      "Barangkali mereka memberi khidmat konsultan dengan Pejabat Perdana Menteri atau ibu pejabat BN," kata beliau kepada Malaysiakini melalui pesanan teks.

      Bagaimanapun anggota parlimen Jerlun itu mengaku mengenali Azrin yang mengetuai firma CA di Asia Tenggara melalui syarikat SCL Group.

      Bagaimanapun, Mukhriz berkata beliau hanya bekerja dengan Azrin semasa memegang jawatan timbalan menteri perdagangan dan industri antarabangsa.

      "Jika Azrin katakan dia menjadi kakitangan CA semasa bekerja dengan saya, maka itu suatu gambaran yang salah.

      "Dia hanya bekerja untuk saya antara tahun 2009-2013 ketika saya di MITI. Saya tidak mengambil beliau bekerja ketika saya berpindah portfolio menjadi menteri besar Kedah," kata beliau.

    3. Ade beza tak antara polisi dengan program?...

    4. Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Sallehen Mukhyi mempertahankan tindakannya menghantar surat kepada Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

      Pada 12 Mac lalu, Sallehen menghantar surat kepada Sultan Selangor berhubung isu ADUN PAS didakwa dinafikan peruntukan kawasan mereka selama dua bulan.

      Menurut Sallehen, tindakannya itu bukan untuk menghina sebaliknya hanya mengadu dan memaklumkan perkara yang sebenar kepada baginda berhubung kejadian yang menimpa tiga ADUN daripada parti Islam berkenaan.

      "Kita hantar surat sekadar untuk memaklumkan pada tuanku apa yang berlaku kerana tuanku ialah payung keadilan kepada rakyat.

      "Pada siapa lagi kita nak mengadu dan cerita yang betul apa yang berlaku, kerana sebelum ini apa yang dikatakan sangat tak tepat," katanya ketika berucap pada majlis sambutan 10 tahun PAS dalam pemerintahan kerajaan negeri Selangor di Shah Alam, malam tadi.

      Semalam, Malaysiakini melaporkan, Menteri Besar Selangor Datuk Seri Azmin Ali membidas tindakan Sallehen itu dengan mendakwa tindakan mengheret istana Selangor dalam isu peruntukan dengan kerajaan negeri merupakan penghinaan kepada institusi diraja itu.

      Sehubungan itu, Sallehen yang juga ADUN Sabak berkata pihaknya tidak akan merayu kepada kerajaan negeri untuk mendapatkan peruntukan itu kembali.

      "Sebenarnya niat dia memang tak nak beri peruntukan pada kita dan PAS juga tidak akan merayu. Nak beri, beri. Duit bukan boleh jinak hati manusia. Kita bergantung pada Allah," katanya lagi.

      Selain itu, beliau mengulas mengenai penganjuran Karnival Himpunan Rakyat di Stadium Melawati semalam dan berkata tindakan kerajaan negeri mengadakan program tersebut dengan tidak menjemput exco daripada PAS dianggap sebagai menghina.

      Soal program parti guna duit kerajaan

      Malah, beliau juga mempersoalkan program karnival itu yang menggunakan duit kerajaan negeri sedangkan ia merupakan sebuah program parti.

      "Program ini memerlukan kelulusan bajet dari kerajaan negeri. Program pendek, tapi mohon peruntukan besar termasuk minta semua exco luluskan bajet ini tapi tak libatkan exco kita (PAS).

      "Diangkutnya orang lain untuk berucap mengenai kejayaan Selangor. Dengan dinafikan exco kita untuk berucap, kita katakan ini penghinaan pada exco kita begitu juga membeku peruntukan pada ADUN PAS, ini juga penghinaan," katanya lagi.

      Semalam, kerajaan negeri menganjurkan Karnival Himpunan Rakyat sempena sambutan 10 tahun pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat yang bertukar menjadi Pakatan Harapan di Selangor. Karnival itu difahamkan tidak mendapat sambutan tak pernuh stadium pun.

    5. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  12. PH kian lemah dlm peperangan cyber media
    Ternyata admin langau dah ketandusan idea
    Diceduk artikel blog Che Det keling tua India
    Ia petunjuk bhw PRU-14, PH belum bersedia

    Kah kaahh kaaahbh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh

    1. Umno kian lemah dlm peperangan cyber media
      Ternyata admin buat kejora baupuk tua bodoo jadi langau dan ketandusan idea
      Artikel blog Che Det bagus udeanya
      Ia petunjuk bhw PRU-14, umno belum bersedia

      Kah kaahh kaaahbh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh

    2. Hahahahhaenyah kbb..hahahahahihijekhahaha

  13. Kreora bapuk tua bidoo hari ini pakai baju lebaimoderen otak pusing...semlm pakai baju pejuangrakyat hampeh...

    1. TERBONGKAR... Rahsia kelemahan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) kini boleh diibaratkan bagai berlindung di balik telunjuk apabila satu persatu masalah dalam urus tadbirnya terbongkar.

      Terkini, presidennya sendiri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin mengakui parti itu tidak mungkin dapat memenuhi dua tuntutan Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) membabitkan laporan minit mesyuarat bahagian dan cawangannya.

      Bekas Naib Presiden PPBM, Datuk Hamidah Osman berpendapat pengakuan lucu tersebut seperti membuka pekung di dada apabila secara tidak langsung ia mendedahkan kelemahan parti itu sendiri sejak sekian lama kepada umum.

      “Sekarang telah terbukti, parti ini memang mempunyai masalah dari segi pentadbiran dalamannya,” ujarnya ketika dihubungi media sebagai mengulas kenyataan Muhyiddin mengenai isu sembilan tuntutan dikemukakan oleh ROS.

      Oleh sebab itu juga, Hamidah mempersoalkan kewajaran parti tersebut boleh selamba mengadakan Perhimpunan Agung pada akhir tahun lalu walhal urusan penubuhan peringkat bahagian dan cawangannya masih belum selesai.

      “Mengikut perlembagaan parti, mereka perlu terlebih dahulu habis menyelesaikan pemilihan jawatan di peringkat cawangan, kemudian bahagian dan akhirnya barulah ada wakil bahagian akan dihantar ke Perhimpunan Agung.

      “Tetapi hari ini tiba-tiba presiden PPBM dilaporkan baru pula hendak mengumumkan bahawa mereka masih tidak lagi melaksanakan sebarang mesyuarat di peringkat bahagian, dan cawangan parti pun masih belum ditubuhkan.

      “Jadi bagaimana mereka boleh buat Perhimpunan Agung di peringkat parti?” soalnya dengan nada sindiran. Perhimpunan Agung PPBM diadakan pada 30 Disember lalu di Pusat Konvensyen Ideal, Shah Alam, Selangor.

      Ia bagaimanapun dipertikaikan ramai ahlinya sendiri dan lebih 400 aduan dilaporkan kepada pihak ROS mendesak parti serpihan UMNO itu diisytiharkan sebagai sebuah organisasi haram. –

    2. Kamu silap besar & bongok mengkopipes buta bahan sampah.

      Penganiyaan Najib & ROSmah terhadap PPBM malah jadi HIKMAH TERBESAR meraih simpati rakyat, khususnya Melayu totok di kawasan pendalaman & Felda.

      Penganiyaan Najib ROSmah telah menelanjangkan sikap dengki & pengecutnya Najib.

    3. Lg gelilh bro..x tahan nak gelakhahahahaha

  14. dulu takde mak badak.....sekarang mak badak napsu besar bersamaan dgn sifat nya yg besar.....nak rembat pun besar2......dulu rasuah main ribu2....sekarang billion!

    dulu ada perompak, ada perasuah, ada sedekah, ada derma...

    sekarang ada kepala bapak, rasuah dah jadi derma

  15. Kita sekarang ini bayar gst atas gst. Itu sebab rakyat teruk dg adanya gst.

  16. penjilat jubor najis dah announce...1mdb is untouchable!

    dalam parlimen tak boleh sebut, sekarang dalam malaysia pun dah tak boleh sebut....

    pukimak ko la najib!.....he deserves this from me....never before we have a minister such as this bastard najib! he has gone beyond the imaginable....he is worst than hitler, mugabe, nero combined!

    you can choke on your 1mdb to hell!

  17. then we had mr j, nudekastel ass, pejuang ada lebai asshole!

  18. hutang mahathir selama 22thn 100billion,kita nampak ada putra-jaya kesemua pejabat2 kerajaan berpindah ka sana,ada smart tunnel kurangkan traffic jam di kl,ada klcc dan lrt.
    paklah pegang 5thn hutang 300billion,
    sinajib pegang tak sampai 10,thn,hutang direcord 617billion,hutang dlm 'OSA' 237billion....kl sesak kembali dgn contractor2 buat project dari china,kg baru dah tak nampak macam kg melayu,mcm jogjakarta,jln kenanga macam bandaraya dhaka(bangladesh),low yat semi-islamabad,hujung minggu klcc,bukit bintang,klu anda dari kg dtng melawat,,malaysia kah ni?,vietnam?nepal?indon?philiphine?paki?bangla?tehran?behjing?kita seolah2 berada ditempat orng.

    pada hadi dan pengikut2 pas,fikirlah sejenak bila hadi kata,mahathir 'inherit' ,segala kejahatan,sebagai manusia dia tak 'perfect'sejahat2 dia,tak mencuri duit negara,kita tahu kemana duit pergi..

    1. Rasanya mcm kat luar negara bro..hahaha..takut nak melancong kat KL..ialh budaya dah lain..ntah apa penyakit dbawaknya..dengar TBlh.malarialh..kustalh..benda dah lama x dengar..
      Pashadi dah jd karibasi..Pas nak dlayarkan ke south china sea bersama hadi..hahaha

  19. GST lahir dari 1 mdb ...1 mdb ditubuhkan pada tahun 2009... Najib dah dengan modal tunai dari kerajaan 1 juta ringgit dan aset tanah kerajaan untuk di majukan...

    Kaedah perniagaannye dengan berhutang untuk modal untuk memajukan tanah...syarikat ini tidak diletakkan dibawah kememeterian kewangan di perbadankan...GLC...

    Tujuan sebenar najib yg dibantu oleh cina jho lo adelah untuk sedut duit 1 mdb dengan cara melabor dengan rakan kongsi perniagaan di luar negara...najib berkuasa penuh meluluskan wang untuk pelaboran diluar negara... apabila duit disalur keluar negara wang ini dengan mudah di lencongkan...rakan kongsi pelaboran petrosaudi hanye alat untuk mengkaburi mata orang malaysia...

    Najib tahu hutang 1 mdb bila dirompak susah untuk pulihkan 1 mdb yg akan mengalami masalah kewangan untuk bayar hutang...

    Jadi formula mudah adelah GST...
    Najib tidak bernasib baik apabila harga minyak jatuh dan tidak menjangkakan tun madey menggali masalah 1 mdb...

    Dlm masa melabur dengan petrosadi najib buat hutang dengan bank golden sachs di amerika dengan dijamin oleh syarikat milik kerajaan abu dhabi hutang pon di bedal jugak dengan cara wang dibayar kepada syarikat palsu kononnye milik IPIC....bila IPIC saman najib setuju bayar semula kpd syarikat original....tanah pulau indah hilang....ade desas desus pinjaman dengan cina kominis untuk buat ecrl jugak di gunakan untuk bayar hutang....tu pasal pembinaan ecrl sangat mahal...

  20. Untuk mengelakkan beban hutang yg besar najib telah menjual aset negara yaitu Edra tanah pulau indah...edra yg pada mulanye di pong pangkan untuk hapuskan kroni tun madey dan dapat kurangkan tarif letrik sudah jadi milik cina kominis...

    Tanah trx di jual untuk bayar hutang...TH turut jadi mangsa ...ahli lembaga pengarah TH orang yg sama dgn ahli lembaga pengarah 1 mdb...habis aset kerajaan...
    Akhirnye 1 mdb dan rakyat malaysia dapat habuk dan tanggung GST untuk bayar faedah hutang kerajaan yg bertimbun yg dibuat oleh najib.

  21. Dalam mentadbir Mahathir telus
    Hutang berjalan secara mulus
    Menteri tak berani songlap fulus
    Dunia iktiraf diberi lulus!

    Tiada gst membeban semua
    Rakyat hidup hampir sempurna
    Terkenal Malaysia seluruh benua
    Rakyat bangga ke mana mana..

    Peruntukan belajar tiada sekatan
    Biasiswa diberi tiada potongan
    Bangga menjadi anak watan
    Bina negara berganding tangan!

    Tapi kini semua berlalu
    Pegang amanah semua nak sapu
    Klepto songlap tak rasa malu
    Pada rakyat bohong,menipu!

    Harta negara,tanah tergadai
    Yahudi,komunis sudah dilambai
    Akibat letak orang tak pandai
    Rakyat sendiri sudah terabai..

    Geng Klepto putar dan pusing
    Semua senyap tak boleh bising
    Siapa bertanya terus diasing
    Orang parti dah lagak samseng!

    Klepto bermewah keluarga dan rakan
    Billion di cuci kiri dan kanan
    Jet, berlian berjoli sakan
    Tun Mahathir tidak berkenan!

    Sudah nasihat diberitahu
    Marcos buat jangan ditiru
    "Wang dapat apa ku mahu"
    Klepto kata Mahathir cemburu!

    Ramai ahli keluar parti
    Parti Klepto rosak nak mati
    Tekan Mahathir tanpa berhenti
    Bina negara Klepto tak reti!

    Hanya yg tinggal cai pendedak
    Masih bersama parti keladak
    Otak tak fikir dah jadi budak
    Rakyat sokong samasekali tidak!

    1. Bro Fa Tun...

      You're my inspiration and still the best in pantun.

      Salam perjuangan, bro.

  22. SPRM telah mengumumkan 9 akaun termasuk syarikat dan orang perseorangan telah dibekukan dalam kes tanak ijok ni. Jumlahnya adalah sebanyak RM 39 juta. Agak2nya berapa yang masuk dalam poket Jemin Jamban ni dalam kes ijok ni yee...Lu pkirlah sendiri beb, malas nak citer panjang lebar lagi !!!!!!!

    1. Kalau ada kes tangkaplah Azmin tu. Buat apa tunggu lagi. PH terbuka ttg hal ni. Azmin pun dah ckp, kalau ada bukti silalah masuk. Pahlawan keturunan dari pulau selatan berani ke ckp macam tu?

    2. Tak debksitan langsung dengan azmin...geng najis kaki temberang keciwa nak melompat blm boleh...

  23. Mmg dah kian parah terok cai2 Matdey Kutty
    Berhujah hanya turut dendam amarah di hati
    Dlm bidang ekonomi, puak ini bukan nya reti
    Lebih 160 negara kat dunia ini, amalkan GST

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh

    1. mereka amalkan GST sebab negara mereka TAKADA hasil galian minyak,tak ada hasil balak,getah dan kelapa sawit..contoh yg terdekat singapore..
      sebab utama gst,nak bayar hutang...'AS SIMPLE AS THAT'

  24. Fan ni mabuk ketum berperisa ubat nyamuk ke haah?? Lawak betul bila lu cakap pemerintahan Madey dulu adalah telus lagi mulus, terguling2 rakyat msia mendengarnya sampai tak cukup tanah. Abis tu jutawan2 instant yang lahir bila dapat projek2nya tu apa citer..melalui tender terbuka ke??? Apa citer hartanya yang dianggarkan RM 100 billion tu, yang kini disimpan oleh gatekeeper2nya dulu dan takkan dikembalikan melainkan Madey jadi PM semula..sebab tulah meroyan sangat nak jadi PM lagi sekali la ni. Telus sangat ke Madey ni dulu, samapi anak2nya dipayung habis2an sampai aad syarikat melebehi 400 buah, yang du=iberitakan tak pernah mengisytiharkan keuntungan syarikat sejak zamannya sehingga sekaarng sampai diserbu oleh LHDN..telus sangatlah Madey bila dia salahguna kuasa untuk arahkan DSAI mengeluarkan duit kerajaan sebnayak RM 2 billion untuk membail out syarikat anaknya yang hampir bankrap di HK dulu tu..tapi bila DSAI hanya luluskan RM 1 billion aje, punyalah dia mengamuk dan merekayasa isu liwat tu...punyalah telus Madey ni samapi dia kambing hitamkan Tun Musa dalam kes Memali, sedangkan dialah yang mengarahkan polis untuk menggempur penduduk yang tak berdosa tu...itu tak masuk lagi ramai yang disumbatkannya dalam penjara sebagai tahanan ISA dalam OPS Lalang...ada banyak benda2 lagi yang telus dan mulus yang dilakukannya sepanjang rejimnya tu..tapi tak dapat dicatitkan semuanya di sini, kalau betul2 mau lengkap satu ensaiklopedia dibuatnya beb !!!!!

    1. Ko jeles jer?...jho lo dapat bilion free ko bisu jer..

    2. Masih bersandar dgn alibi Musang Berhati Hitam, the obsolete & forgotten good for nothing politician.......??

  25. Berkaitan dengan isu Tokong Guan Eng mengajak pelajar2 sekolah menyanyi dan menari lagu menghina kerajaan berkaitan GST tu adalah sangat2 berbeza dengan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Ku Nan di sebuah sekolah di Putrajaya tu. Apa yang Ku Nan buat tu memang ada rasionalnya. Dia secar jujur ingin membawa pelajar2 menghayati dan berterima kasih kepda UMNO yang telah memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara dari zaman Dato Onn Jaafar dan tunku Abdul Rahman. Bayangkan lah , jika anak2 ni tak diingatkan tentang peranan besar yang dimainkan oleh UMNO, mustahil negara kita akan merdeka dan mengecapi kebahagiaan seperti sekarang ni. Apa tah lagi, sejarah negara semakin dilupakan dan tidak diendahkan oleh generasi Y adn Z sekaarng ni, tak mustahil negara akan tergadai satu hari nanti. Sekarang ni pun, kita semua tau betapa erat dan rapatnya hubungan DAP dengan zionis yahudi hinggan LGE sanggup menyerahkan PD sebaagi pengkalan tentera laut Israel di rantau ini jika PH dan DAP berkuasa nanti. Tengok ajelah..dana untuk kempen calon2 DAP pun diperolehi dari Israel..termasuklah demonstrasi Bersih dan Malaysia kini juga ditampung oleh Israel.
    Dalam isu LGE..ternyata ia hanya untuk menimbulkan kebencian kanak2 terhaadp kerajaan apabila diajak menyanyi lagu mengutuk dan memperlekehkan GST, sambil LGE menyanyi dan menari. Aku tengok muka2 guru tu semuanya kelat dan ketat aje, dah tentu mereka tak bersetuju dengan tindakan LGE dan kerajaan DAP tu. Jadi memang ada asasnya laporan polis dibuat terhadap tindakan kebudak2an LGE tu..jangan cemari pemikiran suci murni kanak2 tu hanya kerana untuk mendapat keuntungan politik...kelak memakan diri sendiri dan juga DAP beb, ingat ibu bapa kanak2 tu suka ke anak2 mereka diperlakukan sebegitu rupa !!!!!!!

