Thursday 4 October 2018


Kempen pilihanraya kecil Port Dickson nampaknya menjadi semakin rancak dalam sehari dua kebelakangan ini apabila beberapa pemimpin kanan Pakatan Harapan mula menunjukkan muka mereka.

Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Azmin Ali, Mohamad Sabu, S Kulasegaran dan beberapa pemimpin lain adalah antara nama-nama yang dikesan paling awal datang berkempen untuk Anwar Ibrahim di Port Dickson ini.

Adalah dipercayai bermula hujung minggu ini dan berterusan sehingga ke hari mengundi pada 13 Oktober, Port Dickson akan terus meriah dengan kehadiran ramai lagi pemimpin daripada PKR, DAP, Amanah serta Bersatu untuk memenuhi program ceramah dan pelbagai acara kempen yang lain.

Meskipun Isa Samad dan calon Pas adalah antara enam pencabar yang ada sedikit pengaruh di Port Dickson, rata-rata yakin Anwar tidak ada masalah besar untuk memenangi pilihanraya ini.

Realitinya, berbanding semua calon lain, lebih ramai yang lain mahu melihat Anwar memenangi pilihanraya kecil ini dengan majoriti yang cemerlang.

Kehadiran Anwar bertanding bukan saja mewakili PKR, tetapi juga sebagai calon PH yang mana dirinya telah disepakati sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri untuk menggantikan Tun Mahathir Mohamad.

Untuk itu, Anwar bukan saja harus menang pada 13 Oktober ini, tetapi juga mesti dimenangkan dengan perolehan undi serta majoriti yang cukup meyakinkan.

Sebagaimana kita menerima baik apabila Tun Mahathir mahu berbaik dan berjumpa dengannya di mahkamah dulu, malah setuju nama beliau dinamakan sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-8, bahkan dalam usaha merangka beberapa strategi PRU14 pula membuatkan Tun Daim Zainuddin sendiri sanggup menghidupkan lesen guamannya bagi memudahkan berjumpa Anwar di penjara - sikap, pendirian dan hati semua pihak dalam PH juga seharusnya tidak berubah di Port Dickson ini.

Semua orang yang cintakan PH mesti berusaha memenangkan Anwar  seperti mana mereka bekerja memenangkan PH, termasuk kerusi yang ditandingi oleh Tun Mahathir di Langkawi pada PRU14 yang lalu.

Kemenangan cemerlang Anwar di Port Dickson akan terus menjamin kestabilan kerajaan PH secara keseluruhannya daripada sebarang anasir yang cuba menggugatnya.

Ini kerana, jika Anwar tidak menang dengan undi yang selesa, ia tentu sedikit sebanyak akan menggugat kedudukan PH di mata rakyat dan pihak pembangkang akan berterusan mengambil kesempatan daripadanya.

Mulut pengkritik dan pembangkang hanya akan tertutup dengan sendirinya selepas Anwar diumumkan menang dengan kejayaan gemilang pada malam 13 Oktober nanti.

Untuk itu, semua pihak dalam PH tiada pilihan lain selain terus berusaha bersama-sama dan saling berganding bahu ke arah itu. Kemenangan Anwar adalah kemenangan Pakatan Harapan secara keseluruhannya.

Selepas Tun Mahathir, Anwarlah yang paling sesuai dan paling tepat untuk menerajui negara ini berdasarkan pengalaman, kecekalan dan hubungan baiknya dengan pelbagai pihak di peringkat antarabangsa. (ShahbudinHusin 04/10/2018)


  1. Assalamualaikum adik-adik akak niii....

    ....dah try akak ka....sorry silap....dah try resepi akak???? haha...😅😅

    Sekali lagi akak bersiaran di pinggiran pantai PD sementara menunggu sajat....dengar cerita Safie Illias pun datang....bruum,bruuuum....haaa dengar tu bunyi ombak....mai la PD....😍😍😍

    Vroooommmm.....hah Bugatti lalu....apa????...van roti????

    Berbalik pada topik perbincangan kita.....

    .....hari ni akak tak bagi resepi tetapi santapan jiwa.....

    Untuk jiwa yang ada penyakit was-was....

    Sejak hari penamaan calon seluruh penduduk PD dihinggapi wabak was-was....😌😌

    Ni akak nak bagi petua ya....ambil pen dan kertas....

