Sunday 18 March 2018


Keadilan menjelma jua akhirnya.

Pejabat Peguam Negara dilapor sudah memfailkan rayuan terhadap hukuman ringan sekadar bon berkelakuan baik selama 5 tahun dengan jaminan RM20 ribu yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya terhadap Datin Rozita Mohamed Ali yang mengaku bersalah mendatangkan kecederaan parah kepada pembantu rumahnya.

Peguam Negara, Apandi Ali mengesahkan bahawa beliau telah mengarahkan rayuan difailkan terhadap keputusan mahkamah yang mencetuskan kemarahan orangramai itu.

Saya difahamkan notis rayuan sudah pun difailkan, kata beliau.

Sesungguhnya berita pemfailan rayuan oleh Pejabat Peguam Negara ini tentu saja memberi kelegaan kepada sesiapa juga yang cintakan keadilan dan membenci keganasan serta  ketidakadilan.

Tidak kira siapa pun - orang kaya, banyak harta dan bergelar Datin atau tinggal di kayangan sekali pun - ia bukanlah lesen untuk mereka melakukan kezaliman, penderaan dan kekerasan sehingga mendatangkan kecederaan kepada manusia yang lain.

Diharapkan dengan adanya rayuan dan perbicaraan semula nanti, keadilan dapat  dikembalikan dan Datin berkenaan akan menerima hukuman yang sewajarnya, sesuai dengan kesalahan yang dilakukannya.

Sudah tentu juga hakim Mahkamah Tinggi yang mendengar perbicaraan nanti akan lebih berhati-hati dan meneliti semua aspek sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman yang setimpal.

Sementara itu, sebuah petisyen dalam talian turut diwujudkan untuk  mendesak hukuman yang lebih berat dikenakan terhadap Datin berkenaan.

Sehingga ini hampir 20 ribu sudah menandatangi petisyen tersebut dan dijangka jumlahnya akan terus meningkat dalam tempoh beberapa jam lagi.

Kepada yang belum berbuat demikian, petisyen juga boleh ditandatangani di sini

Dengan semua perkembangan ini, tiada lain yang diharapkan selain keadilan, keadilan dan keadilan. 

Alhamdulillah.....(ShahbudinHusin 18/03/2018)


  1. Replies
    1. Assalamu alaikum Nama saya Surwanto seorang TKW dari HONGKONG ,memohon maaf yang ada di room ini bila kata2 saya ada yang salah,namun tujuan saya di sini hanya ingin berbagi cerita kepada para rekan2 saya yang jadi tkw di negeri orang, hidup di negeri orang memang amatlah susah,gaji pas2an,makan'pun ala kadarnya,namun apa boleh buat demi mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga yg ada di kampung,mau tidak mau saya harus menjalani semua penderitaan itu,namun syukur alhamdulillah berkat kerja keras dan doa saya slama ini alhamdulilah di terkabulkan ,meskipun jalan ini di larang oleh agama tp mungkin inilah satu2nya jalan untuk merubah nasib hidup saya,secara kbetulan saya lihat di internet tentang seseorang yg bisa mengubah nasib Menjadi lebih baik dengan jalan pemasangan angka togel, dan juga bisa Melalui Dana ghoib ..... saya beranikn diri menempuh jalan itu dan ternyata apa yg di berikan oleh Abah MAHADANA betul-betul terbukti dan saya menang 344jt,saya sangat bersyukur atas rezeki yg sy daptkan itu,ini bukan hanya sekedar cerita tp ini kenyataan.Jadi bagi saudara2 saya yg masih jd tkw ataupun yg lagi dalam kesulitan jangan takut menghubungi beliau Di 0853-4288-2547/ +628-5342-882-547 krna sy sudah membuktikannya,wassalam

    2. Jgn sampai semua lupa dan tak tahu, kerja ramalan judi nombor ekor yg terpapar di atas memang tebiat sekor budak murtad yg adakala menunjuk-nunjuk memaksa orang percaya konon dia membaca Quran & sembahyang.

      Di blog parpukari, pisau & putramerdeka pun dia bertingkah yg sama.
      Betul2 sesat & sewel kejora nih......!!

    3. Suwarto, kamu sebenarnya iblis. Kamu mengajak orang berjudi dan bertenung nasib. Kamu seharusnya dihukum seberat-beratnya. Rezeki kepala hiotak kamu, Suwarto. Baik kamu berambus, BANGSAT!

    4. Lawak betul suwarto....dah bt benda salah...ajak org lain bt salah plk... ini dosa jariah nmnya...berpanjangannnn

    5. PAS sekali lagi mengulangi hasrat mereka untuk menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan sekiranya tidak menang secara majoriti pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

      Selain itu, Presidennya Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang juga berkata, PAS juga berhasrat untuk mengubah sistem pentadbiran negara jika diberi peluang membentuk kerajaan selepas pilihan raya umum ke-14.

      "Kita tidak pelahap, sekiranya kita menang kita buat perubahan, sekiranya kita tidak menang kita jadi penasihat kepada kerajaan supaya buat perubahan.

      "Kita tidak jemput negara dan kuasa asing untuk campur tangan urusan politik negara kita, ada parti tidak berani tetapi kata berani, nak lawan BN minta tolong orang luar, media asing dan pihak asing," katanya ketika berucap pada majlis ceramah sempena 10 tahun PAS berada dalam kerajaan negeri Selangor di Shah Alam, malam tadi.