    1. Kenape ko bisu bila ku nan suruh budak sekolah rendah nynyi lagu umno?...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

    3. KBB...kenapa bangang kau dah melantun2 sampai langit ke tujuh haaah??? kan aku dah cakap apa yang KU nan buat tu ada rasionalnya..nak mendidik pelajar supaya berterima kasih kepada perjuangan UMNO selama ini untuk memerdekakan negara dan salah satunya ialah dengan mengahayati bait2 dalam lagu keramat UMNO tu..bukannya macam yang dibuat oleh Tokong Guan Eng..memaksa budak2 menyanyi lagu menghina kerajaan dan GST tu..agak2 kaulah apa pengajaran baik yang dapat diterapkan oleh Tokong tu haah???

    4. Dah puas menceceh serabai-cibai, kini dah mula menyeringai-mengilai pulak si lebai kolop nih.....!!

    5. Nendidik kepala bapak ko lagu parti...kalo nak didik semua lagu parti kena ajar...ini negara bukan mikik bapak ko..

  26. Wakil rakyat DAP hanya wakil rakyat hinggap sahaja. Datang dan ada masa kempen pilihanraya sahaja, kemudian selama sepenggal hilang entah ke mana. Bila dekat hendak waktu mengundi pula, dengar cerita lari ke kawasan lain pula.

    Wakil rakyat DAP lari kawasan kerana tidak buat kerja. Mereka tahu kalau mereka bertanding lagi di kawasan itu, maka pengundi yang kenal mereka tidak akan lagi memilih mereka lagi. Oleh itu, baik lari sahaja ke kawasan baru.

    Di kawasan baru boleh buat janji baru. Boleh tipu orang yang baru jumpa. Boleh bagi harapan yang macam macam kepada orang yang baru dikenali. Kemudian genap satu penggal, lari pula ke tempat lain. Inilah strategi tradisi DAP, lari kawasan.

    Paling aktif lari kawasan ialah Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang dan ketika PRU12, dia bertanding di Ipoh Timur dan kemudian pada PRU13 lari jauh ke Johor iaitu di Gelang Patah. Penduduk di Gelang Patah pun merungut Kit Siang sering tidak ada di kawasan.

    Siap kena “sound” lagi dengan penduduk kampung. Penduduk kampung siap halau lagi Kit Siang sebulan yang lalu di sebuah kampung di Johor. Tengok video ini :

    Sejak mula bertanding pada 1969, Kit Siang sudah lari di lima negeri iaitu Melaka, Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Perak dan termasuk Johor. Sama kisahnya dengan Ahli Parlimen DAP Kluang, Liew Ching Tong yang juga buat perkara yang sama iaitu menang dan lari.

    Pada PRU12,Ching Tong bertanding dan menang di Parlimen Bukit Bendera dan kemudian berpindah ke Johor bertanding di Kluang. Pengundi Bukit Bendera dan Kluang kena “kencing’ dengan “kelentong” sahajalah dengan Ching Tong ini.

    Pengundi Ayer Hitam pula bakal kena “kencing” dan “kelentong” selepas ini. Di Kluang, Ching Tong hanya terkenal buat provokasi sahaja bila edar kurma di bazar Ramadhan.

    Ketika itu, Liew bersama dengan Penolong Setiausaha DAP Johor, Sheikh Umar Ali cuba masuk ke dalam kawasan bazar tanpa meminta kebenaran. Buat provokasi, gaduh dan cetus kontroversi kemudian lari ke kawasan lain pula. Inilah strategi turun temurun DAP.

    Di Selangor pun sama, wakil rakyat DAP ini lari juga, ADUN Damansara Utama, Yeo Bee Yin difahamkan akan bertanding di Johor pada PRU14 begitu juga dengan ADUN Seri Kembangan, Ean Yong Hian Wah serta ADUN Sungai Pinang, Teng Chang Kim masing-masing akan bertanding di DUN Kuala Kubu Bharu dan Sungai Pelek.

    1. Sama seperti Ahli Parlimen DAP Serdang pada penggal 2008-2013, Teo Nie Ching yang selepas itu lari kawasan untuk bertanding di parlimen Kulai Johor pada 2013. Khabarnya, Teo Nie Ching hendak lari kawasan lari bertanding di negeri lain pula.

      Guan Eng pun sama, lari melompat jauh dari parlimen Kota Melaka untuk bertanding di parlimen Bagan pada 2008. Teresa Kok juga ada rekod lari kawasan, melompat dari parlimen Ipoh Barat, Perak untuk tanding di parlimen Seputeh pada tahun 1999.

      Anthony Loke lari kawasan dari parlimen Rasah pada 2008 untuk bertanding di parlimen Seremban pada 2013. M.Kulasegaran juga lari kawasan kali iaitu dari parlimen Telok Intan pada 1997 ke parlimen Ipoh Barat pada 1999.

      Selain Kit Siang, yang menjadi naib johan lari kawasan dalam DAP adalah Ngeh Koo Ham iaitu lari kawasan sebanyak 4 kali. Pada tahun 1990 tanding di parlimen Beruas, kemudian lari ke parlimen Batu Gajah pada tahun 1995, kemudian lari lagi ke kawasan Ipoh Timor pada 1999 dan kali keempat bertanding balik di parlimen Beruas pada 2008.

      Sepupu Ngeh, iaitu Nga Kor Ming juga melompat kawasan iaitu tanding di DUN Pantai Remis pada 2008 sebelum melompat ke DUN Kepayang pada 2013.Khabarnya Nga Kor Ming juga teringin hendak bertanding di parlimen Kulai, tempat yang ditinggalkan oleh Ching Tong.

      Lari kawasan dan lompat dari tempat ke tempat lain adalah tradisi turun temurun DAP. Itulah yang disebut oleh Bekas Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Selangor Tan Tuan Tat yang menyatakan lari kawasan adalah tradisi turun temurun DAP yang menjadi amalan mereka sejak dulu untuk memastikan hayat politik calon mereka terus bernyawa selama yang boleh.

      Tuan Tat berkata, calon yang lari ini tidak berjaya berkhidmat dengan baik di kawasan masing-masing, jadi sebelum dihukum oleh pengundi, baik mereka beredar dan lari bertanding di tempat lain pula.

      Kali ini DAP ada calon calon baru untuk bertanding atas logo roket pada PRU14. DAP ada Mahathir, Mukhriz dan Muhyiddin untuk diperkudakan bagi mendapatkan undi Melayu pada PRU14.

      Sudah pastilah “kuda kuda” DAP yang baru ini akan melompat lebih kuat pada PRU14 ini. Setelah disuap dengan karot yang berkualiti dari luar negara sebagaimana yang pernah didedah oleh Dr Zuhdi dari PAS, sudah tentulah melompat laju “kuda kuda” DAP ini. Sekarang pun sudah lompat laju sampai mahu buang penjawat awam dan jayakan konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang DAP mahukan.

      Pengundi jangan tertipu dengan “kuda kuda” baru DAP ini. Pengundi juga jangan tertipu dengan calon ‘kencing dan kelentong” DAP di kawasan kawasan baru nanti. Lari kawasan ini memang amalan turun temurun parti DAP. Lari setelah tidak buat kerja pada rakyat.

    2. Ko ikut bontot mp dap jer yg ko tahu wakil rakyat dap hilang....hihihi..m

    3. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  27. Tulisan asal oleh:
    Karamjit Gill, Free Malaysia Today, 20 Mac 2018

    Ahli sains terkenal Thomas Henry Huxley pernah berkata, “Hasil perubahan politik jarang sekali sama seperti yang diharapkan oleh rakan-rakan mereka atau yang tidak diingini oleh musuh mereka.”

    “Perubahan, perubahan, perubahan!” telah menjadi mantra di bibir dan di minda setiap rakyat di negara ini. Walaupun gesaan untuk perubahan dalam dinamik pentadbiran melahirkan Bersih dan Hindraf, adakah perubahan yang kita inginkan masih hidup?

    Adakah rumput lebih hijau di bahagian yang lain? Walaupun Pakatan Rakyat menawarkan harapan kepada kita, adakah Pakatan Harapan (PH) telah memusnahkan aspirasi kita?

    Kita sering mendengar pemimpin PH mendakwa bahawa Barisan Nasional (BN) dan Umno telah menipu rakyat negara ini sejak 60 tahun yang lalu. Parti Perikatan di bawah Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman dan BN di bawah Tun Hussein Onn adalah baik-baik saja. Kerosakan bermula dengan Umno Baru pada akhir 80-an.

    Oleh itu, Umno yang dirujuk oleh pembangkang adalah hasil idea Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Daripada tiga dekad pemerintahan oleh Umno Baru, dua daripadanya berada di bawah pengawasan Mahathir. Ironinya, hari ini ada yang menyokong diktator yang sama yang menyebabkan kehancuran negara, yang mengharapkan perubahan.

    Generasi terdahulu merayu kesaksamaan dan mengecam salah laku yang disebabkan oleh Mahathir. Amalan sikap pilih kasihnya dan mengutamakan etnik terpilih dikecam oleh seluruh dunia. Pengagihan kesamarataan antara kaum dalam sektor perkhidmatan mengalami penurunan mendadak.

    Di bawah kepimpinan semasa, kita melihat penambahbaikan dalam sistem. Walaupun ia bergerak secara perlahan, sekurang-kurangnya ada sesuatu yang berlaku. Kita melihat orang India yang dilantik sebagai ketua pengarah kastam, ketua polis KL, pengarah jabatan jenayah komersial di Bukit Aman, dan pesuruhjaya penjara. Meraikan pelantikan sedemikian menunjukkan bagaimana kita mengalami kemunduran dalam kesaksamaan antara kaum dalam jawatan tertinggi dalam perkhidmatan awam.

    Selama beberapa tahun, kita meminta keadilan dalam mendapatkan biasiswa dan kenaikan dalam pengambilan untuk universiti awam. Perdana Menteri Najib Razak berjanji untuk meningkatkan pengambilan wakil semua kaum di universiti awam. Walau bagaimanapun, Mahathir masih mempertahankan layanan istimewa untuk kumpulan etnik tertentu dengan ayat terkenalnya, “Mereka memerlukan bantuan”. Dan kita menjerit untuk perubahan dengan membawa kembali lelaki yang sama dengan dasar yang sama yang ditentang oleh bapa dan datuk kita?

    1. Pada masa lalu, sesiapa yang bersuara menentang Mahathir dan pentadbirannya akan menghadapi tindakan kuku besi. Pergi ke mana-mana pejabat kerajaan hari ini dan anda akan menyaksikan campuran mereka yang menyokong BN dan PH. Berapa ramai yang dipecat kerana perbezaan pendapat mereka dalam kepercayaan politik? Nampaknya ada beberapa kematangan politik hari ini berkaitan dengan perbezaan dalam ideologi politik.

      Kita telah melihat bagaimana orang yang berbeza pendapat dari PH digelar pengkhianat dan diejek. PH tidak mengamalkan kebebasan bersuara. Kritikan yang dihadapi oleh individu seperti Sangeet Kaur Deo, Nurul Nuha Anwar, bekas ahli seumur hidup DAP Shamsher Singh Thind, dan penulis seperti Fa Abdul kerana mempunyai pendirian sendiri mencerminkan Mahathirisme. Kita bersuara menggesa untuk kematangan dan kebebasan politik, namun kita mahu membawa semula lelaki yang tidak mempercayai amalan sedemikian.

      Selama beberapa dekad, kita menjerit mahukan meritokrasi dalam dunia perniagaan. Akhirnya, kita melihat sedikit perubahan, yang paling menonjol adalah dalam MAS dan Proton.

      Mahathir beberapa kali telah menyuarakan perbezaan pendapat dalam keadilan berkaitan peluang kepada golongan yang kurang mendapat peluang. Beliau membangkitkan ketakutan terhadap daya saing untuk mempertahankan visinya yang berat sebelah terhadap dominasi tunggal etnik. Walau bagaimanapun ironinya, orang yang sama yang bersuara menentang dasarnya pada masa lalu telah memekakkan telinga mereka hari ini. Tiba-tiba layanan istimewa boleh diterima. Sekali lagi, adakah kita mahukan perubahan?

      Walaupun saya selalunya menjadi orang yang menerima kerana selalu menyuarakan pendapat saya, saya tidak berhasrat untuk melupakan integriti saya untuk perubahan yang tidak akan berlaku di bawah Mahathir. Dari majlis penatua kepada perdana menteri sementara, Mahathir selalu mahu membuat keputusan. Selagi Abdullah Badawi dan Najib mematuhi peraturannya, beliau tidak pernah akan bersuara menentang mereka.

      Pada pertengahan 70-an, ketika Allahyarham Tun Hussein Onn adalah timbalan perdana menteri, beliau menegaskan bahawa menteri besar ketika itu, Harun Idris akan didakwa kerana sogokan dan rasuah. Harun didakwa, disabitkan, dan dijatuhkan hukuman. Beberapa tahun kemudian ketika Hussein Onn menjadi perdana menteri, beliau pergi ke England untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan. Mahathir kemudian bertindak sebagai pemangku perdana menteri. Sewaktu itu, Mahathir menulis kepada raja dan memperoleh pengampunan diraja untuk Harun.

      Hari ini, beliau berkata beliau akan berkhidmat selama dua hingga tiga tahun sambil menunggu pengampunan diraja untuk Anwar Ibrahim. Mengapa? Supaya beliau boleh membantu meletakkan anaknya pada kedudukan yang lebih baik untuk menjadi perdana menteri.

      Mahathir masih kekal dengan keputusannya dan menegaskan bahawa segala yang salah bukanlah perbuatannya.

      Komponen dalam PH hari ini telah kehilangan integriti mereka. Mereka telah terlupa sebab asal kewujudan mereka, hanya kerana mereka dibutakan oleh nafsu untuk mendapatkan kuasa.

      Apabila tidak ada wawasan, tidak ada tanggungjawab, dan tidak ada akauntabiliti, percayalah tidak akan adanya perubahan.

    2. Ko kuat temberang geng najis...

    3. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  28. Pakatan Harapan (PH) dilihat cuba untuk memberi persepsi buruk terhadap pelaksanaan cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST) dalam manifesto mereka apabila mencadangkan agar cukai tersebut dihapuskan dan diganti dengan cukai jualan dan perkhidmatan (SST).

    Penganalisis yang juga Geostrategis Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Profesor Madya Dr. Azmi Hassan berkata, ia secara tidak langsung memberi gambaran kepada rakyat bahawa GST adalah punca kepada kenaikan harga barang sekaligus menyebabkan kos sara hidup menjadi tinggi.

    “Pembangkang cuba memberi persepsi bahawa GST itulah yang menyebabkan kos sara hidup yang tinggi, menyebabkan harga barang naik.

    “Sebenarnya bukan kerana GST, ini adalah kerana peniaga – peniaga mengambil peluang daripada pengenalan cukai baharu oleh kerajaan untuk menaikkan harga barang, dan mencari jalan mudah untuk tidak membuat tuntutan semula GST kepada kerajaan kerana beberapa sebab, jadi mereka mengambil keputusan untuk menaikkan harga barang,” katanya semasa sesi temubual dalam program Xpress TV, semalam.

    Jelasnya, peningkatan jumlah pendapatan kerajaan dari kutipan GST bukanlah disebabkan kenaikan harga barang, tetapi sebaliknya, ia disebabkan oleh sistem percukaian yang efektif berbanding pungutan hasil dari SST yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan terdahulu.

    Tambah Azmi, meskipun kerajaan atau pembangkang mahu mengembalikan sistem percukaian SST, harga barang tidak akan berubah, malah jumlah pendapatan yang bakal diperoleh dari SST jauh lebih rendah dari jumlah kutipan sekarang.

    “Persepsi bahawa kos sara hidup tinggi kerana GST adalah salah. Ia boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai menyahguna fakta dengan memberi penjelasan yang salah kepada rakyat berhubung kenaikan harga barang,” ujarnya.

    1. Gdt bayar faedah hutang dan hutang najib yg menimbun..

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  29. Presiden Parti Amanah Negara (PAN), Mohamad Sabu mengesahkan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad hanya dipergunakan pembangkang untuk memancing undi Melayu di kampung dan Felda.

    Beliau membuat pengesahan secara tidak langsung itu dalam satu ceramah bagi menjelaskan pelantikan bekas Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun tersebut sebagai Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan.

    “Timbul Bersatu (Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia yang diasaskan Mahathir) yang nak jatuhkan Barisan Nasional (BN). Kenapa kita tidak boleh bersatu (bekerjasama). Kita lupakan sengketa lama, kita bergabung.

    “Inilah masanya kita jatuhkan kerajaan. Peneroka banyak usia 50-an dan 60-an. Orang Melayu hanya kenal dua pemimpin. Pertama Tun Razak dan kedua Mahathir… Luar bandar ni orang Melayu,” katanya.

    Pakatan Harapan dibarisi DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) dan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) belum lagi disahkan Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan serta masih bersatus haram.

    Mohamad dalam pada itu mendakwa pemerintahan Mahathir tidak sempurna dan tindakan pembangkang menghentam Mahathir selama ini kononnya hanyalah satu bentuk kritikan.

    Beliau dalam pada itu meminta rakyat tidak mempedulikan PAS yang akan bersendirian dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 ibarat seekor kera.

    “Parti lama saya nak duduk sendirian biarkan. PAN tak kuat, DAP tak kuat, PKR tak kuat, Bersatu (PPBM) tak kuat. Bergabung kita kuat untuk tewaskan BN,” katanya lagi.

    Selain itu, Mohamad memuji jasa Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun yang mahu memastikan orang Melayu maju dan mampu bersaing dengan kaum lain.

    “Mahathir nak orang Melayu maju boleh berenang laut Inggeris, boleh panjat gunung Everest,” katanya.

    Ironinya Mohamad atau lebih dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu adalah pemimpin pembangkang yang paling lantang mengecam Mahathir selama ini.

    Beliau antaranya menggelarkan Mahathir sebagai maha firaun, bapa segala penyamun di Malaysia, diktator dan penjahanam orang Melayu. – BERNAMA

    1. Hshahaha...ko bawak cerita klentong...mhihi...memang tub madey nasih fi percayai oleh melayu...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  30. Di dalam sidang media beliau bersempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun ke-52 DAP di Ayer Hitam, Johor, hari ini, Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, menyatakan: “Kita telah isytihar calon kita yang pertama dalam pilihan raya yang ke-14 ini, iaitu Saudara Liew Chin Tong daripada Parti DAP, yang akan mewakili Pakatan Harapan (di kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam)”. Bila ditanya oleh wartawan, Tun Dr Mahathir seterusnya menyatakan: “Kamu tahu apa yang berlaku di Gelang Patah, ia akan berlaku di Ayer Hitam” (“You know what happened to Gelang Patah, it will happen in Ayer Hitam”).

    Beberapa persoalan terus sahaja menerjah ke dalam fikiran saya mengenai perkara ini.

    Pertama, P148 Ayer Hitam adalah kerusi majoriti Melayu (56%) yang ditandingi oleh calon PAS, Hu Pang Chaw, di dalam PRU 13 lalu, jadi secara logiknya kerusi ini sepatutnya ditandingi oleh calon AMANAH, tetapi kenapa DAP berkeras mahukan kerusi ini?

    Kedua, kenapa pengumuman calon pertama Pakatan Harapan adalah membabitkan pengumuman calon DAP, Liew Chin Tong, di kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam, bukan membabitkan pengumuman calon PPBM, PKR atau AMANAH di kerusi lain?

    Ketiga, kenapa Tun Dr Mahathir turut dilibatkan di dalam pengumuman calon DAP di kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam ini malah ke tahap didorong menyebutkan kemenangan Lim Kit Siang di kerusi P162 Gelang Patah akan berulang di kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam?