    Penyakit ni tak ada kaitan dengan kentut berbau ya, tapi timbul kerana masalah "nak pilih siapa niii...."


    Begini.....pilihlah siapa saja....

    ......abai yang kita was-was tuu.......

    ...pilih yang kita yakin......

    ....kata kuncinya "abai"....

    .......haaa.....kan dah tak was-was....😅😅😅

    ....sekarang bolehla kita Haaa kentut....🤣.....kentut lah shayang....👏👏🏻


    1. Lagu Cita Citata - Perawan Atau Janda

      Abang pilih yang mana bang non atau ketot
      Bang non memang menawan, ketot lebih menggoda
      Abang pilih yang mana bang non atau ketot
      Bang non memang cantik, ketot lebih menarik

      Kalau abang pilih bang non
      Masih muda masih segelan
      Sudah disentuh saiful
      Banyak berpengalaman

      Kalau abang pilih ketot
      Sudah pasti lebih ketot
      Ketot bermain cinta
      Ketot pengalamannya

      Abang pilih yang mana bang non atau ketot
      Bang non memang bohai, ketot lebih aduhai


    2. Takziah kepada keluarga enam anggota bomba yang lemas.

      Semoga mereka-mereka yang mendahului kita ini ditempatkan di tempat tertinggi disisi NYA.

      Al Fatihah....


    3. Ada 2 antara 4 pos Budin yang di sebut nya berkenaan Anwar, di atas, yang berakhir dengan "tapi ..." dan "cuma ..." -


      Tak ingat apa mesej dia di situ dan malas nak baca semula. Tapi aku mahukan Tun Mahathir merintah sekurang kurang nya 5 tahun, jadi pendirian aku ke atas keputusan PRK PD itu kuat di pengaruhi oleh itu.

      Ada yang mengatakan jika Anwar menang besar itu boleh di gunakan untk menuntut jawatan PM cepat. Dari segi itu, aku tak harapkan dia menang besar.

      Aku bukan saja tak faham dia tak pilih kawasan yang dia pegang dulu sebagai MP. Jugak kenapa dia tak mintak sama ada isteri atau anak dia kosongkan kerusi bagi nya bertanding. Sudah otomatik orang kata itu nepotism. Itu tidak menggalakkan aku bersetuju dia menang besar, walau bagaimana pun taraf kekuhuan PH yang aku sokong.

    4. Ya Anwar mesti menang! Apapun kritikan kritikan Dari NGo,Pembangkang,bahkan Dari kalangan parti PKR sendiri..Anwar adalah insan yang paling kuat walaupun dipenjara,dicaci ditohmah dibelasah..bagi mereka yang hanya pandai mendengki,cubalah masuk penjara bertahun tahun demi perjuangan yang mereka pegang.Ada berani? Walau apa pun cela Dan kekurangan Anwar serta perbezaan dasar yang beliau nak bawa..janii beliau bukan Pencuri Penyamun duit negara Dan rakyat. Yang penting tak songlap duit.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Pakat² tanam modal. Bila Anwar jadi PM, InsyaAllah sampai akhir hayat, semernya beres.

      Ini senang ja nak baca. Kata kuncinya, kita Negara Dunia Ketiga. Kalo nak maju, tahun 1511 lagi kita start cipta pistol sendiri. Ini skrg, beskal MADE IN MESIA pun blom terbuat. Kahkahkah..

      Jgn rasa syok sgt, pengampunan Anwar boleh ditarik balik jika BN kembali berkuasa. Ini sumer silap mata belaka. Hukuman dari manusia, berbohong atas nama undang².


      First Three Months Of Tommy Thomas As Attorney General

      Tommy Thomas assumed office as Attorney General (AG) on June 4, 2018 amidst cheers that he is a “constitutional law expert and civil litigator”; “an excellent choice for his expertise in the law and understanding of human issues” - Herald (Malaysian Catholic Church newspaper); “he holds an enormous amount of experience, making him a (way) more-than qualified candidate for the job” – Esquire; “committed, charismatic and vocal” – Esquire; the first member of the Bar: first non-Malay (Indian) and non-Muslim (Christian) and a lot more, to be so appointed since Merdeka.

      The inference is that, at last, after more than half a century, a person of real calibre has been appointed and only after the fall of the UMNO (Malay) dominated federal government. The other inference is that all former AGs who were Malays, Muslims and from the Judicial and Legal Service, to put it mildly, were less qualified.