      PAS yakin jadi 'king maker'

      Ketika berucap, Hadi turut mengulangi bahawa PAS yakin akan menjadi 'king maker' untuk membentuk kerajaan selepas pilihan raya umum.

      "Kita berusaha sekurang-kurangnya dapat 'simple majority'...kalau tak dapat 'simple majority', kita usaha dapat banyak kerusi yang menjadikan kita 'king maker'.

      "Semua parti tak boleh tubuh kerajaan, (mereka) kena jumpa kita (dahulu)," katanya lagi dihadapan kira-kira 7,500 penyokong PAS Selangor.

      Hadi turut menyuntik semangat hadirin dengan menggesa agar PAS perlu memenangi sebanyak mungkin kerusi di Selangor bagi memastikan hasrat parti untuk menjadi 'penentu' tercapai.

      "Selangor mesti menang, menang banyak untuk kita buat perubahan," katanya lagi.

  2. Patut jugak ade petisyen desak Apandir buka semula kertas pendakwaan kpd najib kes 42 jota wang orang pencen...

    Siasatan polis terhadap rompakan 1 mdb dah tahu ape kesudahan...

    1. Tak tahu ape kesudahanye...

      Kecuali umno tumbang AG didakwa...

  3. Bisik-bisik dari negara jiran ... beberapa NGO dan wakil badan kehakiman akan mengikuti perkembangan kes jika diadakan perbicaraan semula dan jika tidak ada apa2 perkembanagan terbaru rakyat mereka akan mengadili kes tersebut ... tak tau apa maksud tapi kita dinegara ini kena fahamlah ...

  4. Siapa hakim yang menjatuhkan hukuman yang seperti membuat lawak ini? Makan gaji buta dan malukan badan kehakiman.

    1. Patut hakim turut disiasat mengapa boleh terjadi hukuman terlalu ringan..apakah ada unsur rasuah

    2. Ketua hakim negara bertanggongjawab prestasi hakim...

    3. Orang awam skan hilang keyakinan kpd sistem kehakiman dan keadilan bila hukuman dan pengadilan berat sebelah....

  5. Datin dah dyok dan relax kena bayar bon....tapi bon akan jadi james bond....tak boleh tido datin ni nanti...

  6. PH dah jadii mcm kucing tua, yg tumpul kuku
    Ulang2 citer yg sama je mcm orang tiga suku
    Posting Budin nampak mcm sudah tidak laku
    Hanya komen2 bingai, Bapuk Bodo kera duku

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaashhhh

    1. mak badak dah jadi badak tua, muka huduh

    2. Tak laku kepala hotak kamu si Kejora .

      Yang kamu terhegeh hegeh setiap hari kat sini , haramzadah ke apa nye ????

    3. Kerja ramalan judi nombor ekor yg terpapar di atas @ 20:45 juga tebiat sekor budak murtad yg adakala menunjuk-nunjuk riak memaksa orang percaya dia membaca Quran & sembahyang konon.

      Di blog parpukari, pisau & putramerdeka pun dia bertingkah yg sama.
      Betul2 sesat & sewel kejora nih......!!


    5. Kenapa saudara kejora ni berlainan sangat sikap dan tarbiahnya. Kita bucara mengenai orang kena dera dan si pendera mendapat hukuman ringan sedangkan mangsanya menderita. Kejora tertawa berdekah2...agaknya gembira melihat mangsa menderita sedangkan pendera mendapat hukuman uang tak sepadan dengan kesalahannya....subhanallah...Allah akan membayar kesalahan ini dan kejora ingat2lah jika kejora mendapat musibah atas kelakuan kita...insyallah..

  7. sedarlah . bykkan solat supaya lebih sedar akan diri. org yg sedar diri takkan menzalimi org lain.

  8. Umno dah jadii mcm kucing tua, yg tumpul kuku
    Ulang2 siar gambo yg sama je mcm orang tiga suku
    Komen Kejora bapuk tua nampak mcm sudah tidak laku
    Hanya komen2 bingai, kejora Bapuk Tua Bodo kera duku

    Haa haaaa haaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. Aiikk...Bapuk Bodo...

      Kata tak usah layan?
      Naper..tak tahan meroyan?
      Siaan..ini nenek kebayan...
      Kalu rasa panas, terjun dlm tempayan...

      Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh...

    2. kejora ko kan bapuk, macam ketua ko tu ..jalan kepit..

    3. Tsk berani sebut Kejora bapuk bodoo hihihi...

    4. Kerja ramalan judi nombor ekor yg terpapar di atas @ 20:45 juga tebiat sekor budak murtad yg adakala menunjuk-nunjuk riak memaksa orang percaya dia membaca Quran & sembahyang konon.

      Di blog parpukari, pisau & putramerdeka pun dia bertingkah yg sama.
      Betul2 sesat & sewel kejora nih......!!

  9. “Raya Aidilfitri nanti saya akan ke rumah Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad makan lemang, kalau nak marah dengan saya, marahlah. Dulu saya di tegah untuk pergi ke rumah Tun Mahathir masa itu Pak Lah berkuasa. Trend itu juga timbul, ia membawa sifat politik yang membelahkan kesatuan pada hari-hari mulia seperti itu, sedangkan kita orang Islam harus akur kepada asas agama"- TS RAIS YATIM

    Sebelum ini Rais pernah menzahirkan rasa sedihnya apabila hanya sebilangan kecil pemimpin negara menziarahi pengebumian bekas Menteri Besar Kedah, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid hanya kerana perbezaan politik. Presiden Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) itu berkata, Allahyarham Sanusi adalah kawan kepada semua menteri yang ada dalam kabinet sekarang.