    Pada hemat saya, jawapan kepada ketiga-tiga persoalan ini berkisar di sebalik symbolism.

    DAP mahu menonjolkan dirinya sebagai hero dan ketua di dalam Pakatan Harapan.

    Penyandang kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam adalah Timbalan Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, yang menang agak selesa dengan majoriti 7,310 undi di dalam PRU 13 lalu, berbanding majoriti hanya 379 undi Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai di P189 Bentong.

    Hanya seorang hero yang boleh mengalahkan seorang Menteri Kabinet yang menang dengan majoriti 7,310 undi di dalam PRU 13 lalu, dan jika calon AMANAH yang berbuat demikian maka AMANAH-lah, dan bukan DAP, yang akan kelihatan sebagai hero.

    P148 Ayer Hitam juga sangat penting kepada DAP kerana Liew Chin Tong sendiri menyebut bahawa jika Pakatan Harapan boleh menang di kerusi ini maka ini akan membawa makna Pakatan Harapan boleh menang di 10 kerusi Parlimen lain di Johor.

    Johor sebelum ini adalah kubu kuat UMNO dan tempat kelahiran UMNO, sudah tentu tiada yang lebih menggembirakan bagi para pemimpin DAP untuk melihat seorang bekas Presiden UMNO menjilat balik ludah beliau sendiri di depan mereka di negeri itu.

    Di dalam PRU 13 lalu Tun Dr Mahathir-lah yang bermati-matian berusaha untuk memastikan Lim Kit Siang kalah di kerusi P162 Gelang Patah sehingga menghamburkan pelbagai kecaman terhadap Lim Kit Siang seperti bahawa Lim Kit Siang adalah rasis.

    Menyaksikan Tun Dr Mahathir menyebutkan di depan mereka kemenangan Lim Kit Siang di kerusi P162 Gelang Patah akan berulang di kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam sudah tentulah merupakan satu kemenangan moral yang amat bermakna kepada para pemimpin DAP.

    Selari dengan mentaliti DAP mahu menonjolkan dirinya sebagai hero dan ketua di dalam Pakatan Harapan inilah maka pengumuman calon pertama Pakatan Harapan adalah membabitkan pengumuman calon DAP, bukan membabitkan pengumuman calon parti lain.

    Begitu pun, berdasarkan dapatan kajiselidik Wan Saiful Wan Jan dari PPBM sendiri bahawa 85% daripada masyarakat Melayu Johor tidak menyenangi DAP, adalah diragui pengundi Melayu di kerusi P148 Ayer Hitam akan memberikan undi mereka kepada calon DAP.

    Apa pun, di mata para pemimpin DAP, symbolism sudah tentulah jauh lebih penting.

    Dr Kamarul Zaman Yusoff,
    Pengarah Institut Kajian Politik Malaysia (MAPAN),
    Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

    1. Kenape dojttor palsampah umno ni menyibok dtrategi parti PH...ade takut ker?...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  31. Masyarakat kini sudah sedar bahawa sebagai sebuah kerajaan, Barisan Nasional (BN) dapat mendahulukan rakyat dan pada masa sama turut mengutamakan pencapaian.

    Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, terdapat pelbagai contoh bagi membuktikan perkara tersebut, lebih-lebih lagi apabila ribuan penduduk hadir dalam majlis dihadiri beliau hari ini.

    “Buktinya pada hari ini, kita akan melancarkan Pusat Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTC) Sungai Rambai, mahsyurkan Daerah Kecil Sungai Rambai dan melancarkan Tugu Integriti.

    “Ini tandanya sebagai kerajaan, kita dapat memikirkan kaedah-kaedah lebih kreatif untuk kemudahan rakyat. Apabila mementingkan politik, negeri yang patut lebih maju daripada Melaka, air pun tidak boleh uruskan sehingga menyusahkan satu juta orang,” katanya.

    Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada Majlis Pengisytiharan Sungai Rambai sebagai Daerah Kecil dekat Pusat Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTC) Sungai Rambai di sini sebentar tadi.

    Yang turut hadir, isteri­ Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor; Ketua Menteri Melaka, Datuk Seri Idris Haron dan Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad.

    Pada masa sama, turut memeriahkan majlis pada pagi ini adalah Pengerusi Permodalan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Tan Sri Mohd. Ali Rustam serta Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pertanian dan Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Melaka merangkap Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sungai Rambai, Datuk Hasan Abd. Rahman bersama kira-kira 20,000 hadirin. – UTUSAN ONLINE

    1. Rakyat telah dikincin dan dihulukan oleh najib dan umno...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  32. Pihak pembangkang di negara ini dilihat tidak mempunyai ‘modal’ dan sengaja mengitar semula isu hak milik syarikat Good Star Limited demi untuk mendapatkan publisiti murahan.

    Presiden 1MDB, Arul Kanda Kandasamy berkata, isu tersebut bukan suatu perkara baru memandangkan ia telah dibangkitkan pada bulan April 2016 oleh Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua dan ia telah pun dijawab.

    Mengulas mengenainya, Arul berkata, semasa proses siasatan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC), 1MDB telah mengemukakan segala dokumen berkaitan kepada pihak Jabatan Audit Negara.

    Tambahnya, sebagai pembeli untuk saham yang dijual oleh PetroSaudi, pihaknya telah membuat bayaran sepertimana diarahkan oleh pihak penjual, iaitu PetroSaudi dan 1MDB telah menerima saham di dalam syarikat usahasama sebagai balasan untuk pembayaran tersebut.

    ” Arahan kepada 1MDB untuk membayar dana AS$700 juta ke dalam akaun Good Star Limited, diberi oleh penjual saham, PetroSaudi, melalui firma guaman White & Case (London), salah satu firma guaman antarabangsa yang profesional, terkenal dan disegani.

    ” Seterusnya, pihak PetroSaudi sendiri telah memberi pengesahan secara bertulis bahawa apabila dana dibayar oleh 1MDB kepada Good Star, syarikat Good Star itu adalah kepunyaan PetroSaudi,” katanya pada di sini hari ini.

    Tony baru-baru ini mempersoalkan sama ada polis telah menyiasat sejumlah wang yang dipindahkan ke dalam akaun syarikat Good Star Limited yang dikatakan milik jutawan kontroversi, Jho Low.

    Beliau mendakwa, suntikan kewangan itu disahkan sendiri oleh 1MDB.

    Justeru Tony melontar persoalan adakah pihak polis menyoal saksi daripada Bank Negara yang menurutnya telah mengesahkan syarikat tersebut milik lelaki berkenaan.

    Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Arul berkata, terdapat satu isu yang lebih penting daripada isu hakmilik Good Star yang ditimbulkan oleh Tony.

    Ujarnya, setelah dana berjumlah AS$1.83 bilion dibayar oleh 1MDB kepada Petrosaudi di antara tahun 2009 hingga 2011, PetroSaudi telah membayar balik kesemua dana tersebut melalui unit dana yang berjumlah AS$2.3 bilion.

    Kata Arul, menurut rekod syarikat, daripada amaun AS$2.3 bilion unit dana, sejumlah AS$1.4 bilion telah ditebus secara tunai pada tahun 2014.

    Mengenai bakinya, jelas Arul, ia sedang melalui proses pengewangan.

    ” Oleh itu, segala dakwaan mengenai isu hakmilik Good Star adalah tidak relevan kerana berdasarkan rekod syarikat, segala pelaburan dan pinjaman 1MDB kepada syarikat PetroSaudi telahpun dibayar balik secara penuh,” tegasnya. –

    1. Bila nak tangkap jho lo dan saisat prompak dan syarikat good star.?

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  33. Belum sempat sejuk berita Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Damansara Utama, Yeo Bee Yin akan ‘berubah angin’ bertanding di Johor untuk Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU-14) yang akan datang, timbul lagi berita yang sama semalam.

    Kali ini, ia melibatkan ADUN Seri Kembangan, Ean Yong Hian Wah dan ADUN Sungai Pinang, Teng Chang Khim yang dikhabarkan akan bertanding di Kuala Kubu Bharu dan Sungai Pelek.

    Bekas Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Selangor, Tan Tuan Tat berpandangan, inilah ‘tradisi turun-temurun’ DAP yang menjadi amalan mereka sejak dahulu demi memastikan hayat politik calon-calon mereka terus bernyawa selama mungkin.

    Menurutnya, calon yang suka ‘lari’ ini tidak berjaya berkhidmat dengan baik di kawasan masing-masing, jadi sebelum mereka ‘dihukum’, baik mereka beredar segera.

    “Mereka cuba membaca pemikiran politik pengundi Cina. Mereka fikir pengundi Cina akan pangkah mana-mana sahaja calon yang membawa logo DAP, sebab itu mereka berani tukar kawasan dengan kerap.

    “Namun mereka terlupa, pemikiran politik pengundi Cina sangat pragmatik. Apa yang pengundi Cina mahu kali ini adalah kearifan tempatan, calon yang mampu memahami masalah tempatan dan keperluan masyarakat setempat.

    “Mereka terperangkap dalam permainan politik mereka sendiri. Semasa berkempen mereka beri bermacam-macam janji tetapi setelah menang, tidak berjaya untuk lunaskan semua. Maka sebagai jalan pintas, mereka lari ke kawasan lain,” katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

    Mengulas tentang fenomena ‘lari kawasan’ yang dikatakan sebagai tradisi dalam kem DAP, Tuan Tat berkata, amalan ini merupakan warisan daripada permainan ‘politik sarkas’ Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang.

    “Kit Siang sendiri suka bertukar-tukar kawasan. Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari.

    Kita lihat kali ini sama ada ‘magic trick’ mereka ini berkesan atau tidak,” katanya. -UTUSAN ONLINE

    1. Temberang lah lagi...tak de ape jesan pon...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  34. Seorang pemimpin wanita MCA di Perak meramalkan berlakunya kejutan apabila beberapa kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dan Parlimen dalam kawasan Ipoh Timur, Ipoh Barat, Batu Gajah, Gopeng dan Kampar yang dikuasai DAP sejak 2004 bakal kembali semula ke tangan Barisan Nasional (BN).

    Ketua Biro Hal-Ehwal Kerajaan Wanita MCA Kebangsaan, Kat Wong yang juga Pengerusi Wanita MCA Ipoh Timur, meramalkan berlakunya kebangkitan kesedaran ini kerana pengundi Cina mahukan wakil rakyat yang benar-benar mewakili suara mereka di dalam DUN dan Parlimen.

    Katanya, ramai pengundi kaum itu menzahirkan kekecewaan mereka kerana wakil-wakil rakyat pembangkang hanya pandai menabur janji kosong dan gagal membawa perubahan untuk rakyat di kawasan yang mereka wakili.

    “Mereka kecewa dengan janji-janji kosong wakil-wakil rakyat pembangkang yang walaupun menang pada pilihan raya tetapi tidak berganjak untuk membawa perubahan dan alasan yang diberi hanya menuding jari menyalahkan kerajaan.” kata Kat Wong kepada Agendadaily.

    “Masa sudah sampai para pengundi haruslah sedar bahawa mereka telah beri lebih 10 tahun peluang kepada parti lain untuk menjadi wakil rakyat namun perangai dan sikap mereka yang lepas tangan…tidak peduli menunding jari…menyalahkan orang lain salah BN…salah MCA itu adalah tidak bertanggungjawab dan mereka tidak mengamalkan politik matang.

    Katanya “mereka yang tidak mengamalkan politik matang kerana bagi saya kita perlu memberi sokongan kepada sesiapa tidak kira parti mana yang bersama rakyat…yang rapat dengan rakyat yang rapat dengan keadaan yang meletakkan telinga dilapangan (ears on the ground).

    “ Maka dengan cara itu kita boleh menyelesaikan masalah rakyat daripada masalah kecil setempat sehinggalah ke isu-isu dasar..dasar kerajaan ke, hala negeri apa juga…kita perlu ada wakil rakyat yang ikhlas yang ambil peduli masalah rakyat.

    “Itu mencerminkan semangat yang kita ada sekarang sepertimana pesanan Perdana Menteri , Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan juga pesanan Menteri besar yang merupakan pemimpin tertinggi.

    “Bagi kami pesanan mereka amatlah tepat semangat yang amat tinggi dikalangan jentera kita walaupun masih ada lagi kerja yang kita kena atur lagi tapi kita sudah bersedia,” katanya.

    Beliau seterusnya menyokong kenyataan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang juga Pengerusi BN yang mahukan BN Perak menang bergaya dan besar pada PRU14 kali ini.

    “Tak hairanlah kalau kita dapat sokongan rakyat …apa yang dimandatkan oleh Perdana Menteri merupakan satu suntikan semangat bagi kita memperkuatkan lagi semangat akar umbi dan jentera kita dan dia memang set satu sstandard yang tinggi.”

    Kat Wong optimis angin perubahan di kawasan-kawasan berkenaan yang bakal memihak kepada BN pada kali ini juga atas semangat membara jentera BN yang sentiasa bekerja keras selama ini menyusun pelbagai program mendekati pengundi. – Agenda Daily

    1. Mca dah boikot umno tsu...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  35. Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini menyelar pembangkang yang menurutnya hanya pandai menabur janji kosong, mereka cerita dongeng dan menghasut rakyat.

    “Pembangkang banyak berjanji. Tanya dia saja bagaimana air di Selangor, bagaimana terowong di Pulau Pinang…siapa buat rumah tak mampu milik,” katanya merujuk kepada kelemahan pembangkang dalam menyediakan infrastruktur kepada rakyat.

    Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada majlis jamuan teh Perdana Menteri bersama rakyat dan pelancaran jentera Pilihan Raya Barisan Nasional (BN) Bukit Katil.

    Turut hadir sama pada majlis tersebut isterinya Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, Ketua Menteri Melaka Datuk Seri Idris Haron dan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Bukit Katil, Tan Sri Mohd Ali Rustam.

    Najib berkata pembangkang juga sering memperlekeh dan menyebar pembohongan terhadap usaha BN dalam pembangunan negara.

    Mengambil contoh bekas lokasi Pangkalan Udara (PU) Sungai Besi yang bakal dibangunkan semula, kata Najib pembangkang telah menfitnah kononnya projek tersebut telah dimiliki China, tetapi pada hakikatnya ia adalah milik Malaysia.

    Najib berkata baru-baru ini, beliau juga telah melakukan lawatan kerja ke PU Sendayan, Seremban dan bertemu dengan anggota tentera di sana.

    Beliau berkata ada anggota tentera yang mengeluarkan air mata kerana gembira dapat kemudahan perumahan yang selesa disediakan oleh kerajaan.

    “Jangan percaya kerana mereka (pembangkang) hanya banyak tipu dan sekarang ini mereka hasut budak kecil pasal GST padahal dengan GST lah kerajaan sediakan kemudahan seperti sekolah serta hospital dan banyak lagi dapat dibuat,” katanya.


    1. Nsjib pandai...pandai jafi kapla prompak berjumaah...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  36. Pemuda UMNO menggesa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyemak semula isu pembatalan sembilan projek perumahan mampu milik di bawah kepemimpinan kerajaan PKR di Selangor.

    Perkara itu disuarakan oleh Exconya, Datuk Nazir Hussin Aktar Hussin yang menzahirkan rasa hairan kenapa kerajaan tadbiran Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali membatalkan projek perumahan mampu milik sedangkan itu merupakan antara `janji’ yang kononnya dilaung-laungkan sebelum ini.

    Nazir Hussin melontarkan gesaan itu kerana khuatir sekiranya pembatalan projek tersebut ada kena mengena dengan pengambilalihan tanah oleh syarikat perumahan besar untuk pembangunan projek perumahan mewah yang tidak mampu dibeli rakyat.

    “Ini sudah berlaku di Pulau Pinang di bawah kepemimpinan DAP.

    “Habis semua tanah-tanah rumah penduduk setinggan diroboh dan dihalau tanpa perikemanusiaan demi mencapai hasrat kepemimpinan DAP untuk membina rumah-rumah mewah jenis kondominium yang mampu dibeli segelintir rakyat sahaja,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, semalam. – UTUSAN ONLINE

    1. Buatvape gesa...pegi repot laa dupaya sprm siasat sape yg rasuah batal projek...

      Prohek rumah najib banyak mana dah jalan siap?...

    2. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  37. SEMALAM jutaan rakyat Selangor gempar apabila Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) bertidak menahan enam individu kerana skandal tanah rakyat marhaen di Ijok.

    Penjualan tanah seluas 880 hektar kepada beberapa buah syarikat pemaju swasta pada harga RM1.18 bilion itu menimbulkan kontroversi dan dipersoalkan pelbagai pihak, termasuk peneroka kawasan tersebut sendiri.

    Lima buah syarikat tersebut dikatakan menerima habuan transaksi wang tunai berjumlah kira-kira RM200 juta iaitu masing-masing mendapat lebih kurang RM68 juta, RM62 juta, RM42 juta, RM16.5 juta dan RM8.5 juta.

    “SPRM juga sedang mengesan seorang lagi pengarah syarikat bergelar Datuk, yang dipercayai berada di luar negara” kata Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad yang dipetik oleh semua media tempatan.

    Siapa Datuk yang berada di luar negara itu? Apakah Datuk itu ada kaitan dengan Azmin dan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad? Media difahamkan baawa Datuk itu adalah Khairuddin Abu Hassan yang mempunyai dua syarikat.

    Orang kuat Mahathir itu sendiri memiliki syarikat yang dirujuk sebagai Mujur Zaman Sdn. Bhd. dan LBCN Development Sdn. Bhd. Khairuddin secara kebetulan merupakan bekas pengarah eksekutif dua syarikat tersebut.

    Pada 14 Februari 2018, Pengarah Komunikasi Strategik Barisan Nasional (BN), Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan pernah mempersoalkan kenapa Azmin tergamak menyerahkan tanah peneroka di Ijok itu kepada dua syarikat ini.

    “Apa justifikasi Azmin serah kepada mereka walhal keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Rayuan memihak kepada bekas Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim untuk ambil semula tanah itu” kata Abdul Rahman.

    Semasa Azmin jadi Menteri Besar pada 2014; sebelum Mahkamah Persekutuan dengar rayuan kes ini, dua syarikat itu dan beberapa pihak berkaitan ada membuat perjanjian dengan sebuah syarikat awam pada 22 September 2015.

    Ia untuk menjual tanah kira-kira 880 hektar dengan harga RM1.18 bilion. Pada 17 Mei 2016 Azmin memfailkan satu perjanjian penyelesaian kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan bahawa kerajaan Selangor bersetuju membatalkan kes ini.

    1. Azmin seterusnya menyerahkan semula tanah itu kepada Mujur Zaman dan LBCN Development dengan syarat wajib dalam perjanjian penyelesaian itu bahawa penjualan tanah mesti dibuat kepada syarikat awam berkenaan.

      Khairuddin pula adalah bekas pengarah eksekutif kepada kedua-dua syarikat tersebut. Untuk rekod tanah peneroka di Ijok yang dijual itu adalah berkeluasan 2,198.4 ekar dengan harga RM1.18 bilion mengikut nilai pasaran semasa.

      Sejumlah 981 peneroka dibayar hanya RM421.4 juta sahaja sebagai pampasan oleh dua buah syarikat swasta yang terbabit. Mana baki lagi RM758.6 juta hilang? Difahamkan semalam, wang bernilai RM36 juta sudah dibekukan.