      Three weeks later (June 25, 2018) I wrote the article “Is the new AG choosing his briefs like a private lawyer?” This article was written after he made the statement that his stand was the same as that of the Bar Council that the post of AG and Public Prosecutor (PP) should be separate and that his priority was as the legal advisor to the government. In “Should the post of AG and PP be separate? (July 12, 2018; NST July 15, 2018, I wrote “Even if we separate the two posts, in my view, generally speaking, for the post of PP, an officer of the JLS is a more suitable candidate. I have no second choice.”

      I pointed out that, until the Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) are amended, he is both AG and PP. That is what he is paid for. There is no question of him only doing the AGs work and not PPs. I also pointed out that AGs like Tan Sri Abu Talib, Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah and Tan Sri Gani Patail always led the prosecution in high profile, public interest cases.

    8. Lim Guan Eng’s Case

      On July 30, 2018 The New Straits Times reported the High Court Penang had fixed Sept 3 for the Attorney-General’s Chambers to decide on whether to proceed or drop the corruption case against former Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and businesswoman Phang Li Koon.

      “The defence counsels for both Lim and Phang...had each made a representation to the new Attorney-General (AG) for the case to be dropped...”, the report continued.

      “We have asked the AG to consider withdrawing the charges.” Ramkarpal was quoted to have said.

      On August 2, 2018 Tommy Thomas issued a statement that he would not be involved in the decision whether or not to further prosecute Lim Guan Eng. We came to know later that he had appointed Dato’ Mohamad Hanafiah Zakaria (Dato’

      Hanafiah) Head of the Appellate and Trial Division of the AGC, I believe, the new name for the division I was heading thirty years earlier, to do the job for him. As head of a division, in the AGC hierarchy, he is on the third layer, with AG on the first later, the Solicitors General on the second layer.

      Do you think he does not know that Tommy Thomas was the counsel for Lim Guan Eng in that case immediately before his appointment as AG? Do you think he does not know that Lim Guan Eng is the Minister of Finance? Do you think he does not know that that if Lim Guan Eng is convicted, most probably he will lose his job? Do you think he does not know that Tommy Thomas was the DAP’s candidate for AG? Do you think he would not perceive, rightly or wrongly, the reason for Tommy Thomas’ appointment? Do you think he would not perceive, rightly or wrongly, the decision Tommy Thomas would prefer? Do you think he does not know that his promotion depends on Tommy Thomas?

      Even if Tommy Thomas does not sign the letter to withdraw the charges, on whose behalf does Dato’ Hanafiah sign it?

      On September 3, 2019, the New Straits Times Online reported that the Penang High Court had granted a discharge amounting to an acquittal on Lim Guan Eng and Phang Li Koon over their corruption charges.

      “This followed an application made by Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk Masri Mohd Daud to the court, based on a representation sent by the defence to the Attorney- General to withdraw the case, on July 6.

      Masri had applied for a discharge not amounting to an acquittal.

      Lim’s lead counsel, Ramkarpal Singh, and Phang’s lead counsel, Datuk V. Sithambaram, had requested for a full acquittal.

      Judge Datuk Hadhariah Syed Ismail, in her judgment, agreed with the counsels that the charges “cannot be hanging over the head of the accused indefinitely.”

      She stressed that there must be “finality.”

      She said a total of 25 witnesses had been called and the case was last heard in March.

      “The court cannot be slow. After six months, the prosecution has not proceeded with the matter. We do not conduct cases on instalments. There must be a stop. No commas.

      “The charge cannot be left hanging over the head of the accused indefinitely. We cannot be waiting for another six months for the case to proceed.

      “I cannot agree with the prosecution’s application because by doing so the court cannot close the case file. That cannot be the case. If we want to proceed, then we should proceed from A to Z.

      “So after studying the whole case, and the long duration to get the decision, the court orders both accused to be discharged amounting to an acquittal,” she said.”

      I think I have to pause here and clarify the various terms used, particularly, after Dato’ Hanafiah came out with the Latin term nolle prosequi, which not many people know how to pronounce, let alone know the meaning.

    9. The terms that have been used are “withdrawing the charges”, “dropping the case,” “offering no further evidence” and “to enter nolle prosequi (where Public Prosecutor does not propose further to prosecute the accused).” For our present purpose, it is sufficient to say that they mean the same thing as Dato’ Hanafiah said, i.e. “where Public Prosecutor does not propose further to prosecute the accused”.