    “Sanusi bekas setiausaha agung Umno, bekas menteri besar Kedah, menteri pertanian dan juga menteri pembangunan luar bandar jadi sahabat beliau ada beratus-ratus dalam kerajaan sekarang. Jadi apabila sampai saya dapati dan tanya kawan-kawan tak ada rakan lama yang hadir ini mengejutkan saya kerana tak ramai kawan-kawan lama sampai, sepatutnya inilah masanya kita mengetepikan perbezaan politik. Kita harus sama-sama mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada seorang yang telah berjasa. Tetapi trend di negara kita ini, bila sudah berbeza pendapat, seseorang itu tidak lagi bersama dengan pemikiran mereka maka dianggap bukan lagi kawan.Tak baik buat begitu kerana yang tentukan itu ALLAH bukannya manusia, Saya ingin mengingatkan bahawa dalam urusan kahwin ,sakit, lahir, meninggal dunia, sahabat tak boleh putus. Kalau ini tidak dapat dipegang oleh kawan-kawan dalam mana parti poitik sekali pun tolong kembali kepada harkat yang sebenar. Kita hidup dalam pegangan Islam, hanya kerana berbeza ideologi politik, hubungan silaturrahim tidak wajar diputuskan begitu saja,” TS RAIS YATIM

    1. Rais Yatim tiada maruah, tak berhemah
      Dulu Madey lps dia rogol seorang amah
      Kini Madey pegang telor, dia jadi lemah
      Nak selamatkan diri, taik pun dia jamah

      Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaahh

    2. mak badak ada maruah ke? dia kan bohsiak masa kat skolah dulu

    3. Pada hari pengkebumian "Kepala Bapak Kau" nanti , hanya Xi Jinping , Donald Trumps , Low taik Jho , Pooaat Zakashit dengan King salman je yang hadir . Tukang talqin pula Salleh Keluak . Tukang tabor bunga Kak Ijat lembu kondo .

  10. Matdey di dunia kaya le, tapi di akhirat muflis
    Kerana cita2 peribadii, dia bertindak ikut iblis
    Tua renta inii, Sejarah baru dia cuba nak tulis
    Konon Nuat dipenjara meliwat tu, salah polis

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh

    1. mak badak kaya sebab menabung dari kecik

    2. Najib di dunia kaya rayer le, tapi di akhirat muflis
      Kerana cita2 peribadii, dia bertindak ikut iblis
      Dah tua inii, Sejarah hitam dia cuba nak tulis
      Konon jubo sefool diliwat Nuar tu, telah disiasat polis

      Haa haaha haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa

    3. Aiikk...Bapuk Bodo...

      Kata tak usah layan?
      Naper..tak tahan meroyan?
      Siaan..ini nenek kebayan...
      Kalu rasa panas, terjun dlm tempayan...

      Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh...

    4. mak badak layan dan rebar=t jibby laki orang bodoh nye kojera..oe..kojol

    5. Kejora bapuk tua takut nak sebut nama penuh ...hihihihi..kelakar kejora bapuk tua bodoooss..

    6. kejora ni ckgu atas katil mak badak je

    7. Terima kasih Bapuk Bodo kerana sudi melayan pantun hamba...
      Kih kih kih...

    8. ngaku jugak kejora ni bapuk..dah la bapuk bodoh plak tu..cer buat iq test..level badak nii

    9. Kerja ramalan judi nombor ekor yg terpapar di atas @ 20:45 juga tebiat sekor budak murtad yg adakala menunjuk-nunjuk riak memaksa orang percaya dia membaca Quran & sembahyang konon.

      Di blog parpukari, pisau & putramerdeka pun dia bertingkah yg sama.
      Betul2 sesat & sewel kejora nih......!!

  11. Hamba rindu pantun FuckTun musibat
    Tapii dia hilang terus, tiada lagi kelibat
    Takkan nak lari sikit saja hamba sebat
    Kalau tak gi berguru, dia pergi berubat

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaahh

    1. bagai badak rindukan bulan

    2. Siapa pulak yang takut
      Pantatun serabai lagi berserabut
      Buatan budak hingusan pengecut
      4kali terbukti telornya kecut

    3. Bro OA..cantik..ada seni tu..

  12. senyapje kejora, xkan dengar nama mak badak dah takut

  13. Disbb celupar FuckTun dpt nasib malang
    Nasib diia, mcm Suman tua bapok jalang
    Tak cukup ilmu ingin mahu tunjuk belang
    Kena Kejora sebat, terus larii menghilang

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaahhh

    1. orang tamak selalu rugi bagai badak dgn badak ngan anjing sama ke

    2. Kerja ramalan judi nombor ekor yg terpapar di atas @ 20:45 juga tebiat sekor budak murtad yg adakala menunjuk-nunjuk riak memaksa orang percaya dia membaca Quran & sembahyang konon.

      Di blog parpukari, pisau & putramerdeka pun dia bertingkah yg sama.
      Betul2 sesat & sewel kejora nih......!!

    3. Siapa pulak yang takut
      Pantatun serabai lagi berserabut
      Buatan budak hingusan pengecut
      4 kali terbukti telornya kecut

  14. Hamba tak layan Si Katak yg mcm budak2
    Tak pernah pun dijwb pantun hamba ledak
    Buat komen bodoh hanya untuk dpt dedak
    Lain tak reti, asyik mak badak.. mak badak

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaahhh

    1. pantut kelas mak badak, hanya mak badak je yg boleh faham..hihi..macam maslan...kejora standard maslan..