      Ia dipercayai adalah hasil daripada skandal tanah di Ijok. Maknanya ada lagi baki sejumlah RM722.6 juta. Apakah wang baki itu sedang dibawa lari di luar negara oleh Datuk tersebut untuk tujuan penggubahan wang haram?

      Azmin tidak jawab langsung hal skandal tanah di Ijok ini. Malah lebih lucu apabila Azmin dilanda dengan skandal tanah di Ijok dan krisis air di Selangor, apa yang dibuat Azmin adalah cari simpati dengan balut tengkuknya sahaja.

      Skandal rasuah berpisah tiada dengan Azmin. Skandal tanah di Ijok melibatkan wang peneroka ratusan juta ringgit. Bukannya satu jumlah kecil. Takkanlah wang itu sanggup dibawa lari ke luar negara untuk dibuat dana pilihan raya?

      Apa kejadahnya kerajaan Selangor terpaksa guna duit peneroka itu hendak kempen Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-14? Ini bukan kali pertama skandal rasuah menyelubungi pentadbiran Azmin di Selangor.

      Pada 14 April 2017, SPRM telah menahan pemimpin PKR Cabang, Adam Rosly yang memiliki kekayaan meragukan dan mempunyai “banglo Disneyland” berharga RM4 juta di Ampang dalam lingkungan kawasan penduduk miskin.

      Pada 30 November 2017, anak saudara Azmin ditahan SPRM kerana skandal projek lombong pasir dan wang berjumlah RM4 juta dibekukan. Ia malahan menjadi punca banyak siri banjir kilat di negeri tersebut selama ini.

      Bahkan lebih unik rakyat kena tahu, hanya kerajaan Selangor sahaja yang masih belum tandatangan Ikrar Bebas Rasuah (IBR) yang diusahakan oleh pihak SPRM. Apa yang Azmin takut sangat dengan ikrar mudah tersebut?

      Takut kerana skandal rasuah dengan Azmin berpisah tiada. Bukan sedikit yang hilang dalam skandal tanah di Ijok, melibatkan wang berjumlah RM758.6 juta wang rakyat. Bukan sedikit juga wang yang kerajaan BN beri pada Azmin.

      Ia sepatutnya untuk selesaikan masalah bekalan air berjumlah RM22.3 bilion. Patutah, Azmin disaman sejumlah RM14 bilion oleh Puncak Niaga kerana melengah-lengahkan pengstrukturan semula syarikat air di Selangor.

      Entah-entah mungkin ada wang yang diminta untuk ambil alih syarikat air itu pun lesap juga. Kebarangkaliannya ada. Rakyat Selangor harus bangkit dan tukar kerajaan Azmin yang ternyata angkuh sombong di Selangor ini.

      Air terawat tiada, Azmin tidak mahu mengaku, malah mahu humban pula Menteri dan KSU KeTTHA ke dalam empangan konon banyak air mentah, padahal margin simpanan air sudah dirawat sebenarnya sifar peratus!

      Skandal rasuah dan krisis air, dua sebab utama untuk rakyat Selangor tukar kerajaan yang sedia ada di Selangor. Ayuh rakyat Selangor, jom UBAH pada PRU ke-14 nanti… Ini kalilah!!! – Agensi

    2. Hahahaha...geng najis nak ulang2 kisah sprm dan tanah ijok...ade jer Azmin ditangkap?...cian ko tak boleh melompat...

    3. Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??

  38. Keora bapuk tua bodoo tukar baju Geng nais kaki temberang plak...hehehehe

    1. Tepat sekali.....!!

      Bila lebai menceceh serabai-cibai, ada orang kisah....??


    Tony Pua: Bank Negara sahkan Good Star Limited kepunyaan Jho Low. Klik di sini

     Jika anda merujuk kepada Laporan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) pada mukasurat 25 dan 26 ada tertulis begini: 

     "Pada 30 September 2009, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) memberi kelulusan pindahan dana ke dalam akaun usaha sama di J.P Morgan SA dan RBS Coutts Bank Ltd. (Geneva). Seterusnya pada 30 September 2009 juga, sejumlah USD300 juta telah dipindahkan ke akaun 7619400 di J.P Morgan (Suisse) SA, iaitu bank 1MDB Petrosaudi Ltd (syarikat usaha sama). Bagaimanapun, baki USD700 juta telah dipindahkan ke akaun 11116073 di RBS Coutts Bank Ltd. milik sebuah syarikat lain yang tidak terlibat dengan projek usaha sama ini. 

    Berdasarkan dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh Datuk Shahrol Azral pada 5 Jun 2015 dan kenyataan beliau semasa mesyuarat PAC pada 25 November 2015, akaun tersebut adalah milik Good Star Limited yang merupakan subsidiari (anak syarikat) Kumpulan Petrosaudi sejak 1 September 2009. 

     Semakan Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) juga mendapati tiada kelulusan Lembaga Pengarah 1MDBuntuk pemindahan wang ini ke dalam dua akaun yang berasingan." 


     Download : Laporan DOJ di sini 

    Kandungan surat tersebut sepatutnya dimasukkan ke dalam laporan PAC tetapi Pengerusi PAC iaitu YB Hasan Arifin telah bertindak memadamkan maklumat tersebut pada saat akhir, ini menimbulkan protes dari 5 orang ahli PAC dari parti pembangkang antaranya YB Tony Pua dan Dr Tan Seng Giaw

      Isi kandungan surat tersebut telah didedahkan oleh akhbar Wall Street Journal (Pastinya ia dibocorkan oleh orang dalam BNM sendiri yang tidak tahan melihat kerakusan Najib dan Kuncu utamanya Jho Low merompak wang rakyat). Malaysiakini ada melaporkan tentang pendedahan WSJ tersebut namun tidak dapat menunjukkan isi surat berkenaan kerana ianya berstatus "SULIT".

    Kesahihan surat itu terbukti apabila kerajaan Malaysia MENGAKUINYAtetapi biasalah di Malaysia ni walaupun surat itu dengan jelas menunjukkan bahawa NAJIB RAZAK BERSUBAHAT DENGAN JHO LOW ROMPAK RM4 BILION WANG RAKYAT MELALUI 1MDB tetapi orang yang jenayahnya telah terbongkar TIDAK MAHU LETAK JAWATAN dan pihak-pihak yang sepatutnya menangkap dan mendakwa beliau semuanya TAKUT KEPADA NAJIB TAPI TAK TAKUT KEPADA ALLAH SWT. Kerajaan Najib sebaliknya berusaha mencari siapa yang membocorkan maklumat  tersebut untuk diambil tindakan.

     (Dibawah saya sertakan gambar kepala surat tersebut yg disiarkan oleh sebuah Laman Web (Laman Web ini telah disekat oleh SKMM))

     Juga disertakan gambar Najib bersama Jho Low, Putera Turki Bin Abdullah Pengasas Bersama syarikat Petrosaudi serta keluarga Najib yang dikatakan diambil diatas sebuah kapal layar mewah beberapa bulan sebelum mereka melaksanakan "operasi merompak" RM4 bilion daripada 1MDB melalui projek penipuan Petrosaudi. (Laporan DOJ Amerika Syarikat yang diterbitkan kemudiannya memberikan butiran terperinci bagaimana Najib dah Jho Low merompak kira2 RM20 bilion wang rakyat Malaysia melalui 1MDB) 


    1. Rata-rata rakyat Malaysia kini sedang terbelenggu dengan pelbagai kenaikan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan. Dengan kenaikan minyak, gula, cukai pintu, astro, letrik, tambang bas, LRT, monorel, tol dan pelbagai lagi, barangkali tahun 2018 boleh diisytiharkan sebagai tahun paling banyak barang dan perkhidmatan dinaikkan dalam sejarah hampir 61 tahun kemerdekaan negara.

      Lebih memilukan hati rakyat ialah semua kenaikan itu dilakukan ketika kerajaan lantang melaungkan slogan "rakyat didahulukan" serta di ketika BN hanya memperolehi kemenangan tipis cukup-cukup makan dalam PRU 13 yang lalu.

      Tidak dapat dinafikan juga bahawa semua kenaikan ini adalah berpunca daripada kegagalan kerajaan melonjakkan tahap ekonomi sehingga hutang negara terus bertambah, sementara pendapatan terus berkurangan. Ini menyebabkan kerajaan hanya melihat kaedah menaikan harga barang, menghapuskan subsidi dan meningkatkan kadar cukai untuk mengisi kantung perbendaraan negara.

      Ini menjadikan kegelisahan dan kemarahan rakyat makin kuat kedengaran di mana-mana. Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak kini paling dipersalahkan atas semua perkara ini kerana beliau dilihat sebagai nakhoda yang gagal.

    2. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  40. Is Clare not aware what Mukhriz told newsmen yesterday? According to the Kedah-born, Rizal used to be his press officer back when he (Mukhriz) served as the International Trade and Industry deputy minister. What this means, is that Rizal was right up there with Mukhriz somewhere around the time GE13 happened. Under the circumstances, is it not possible that SCL rewarded Rizal for introducing a customer whose billionaire father could afford to rig the entire Kedah election?”


    Does anyone know what the backfire effect is?

    Well, let us suppose that you’re having an argument with your friend regarding, say, 1MDB, or even better, the ownership of the yacht that Indonesian authorities recently seized off the coast of Banoa Bay. You tell your friend – who happens to be a staunch Pakatan Harapan supporter – that the whole “Jho Low owns the yacht “ thingy was nothing but the doing of a global media collective sponsored by George Soros and Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Now, though your facts may be adequate, your suitcase of evidence may not. So you assume that your friend will see things your way should you present him (or her) with rational lines of reasoning. However, the minute you do that, you discover that all you did was embolden his (or her) false beliefs. It then strikes you that no matter how compelling your arguments are, all your friend does is pick the side that reinforces his (or her) views against your lines of reasoning.

    And it works both ways – a truth seeker will only pick sides to stories that are substantiated with evidence, while a blind follower will pick whichever side that suits his (or her) prejudices. Last Sunday, Clare Rewcastle Brown emboldened the truth seeking group by accusing Barisan Nasional of manipulating the 2013 general election (GE13). According to her, the administration of Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak had obtained the services of Cambridge Analytica (CA), a New York based entity created as an offshoot to the United Kingdom (UK) based Strategic Communications Laboratory (CSL).

    1. Clare’s ‘disclosure’ followed the abrupt suspension of CA and the SCL Group by Facebook. On Saturday, the social media and social networking giant penalised the electoral research group following reports that CA used the stolen data to help rig the American election. Clare wasted little time linking Najib to the scandal by ‘disclosing’ that SCL was jointly led by one of the Prime Minister’s “most significant political advocates in the United Kingdom (UK),” Lord Marland.

      Yes, Lord Marland, the guy who once chauffeured Najib around during the Prime Minister’s visit to the Vatican. Or, Lord Marland, the man who told Najib that he would be the longest living human in Malaysian history. I wouldn’t be surprised if Clare had thrown in Lord Vader himself, the guy who sold Najib the triple-pointed light saber to help the Prime Minister defeat Luke Skywalker.

      Get my drift?

      When it comes to Clare, any name will do, fake or real, as long as long as that name can be associated one way or the other with Najib or his cat. In the case of Marland, the Sarawak Report Chief Editor wants you to believe that the former helped the Prime Minister rig the 13th general election. But the vast majority of Malaysians are no longer paying attention to Clare.

      Quite the opposite, they’re sick and tired of her lies and are demanding to know how she came to the conclusion that Najib colluded with Marland to fix the Malaysian election. As far as they’re concerned, if the allegation ain’t coming from the horse’s mouth, it ain’t worth considering. To them, the only way we’ll know for sure if the Prime Minister conspired with Marland is if the guys from SCL themselves were to confirm or deny the allegation.

      Well, guess what?

      That’s precisely what they did!

      Just yesterday, a representative from the group confirmed that it had indeed rendered some services to a member of the Malaysian political landscape. But the person they referred to was not the Prime Minister or anyone currently attached to the Najib administration. On the contrary, they were referring to Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, the onetime Menteri Besar of Kedah and guy who dreams of becoming next Prime Minister of Malaysia.

      Yes, we’re talking the son of Mahathir and man currently heading Parti Prime Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) by proxy. According to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), SCL confirmed that it reported directly to Mukhriz, meaning, the UK based firm was in no way associated with Barisan Nasional or the Federal Government. And that’s what we call news “coming straight from the horse’s mouth.” Judging by what the ‘horses’ told

    2. it is entirely possible that Mukhriz rigged the 2013 Kedah elections to skew the results in his favour.

      Now how do you like that?

      Is she not aware what Mukhriz told newsmen yesterday? According to the Kedah-born, Azrin Rizal used to be his press officer back when he (Mukhriz) served as the International Trade and Industry deputy minister. What this means, is that Rizal was right up there with Mukhriz somewhere around the time GE13 happened. Under the circumstances, is it not possible that SCL rewarded Rizal for introducing a customer whose billionaire father could afford to rig the entire Kedah election?

      See where I’m going with this?

      On the one hand, we have nothing but conjecture and outlandish conspiracy theories coming from Clare’s camp. On the other hand, we have two pieces of vital information coming straight from the mouths of two ‘horses’ – one from SCL, and the other, PPBM. Tell me, who do you think Malaysians are going to believe – me, or Clare?

      Seriously, nothing beats news when it is served straight from the horse’s mouth. When Clare first attempted to link Najib to Lord Marland, she unwittingly triggered a backfire effect that further emboldened the Prime Minister’s supporters. Then, the minute the ‘horses’ from SCL and Kedah spoke, her own supporters found it difficult to ignore the truth – as evinced from the many comments online – and immediately began looking the other way.

    3. And the more they look, the more they’re going to discover how Clare is blowing up fiction online. Seriously, if I can see this, so can her supporters, who probably are searching “Lord Marland” and “Najib” on Google as we speak. Only a fool would not be able to see how Sarawak Report is the only portal that seems to be linking Najib to Marland
      Yes, Clare Rewcastle Brown successfully destroyed Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir and may have jeopardised PPBM’s chances at the polls. She helped slingshot a large chunk of PPBM’s votes to UMNO by proving that Mahathir and gang may be in the business of rigging elections. Now, what do we call the effect that best describes what she triggered?

      Why, it’s the slingshot effect, of course!

    4. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  41. Mahathir, Rafidah, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz, Rais Yatim, and semua orang-orang yang sewaktu dengannya are what we call gulungan kecewa. They whack the government because they are not in the government — and are facing mental problems because of it. Malays call this gila talak. It is quite common and is also called PRS or Post-Retirement Syndrome.


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    “People that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices,” said Rafidah Aziz. That was the reason she supported Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad instead of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in 1987, and as a reward for her loyalty to Mahathir, she was appointed the Minister of International Trade and Industry.

    In 1999, when Anwar Ibrahim exposed Mahathir’s misdeeds and transgressions, Rafidah refused to resign from the Cabinet and refused to support the Reformasi movement that was fighting for change. Instead, Rafidah remained in Umno and the Cabinet and did not leave the Cabinet until she was sacked by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2008.

    Why did Rafidah not resign in 1999 instead of waiting to be sacked in 2008?

    If Rafidah had not been sacked in 2008 and if she were still a Minister until today she would be singing a different tune. In fact, if Mukhriz had won the Umno Youth contest in 2009 and an Umno Vice President’s post in 2013, Mahathir would also be singing a different tune today.

    Mahathir, Rafidah, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz, Rais Yatim, and semua orang-orang yang sewaktu dengannya are what we call gulungan kecewa. They whack the government because they are not in the government — and are facing mental problems because of it. Malays call this gila talak. It is quite common and is also called PRS or Post-Retirement Syndrome.

    1. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

    2. geng najis..itu soal kecik jeer..

  42. The only question that now remains is: is the deregistration of PPBM, that will subsequently affect the registration of Pakatan Harapan, due to a sloppy oversight or was this planned all along as part of a sabotage? And is what PPBM facing a repeat of what happened back in 1987 when two teams emerged in Umno that eventually saw the party get deregistered?

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is upset because Muhyiddin Yassin announced that Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) cannot meet the 30th March 2018 deadline set by the Registrar of Societies (RoS) in their 28th February 2018 letter (READ HERE: Muhyiddin: PPBM won’t be able to submit Minutes to RoS in time).

    Mahathir wanted this matter to be below the radar because he was still discussing with Lim Kit Siang about PPBM candidates contesting the general election on a DAP ticket. In principle, Mahathir and Kit Siang have agreed that DAP will ‘absorb’ PPBM’s candidates but the mechanics still need to be sorted out. So Muhyiddin was supposed to make the announcement after that and not before the deal has been sealed.

    1. Mahathir and Kit Siang have agreed that DAP will ‘absorb’ PPBM candidates for GE14
      The main issue to be sorted out is how will DAP’s Chinese supporters view this? Having Mahathir as Pakatan Harapan’s Chairman and Prime Minister-in-waiting is one thing but having Mahathir as a DAP candidate is another kettle of fish.

      As for the Malay audience, Mahathir cannot be seen as being ‘swallowed’ by DAP and is merely a DAP kuda, as Superman Hew Kuan Yew said. Mahathir has to be seen as playing a leadership role in DAP and is in charge of the whole thing. If not, the Malays would abandon Mahathir and all his ‘PPBM’ candidates if they were merely seen as ‘alat Cina’.

      Say what you like, Malaysian general elections are all about race and religion. Just read the news and articles over the last one year alone and they all talk about Chinese this and Malays that. Today itself the online news is about whether Barisan Nasional can win back Chinese support or whether Pakatan Harapan can take away Malay support from Barisan Nasional.

      Most Malays view DAP as anti-Islam and anti-Sharia laws
      So, it is not simply a matter of Mahathir and the rest of the PPBM candidates contesting on a DAP ticket because the party is being deregistered. Hence, Muhyiddin’s ‘confession’ has upset everything. And some are saying it was done on purpose because Muhyiddin is not happy with the way things are going and the direction PPBM is heading.

      Muhyiddin knows that everything is about making Mukhriz the Prime Minister. As for Muhyiddin, his political career has more or less ended because of his affair with Nika Gee, who was another person’s wife and has since divorced. So, whatever Muhyiddin does would merely be for the benefit of Mukhriz and with no benefit to himself.

      The split in PPBM is becoming serious. Many are beginning to get disillusioned with Mahathir and no longer can agree with Mahathir’s way of doing things. The Mahathir group, on the other hand, is worried that Muhyiddin is placing all his people in strategic positions and can at any time take control of the party. Their greatest fear, however, is that Muhyiddin may sabotage PPBM to frustrate Mahathir.

    2. Muhyiddin knows this is all about making Mukhriz the Prime Minister and not about ‘Saving Malaysia’
      Then there is the more important matter that we addressed in the previous article regarding how Mahathir is going to get sworn in as DAP’s Prime Minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the coming general election — ‘Mahathir needs to take over as DAP’s Leader immediately’ (READ HERE) — where we said:

      Mahathir has to immediately become a DAP member and get himself officially and legally appointed as the DAP leader. Then this appointment needs to be lodged with the RoS together with proof of his membership. Added to that, each and every PPBM, PKR, DAP and PAN parliamentary candidate in GE14 must sign a letter declaring that in the event their party wins the most number of seats in Parliament their choice of Prime Minister is Mahathir. This is because Pakatan Harapan does not legally exist.

      This has to be one of the terms for them contesting. In short, the Surat Watikah allowing them to contest under their party symbol would be exchanged for their Consent Letter agreeing to Mahathir becoming the Prime Minister if their party forms the government.

      Only then, in the event that Pakatan Harapan wins the most number of seats in Parliament and DAP wins the majority of those seats, can Mahathir request an audience with the Agong and swear in his new government with him as Prime Minister. Short of that, the Agong need not even consent to an audience let alone swear Mahathir in as Prime Minister of his new government.

      Mahathir has to quickly become a DAP member and take over as party leader
      To understand the confusing and complicated situation in PPBM and Pakatan Harapan, you must first understand why in the first place PPBM and Pakatan Harapan were created. The whole problem is Mahathir is not really serious about PPBM and forming that party was not really part of his plan. The only reason PPBM was formed was because Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak pushed Mahathir into a corner and left him no way out. So, as a sort of lifeboat, Mahathir formed PPBM just to give the impression he is still in the game and is not defeated yet.

      Pakatan Harapan, which was founded on 22nd September 2015, was created for the same reason that Umno Baru was created in February 1988. In the Umno Baru case, Mahathir wanted to get rid of his enemies in Umno — so he closed down the party and formed a new Umno minus his enemies, who were then forced to form their own party, Semangat 46.

    3. Because of PPBM, Pakatan Harapan can now no longer get registered
      In Pakatan Harapan’s case, soon after the 2013 general election, a move was made to oust Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim for two main reasons. First was that he refused to fork out RM100 million to fund PKR’s candidates in the general election like the party wanted him to. Secondly, he refused to pay RM2.7 billion to take over SPLASH like Anwar Ibrahim wanted him to and was only prepared to pay RM250 million.

      For defying the party’s and Anwar’s wishes, they wanted Khalid out and replaced with Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. HRH the Sultan of Selangor, however, disagreed. So, PAS proposed Azmin Ali as the new Menteri Besar instead and the Sultan agreed. DAP and PKR, though, did not, and they were very upset with PAS. Hence, they closed down Pakatan Rakyat and formed Pakatan Harapan in September 2015 so that PAS could be kicked out of the opposition coalition.

      PPBM’s case is another story altogether. PPBM was never supposed to happen. What was supposed to happen is that Najib would be ousted and Muhyiddin would take over as the new Prime Minister with Mukhriz as his Deputy, after which Mukhriz would take over as Prime Minister around 2020 or so.

    4. Najib survived three coup d’état attempts in 2015 and that drove Mahathir up the wall
      In 2015, three coup d’état attempts were made — in July, October and December (in the Cabinet, Parliament and Umno Assembly respectively). All three failed and in January 2016 Mukhriz Mahathir was asked to resign as the Menteri Besar of Kedah.

      At first, he refused to resign but the Kedah Royal Council told Mukhriz that HRH the Sultan of Kedah, who was also DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong, wanted him out. So, on 3rd February 2016 Mukhriz resigned. Mahathir was so upset that on 29th February 2016 he resigned from Umno and out of desperation formed PPBM on 8th September 2016.

      Mahathir always talks about Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. In 2015, he had Plans A, B and C on how to oust Naib and he failed in all three attempts. Now he says he has Plans A, B and C on how to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister. That is actually nonsense. There are no Plans A, B and C on how to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister. There is only one plan, Plan A, and that is to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister through Umno after ousting Najib.

      Mukhriz was supposed to be the DPM in July 2015 and PM by 2020
      Mahathir was so sure he could use the 1MDB issue to oust Najib and that nothing could go wrong. However, when he failed three times and instead Mukhriz got ousted, he did not know what to do. That was why it took him seven months to form PPBM. If PPBM was Plan B then it would have been formed in March instead of September.

      In essence, Mahathir was never serious about PPBM. The formation of PPBM was never Plan B, as he wants us to believe. Mahathir knows Mukhriz can never become Prime Minister through PPBM. If Mukhriz is going to become Prime Minister it must be through Umno. The formation of PPBM is just wayang to give Malaysians the impression that Mahathir is still in the game and has not given up or lost yet.

      And that was why they were very sloppy and did not handle the affairs of PPBM properly. They did not properly form branches and divisions or have proper branch and division meetings. They did not properly follow their own party constitution causing them to be in violation of their own constitution. They demonstrated total lack of interest in making sure that PPBM is properly managed.

    5. PPBM is no longer going to exist on 30th March 2018
      PPBM is now in a mess and by 30th March 2018 it will most likely face deregistration. That in itself is not a major problem if not for the fact that PPBM’s deregistration will affect Pakatan Harapan. PPBM is a member of Pakatan Harapan so if PPBM is deregistered then Pakatan Harapan cannot get registered.

      And that would mean in GE14, expected around late April or early May 2018, both PPBM and Pakatan Harapan will not be contesting the general election. The only three ‘Pakatan’ parties contesting the general election will be DAP, PKR and PAN. And that would mean all the ‘PPBM’ candidates would need to contest under the banner of one of the three ‘Pakatan’ parties — in this case, as Mahathir has indicated, it will be DAP.

      The only question that now remains is: is the deregistration of PPBM, that will subsequently affect the registration of Pakatan Harapan, due to a sloppy oversight or was this planned all along as part of a sabotage? And is what PPBM facing a repeat of what happened back in 1987 when two teams emerged in Umno that eventually saw the party get deregistered?

    6. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

    7. Cerita temberang kejora bapuk tua bodoo..vawak blog sampah...

  43. It is now too late for PPBM to save the day by forging the minutes of the branch and division meetings, like how Mahathir forged the 1.3 million signatures on his Citizens’ Declaration. So, the only option left is for Mahathir to quickly get registered as a DAP member and officially take over as DAP’s leader. Short of that, Mahathir will not be able to get sworn in as the Prime Minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the general election.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Not long after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he does not mind contesting the next general election on a DAP ticket, Muhyiddin Yassin says there is no way PPBM can comply with the 28th February 2018 letter from the Registrar of Societies (RoS). The RoS letter gave PPBM until 30th March 2018 to submit the minutes of the branch and division meetings, which Muhyiddin said cannot be done.

    It appears it is a foregone conclusion that in two weeks’ time PPBM will cease to exist. And that would also mean, by default, Pakatan Harapan is not going to exist as well — at least not the legally registered Pakatan Harapan. And since Pakatan Harapan will not be legally registered, that would mean PKR, DAP, PPBM and PAN cannot contest the general election under the Pakatan Harapan banner but will have to contest under each individual party symbol — while PPBM candidates will have to contest under bebas status using the bicycle, umbrella, bus or whatever logo that they ‘lucky dip’ from the box.

    Mahathir has to register himself as a DAP member and legally take over as DAP’s leader to become PM
    Nevertheless, Mahathir has anticipated this, which is why he came out with his earlier statement saying he does not mind contesting the general election on a DAP ticket, and also why he asked Muhyiddin to announce that PPBM cannot comply with the RoS letter of 28th February 2018. They are, in fact, preparing the public for the next announcement — which is PPBM candidates will be contesting the general election on a DAP ticket.

    Some PPBM leaders know this is in the cards. That is the reason why last week they announced they can consider contesting the general election on a PKR or PAN ticket but not on a DAP ticket. They said, as a Malay party, they cannot contest the general election on a DAP ticket because that would be unacceptable to the Malay voters.

    Anyway, that is not really the main problem, even though it is a problem. The main problem is what is going to happen if the opposition wins the general election with not less than 112 parliament seats? According to Article 43(2)(a) of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall appoint as Perdana Menteri (Prime Minister) to preside over the Cabinet a member of the House of Representatives who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of that House.

    1. Selangor and Perak were without governments for a week in 2008 when the two Sultans refused to swear in the new Menteri Besar and their new governments
      By convention, the confidence of the majority of the members of that House would mean the leader of the political party with the most number of seats in Parliament.

      Now, this may sound easy. In reality, however, it is not so straightforward. In 2008, the Perak and Selangor State Governments could not be formed and both states operated without governments for a week because Pakatan Rakyat could not convince Their Highnesses the Sultans of Perak and Selangor that they commanded the confidence of the majority of the State Assembly.

      If Pakatan Harapan wins the coming general election, the same thing is going to happen. Mahathir does not belong to any party and for all intents and purposes he is a calun bebas even if he is contesting on a DAP ticket. He needs to legally be the leader of DAP, or else, just like in Selangor and Perak in 2008, Mahathir cannot receive the consent of the Agong to form the new government with him as Prime Minister.

      Anwar Ibrahim knows this, which is why he appointed himself the Ketua Umum of PKR just in case. If Anwar did not officially or legally hold any position in PKR, he cannot swear in his new government, either at state or federal level. Mahathir, however, does not hold any official or legal status in any party or coalition (since PPBM is closing down on 30th March 2018 and Pakatan Harapan is never going to get registered before GE14).

      Mahathir will have to convince the Agong he commands the confidence of the majority of the House by legally becoming a DAP member and by taking over as its leader
      Mahathir has to immediately become a DAP member and get himself officially and legally appointed as the DAP leader. Then this appointment needs to be lodged with the RoS together with proof of his membership. Added to that, each and every PPBM, PKR, DAP and PAN parliamentary candidate in GE14 must sign a letter declaring that in the event their party wins the most number of seats in Parliament their choice of Prime Minister is Mahathir. This is because Pakatan Harapan does not legally exist.

      This has to be one of the terms for them contesting. In short, the Surat Watikah allowing them to contest under their party symbol would be exchanged for their Consent Letter agreeing to Mahathir becoming the Prime Minister if their party forms the government.

      Only then, in the event that Pakatan Harapan wins the most number of seats in Parliament and DAP wins the majority of those seats, can Mahathir request an audience with the Agong and swear in his new government with him as Prime Minister. Short of that, the Agong need not even consent to an audience let alone swear Mahathir in as Prime Minister of his new government.

    2. On 30th March 2018, PPBM will cease to exist and Mahathir will become a calun bebas
      It is now too late for PPBM to save the day by forging the minutes of the branch and division meetings, like how Mahathir forged the 1.3 million signatures on his Citizens’ Declaration. So, the only option left is for Mahathir to quickly get registered as a DAP member and officially take over as DAP’s leader. Short of that, Mahathir will not be able to get sworn in as the Prime Minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the general election.

      What a bind Mahathir has got himself into. Now Mahathir’s problem is no longer about how to win the general election but about what is he going to do if the opposition does win? Mahathir is what one can call ‘status-less’. He is not a member or leader of any political party and to become Prime Minister you need to be a party member and the leader of that party. And for that to happen DAP has to agree to hand the party to Mahathir.

    3. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  44. Mahathir Will Do To DAP What Kuan Yew Did To The Communists
    By MT Webmaster On Mar 15, 2018

    Of course, Kit Siang and DAP know this. But they believe once Pakatan Harapan takes over the federal government they can deal with Mahathir later. In short, they can makan Mahathir before Mahathir makan them. That was also what Mahathir believed in 2015 — that he can makan Najib on 29th July 2015. But then Najib makan Mahathir first on 27th July 2015. And now Mahathir is head of a political party that technically does not exist and a coalition that is never going to exist.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    (FMT, 14 Mar 2018) – Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad today vowed that the coalition would free the mainstream media from political control if it wins the 14th general election (GE14). He said a PH government would also remove all laws that restrict freedom of expression in Malaysia.

    “TV3, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times, and all other media will be freed from the control of political parties, and there will be no more laws to restrict freedom of expression. This will be among the measures that PH will take when it forms the government,” the PH prime ministerial candidate said in his regular policy talk session carried live on Facebook today.


    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has big plans for Malaysia if Pakatan Harapan wins the upcoming general election and gets to form the new federal government. Top of Mahathir’s priority list is to allow more freedom and democracy and to remove all laws that restrict civil liberties.

    1. PPBM may cease to exist on 30th March 2018
      For a man who heads a political party that technically will not exist in two weeks’ time on 30th March 2018, and who heads an illegal coalition that is going to face the Registrar of Societies (RoS) in the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 5th April 2018 (probably after Parliament has been dissolved) to try to get legally registered, those are indeed lofty plans.

      The latest word from Komtar in Penang is that Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz, plus all those other PPBM candidates will be contesting the general election on a DAP ticket. There are some in PPBM who do not like the idea because PPBM is supposed to be a Malay party that is the mirror-image of Umno so contesting under a Chinese party will be disastrous. At the moment the situation is still very fluid but while they hope for the best they are preparing for the worst.

      Mahathir said if Plan A fails then he has Plan B and Plan C. Plan A is PPBM will contest the election as a legally registered party under Pakatan Harapan, also a legally registered coalition. If that does not happen then Plan B will be launched, and if Plan B fails as well then Plan C will take over. But what are Plans B and C? Mahathir will not reveal that. He is playing those cards close to his chest.

      Pakatan Harapan does not legally exist and they will be going to court on 5th April 2018 to try to get the coalition registered
      We have heard about this Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, all the way to Plan K, before this. In July 2015, Mahathir launched Plan A to get rid of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. That was supposed to happen on 29th July 2015 during the weekly Cabinet meeting when Muhyiddin would present Najib with two options: resign or go to jail.

      When Plan A failed Mahathir launched Plan B in October: the vote of no confidence in Parliament. That, too, failed so Mahathir launched Plan C in December: the vote of no confidence in the Umno annual assembly.

      All three plans in 2015 failed and since then Plans D, E, F, G, H, and so on were launched that included the help of the international media, bloggers in Malaysia, Australia, UK, etc., the US DoJ, and many more. Three years on and Najib is still in office while PPBM and Pakatan Harapan are in a mess. So much for Mahathir’s Plan A, B, C and God knows how many more.

      Anyway, that is what Mahathir promises. Whether he can deliver those promises seeing that, by Nomination Day, PPBM and Pakatan Harapan may not even exist is one issue. And even if by Nomination Day PPBM and Pakatan Harapan do exist, can they win the general election when they cannot even agree on the seats at this late stage in the game? The third and more important point is will Mahathir deliver his promises if Pakatan Harapan gets to form the government?

    2. Mahathir does not believe the Internal Security Act, Sedition Act, Banishment Act, and so on, should be abolished
      This was what NST reported on 30th June 2014:

      Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today Malaysia could descend into chaos if the government went ahead with a proposal to abolish the Sedition Act 1948. He said the proposed new law to replace the act would not be able to prevent all kinds of sedition that would occur.

      “The people will be subjected to all kinds of sedition, including incitement to amend the Federal Constitution. It is not inconceivable that they would agitate for the institution of the monarchy to be abolished,” he said in his latest post on his blog. Dr Mahathir said the abolition of the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Banishment Act had resulted in a rise in various kinds of crime in the country.

      Kit Siang knows Mahathir will makan him if Pakatan Harapan wins the general election so he will have to makan Mahathir first
      Is this the same Mahathir who said yesterday ‘there will be no more laws to restrict freedom of expression’? Mahathir wants the Internal Security Act, Sedition Act, Banishment Act, etc., to be retained. He does not believe in more freedoms. He just says so because he wants more votes, after which he will revert to the old Mahathir once he is back in power.

      Actually, DAP and most in Pakatan Harapan know that Mahathir is merely paying lip service and is not sincere in what he is saying. All Mahathir wants is to oust Najib so that Mukhriz can becomes the Prime Minister. And as long as Najib is in office then Mukhriz is never going to become Prime Minister.

      Mahathir initially tried to oust Najib from inside Umno but failed. Instead Muhyiddin and Mukhriz were ousted. So now he is trying to oust Najib through the general election. And for that to happen Mahathir has no choice but to work with the opposition.

    3. Mahathir is jealous of Kuan Yew and tries to copy the moves that Kuan Yew made
      This was what Lee Kuan Yew did so Mahathir is merely taking a page out of Kuan Yew’s playbook. Kuan Yew knew he could not win the Singapore elections unless he worked with the Communists. So he did a deal with the Communists and even gave them half the seats to contest. Once PAP won the election, Kuan Yew turned on his Communist comrades and rounded them all up under the ISA. In one swoop Kuan yew wiped out the Communists in Singapore and ruled Singapore for 52 years — 31 years as Prime Minister, 14 years as Senior Minister, and seven years as Minister Mentor.

      Mahathir envies and secretly admires Kuan Yew. Mahathir knows that Kuan Yew’s success in being able to rule Singapore for more than half a century was to make deals with his enemies and then betray them later. Kuan Yew even pretended to agree with the formation of Malaysia just to get independence from Britain and once the British went home Kuan Yew took Singapore out of Malaysia and very cleverly made it look like Malaysia sacked Singapore from the Federation.

      Of course, Lim Kit Siang and DAP know this. But they believe once Pakatan Harapan takes over the federal government they can deal with Mahathir later. In short, they can makan Mahathir before Mahathir makan them. That was also what Mahathir believed in 2015 — that he can makan Najib on 29th July 2015. But then Najib makan Mahathir first on 27th July 2015. And now Mahathir is head of a political party that technically does not exist and a coalition that is never going to exist.

      Kuan Yew made a deal with the Communists to win the elections and after that betrayed them and wiped them out

    4. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  45. More importantly, how can they use this as ammunition in the GE14 general election campaign? If the US and Swiss Governments keep those cash and assets they confiscated and do not return it to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government, that would mean the money was not stolen from 1MDB or from the Malaysian Government.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    According to The Malaysian Insight news report below, Lim Kit Siang is panicking and is frantically getting in touch with the Swiss authorities to discuss what to do with the RM430 million they confiscated.

    Kit Siang does not want the money returned to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government. Switzerland, on the other hand, is planning to keep the money for themselves. Kit Siang is not happy with that either and he wants Switzerland to keep the money ‘in trust’ and to be used for the benefit of the 32 million Malaysian people.

    How that is going to be done (and whether such a thing has ever be done before) is not clear because Kit Siang has not explained the mechanics of how to do it. If Switzerland uses the money, say to build Chinese schools in Penang, then only a handful of Malaysians would benefit from the money.

    Matthias and Khairuddin flew all over the world lodging complaints with foreign governments about RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money ‘disappearing into thin air’
    The problem is Switzerland confiscated the money due to a complaint lodged by Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan and not due to a complaint lodged by 1MDB or by the Malaysian Government. If 1MDB or the Malaysian Government want that money they have to lodge a complaint with the Swiss Government and submit proof that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them.

    But then 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government did not lose that money. The money was not stolen from either 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government. So how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government claim that money back if they did not lose it or the money was not stolen from them? More importantly, how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government show proof or offer evidence that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them if the proof/evidence does not exist?

    So, it looks like Pakatan Harapan’s smear campaign has backfired badly and Kit Siang is panicking. If Switzerland keeps the money, like how they plan to do, and not send the money to 1MDB or the Malaysian Government, like how they plan to do, then this only proves that the money may have been stolen from somewhere, but it was not stolen from 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government.

    1. Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

    2. Once again in plain simple English those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  46. More importantly, how can they use this as ammunition in the GE14 general election campaign? If the US and Swiss Governments keep those cash and assets they confiscated and do not return it to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government, that would mean the money was not stolen from 1MDB or from the Malaysian Government.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    According to The Malaysian Insight news report below, Lim Kit Siang is panicking and is frantically getting in touch with the Swiss authorities to discuss what to do with the RM430 million they confiscated.

    Kit Siang does not want the money returned to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government. Switzerland, on the other hand, is planning to keep the money for themselves. Kit Siang is not happy with that either and he wants Switzerland to keep the money ‘in trust’ and to be used for the benefit of the 32 million Malaysian people.