    2. sayangnye kejora ngan mak badak, tapi mak badak nk jadi wife pm tau..ko apa hado? ko amik je la azwan ali

    3. Ko terasa ker...Si katak?
      Kih kih kih...

    4. mak badk memang tak terasa sebab kulit tebal..macam kejora muka penuh bekas jerawat

      vote for mak badak

    5. Hahahahaha tumpang ketawa..tembak hahaha dah mula terasa..apalh korang ni..haha!

  15. Hamba benci pantun dampahb Kejora bapuk tua boodoo musibat
    Dia tak pernah hilang , ada kelibat
    Tak mao lari sebab sikit saja hamba sebat
    Kalau gi sepital gila dia di beri suntik ubat

    Haha haaaaa hahahaaaaaaaaa

    1. Terima kasih Bapuk Bodo kerana sudi melayan pantun hamba...
      Kih kih kih...

    2. ngaku bapuk kejora..boleh join sajat

  16. Panas punggung kejora bila nama mak badak diseru

  17. oh badak, lubang hidung mu tatap menjadi pujaan..-kejora bapok

  18. Hamba tak layan si Gila yg mcm budak2
    Tak pernah pun tak dijwb pantun hamba ledak
    Buat pantatun sampah bodoh hanya untuk dpt dedak
    Lain tak reti, asyik nak melalak.. melalak..

  19. Kejora bapok bodo..sila teruskan usaha anda,,we luv mak badak

  20. Blog ni jadi padang licin spt pala Boboi botak
    Cai2 ramai yng larii, takut pala hamba hentak
    Hanya yang tinggal Bapuk Bodo dgn Si Katak
    Depa ini, takut tak dpt dedak untuk melantak

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh

    1. najib pun botak, tapi badak tetap sayang..boleh beli diamond pink giteww

  21. Blog ni jadi padang licin spt pala Najib botak
    Kejora bapok tua tak mao larii, walo pala hamba hentak
    Kejora bapuk Tua bodo suka hamba pantak
    Si gila ini, takut tak dpt dedak untuk melantak

  22. kejora ni,,,ngan aku pun dah surrender, blm lagi jumpa tun m..mau terkucil

    1. Sigila ni bukan reti berhujjah...nak merapu meroyan jeer...

  23. PETALING JAYA: 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) chief executive officer Arul Kanda Kandasamy said his company had never remitted any sum into the private accounts of Prime Minister Najib Razak.

    In the Bicara Negara forum held in Ipoh today, Arul said this was based on 1MDB’s own records and the investigations conducted by Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

    “I confirm that 1MDB, according to our records and PAC investigators, never paid a sen to the private accounts of the prime minister,” he was quoted by Utusan Malaysia as saying.

    Arul said this during a question-and- answer forum on claims of the PM receiving RM2.6 billion related to 1MDB into his private account.

    1. Ini lagi sekor keeling mua'alaf yang kerja lain tak ada ....di bayar gaji untuk menipu , putar belit cerita dan berita .

      Memang 1MDB tidak ada memasukkan duit ke akaun Najib Razak jika diambil kira SRC di keluarkan dari 1MDB dan diletakkan dibawah Kementerian Kewangan .

      Tetapi ketika wang 42 juta yang masuk keakaun Najib dari SRC , SRC adalah anak syarikat 1MDB ...yang ini tidak di beritahu olih Arul Kanda Samy .

    2. Auta Keling Arul menampakkan kebodohannya, tapi apa dia peduli, janji puluhan ribu ada masuk tiap bulan.

  24. Keling ni merapu nak belit plak....sape yg cakap 1 mdb masukkan wang ke dlm akaun najib...
    Siasatan Fbi dari money trail wang dari 1 mdb masuk aksun cina jho lo...dari cina jho lo masuk akaun najib...

    Keling ni ingat dia bijak nak belit...

  25. Zahid: Undersea tunnel connecting Bagan Datuk to Sumatra in the works

    By Jerry Choong
    Sunday March 18, 2018

    DPM: Undersea tunnel from Bagan Datuk to Sumatra in the worksDPM: Undersea tunnel from Bagan Datuk to Sumatra in the works

    Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi speaking during the launch of National Transformation 2050 (TN50) dialogue at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS), Serdang March 18, 2018.

    SERDANG, March 18 — A proposed undersea tunnel project to connect Bagan Datuk, Perak to Sumatra, Indonesia, is being planned, according to Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

    The Deputy Prime Minister said the project’s physical planning has been agreed to in principle, but requires more work.

    “An feasibility study must be conducted, and the project also needs the full approval of the federal and state governments.

    “Diplomatic protocol must also be adhered to, as the project must also be agreed to by the Indonesian central government and several provincial governments in Sumatra where the project will take place,” he said after speaking at the TN50 Bagan Datuk dialogue session here.

    Zahid said the government would do its part, but the private sector is also needed to convince external investors to fund the project. He added the tunnel may cost up to US$20 billion (RM78.18 billion)

    When completed, the tunnel will be linked to the ongoing East-Coast Expressway project which is slated for completion next year.

    During the dialogue session which was attended by 2,500 Bagan Datuk residents, Zahid, who is also its parliamentarian, called upon them to work together for the betterment of the town.

    He discussed several clusters including industrial development projects within the vicinity aimed at providing job opportunities for the populace, the construction of several new schools and colleges, as well as public housing for residents and civil servants.