    How that is going to be done (and whether such a thing has ever be done before) is not clear because Kit Siang has not explained the mechanics of how to do it. If Switzerland uses the money, say to build Chinese schools in Penang, then only a handful of Malaysians would benefit from the money.

    Matthias and Khairuddin flew all over the world lodging complaints with foreign governments about RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money ‘disappearing into thin air’
    The problem is Switzerland confiscated the money due to a complaint lodged by Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan and not due to a complaint lodged by 1MDB or by the Malaysian Government. If 1MDB or the Malaysian Government want that money they have to lodge a complaint with the Swiss Government and submit proof that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them.

    But then 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government did not lose that money. The money was not stolen from either 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government. So how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government claim that money back if they did not lose it or the money was not stolen from them? More importantly, how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government show proof or offer evidence that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them if the proof/evidence does not exist?

    So, it looks like Pakatan Harapan’s smear campaign has backfired badly and Kit Siang is panicking. If Switzerland keeps the money, like how they plan to do, and not send the money to 1MDB or the Malaysian Government, like how they plan to do, then this only proves that the money may have been stolen from somewhere, but it was not stolen from 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government.

    1. Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Mukhriz said RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has disappeared into thin air and all have now been proven liars
      In essence, Switzerland is helping prove that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak did not steal RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money, as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has alleged. And Pakatan Harapan needs to use this ‘RM42-billion of 1MDB’s money has disappeared into thin air’ story in the election campaign.

      What Pakatan Harapan, or Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan, have done is merely to help Switzerland become richer by about half a billion Ringgit. To 1MDB or the Malaysian Government it does not really matter either way because it is not their money anyway. So, if the Swiss Government keeps that money for themselves, as what Kit Siang is worried may happen, it is no loss to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government.

      The same goes with the US$60 million that Red Granite Pictures has agreed to pay to the US government and the US$250 million Cayman Islands-flagged luxury yacht, Equanimity, that was impounded by the Indonesia Government. That RM1.2 billion cash and assets now belong to the American people, said MSNBC on Friday, 9th March 2018. This means the RM1.2 billion is also not going to be returned to 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government.

      All Pakatan Harapan has to use against Barisan Nasional is 1MDB and GST and if this does not work they are going to win less than 80 Parliament seats in GE14
      Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan also went to the US to lodge complaints with the Department of Justice. So, because of this, the US is confiscating various cash and assets. On 20th July 2016, the US DoJ announced that around US$1 billion or roughly RM4 billion is being targeted. On 15th June 2017 the US DoJ revised that figure downwards to US$540 million or RM2.1 billion.

      Anyway, whether it is RM4 billion or RM2 billion is not really the issue. The issue is all those confiscated cash and assets will belong to the American people, said the news report on Friday, and not to 1MDB or the Malaysian Government. And that is why Kit Siang is panicking. If the US and Swiss Governments confiscate billions from all over the world and keep the money for themselves, then what good would that do?

      More importantly, how can they use this as ammunition in the GE14 general election campaign? If the US and Swiss Governments keep those cash and assets they confiscated and do not return it to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government, that would mean the money was not stolen from 1MDB or from the Malaysian Government.

    2. Kit Siang is panicking that the Swiss and US Governments plan to keep the billions they have confiscated thus proving the money does not belong to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government
      (TMI, 11 Mar 2018) – DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang has asked Swiss MPs to back a motion in Parliament to repatriate RM430 million in 1Malaysia Development Bhd-linked funds that was seized from Swiss banks.

      “I have emailed Swiss MPs, asking them to support the motion,” he said in a statement today, adding that the ultimate goal is to channel back a portion of the allegedly stolen funds to an independent, non-governmental trust in Malaysia.

      He said the fund is to “benefit Malaysians harmed by the 1MDB scandal”.

      The Swiss Parliament is set to debate on Tuesday a motion calling for the repatriation of confiscated corruption-linked funds, including the 104 million Swiss francs (RM430 million) allegedly stolen and laundered from 1MDB.

      Swiss lawmaker Sommaruga Carlo, of the Social Democratic Party, will table Motion 17.3547: Repatriation of confiscated corruption funds to the robbed populations.

      Lim said it would be “inappropriate” to return the money to the Malaysian government, as “it is directly involved in the 1MDB scandal”.

      “The RM430 million in 1MDB-linked funds confiscated from Swiss banks and financial companies should, instead, be held in a trust for the benefit of the people of Malaysia.”

      He said “it would also be most improper and morally indefensible for the Swiss government to keep these monies for its own use, as it would set a bad international precedent in an era to declare and combat corruption as an international crime”.

      Tuesday’s motion before the Swiss Parliament reads: “The Federal Council (cabinet) is instructed to repatriate to its country of origin, at least in part, profits unlawfully obtained in third-party countries by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, in accordance with the procedures of the Illegally Acquired Assets Act (SR 196.1) in the countries concerned.”

      The motion was triggered by plans to absorb into the Swiss Treasury illicit funds linked to financial crimes, like in the 1MDB scandal, that were recovered by Swiss authorities.

      “(The Swiss Treasury keeping the money) will be against the principle enunciated in the United Nations Convention Against Corruption 2003, that stolen corruption monies in foreign banks and institutions, like the stolen 1MDB-linked funds, should be repatriated back to Malaysia to benefit the victims of the 1MDB scandal – 30 million Malaysian people,” said Lim.

      The repatriation of such funds hidden or stashed overseas, away from their country of origin, and their use to benefit the nationals harmed by such corrupt practices is a principle that has been accepted internationally as a result of the UN convention, which Malaysia signed in Mexico on December 9, 2003, and officially ratified on September 24, 2008.

      A highlight of the convention is the inclusion of a specific chapter on asset recovery, aimed at returning assets to their rightful owners, including countries from which they had been taken illicitly.

      Article 35 of the UN convention upholds the principle that “entities or persons, who have suffered damage as a result of an act of corruption, have the right to initiate legal proceedings against those responsible for that damage in order to obtain compensation”.

      Lawmakers in the national council, the lower house of the Swiss federal assembly, are expected to vote on whether to repatriate the funds on Thursday.

    3. For the long winded ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  47. Cai2 lahanat, ramai yg dah kehilangan rentak
    Hanya yng masih jwb, Bapuk Bodo & Si Katak
    Setakat ini ker, tentera upahan si Boboi botak
    Kerja sangat malas tapi dedak kuat melantak

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh

  48. The DAP-led Pakatan Harapan knows that their original strategy can no longer work. The Sarawak state election in May and the two by-elections a month later proved this. If Pakatan does not want to see its seats drop to 60 or less, it needs to figure out how to win some non-Chinese seats.


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    The euphoria of the 2013 general election that was touted as the ‘Chinese Tsunami’ gave the impression that the next general election in 2018 was going to see the end of Umno and Barisan Nasional.

    The DAP-led Pakatan Rakyat (now called Pakatan Harapan) boasted loudly that they garnered more than 95% of the Chinese votes (which was why it was called the ‘Chinese Tsunami). They also boasted loudly that MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP have already mati tak berkubur (died without a burial).

    With 95% Chinese behind the DAP-led Pakatan, and with Peninsular Malaysia split 50:50 between the ruling coalition and the opposition coalition, all they needed was to win East Malaysia. And that means Anwar Ibrahim would be the new Prime Minister of Malaysia with four Deputy Prime Ministers (one each from the Malay, Chinese and Indian community and another representing East Malaysia, rotated between Sabah and Sarawak).

    Both sides of the political divide acknowledged that Sabah and Sarawak, that had 57 parliament seats (Labuan included), was the Umno-led Barisan Nasional’s fixed deposit. If the Umno-led Barisan Nasional depended on just the 165 seats from Peninsular Malaysia then they would no longer be in power since these 165 seats are split almost 50:50.

    But then two months ago reality smacked the DAP-led Pakatan right in the face. The opposition cannot take over East Malaysia. In fact, their performance this year was worse than in 2011. The opposition actually saw a slide, and this slide is expected to continue into 2018 and beyond.

    But then they still had the ‘mixed seats’ where the non-Chinese voters are just about 55-65% with the balance non-Malay voters. The opposition is supposed to be strong in such mixed seats.

    Then, one month after the Sarawak state election, they had the two by-elections in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar. These two seats were mixed seats with about two-thirds non-Chinese voters and the balance non-Malays. And these are the type of seats where the DAP-led Pakatan is supposed to be strong.

    However, when the votes were counted, the opposition did even worse than in the last general election. So yet another fallacy was debunked. The opposition cannot do better in mixed seats where the ratio of non-Chinese to non-Malay voters is two-thirds: one-thirds.

    The DAP-led Pakatan is so proud of its so-called 95% Chinese support. But then, even if it is true that 95% of the Chinese support the DAP-led Pakatan, this would mean at best they can sapu just about 40 seats. There are still another 182 seats — one-third in Sabah/Sarawak, and two-thirds Malay majority and mixed seats.

    The DAP-led Pakatan realises that it cannot depend just on non-Malay votes. If it does then in the next general election it is going to get less seats than in 2013, like what happened in the recent Sarawak state election. It needs more non-Chinese seats — and PKR cannot help them there while PAS will certainly not donate any Malay seats to the DAP-led Pakatan like in the previous elections.

    1. Even then there is no guarantee that the DAP-led Pakatan can still get 95% of the Chinese votes. The Sarawak state election and two by-elections have shown that the Chinese can swing either way.

      The reason DAP managed to swing the Chinese in the previous two general elections is because they told the Chinese voters they could control PAS and can make sure that PAS will not push for Hudud. In other words, we keep our friends close and our enemies even closer. Hence they should keep PAS in Pakatan so that PAS can be controlled.

      But then DAP later insisted that PAS gets kicked out of Pakatan. So how does DAP explain that? Well, DAP explained that by saying that PAS was pushing for Hudud, whereas that was not true one bit. And DAP was forced to take a very strong anti-Islam stand to convince the voters that they were telling the truth.

      DAP hopes that by showing it is strongly against the Syariah laws, the Chinese would swing back to the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan and they can recover the 95% Chinese votes that they once had and seem to have now lost.

      So, while DAP targets the non-Malay voters, PAN is supposed to target the non-Chinese voters, while PKR works on the mixed seats. But then the same message cannot be given to all voters. So they need different messages for different voters (such as by telling the Chinese voters to vote for the Malay candidate so that the Malays will end up fighting their fellow Malays to the advantage of the Chinese).

      Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and those in the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) are considering setting up a new party. With the key players — such as Mukhriz Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin and Shafie Apdal — now all out of Umno, they need a new political platform.

      Lim Kit Siang realises that PAN cannot deliver those non-Chinese seats while the way PKR is going it might not even still be around come the next general election.

      Lim Kit Siang wants Mukhriz, Muhyiddin and Shafie to join DAP instead in the hope that DAP no longer needs to target just the non-Malay seats but can now take on the non-Chinese seats as well. But then Muhyiddin is now facing a scandal, as is Shafie, both involving women. And it seems there are other scandals about to erupt involving Mukhriz as well.

      Mahathir, of course, wants to try to take over PKR with Azmin Ali as his proxy and new party president. But the anti-Azmin forces are fighting back and have lined up a few scandals involving Azmin, which they are going to explode once Azmin makes his move.

      Azmin knows that Rafizi Ramli is behind this so he has some scandals regarding Rafizi that he can also explode in retaliation. According to Azmin’s boys who say that Azmin already has the evidence, these scandals involving Rafizi are supposed to be regarding young boys.

      If both Rafizi and Azmin start hurling scandals at each other, PKR may be a write-off in the not too distant future. Then there is the issue of Azmin sleeping with both PAS and PAN at the same time, which all sides are very unhappy about.

    2. Some Pakatan supporters have even suggested that DAP and PAN form an alliance minus PKR — because PKR is more a liability than an asset. But then while PKR is seen as a multi-racial party of sorts, PAN is seen as just another PAS breakaway party such as Berjasa and Hamim, both which mati tak berkbur.

      So DAP is marketing PAN as a party of progressive Muslims and moderates. PAS is pushing for Hudud while PAN opposes Hudud (both which are lies). But then this is what DAP is telling the Chinese. PAN itself has said nothing. They never said they oppose Hudud and neither have they said they support it. Somehow, though, the Chinese DAP supports have never figured this out, for some strange reason.

      At the end of the day there is a lot of silap mata (sleight of hand) going on. But can they continue to fool both the non-Malay and non-Chinese all the way till the 2018 general election? If you look at the results of the Sarawak state election and the two by-elections, it appears like that story can no longer sell.

      While they attempt to sort out the mess the DAP-led Pakatan is in, they are also trying to distract Malaysians by replaying all the old stories regarding 1MDB that was played more than 18 months ago. Sarawak Report has come out with ‘latest news’, ‘shocking exposes’, ‘exclusive stories’, which are actually cerita surat khabar lama.

      They are hoping that Sarawak Report’s continuous spinning will result in the fall of the Umno-led Barisan Nasional with the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan taking over the government and all 13 states as well. Well, I suppose some people also believe in the tooth fairy.

    3. For the long winded ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  49. Mahathir, Mukhriz And Muhyiddin Contesting Under DAP’s Banner
    By MT Webmaster Last updated Mar 15, 2018

    And for DAP they can use the fact that Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin are contesting under a DAP banner in Chinese-majority seats as ‘evidence’ that DAP is a multi-racial party and not a Chinese party while the government would be seen as zalim for deregistering PPBM. That is what is called a win-win situation.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    A most interesting development has just taken place today. The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has just issued a press release regarding Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) saying that since the party has not complied with certain terms and conditions the party will have to be deregistered.

    Actually, those terms and conditions are very basic and not at all difficult to comply with. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, however, purposely refuses to comply with what the RoS wants so that they would have no choice but to deregister PPBM. This had been discussed earlier between Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang and is part of the plan for him, his son Mukhriz, and Muhyiddin Yassin to contest the general election under a DAP banner in Chinese-majority seats.

    Mahathir and Kit Siang had already discussed and agreed that PPBM will be closed down and Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin will contest under DAP
    Mahathir knows PPBM has absolutely no chance of winning the upcoming general election and if he, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin were to contest the general election under PPBM they would be wiped out. PPBM, which is no better than Semangat 46 and is just another Malay party, has no hope of defeating Umno or of replacing Umno as the new warlord of Malaysian politics. So Mahathir needs to discard PPBM and migrate to DAP.

    The only way Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin can win the general election would be if they contested the election under the DAP banner and in Chinese-majority areas. They realise they need Chinese votes in a Chinese-majority seat to win and not Malay votes in a Malay-majority seat.

    And the only way Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin can contest under a DAP banner in Chinese-majority seats would be if PPBM did not exist. If PPBM existed how would they explain contesting under a DAP banner in a Chinese-majority seat? That was why Mahathir needed the RoS to deregister PPBM.

    1. These three will be saved while the other PPBM candidates will be thrown under the bus
      Now Mahathir can blame the RoS. It is because the RoS deregistered PPBM that Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin have no choice but to contest under a DAP banner in Chinese-majority seats. The RoS would be seen as the villain while Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin will be seen as innocent victims of injustice and political persecution.

      But that solves Mahathir’s, Mukhriz’s and Muhyiddin’s problems. What about the rest of the PPBM candidates? Well, they are never going to win anyway so what does it matter? What matters is that Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin win the general election even if they won under a DAP banner in Chinese-majority seats.

      And for DAP they can use the fact that Mahathir, Mukhriz and Muhyiddin are contesting under a DAP banner in Chinese-majority seats as ‘evidence’ that DAP is a multi-racial party and not a Chinese party while the government would be seen as zalim for deregistering PPBM. That is what is called a win-win situation.

    2. For the long winded ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  50. Tak de lagi kopipes sampah?....hahahaha

  51. Rafidah, Get The MACC To Clear Your Name
    By MT Webmaster Last updated Mar 20, 2018

    Very simple solution. Rafidah can use the AGC, the MACC and the judicial system to clear her name. And it will take only one day to do this because the investigation and the file is already complete. Instead of denying the allegation or insulting me by calling me names, let the system clear Rafidah because it was the Prime Minister and Umno that made the allegations against her since the time when she was still in the government.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Rafidah Aziz is one more of those just like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin, Shafie Apdal, etc., who used to walk in the corridors of power and made billions from abusing their power and now turn around and whack the party that they exploited in which to make money.

    Rafidah said I am a joke and she is wondering how much I am being paid to write ‘rubbish’. Rubbish, of course, is subjective and is entirely up to one’s interpretation. What is important is she never denied that about RM2 billion worth of APs were issued every year in the 21 years she was the Minister-in-charge of issuing APs and of allocating public company shares or ‘pink forms’ to ‘Bumiputera investors’.

    Anyway, why does Rafidah want to know how much I am being paid? Was she not paid when she was a Member of Parliament? Was she not paid when she was a Cabinet Minister? Is she not being paid a pension now that she has retired? And was not all that money she has been receiving, for the last 32 years, taxpayers’ money?

    READ HERE: Rafidah Accuses Raja Petra Of Accepting ‘Dedak’ To Write Rubbish
    How many million Ringgit has Rafidah been paid so far over the last 32 years — salaries, allowances and claims included? For her kawasan alone that probably comes to RM100 million over 32 years. So, stop acting like Mother Teresa. Rafidah has cost the Malaysian taxpayers more than RM100 million and she is still costing them money as long as she continues breathing and refuses to die.

    I remember once back when Rafidah was the Minister of Trade and the Malay Chamber of Commerce raised the issue of Ministers abusing their power to help Umnoputeras get rich under the disguise of implementing the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP is supposed to help Bumiputeras and not help a handful of Umnoputeras to get rich, the Malay Chamber argued. Terengganu Member of Parliament Alias Ali then replied: Umnoputeras are also Malays, so what’s wrong if they also get rich?

    The point is not whether Umnoputeras are also Malays or not. The issue is the Minister of Trade was abusing her power to help her cronies get rich. That was the bone of contention of the Malay Chamber. And that was the reason the issue was raised. And that matter was raised almost 30 years ago back around 1989-1990.

    1. Mahathir said Rafidah lied to him
      So, 30 years ago, most Malays already knew about those close to the Minister of Trade becoming millionaires. And when the matter was raised during a conference, they replied that these people are also Malays so what is wrong if they also become rich? But the issue here is about cronyism, abuse of power and corruption, not about whether they are Malays or not.

      It is not I who say Rafidah is corrupt and abused her power to make her cronies rich. The Malay Chamber of Commerce said this, and openly during conferences and meetings on top of that. The then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said this. Umno said this – and is still saying it until today. And of course, the opposition said it as well (but they have stopped saying it since Rafidah now works for Pakatan Harapan).

      If Rafidah insists she is innocent then why not invite the MACC to investigate the allegations against her?

      Ezam was sent to jail for two years to save Rafidah from arrest and indictment
      This was what was reported by Malaysiakini on 7th August 2002:

      “The accused (Mohd Ezam Mohd Nor) in his defence admitted to having a press conference on Nov 6, 1999 to expose the corruption and abuse of power by International Trade and Industry minister Rafidah Aziz and former Melaka chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik and he knew and was sure that those documents were official secrets but still took the risk,” said the judge.

      The document that Ezam showed the reporters was the Minutes of the Meeting held in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which Rafidah, as Minister, chaired. The meeting was about the allocation of shares and amongst those names on the list of shares to be approved was the name of Rafidah’s son-in-law.