    #### Haaaa....haaaaa.....haaaaaaaaaaaa....

    Teruskan mimpi disiang hari Wak Jahid Komedi .

    Terowong bawah laut itu nanti tidak akan di kenakan tol kerana Najib benci tol !!!!

    Idiot punya walaunta ...

  26. Berita Terbaru tergempar: Ingatkah anda dgn Xaiver Justo dari Switzerland, individu yg suatu masa dulu telah membuat kenyataan bahawa berita2 mengenai 1MDB yg pertama kali didedahkan di dlm Sarawak Report, diclaimed Xavier bahawa palsu dan sengaja di ada2 kan oleh pengarangnya Claste Rewcastle konon diupay oleh salah satu sok ex PM Msia utk menfitnah dan menjatuhkan Najib. Dia ditahan dan ditangkap lau dipenjaraka di Thailand. Berikut ada lah sumber2 berita dari media asing . There was an afternoon of drama in Zurich this weekend when, following months of silence, the 1MDB whistleblower Xavier Justo stepped forward with his wife Laura to lay out their charges against those whom they claim conspired to entrap and imprison him in Thailand.

    In a central location in the capital they told a selected group of journalists the details of an astonishing plot to entrap and imprison him in Thailand, all in order to discredit the exposes over 1MDB

    The couple had waited patiently before speaking out, they explained, in response to requests from the Swiss authorities to first pursue official investigations into the massive money laundering scandal and to make their preparations.

    However, in a letter sent to their lawyer on 9th March, the Federal Prosecutor Alice de Chambrier, confirmed that a full investigation has now been officially launched into all thirteen of the couple’s criminal complaints made against three named individuals, Tarek Obaid, Patrick Mahony and Paul Finnigan. It means that these three and their alleged accomplices can be arrested and interrogated by Swiss law enforcers, much in the same way that they orchestrated for Justo to be arrested in Bangkok.
    Justo said he was taken completely by surprise and that the whole episode was “a show” to convince Malaysians and discredit Sarawak Report over 1MDB.

    The list of thirteen charges laid against the three named individuals and by implication their collaborators, which include the Prime Minister of Malaysia referred to in the complaint, is jaw dropping. Moreover, it reflects everything that Sarawak Report has reported about the conspiracy to entrap Xavier Justo and get him imprisoned in Thailand, in order to attempt to discredit our exposure of the billion dollar 1MDB thefts.

    After months of preparation, the Swiss federal prosecutors have now confirmed that they have adopted every single one of the charges that were originally levied by Justo, which means official law enforcers believe there are sufficient grounds to pursue accusations of:

    Threat, blackmail, extortion, coercion, sequestration, endangering the life of others, slander, slanderous denunciation, misleading of the courts, bribery of foreign public officials, false misrepresentation of office, criminal organisation, money laundering [translated]

    These charges are levied specifically against the Swiss based Saudi, Tarek Obaid and two British citizens, Patrick Mahony and Paul Finnigan. However, the charge sheet cites they refer as well “against any other named persons whose acts may be criminalised, in particular because of the ..offences”.

  27. According to the statements made by Xavier Justo at his press conference today, those accomplices include the Swiss lawyer, hired by PetroSaudi to falsely misrepresent his case, Marc Henzelin, as well as several PR and ‘private investigators’ who assisted the PetroSaudi directors.
    n particular Justo named a Swiss PR man named David Scholberg, who describes himself as CEO & Founder of KBSD Reputation & Cyber-Security, who he claims acted as an intermediary who paid lawyer Marc Henzelin CHF300,000 on PetroSaudi’s behalf in order to hide the connection.

    Others named were another Swiss PR operator, Marc Comina, as well as the British company Protection Group International and its CEO Brian Lord. Lord was also flown to Thailand during the period of the arrest and made statements to the press claiming that his ‘cyber intelligence’ company had proof that Sarawak Report had ‘tampered’ with data provided by Justo from PetroSaudi’s database.

    In fact, Justo revealed, it was PGI that presented false evidence to the Swiss authorities, claiming there was evidence of collusion between himself and Sarawak Report as long ago as 2011, three years before he had even heard of the blog. The Justos have now obtained supposed emails between Justo and Sarawak Report, which PGI claimed it had retrieved off discarded computer files. However, Justo says he can prove these are forged (a claim corroborated by the Editor of Sarawak Report, who had no idea of Justo’s existence before June 2014).
    Lawyer Who Was Conflicted Against His Alleged Client

    Likewise, Justo has produced documents and emails which show that although the Swiss high profile lawyer Marc Henzelin, claimed to be representing him in Switzerland and had publicly denied that he was engaged by PetroSaudi, the lawyer was in fact knowingly being paid by that company through Scholberg to ‘represent’ Justo against his own interests in the criminal proceedings, which had been initiated against him by PetroSaudi.

    Also named and heavily implicated during this press conference and in the narrative and evidence supporting the charges was the Malaysian Prime Minister, quoted by Mahony as being the man behind their actions – the man who needed to be got off the hook.

  28. Audacious Plot Involved A Fake Scotland Yard Detective

    Although followers of Sarawak Report and the 1MDB saga will already know much about the circumstances of Justo’s arrest, forced confession and imprisonment, the couple presented a swathe of new information and documentation at their press conference today. Attending were some of the Swiss journalists whom Justo says he was forced to misinform when they came to question him in jail back in 2015.
    In return for a promise to set him free Justo told those journalists that he was blackmailed into incriminating himself and giving them false information.