      Rafidah was accused of conflict of interest, or maybe even corruption, for chairing a meeting to allocate shares to her own son-in-law. Rafidah, however, argued that while she did chair the meeting, when the committee discussed the allocation of shares to her son-in-law, she left the room and came back only after the committee had finished discussing the matter. (READ MORE HERE: Rafidah Revealed That Mahathir Is Corrupt)

    2. Mahathir said he saved Rafidah from jail not less than three times
      Mahathir, in turn, admitted he saved Rafidah by asking the AGC and the MACC to close the file and not pursue the case (Mahathir said he saved Rafidah three times in total). In fact, the AGC had already recommended prosecution so Rafidah’s goose was more or less cooked and there was no way she could escape jail. Instead, Ezam was the one who was sent to jail.

      So, why not Rafidah ask the MACC to reopen this file? Reopen the file and let the MACC tell us whether Rafidah did or did not commit corrupt acts. The investigation is already complete so the MACC need not even do any more work. Even the AGC’s recommendation to prosecute her is still in the file. Just reopen the file and arrest Rafidah and charge her. Then the court can decide if she is innocent or guilty.

      Very simple solution. Rafidah can use the AGC, the MACC and the judicial system to clear her name. And it will take only one day to do this because the investigation and the file is already complete. Instead of denying the allegation or insulting me by calling me names, let the system clear Rafidah because it was the Prime Minister and Umno that made the allegations against her since the time when she was still in the government.

      Is Rafidah denying that RM2 billion worth of APS were issued every year and that the lion’s share were given to just three people: S.M. Nasimuddin S.M. Amin, Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim and Mohd Haniff Abdul Aziz? For two decades Malaysians have been asking why are these three people receiving RM1 billion worth of APs a year? Who are these three people to Rafidah? What qualifies these three people to receive RM1 billion worth of APs every year while Malaysians need to pay RM30,000-50,000 extra for the car they buy to cover the cost of these APs?

      Who is Mohd Haniff to Rafidah?
      Answer that question. And ask the MACC to come in and investigate those three (one who has since died). Where is the estimated RM20-25 billion that these people made? What happened to that money and how much was kickback to Rafidah? Even Umno wants the answer to that question — although Pakatan Harapan may no longer be interested to know the answer because they are not really interested in your corrupt acts if you support the opposition.

      In the meantime, Rafidah can tell us about her relationship with one of the ‘AP Kings’, Mohd Haniff Abdul Aziz. Everybody in the motor industry knows Haniff is her toy-boy. Does she want to deny this? Haniff is more than just her proxy or nominee. Their relationship stretches from the boardroom to the bedroom. And this is no secret, just like it is no secret she frequents casinos in the US and the UK and blows millions at one go.

    3. For the long winded ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  52. Even Kuan Yew realised that banning Chinese schools and Chinese education is political suicide. That is why DAP, MCA and Gerakan champion Chinese schools and Chinese education. If they do not champion Chinese schools and Chinese education then they would not win Chinese votes. So Chinese schools and Chinese education is merely about vote-buying: the only dedak that the Chinese want since they do not need RM500 or RM1,000 cash like the Malays do.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Lim Guan Eng’s ABC-GST song-and-dance (literal as well as metaphoric song-and-dance) is similar to how the Taliban, IS, ISIS, Boko Haram, and so on, indoctrinate children. You catch them at a very young and impressionable age and teach them how to hate. The biggest ‘market’ for recruiting potential extremists are schools. Schoolchildren can very rapidly be turned into extremists with the right indoctrination.

    That was why soon after Singapore’s independence in 1963 Lee Kuan Yew was against Chinese schools. Kuan Yew said the Chinese are the most difficult race to rule and they only understand feudalism and the politics of warlords. In other words, democracy is wasted on the Chinese.

    The problem with the Chinese is they regard themselves as the superior race and all non-Chinese are considered inferior. That is why non-Chinese are called ‘devils’ or ‘foreign devils’. And the Chinese are very much into the hierarchy system where you have the ruling class, which can do whatever they like, and the lower or working class, which what the Indians would call the pariah class.

    1. Chinese schools in Singapore bred anti-government extremists
      You may say that may have been a thing of the past but it is still very much Chinese culture until today. All you need to do is to attack one Chinese business or political leader who has acquired godlike status and the entire Chinese community, regardless of political leaning, will gang up on you. Certain Chinese who have acquired Godlike status are sacred cows and attacking them would be just like attacking Prophet Muhammad to the Muslims.

      And that was the problem Kuan Yew faced. He was considered a banana (yellow on the outside and white on the inside). Kuan Yew’s parents were English-educated and they gave Kuan Yew the English name, Harry. So, he was known as Harry Lee and not Lee Kuan Yew in his younger days. Only when he went into politics and needed to look more Chinese did he drop Harry Lee in favour of Lee Kuan Yew.

      Harry Lee went to the Telok Kurau English School and then to the Raffles Institution. He joined the Boy Scouts, played cricket, tennis, and chess, and debated for his school. After the war, Harry Lee continued his education in the UK. In short, Harry Lee was more English than Chinese by far and that is something that does not help one’s political career when one needs Chinese support.

      Lee Kuan Yew knew that Chinese schools were a threat to Singapore’s security but banning them outright would have been political suicide
      So, in 1963, when Singapore gained independence, Harry lee, who was now Lee Kuan Yew, could not afford to allow Chinese schools to flourish. At that time Chinese schools in Malaya and Singapore were where the CPM (Communist Party of Malaya) recruited members. Many Chinese students disappeared into the jungle to fight for the CTs (Communist Terrorists).

      The CPM was so strong that Kuan Yew had to enter into an alliance with them to face the general election and even gave them half the seats to contest. If not, PAP would have been wiped out in the election and Singapore would be under a Communist government. Of course, later Kuan Yew arrested all the Chinese education activists under Operation Coldstore on the excuse that they were Communist Terrorists. Actually, he did not want anyone talking about Chinese schools and Chinese education.

      Events of the 1950s to 1980s have proven how powerful Chinese schools can be to Chinese politics. For more than 100 years until today, Chinese tycoons have been funding Chinese schools. Chinese money is very crucial to Chinese education. And Chinese education is very crucial to Chinese politics. And that is why you attack Chinese tycoons at your own peril because indirectly, through Chinese education, Chinese tycoons are funding Chinese politics (although they do so directly as well).

    2. Chinese schools funded by Chinese tycoons are very crucial to DAP’s future
      Chinese business and political links must not be underestimated. This was what The New York Times reported on 30th March 1997.

      Harry Lee, the man these misguided Americans think of as their friend, must be transfixed by this summer’s takeover of Hong Kong by China. He realises that China will permit no serious competition from Singapore as Southeast Asia’s main connection to the West. As a realist, Lee is positioning his island to be a pilot fish to China’s whale.

      So, saying that Singapore is to China what Israel is to the United States would not be an exaggeration. Kuan Yew saw this more than 20 years ago and that is why Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak knows that one does not ignore China if one wants any future in Asia. Pakatan Harapan, however, is taking an anti-China stance and that would be suicide if they get to form the next federal government. All this anti-China rhetoric from Pakatan Harapan is going to destroy Malaysia’s economy.

      Madrasa to the Taliban are what Chinese schools are to DAP
      This was what Singaporean physicist Zhun-Yong Ong said:

      LKY did not insist on mother tongue education in the 60’s and 70’s. The greater emphasis on mother tongue and the concomitant bilingual education policy only came in the early 80’s when he felt comfortable enough to mount his social engineering campaigns. Singapore had two parallel tracks in education for Chinese Singaporeans in the 60’s and 70’s – English-medium and Chinese-medium schools, similar to the situation in Malaysia. English-medium schools taught very little Chinese in the 60’s and vice versa. For instance, the inclusion of the mother tongue subject in secondary schools was only made compulsory in 1966.

      LKY did not abolish the Chinese-medium schools because many of his political opponents and the left-wing of the PAP were predominantly Chinese-educated. Most of PAP’s supporters were themselves from the Chinese-educated working class. The Chinese tycoons, like Tan Lark Sye, who founded Nanyang University, were hard-core supporters of Chinese education. So, if LKY had tried to abolish Chinese education, he would have been outflanked politically from the left by the Chinese-dominated trade unions and from the right by the Chinese tycoons.

      LKY wasn’t really concerned about how it (mother tongue education) would be useful for building Singapore’s trade and economic links with China. That rationalisation only came much later. Note that Malaysia has been our biggest trade partner for a long time and no one ever has ever insisted that that everyone learns Malay. Same goes for Japan who is also one of our biggest trade partners. Do you see everyone studying Japanese?

    3. For the long winded ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

    4. Without Chinese schools DAP would cease to exist just like without madrasa the Taliban would cease to exist
      Even Kuan Yew realised that banning Chinese schools and Chinese education is political suicide. That is why DAP, MCA and Gerakan champion Chinese schools and Chinese education. If they do not champion Chinese schools and Chinese education then they would not win Chinese votes. So Chinese schools and Chinese education is merely about vote-buying: the only dedak that the Chinese want since they do not need RM500 or RM1,000 cash like the Malays do.

      DAP, MCA and Gerakan are in competition as to who is more Chinese. And Umno must be seen to be in support of Chinese schools and Chinese education for the sake of MCA and Gerakan. If not then MCA and Gerakan will be totally wiped out. And MCA and Gerakan must also be seen to be opposed to Umno if it says anything that may anger the Chinese voters.

      DAP boasts that 90-95% of Chinese voters will vote for them. MCA and Gerakan’s job is to try to reduce that to 70%. With 30% Chinese and 60% Malays voting for Barisan Nasional then Barisan Nasional will get to form the next government. And the only way MCA and Gerakan can get 30% of the Chinese votes would be if Umno is seen as supportive of Chinese causes.

    5. For the long winded ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  53. Mahathir has asked Rafidah to remain in Umno as his Trojan Horse — what the Malays would call duri dalam daging or gunting dalam lipatan. Her job is to attack Najib Tun Razak to give an impression that Umno itself is against the Prime Minister. If even Umno wants Najib out then what about the rest of Malaysians? Surely the rest of Malaysians also want to see Najib ousted. And this is why Mahathir, Kit Siang, Guan Eng, Azmin, and so on, no longer attack Rafidah and talk about her corruption involving APs and ‘pink forms’.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    When Air Asia was founded in 2001, ‘market talk’ was that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s crony cum proxy cum nominee/trustee, Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan, was the hidden hand behind that new airline company. Earlier, in 1994, the government had ‘sold’ Malaysia’s national airlines, MAS, to Tun Daim Zainuddin’s crony cum proxy cum nominee/trustee, Tajudin Ramli. Since Daim already owned his own airline, it made sense that Mahathir would want one as well.

    But that was what the market perceived. In reality something else was going on behind the scenes. MAS was not sold to Tajudin. They made it appear like Tajudin was buying MAS to give an impression that the government was making a huge amount of money to cover the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara forex losses. So, the ‘profit’ they will make from selling MAS can offset the losses they had made from gambling on the forex market.

    And it was also not Ananda who was the hidden hand behind Air Asia as many had believed. It was Rafidah Aziz. But, at that time, she was the Minister of Trade, and would still be for another seven years to come — so no one suspected it was her. In 2007, AirAsia X was founded and in 2008 Rafidah retired from the government. In 2011, she took over as the new Chairman of AirAsia X.

    Rafidah is Mahathir’s Trojan Horse in Umno whose job is to attack Najib to give an impression that the party is against him
    Rafidah is a very wealthy woman so her ‘meagre’ investment in Air Asia is no big deal. She is said to own not less than 50% of the shares in the airline company, parked under a number of nominees. And that hardly comes to 20% of her total wealth. There were a number of attempts to investigate her transgressions involving APs and ‘pink forms’ but each time Mahathir told the MACC and AGC to back off and close the file. Mahathir himself admitted that he had saved Rafidah from jail not less than three times.

    “In 2006, Rafidah was accused of corruption related to the issuance of Approved Permits (AP) for importing foreign vehicles by former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad in his series of criticisms against the Government of Malaysia. Mahathir had also criticised then Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s handling of the Approved Permits (AP) issue, expressing his surprise that Rafidah was still retained as a Cabinet member although two people on the list of persons issued with highest number of APs were linked to her.” (Transcript of Mahathir’s press conference, The Star, 24th October 2006)

    1. Kit Siang and Guan Eng no longer want Rafidah jailed for corruption and instead now want Mahathir back as Prime Minister
      This was what Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said on 19th October 2005:

      “This AP issue is also a real issue that affects the official duties and responsibilities of the government because it involves a former Prime Minster and the current Minister of International Trade and Industry. Mahathir claimed that he was cheated by Rafidah, when he was Prime Minister, into announcing Naza as a national and local car. Rafidah has failed to respond or show proof that she was not involved in the AP scandal.

      These are very serious allegations that will garner wide international coverage as Mahathir being synonymous with Malaysia, is still an international newsmaker. For the former Prime Minister to accuse his Minister of cheating him and continue to allege misconduct and abuse of power leading to the creation of AP Kings is big news internationally. How can government be conducted with integrity and credibility if its Ministers are cheats, liars and involved with abuse of power and corrupt practices?”

      Rafidah’s job is to attack Najib using DAP portals such as The Malaysian Insight
      In November 2008, Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali told the reporters in Parliament this:

      APs are being monopolised by certain players in the market. On average, all 77 companies should each receive 600 APs but some like Naza Konsortium Sdn Bhd were given 8,431 permits from 2004 to 2006. Surely this is an unusually large number of APs for one company, he said. Estimating each AP to be worth RM50,000, Azmin said Naza would stand to make RM424 million in cash without even having to bring in a single vehicle as the scarcity of APs makes them saleable documents on their own.

      Finance Twitter had this to say on 2nd May 2008:

      “It was puzzling how the three individuals (S.M. Nasimuddin S.M. Amin, Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim and Mohd Haniff Abdul Aziz) were reaping over RM1.8 billion for the mentioned two years alone. Wow! But the figures were just the tip of an iceberg as the APs were issued since 1988. Rafidah’s own niece, Annie Tajul Arus, was reportedly given APs to import 850 Kleeman cars in 2004 and 199 in 2005. At one time, Nasimuddin was rumoured to be son-in-law of ‘AP Queen’ Rafidah Aziz.”

      The APs controversy involving Rafidah Aziz is well-documented and all Malaysians are fully aware of the scandal. And we are not yet talking about the ‘pink forms’, which is another cash cow for Rafidah. Every time companies seek public listing they must allocate a certain portion of their shares to Bumiputra investors. And Rafidah decides who gets those shares, even for Mahathir’s sons, as Rafidah herself has admitted in the case that saw Ezam Mohd Nor going to jail for two years.

      Talking about how Rafidah made her money and how much she made in 21 years as the Minister of Trade is old news. In fact, it is not even news any longer. What we need to discuss is where she has parked that money. RM8 billion is not a small sum of money and you need to be very creative to not only hide that money but to make sure it earns more money and grows because idling money depreciates.

    2. Rafidah and Mahathir, too, have kissed and made up and she is now Mahathir’s Trojan Horse in Umno
      One place that Rafidah has parked her ill-gotten gains that we know about is Air Asia. A couple of billions is safely parked there, although it’s only a small portion or 20% of her entire wealth. Mahathir also knows about it, of course, but he is not talking. And he is not talking because Rafidah is now ‘his man’.

      Mahathir has asked Rafidah to remain in Umno as his Trojan Horse — what the Malays would call duri dalam daging or gunting dalam lipatan. Her job is to attack Najib Tun Razak to give an impression that Umno itself is against the Prime Minister. If even Umno wants Najib out then what about the rest of Malaysians? Surely the rest of Malaysians also want to see Najib ousted. And this is why Mahathir, Kit Siang, Guan Eng, Azmin, and so on, no longer attack Rafidah and talk about her corruption involving APs and ‘pink forms’.

    3. For the long winded bullshit ding-dong ding dong, I merely reciprocate in plain simple English with those famous Three Little Words for Lebai Serabai....

      'GO TO HELL'.....!!

  54. Rafidah is a frequent visitor to casinos in the UK and the US and the high rollers who frequent these clubs know she blows millions at one go at the tables. And Rafidah is amongst those people who say they are opposing Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak because they sympathise with the rakyat who find it difficult to make ends meet due to the high cost of living and 6% GST.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    On 5th March 2018, Rafidah Aziz said she managed to locate or track down the luxury yacht Equanimity in waters off Phuket, Thailand last year. She personally took photographs of the yacht plus managed to pinpoint the exact location of the Equanimity using the vessel’s automatic identification system.

    The way Rafidah talks it is as if she was purposely hunting for that yacht. More than 99% of Malaysians would not have recognised the Equanimity if it had rammed them in their behinds. Rafidah, however, was as sharp as a CIA agent on a military precision secret mission.

    Rafidah was tracking the Equanimity while others were tracking her to casinos in the UK and US
    The fact that Rafidah personally took photos of the yacht and pinpointed its precise coordinates means she had something up her sleeve. She did not do this just for fun. This must have been part of an operation to track the Equanimity all over the world and then, when the time is right, pounce on it. That must be why Rafidah was tracking the Equanimity.

    Anyway, while Rafidah was tracking the Equanimity, others were tracking her to casinos in Las Vegas, Reno and London. The Colony Club in London is the most exclusive casino in Mayfair and is owned by Genting. That means the Colony Club management all know who Rafidah is, especially the Malaysian staff, and there is no way she can escape detection. The Colony Club is also not a casino you play in unless you are prepared to blow RM10 million a night.

    The most exclusive Colony Club in Mayfair, London
    Rafidah is a frequent visitor to casinos in the UK and the US and the high rollers who frequent these clubs know she blows millions at one go at the tables. And Rafidah is amongst those people who say they are opposing Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak because they sympathise with the rakyat who find it difficult to make ends meet due to the high cost of living and 6% GST.

    Yeah, right!

    1. Rafidah Aziz: I managed to track down luxury yacht Equanimity in Phuket last year
      (The Star) – Fomer Cabinet minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz claims she managed to locate the luxury yacht “Equanimity” in waters off Phuket, Thailand last year.

      On her Facebook page on Sunday, Rafidah posted photos and videos that she took of the yacht, which has been linked to personalities surrounding 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

      One photo showed crew members on board the Equanimity as it sailed while another had the yacht’s tender (a smaller boat used to transport people and supplies between the yatch and shore) docked at the marina in Phuket at night with two people standing next to it.

      Rafidah said she managed to pinpoint the exact location of the Equanimity using the vessel’s automatic identification system while on a diving trip one year ago.

      “I myself piloted my instructor’s boat to exactly where the Equanimity was at sea and I personally took photos and videos of the Equanimity at really very close range, including its ultra luxurious tender at the marina in Phuket later that night,” she said in her post.

      “We were told by some people at the marina that Equanimity was anchored offshore and the owner [or] guests usually come onshore at night in the cover of darkness,” she added.

      She said she was told that the tender was docked in Phuket that night as the owner was celebrating Valentine’s Day on shore with his guests.

      She added that a simple Internet search was able to reveal the owners of the yatch and quoted the ‘SuperYatchFan’ website, which named Low Taek Jho and his Hong-Kong based investment fund Jynwel Capital as the owner of the vessel, valued at US$250mil (RM974.5mil).