    Swiss PR man, Marc Comina, was flown to Bangkok to train him in the answers he must give before journalists were allowed to visit him in jail, including that the PetroSaudi 1MDB data had been tampered with.

    Justo also says the journalists were also supplied with misleading ‘whatsapp’ conversations, consisting of print-outs of messages which were doctored to support PetroSaudi’s own claims that it was Sarawak Report that had tampered with evidence.
    Comina had also arranged for the interview by PetroSaudi paid lawyer Marc Henzlin with the Le Temps newspaper, where Henzelin blamed Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle Brown for plotting and telling lies over the data provided by Justo.

    Justo was portrayed by Henzlin as a victim, not of PetroSaudi but of Clare Rewcastle Brown, portrayed as a plotter paid by the opposition. Today, Le Temps issued a new article explaining the deception outlined by Justo.

    Producing evidence from their case for the astonished journalists, the Justos revealed emails that showed how Henzelin and Scholberg had been engaged and briefed on the plot well in advance of his arrest in Thailand.

    In one email, passed on from Mahony to Scholberg and then Scholberg to Henzelin, in advance of Henzelin approaching Justo to be his legal advisor, the PetroSaudi director explained to the Swiss team that their prime job was to drum up PR support to promote their version of events in the newspapars (against Justo’s obvious interests):

    “Unfortunately, a story about corruption is a better story than a mad former Prime Minister’s sister-in-law committing crimes to overthrow a democratically elected government, however this is the true story”

    claimed Mahony in the forwarded briefing note. He added “(Whatever you give them [PR targets], please make sure my name is not on it)…. you should mention confidentially that there will be arrests in Singapore and the UK, so serious jurisdictions.”

  29. Audacious Plot Involved A Fake Scotland Yard Detective

    Although followers of Sarawak Report and the 1MDB saga will already know much about the circumstances of Justo’s arrest, forced confession and imprisonment, the couple presented a swathe of new information and documentation at their press conference today. Attending were some of the Swiss journalists whom Justo says he was forced to misinform when they came to question him in jail back in 2015.In return for a promise to set him free Justo told those journalists that he was blackmailed into incriminating himself and giving them false information.

    Swiss PR man, Marc Comina, was flown to Bangkok to train him in the answers he must give before journalists were allowed to visit him in jail, including that the PetroSaudi 1MDB data had been tampered with.

    Justo also says the journalists were also supplied with misleading ‘whatsapp’ conversations, consisting of print-outs of messages which were doctored to support PetroSaudi’s own claims that it was Sarawak Report that had tampered with evidence.
    Comina had also arranged for the interview by PetroSaudi paid lawyer Marc Henzlin with the Le Temps newspaper, where Henzelin blamed Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle Brown for plotting and telling lies over the data provided by Justo.

    Justo was portrayed by Henzlin as a victim, not of PetroSaudi but of Clare Rewcastle Brown, portrayed as a plotter paid by the opposition. Today, Le Temps issued a new article explaining the deception outlined by Justo.

    Producing evidence from their case for the astonished journalists, the Justos revealed emails that showed how Henzelin and Scholberg had been engaged and briefed on the plot well in advance of his arrest in Thailand.

  30. In one email, passed on from Mahony to Scholberg and then Scholberg to Henzelin, in advance of Henzelin approaching Justo to be his legal advisor, the PetroSaudi director explained to the Swiss team that their prime job was to drum up PR support to promote their version of events in the newspapars (against Justo’s obvious interests):

    “Unfortunately, a story about corruption is a better story than a mad former Prime Minister’s sister-in-law committing crimes to overthrow a democratically elected government, however this is the true story”

    claimed Mahony in the forwarded briefing note. He added “(Whatever you give them [PR targets], please make sure my name is not on it)…. you should mention confidentially that there will be arrests in Singapore and the UK, so serious jurisdictions.”

    Laura complained that even before she was approached by her own so-called lawyer, Henzelin had been briefed by PetroSaudi on the supposed crimes committed by Justo and Sarawak Report.
    The most pernicious aspect of the plot, as told by Justo, was the deceit that he was being assisted by a ‘Scotland Yard Detective’, sent out by the UK to investigat 1MDB. He had been brought into a room and introduced by the Thai Police to a former British policeman named Paul Finnigan, who was in fact retired and had nothing to do with the case.

    Unknown to Justo, Finnigan was working with a UK company named Spy Games, run by a former SAS soldier called Dave Thomas, who had for years ‘run errands’ for Tarek Obaid.

    Finnigan and Mahony explained to Justo that if he gave a confession that discredited Sarawak Report’s exposes of 1MDB then he would be released from prison. Otherwise, Mahony told Justo, PetroSaudi had the money and influence to keep him in jail for 9 years. It was Finnigan who spent days on end dictating a ‘confession’ to Justo in perfect English and with all the correct legal terminology, which Justo told journalists he would never have been able to write on his own.

    All this was done without a lawyer and Justor was forced by Finnigan to state on each page of the 11 page confession that he did not want a lawyer present.

  31. In His Own Words

    Xavier Justo provided a written testimony to the selected journalists at the press conference, laying out his experiences in his own first personal account of what happened to him in Thailand (see below).
    The account makes clear that the specific purpose of his imprisonment was to blackmail him and his wife Laura into cooperating in the discrediting of the information provided by the PetroSaudi data on 1MDB and to discredit Sarawak Report. In one text sent by Patrick Mahony to Laura Justo he wrote “She [Clare Rewcastle Brown] is the source of all our problems. She must be discredited“.
    Disowning his earlier forced statements that he had been motivated only by greed, Justo said that he had attempted to receive some money only as retribution for what PetroSaudi’s directors had reneged upon in his severance deal. He has proof of the agreement to pay him CHF6.5 million he says, the reason being that far from being a lowly IT operative, he was in fact the number three director in the company and had supported its ventures for several years:

    “I didn’t realise at the time that it [the 1MDB deal] as so big. They stole billions that should be for education, hospital and so forth, not yachts, prostitutes, parties and so on”, he said:

    Expand text

    Speaking to the reporters Laura Justo told them that she too had been held captive by the blackmailers from PetroSaudi and forced to do what they wanted in return for favours and threats to keep her husband in jail if she failed to cooperate.

  32. Pictures of his baby. We had to beg PetroSaudi to give them to him.

    she told reporters.
    “Putting someone in jail to cover your money laundering and take complete advantage of a helpless man that was your friend is devilish and miserable, but to threaten a woman alone with her baby and play with her for 18 months. I don’t think you can be more sick than that and it tells you what kind of men they are. For example, they forced me to put an app on my phone to record Clare Rewcastle Brown to destroy her, by making a fake video distorting her words. Luckily they forgot they had given me the app and I later used it to record their own words to me, including their threats and bribes to make me cooperate in all their schemes.”

    Also attending the press conference was their fellow Swiss citizen Pascal Najadi, whose father, the former Chairmand of AmBank was shot dead in KL, he believes because he tried to reveal secrets of Najib’s billion dollar bank account at the bank.
    Pacal Najadi also presented his situation to the Swiss media, complaining that the Malaysian authorities have refused to investigate the motives behind his father’s murder

    The Justos have revealed that they are writing a book together about their story. Meanwhile, the wheels of justice have started turning in Switzerland and the Justos look set to keep talking about 1MDB.

    SUmber maklumat yg tidak dapat disahkan dari:

    1. The Truth Always Prevails.

      All praise to Almighty Allah SWT, the Lord of the entire universe.

      That was an excellent job, Kate, unveiling another substatial fact and evidence of Najib's kleptocracy act.

      Itu baru 'bayaran cash' Illahi di dunia, belum lagi di akhirat kelak.

      Baru2 ini dah terbongkar dan menjadi viral di mana2 Najib & Rosmah menipu konon dia dapat anugerah masuk dalam maqam Rasulullah SAW ketika melakukan umrah dgn duit rompakan & riba haram 1mdb.

      Salam Perjuangan & Salam Sejahtera dunia & akhirat.

  33. Baru balik dari Seremban
    Penuh sesak walau hujan
    9,000 hadir 1basah lenjan
    Tanda AmeNo mahu dihumban!

    Namun semua tak berganjak
    Tunggu Tun Negarawan bijak
    Melayu,India,Cina rojak
    Memang BN nak kena pijak!

    Nak parking tiada tempat
    Sudah berlapis susah nak dapat
    Jauh parking berjalan cepat
    Berpusu pusu orang dah mempat!

    Ini baru satu kawasan
    Seluruh negara? klepto pun pengsan
    'Baling gelas tak beri kesan'
    AmeNo patut dah tempah nesan!

    Tun berucap bagi penghargaan
    Tahniah pada orang Seremban
    Walau parti banyak dugaan
    Semangat kental klepto nak humban!

    Tun sudah tinggal lokasi
    Ramai berkumpul tidak peduli
    Bukan overtime copypaste basi
    Isi borang nak jadi ahli!

    Siapa rakan yg ada gambar
    Tolong share bolehlah sebar
    Penuh semangat rakyat tak sabar
    Nak telan AmeNo rakyat dah lapar!

    Hebat Tun negarawan tersohor
    Baru tengahari ada di Johor
    Dalam Pakatan pemegang mohor
    Di iktiraf dunia sudah termasyur!

    1. Bro Fan Tun....

      You are still no. 1 and the best in Pantun, bro.

      Keep it Up and On, Salam Perjuangan.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. According to reliable sources, yesterday's NS Pakatan Harapan gathering was so monumental successful, sending shivers & quacking to Najib and his umno-bn accomplices.

  34. Menjawab isu takfiri Pas pada musuh politik mereka dan isu doa hancurkan Pakatan oleh ust pas dusuki al sampul.
    Menjawab isu takfiri Pas pada musuh politik mereka dan isu doa hancurkan pakatan oleh ust pas dusuki al sampul.

    Khawarij merupakan puak yang berpolitik menggunakan nama agama dengan mengkafirkan atau menganggap sebagai musuh Islam pihak yang tidak menyokong mereka. Alasan mereka kononnya hendak menegakkan ‘hukum Islam’ (mengikut tafsiran mereka).

    Sepanjang sejarah mereka telah berperang sesama muslim atas nama ‘politik agama’ iaitu mereka merupakan puak yang hendak menegakkan Islam dan penentang mereka merupakan musuh agama. Natijahnya betapa ramai pihak yang mereka hukum sebagai ‘musuh Islam’ kerana tidak menyokong hasrat politik Islam ala mereka. Nabi s.a.w. memberi amaran tentang kemunculan mereka dan menyuruh kita menentang mereka. Sayyiduna Ali bin Abi Talib dan para sahabat Nabi s.a.w telah memainkan peranan mereka memerangi kelompok yang sesat ini. Maka menjadi kewajipan umat selepas mereka menentang aliran pelampau khawarij ini yang muncul sepanjang zaman. Menentang mereka itu merupakan perjuangan Islam yang disuruh oleh Nabi s.a.w dan ia telah lakukan oleh para sahabat.