    2. Haiyaa, what talking you, haaa...??

  55. So, Terengganu paid for all those wonderful monuments that Raja Bahrin said Mahathir had built. And Raja Bahrin praises Mahathir for robbing billions of Terengganu’s money to pay for his expensive monuments outside Terengganu. What a fooking idiot this Raja Bahrin is. Everyone in Terengganu is cursing Mahathir while Raja Bahrin praises him. Kayu!

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    The Member of Parliament for Kuala Terengganu, Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad, said that under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak Terengganu is stagnant while under Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Terengganu rapidly developed.

    Raja Bahrin said Mahathir built so much — such as Putrajaya, the KLCC Twin Towers, KLIA, etc. — when he was Prime Minister. What Raja Bahrin did not mention is that Mahathir built all this using Terengganu’s money while in 2000 Mahathir cancelled Terengganu’s 5% Oil Royalty and denied the state development.

    Raja Bahrin, jangan jadi kayu
    This was what Free Malaysia Today reported on 10th April 2013.

    It was oil money that financed the RM6 billion Petronas Twin Towers and the RM22 billion Putrajaya. In fact, oil-generated income, thanks to soaring crude oil prices in the past decade, was the only way we could have afforded the whopping RM135 billion increase in government operating expenditure in 2012 compared to 2000.

    Terengganu found petroleum off its shores in 1973. From 1978 to 2000, it received a sum of RM7.13 billion in royalties. Not only does the state enjoy tremendous growth from federal government allocations and royalties, it also reaped economic benefits from the formation of petroleum townships.

    However, royalty payments were stopped in 2000 during PAS government’s one-term tenure in the state. Under the constitutional clause allowing for discretionary payments from federal to state, a fraction of the due royalties known as “wang ehsan” (goodwill token) was paid instead through government agencies.

    1. Mahathir stole billions of Terengganu’s money to pay for his lavish monuments
      So, Terengganu paid for all those wonderful monuments that Raja Bahrin said Mahathir had built. And Raja Bahrin praises Mahathir for robbing billions of Terengganu’s money to pay for his expensive monuments outside Terengganu. What a fooking idiot this Raja Bahrin is. Everyone in Terengganu is cursing Mahathir while Raja Bahrin praises him. Kayu!

      Ahli Parlimen Kuala Terengganu, Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad, mempersoalkan sikap kerajaan negeri Terengganu di bawah pimpinan Datuk Seri Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman bahawa tidak ada pembaharuan yang dilakukannya berbanding pimpinan terdahulu.

    2. Geng Najis no cock laa...hihihihi

  56. This Robert Kuok matter has actually been a very useful eye-opener for the Malays. Now the Malays can see that the Chinese are not really split into MCA, DAP and Gerakan like the Malays are split into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN. The Chinese may give the impression they are divided, but attack a Chinese cause and they will come together as one. Attack a Malay cause, however, and Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN will not come together as one.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad retired on 1st November 2003, he was asked in an interview what was his greatest regret in 22 years as Prime Minister. Mahathir replied that his greatest regret is he has failed the Malays because he was unable to change them. The Malays are too feudalistic, Mahathir said, why can’t the Malays be more pragmatic like the Chinese?

    Yes, at least for once Mahathir could not have said a truer word. In 1999, I spoke to the Chinese from Negeri Sembilan and they told me they hate Barisan Nasional but they are still going to vote BN and not vote Barisan Alternatif for practical reasons. There are many pig farms in Negeri Sembilan and if they vote opposition the government might not allow these pig farms to continue to operate in the state.

    Nazri: I am close to DAP because Chinese reject MCA
    The same happened in the 2009 by-election in Kuala Terengganu. The Chinese in Kampung Cina said they are still going to vote BN because they cannot afford to lose their land, which is all TOL and not freehold. Every election they vote BN to protect their land. Hence Pakatan Rakyat is not going to get the Chinese vote. True enough, PAS won 2,500 votes instead of 5,000 because of the Chinese voters.

    The Malays will not do this. If they hate Umno they will never vote Umno. The same goes for PAS, PKR, etc. The Chinese, however, will vote Chinese never mind from which party the candidate might come from. And this is what Mahathir admires about the Chinese and wishes the Malays would emulate.

    The Malaysian Chinese News report of 27th February 2018 (READ BELOW) demonstrates how the Chinese do things. While the Malays are divided into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN, the Chinese are united under one umbrella — although it appears like the Chinese are divided under MCA, DAP and Gerakan, while in essence they are not. When it comes to Chinese causes, MCA, DAP and Gerakan speak as one while the Malays from Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN will never do that.

    1. When this happens they will say Najib bribed Hadi with RM90 million for it to happen
      Even if, say, Umno and PAS share the same stage (say on certain issues involving the ummah) they will say that the PAS leaders have been bought and that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak bribed PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang with RM90 million. Where is the proof that Najib bribed Hadi RM90 million? The proof is in the fact that Najib and Hadi shared the same stage on one or two occasions.

      MCA, DAP and Gerakan also share the same stage on some issues, for example the Robert Kuok issue. So, who bought who and how much was paid? If the Malays are united then without a doubt someone was paid off. Hence, when the Chinese are united are there not pay-offs involved as well?

      Not only are Chinese political parties from both sides of the fence united, but Chinese guilds and associations also unite and share the same stage. Whacking any Chinese tycoon is akin to whacking the entire Chinese community and every single Chinese in Malaysia will come together to protest. This issue is now about Chinese versus non-Chinese and MCA, DAP and Gerakan no longer exist. The only thing that exists is the Chinese cause.

      Chinese place Chinese causes above party loyalty while Malays place the party above Malay unity
      This is what Mahathir admires about the Chinese and which he lamented he wishes the Malays are like this. But as Mahathir himself admitted, the Malays are not like this and that is why it is so easy to divide the Malays into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN. You can never do this with the Chinese if it involves Chinese issues or causes.

      You might think the Malays are ignorant about the matter and do not realise this. Actually, the Malays do realise this. The Malays know they are badly divided into many groups. But, to the Malays, the party causes of Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN are more important than Malay causes. And if you know this about the Malays it is very easy to manipulate them.

      This Robert Kuok matter has actually been a very useful eye-opener for the Malays. Now the Malays can see that the Chinese are not really split into MCA, DAP and Gerakan like the Malays are split into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN. The Chinese may give the impression they are divided, but attack a Chinese cause and they will come together as one. Attack a Malay cause, however, and Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN will not come together as one.

    2. Malaysian Chinese community backs Robert Kuok
      (Malaysian Chinese News, 27 February 2018) – Malaysian Chinese community is strongly discontented with the recent attack against Malaysia’s richest man, Robert Kuok Hock Nien, for allegedly meddling in politics; Chinese organizations have one after another came out in supporting Kuok, strongly urged those concerned not to insult Kuok in rude language.

      The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) has expressed regret over the three articles posted on the website Malaysia Today making baseless allegations against Kuok.

      ACCCIM opined that under any circumstances, unconfirmed statements should not be exaggerated publicly not to mention malicious accusations, otherwise they would be unfair to the parties and caused unnecessary disturbance. ACCCIM absolutely disagrees with this practice and urges all parties to stop playing it up.

      In a statement issued today, ACCCIM president Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap said Robert Kuok is an outstanding entrepreneur who has successfully established Malaysia’s reputation on the international economic stage and made great contributions to Malaysia’s economic and social development.

      Ter Leong Yap said Robert Kuok is also a philanthropist guided by the belief of “giving back to society what you have obtained from society”, for decades he is always ready to help in a worthy cause, including making a donation of RM100 million to construct the library block of Xiamen University Malaysian Campus, donated to TAR College and Chinese independent high schools benefitting many students.

      ACCCIM life honorary president Tan Sri William Cheng said Robert Kuok is a respected entrepreneur and a model for the Chinese community in Malaysia, the Chinese community does not want or allow anyone to insult Kuok’s personality.

      Preserve nationality with Malaysia in heart

      ACCCIM honorary president Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng said ACCCIM had held several meetings and exchange sessions with Robert Kuok, in which he had made proposals on the promotion of Malaysian industry and economy as well as the development of ACCCIM. During the meetings, Robert Kuok had expressed concerns for national development and support for the Malaysian government.

      The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Hua Zong) president Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah called on all parties to remain calm and stop questioning and accusing Kuok for meddling in politics. Kuok still retains Malaysian citizenship, proving that he is deeply concerned about the motherland.

      He hoped that top government official will step in to handle properly and resolve the matter as soon as possible.

      Meanwhile, Malaysia China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) expressed discontent and regret on blogger Raja Petra and Malaysia Today’s malicious smearing and slander against Robert Kuok.

      It urged the rumormonger to come forward to clarify publicly as soon as possible and hope that senseless politicians will stop all provocative acts that will destroy racial harmony.

      MCCC said in a statement that Robert Kuok’s life was full of legends, his business history and his style of dealing with people were admired and exemplary by successful entrepreneurs at home and abroad.

      Kuok’s good strategy for the development of the nation is not only a manifestation of his patriotism, but also a representative of the aspirations of the majority of the people, hoping that this happy nation will continue to develop in a diversified and inter-ethnic direction.

    3. Haiyaa, what talking you, haaa...??

      What Robert Kuok....??

      You talk cock only lah....!!


  57. The Chinese are confusing Umno so Umno does not know what to do. If you keep saying that 90% of the Chinese are going to vote Pakatan Harapan and nothing Umno does is going to change that, then Umno will not waste time with the Chinese and will focus on the Malay votes. So why should Umno worry about whether the Chinese are upset with Umno? You will never vote Umno anyway.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Lim Sue Goan of the Chinese newspaper Sin Chew Daily wrote, “While the latest accusation may reinforce Umno’s rural support base, it is nonetheless a double-edged sword that will nullify all the efforts of predominantly Chinese parties in BN to woo Chinese voters, because Robert Kuok is a highly respected man among Chinese Malaysians.” (READ BEOW)

    The Chinese appear to be playing both sides of the field at the same time. In the morning they say the Chinese Tsunami in this coming general election is going to be far higher than in the 2008 and 2013 general elections and, in that same afternoon, they say Umno is destroying the effort to win back the Chinese support.

    The Chinese have to make up their mind as to what it is going to be. If the Chinese Tsunami is going to be far higher in this coming general election compared to the 2008 and 2013 general elections before this, then the Chinese votes are totally lost to Barisan Nasional. In that case Umno had better focus on the Malay votes and make sure that as many Malay voters stay with or swing to Umno and Barisan Nasional as possible.

    You cannot have it both ways. You cannot threaten Umno by saying that the Chinese support for Barisan Nasional is extremely low and may not even touch 10% while at the same time say that Umno must jaga hati the Chinese voters or else they will not vote Barisan Nasional. You already said the Chinese are not going to vote Barisan Nasional never mind what Umno does. Umno can build Chinese schools on every street in Malaysia and still the Chinese are not going to vote Barisan Nasional.

    The problem is the Chinese are playing the Chinese-vote bogeyman and are threatening that if Umno does not play nice then the Chinese are not going to vote Barisan Nasional. In that same breath they say the Chinese are not going to vote Barisan Nasional anyway and in the coming general election more Chinese are going to vote Pakatan Harapan compared to in the 2008 and 2013 general elections.

    The Chinese are confusing Umno so Umno does not know what to do. If you keep saying that 90% of the Chinese are going to vote Pakatan Harapan and nothing Umno does is going to change that, then Umno will not waste time with the Chinese and will focus on the Malay votes. So why should Umno worry about whether the Chinese are upset with Umno? You will never vote Umno anyway.

    The Chinese have to sit down and figure out what message they want to send Umno. Is that message ‘go to hell, Umno’, or is that message the Chinese will vote Barisan Nasional if Umno can bribe them with more Chinese schools and so on? Send Umno a clear message. And if that message is ‘go to hell, Umno’ then Umno might as well forget about the Chinese and just make sure the Malays stay with or swing to Barisan Barisan. This is known as politics, and if the Chinese cannot stand the heat of politics then get out of the kitchen.

    1. Mca dah boikot umno tauu...hhihibihi..


    2. Raja Sara Petra

      Lim Kit Siang is attacking the MCA Deputy President, Wee Ka Siong, by calling him an “Umno catspaw”, and said Wee’s actions were aimed at staining and tarnishing the Penang Pakatan Harapan’s reputation for integrity and good governance. How can the DAP Penang Government be the bastion for integrity and good governance when it is plagued with corruption scandals? And what has 1MDB got to do with the Penang undersea tunnel?

      Kit Siang sudah what the Malays would call melatah. He knows the scandals in Penang plus those in Selangor are going to hurt DAP and Pakatan Harapan in GE14. The only way to save DAP would be for Lim Guan Eng to resign and hand power to someone else. Why can’t they even do a simple and noble thing like that?

      Stop blaming others for your mistakes. Kalau dah makan duit haram just accept the consequences and go. Ini cakap banyak pulak.

  58. Raja Sara Petra

    Pakatan Harapan’s Election Manifesto is not a new document by any means. Pages 5 to 19 are actually recycled or lifted from earlier documents published in 1999 and 2008 — such as Agenda Reformasi, Deklarasi Rakyat, and so on, which my father was involved in drafting. You can, in fact, Google those documents and still find them on the Internet. That means Pakatan Harapan’s Election Manifesto is same-old-same-old with really nothing new to say. Does this mean Pakatan Harapan is bankrupt of ideas?

    Many of the promises Pakatan Harapan makes in its Election Manifesto also cannot be implemented without a major amendment to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. This essentially means Pakatan Harapan must not only win the general election, but they must win it with a two-thirds majority in Parliament, or not less than 149-150 seats. A two-thirds win in Parliament for Pakatan Harapan is impossible and is not going to happen. So that means Pakatan Harapan can ‘safely’ not deliver its election promises and not take the blame for it.

    Pakatan Harapan is taking the voters for a ride. This is what we would call fraud. They make promises they cannot deliver, and they know when they cannot deliver these promises they can shift the blame to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and not take responsibility for the failure. Removing the 6% GST and replacing it with the SST more than double that is stupid. You are merely giving back the rakyat RM1 and then taxing them RM2 in other ways. Have they done their arithmetic or not? How can abolishing RM45 billion in taxes and then taxing the rakyat RM100 billion in hidden ways be a better deal for Malaysians?

    It is the same when Pakatan promised to abolish highway toll charges in 2008, which are mainly all in Selangor. After coming to power, they said highway toll charges is a federal matter and the Pakatan Selangor State Government has no power to remove them. That is a lie. The Pakatan Selangor State Government does have power to abolish highway toll charges. All they need to do is pay RM500 billion to the highway concessionaires so that highway users can drive on the highways free-of-charge. Why do they not do this?

  59. Raja Sara Petra

    In July 2017, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad defended his August 1998 decision to sack Anwar Ibrahim and said he had no regrets doing so. Today, nine months later, Mahathir says it was wrong for him to sack Anwar 20 years ago. What is Mahathir trying to do? Is he trying to rewrite history? If he is then it is not going to work because whatever has happened over the last 20 years is on record and cannot be changed whatever new story Mahathir is trying to come out with.

    Up to very recently Mahathir insisted that Anwar is an immoral person who is not fit to become Prime Minister. Since September 1998, Mahathir revealed what Anwar had done and even said that the police were aware of it long ago. Is Mahathir doing a U-turn because he cannot explain why Anwar is not fit to become Prime Minister from 1998 to 2017, and suddenly in 2018 he is now fit to become Prime Minister?

    Maybe Mahathir feels silly that he now supports someone who he said is not fit to become Prime Minister as the next Prime Minister. How can Mahathir support Anwar as the next Prime Minister if Anwar is an immoral person? Mahathir is not trying to clear Anwar’s name. Mahathir is trying to clear his own name. He knows he looks silly condemning Anwar for 20 years and then now supports Anwar as the next Prime Minister. It will be Mahathir and not Anwar who will appear immoral.

  60. Geng Najis aka kejora bapuk tua bodoo dah kehabisan sampah melayu bawak plak sampah mat salleh meraban...hahahaha...

    Tak de dari blog cina dan india ker?..



  61. They say there is nothing wrong for rich Chinese from overseas to fund DAP to the tune of billions. Agreed! But then there should also be nothing wrong for rich Arabs from overseas to fund Umno to the tune of billions. So why make a big fuss when Umno receives donations from rich Arabs when it is not wrong for DAP to receive donations from rich Chinese?

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    James Kuok says he is a staunch DAP supporter who gave me and my son money but did not give DAP a single sen

    James Kuok, plus orang-orang Cina yang sewaktu dengannya dari MCA dan DAP, are expressing outrage that the truth has surfaced regarding Robert Kuok funding The Malaysian Insight RM50 million over five years plus the payment of a bribe of RM2 million a month to the owner of The Malaysian Insight.

    They are so indignant with what they say is fake news and false allegations. It is surprising they did not express the same outrage and indignation when Clare Rewcastle Brown published fake news and false allegations saying that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak paid PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang RM90 million.

    Clare said Najib gave Hadi RM90 million but until today she cannot prove it and the DAP and MCA Chinese keep quiet and do not condemn her like they condemn those who attack Robert Kuok
    Until today, Clare cannot support her allegation with evidence and she has dragged the court case since last year instead of just submitting the evidence to the court. If the allegation is true then surely Clare would have no problems showing the evidence.

    Why are these so-called upholders of the truth not saying anything? They know Clare cannot prove the allegation because the allegation is false. Yet these people such as James Kuok, plus orang-orang Cina yang sewaktu dengannya dari MCA dan DAP, never said a word.

    But now that they have been exposed as being behind The Malaysian Insight they raise hell. They are screaming and foaming at the mouth and allege that they are victims of fitnah and fake news.

    Just ask The Malaysian Insight to show where their money is coming from and we can close the file on this matter. DAP also has not revealed where their money is coming from. Just show us where DAP’s money is coming from and that case can be closed as well.

    1. MCA said Robert Kuok not only gave money to DAP but also to MCA so he should not be attacked for financing The Malaysian Insight under-the-table
      They say there is nothing wrong for rich Chinese from overseas to fund DAP to the tune of billions. Agreed! But then there should also be nothing wrong for rich Arabs from overseas to fund Umno to the tune of billions. So why make a big fuss when Umno receives donations from rich Arabs when it is not wrong for DAP to receive donations from rich Chinese?

      Ask Clare to show the evidence that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million and then we can talk about me showing the evidence that Robert Kuok paid The Malaysian Insight RM50 million and another RM2 million a month to The Malaysian Insight’s owner.


  62. Raja Sara Petra

    “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a popular reference to William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet. In that same spirit, a criminal by any other name would still be a criminal.

    Nurul Izzah Anwar keeps referring to her father, Anwar Ibrahim, as a political prisoner. Anwar was not arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for a political crime. He was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for abuse of power and sodomy. According to what was revealed in court, Anwar tried to use the Special Branch to intimidate witnesses so that they would retract their allegation of his sexual misconduct. That was why Anwar was sentenced to six years jail.

    Rafizi is also trying to portray himself as a victim of political persecution. Although he does not admit he committed a crime, he says what he did was necessary so that he could reveal a crime. That means he committed a crime to expose a crime. In that case why did Rafizi plead not guilty? Why did he contest the charge and then, after losing, he admits that committing a crime to expose a crime is necessary? They try to justify their actions with all sorts of excuses and try to give the impression they are innocent victims of political revenge and are not criminals.


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