  35. EXCLUSIVE - UK's Scandal Torn "Propaganda Machine" Has Secret Ties To BN
    18 March 2018 0 comments
    Britain and America have been rocked over the weekend by new revelations about the Trump-Russia nexus and the related alleged abuse of social media to help the President win the 2016 election.

    At the heart of the storm is a company known as Cambridge Analytica, which is a subsidiary of the private UK intelligence company Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL), whose main activity is what it describes as scientific advice to clients wishing to influence the outcome of elections.

    The Observer/Guardian newspaper has now established that SCL harvested the Facebook details of at least 50 million American citizens in the run up to the US Presidential election, working together with a Russian computer expert with close ties to Russian universities.

    Working together with Trump’s election advisor Steve Bannon, who gained major funding from the US billionaire Robert Mercer, SCL/Cambridge Analytica then deployed that information to secretly attempt to influence voters by playing on their knowledge of individual likes and preferences.

    The evidence follows months of blatant denials by both the company and Facebook that Cambridge Analytica had ever received Facebook data. Those denials by SCL boss Alexander Nix have now been dismissed as lies by the chair of the House of Commons’ digital, culture, media and sport select committee, Damian Collins:

    “Nix denied to the committee last month that his company had received any data from [his firm] GSR,” he said. “We will be contacting Alexander Nix next week asking him to explain his comments.” [Damian Collins, The Observer/Guardian]

    On Friday Facebook finally admitted that it had known in early 2015 that the British company had siphoned out the information and had demanded that it be destroyed. SCL/Cambridge Analytica had simply failed to respond and Facebook now admits it did nothing about it.

    The furious conservative politician told the Observer:

    “We need to hear from people who can speak about Facebook from a position of authority that requires them to know the truth,” Collins said. “Someone has to take responsibility for this. It’s time for Mark Zuckerberg to stop hiding behind his Facebook page.”

      As GE 14 approaches Sarawak Report has viewed exclusive information from the investigations into SCL/Cambridge Analytica, which confirms that the firm, which has opened a branch in KL headed by a former BN political advisor, has also been secretly retained by Malaysia’s ruling party.

      Even more concerning is the fact that one of Najib’s most significant political advocates in the United Kingdom is a shareholder in SCL and has therefore directly benefitted from the huge sums paid to that company from public money for those secret contracts.

      That individual is Lord Marland, who was David Cameron’s former Trade Envoy and who boasts that he was the prime mover behind the EPF/Sime Derby multi-billion pound investment in the Battersea Power Station development project. Just last month the costs of the project were revealed to have doubled, making it the most expensive ever in the British capital.

      The chilling nature of SCL’s modus operandi in using big data, which was plainly illegally harvested in the case of the American election campaign, is described in a filmed interview with a former staff IT expert turned whistleblower, Chris Wylie, also broadcast by The Observer today.

      Whistleblower Chris Wylie explains how the material was harvested and used
      Whistleblower – ex-staffer Chris Wylie explains how the material was harvested and used

      Wylie explains how SCL worked in conjunction with a Russian computer scientist named Aleksandr Kogan, who operated a company called GSR that had developed a computer app whereby Facebook users could share their likes and profiles. Secretly, the app also downloaded the same information from these individuals’ whole network of Facebook friends, who had no idea that their information was being ‘harvested’.

      Over 200,000 people were successfully encouraged to sign up to the app, says Wylie, on the basis it was part of an academic experiment. This in turn covertly gave access to approximately 50 million unwitting people’s data, which was passed on to SCL. Malaysia, like America is a heavy user of Facebook.

      The CEO, a former Etonion and self-professed political campaigner from the right wing of the Conservative Party, named Alexander Nix, is one of a number of people all from the same political and social circle involved in SCL. The company also boasts ex-military intelligence connections and expertise in warfare propaganda (developed in Afghanistan).

      The founder of the company is another former Etonian socialite, Nigel Oakes, who falsely claimed a degree in phychology from University College London and has nurtured a life-long interest in marketing mechanisms of covert influence. He pioneered the use of artificial smells of baked bread as a way of enticing customers into shops (now largely abandoned).

  36. Bro Othaman terima kasihlah tu
    Kita Pakatan bukan merapu
    Ada yang datang beratus batu
    Hujan,panas diharung mampu..

    Tun beritahu amat menarik
    Di Johor tengahari, panas terik
    Beribu datang mereka tak serik
    kuasa Klepto rakyat nak tarik!

    Memang ramai suasana hebat
    Tuju ke pentas susah nak dekat
    Itu pun hujan dah turun lebat
    Namun penonton masih melekat!

    Aduh..aduh apa dah jadi
    Bertepuk,bersorak mereka dah ready
    Lubang BN mereka nak gali!

    Tak payah 'overtime' di larut malam
    Rakyat berpusu Tun nak salam
    Kembali semula kegemilangan silam
    Klepto nak banding? Aiseyman,kimsalam!

    Gelas dibaling sudah pun pecah
    Orang yang kena semakin parah
    Jika dulu menghina, mengacah
    Jika jatuh terpaksa pasrah!

  37. Alahaii la FuckTun bingai cai si Matdey renta
    Mmg dlm matematik, dia ni sangat jahil buta
    Penduduk Negara, bilangan nya lebih 30 juta
    9000 hadir di NS tu hanya sekadar taik mata

    Kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhh


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