      The Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) provides thus:

      “254. (1) At any stage of any trial, before the delivery of judgment, the Public Prosecutor may, if he thinks fit, inform the Court that he will not further prosecute the accused upon the charge and thereupon all proceedings on the charge against the accused shall be stayed and the accused shall be discharged of and from the same.”

      (2) .....

      (3) Such discharge shall not amount to an acquittal unless the Court so directs.”

      The difference between a discharge amounting to an acquittal (DAA) and a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) is that:

      i. In a DAA, the case comes to an end.

      ii. In a DNAA, the case remains on the court register as pending, but no date is fixed for the next appearance. However, the prosecution may request the court for a new date to continue with the prosecution. The order is made, for example, where a witness cannot be traced after a few postponements but the prosecution still wants to proceed with the case.

      In a case where the prosecution informs the court that it does not intend to prosecute further, the practice is for the court to make an order of DAA. The reason is that, it was the prosecution that brought the accused to court and charged him. Later, the prosecution decided that it did not want to proceed with the prosecution. Why should the case remain on the court register as a part-heard case and why should the charge be kept hanging on the accused’s head indefinitely?

      In Public Prosecutor v. Syed Abdul Bahari Shahabuddin [1975] 1 LNS 137, it was held:

      “(1) unless there are good grounds to the contrary a discharge under section 254 of the Criminal Procedure Code should amount to an acquittal. Good grounds would arise where the prosecution is unable to proceed for the time being but can satisfy the court that the temporary impediment is not insurmountable and that it will proceed within a reasonable time.”

      See also Koh Teck Chai v. Public Prosecutor [1967] 1 LNS 72 and Tan Chow Cheang (2018) 6 CLJ 452 (CA)

      Then came the MACC,s press release that it was “very shocked” (“amat terkejut”) to hear the news that Lim Guan Eng Guan was acquitted “after the prosecution had withdrawn the case”.

      "The MACC would like to stress that the decision was made by the Attorney General's office and not the MACC," the statement says.

    10. This is yet another first. Never in the Malaysian legal history was there an open clash between the two government departments. This happens after the MACC had been cleansed of “BN men” by the PH government. So, do not blame “the inside job of BN men”. The truth is there are many sensible and dedicated officers there.

      As the first Chairman of the Advisory Board of the SPRM, I know Dato’ Shukri. He is a dedicated and honest officer, indeed there are many like him there. I salute SPRM for issuing the statement. Perhaps Dato’ Sri Mohd Shukri is beginning to think that he should have remained in retirement, after all.

      This was followed by Tun Dr. Mahathir’s comments, made in Brunei Darussalam. He said, “They (MACC) have a right to be shocked. If they want to be shocked, they can be shocked. I am also shocked.”

      Asked to comment on the decision, Dr Mahathir said that he had never in the past questioned the decision of the courts.

      “If the court makes a decision which to me is wrong, I also never comment (tegur) on it.

      “This decision is made by the court so we have to accept it,” he said. (The Star Online September 3, 2018)

      According to the video recording of the press conference he also said, “If they (MACC) is not happy, they can appeal.”

      Listening to the way he answered the questions, clearly, he was trying to belittle the reporter who asked him the question. In so doing, first he shifted the blame to the court for acquitting Lim Guan Eng instead of to AG for not further prosecuting the case. The truth is that the judge had no choice but to discharge Lim Guan Eng, with or without acquittal, because the prosecution was not going to prosecute him further.

      Secondly, regarding his response that if the MACC is not happy, the MACC could appeal, he was manifestly wrong whether or not there was a full trial. The MACC is not a party to the case. MACC’s job is only to investigate.

      Tun Dr Mahathir could be excused for not knowing the technicality as he is not a lawyer but he should have stopped at saying “I too was shocked.” He could have added,” If you want to know more, ask the AG.”

    11. Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.Shahbudin kena bersunat sampai ke telor semula.
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  2. Bila Tun dah tunjukkan Anwar adalah penggantinya, tak ada sebab lagi utk berbalah. Jika masih ada yg tak suka pada individu bernama Anwar, tolak perasaan itu ketepi dan terima realiti. Yg penting adalah permuafakatan dan pengukuhan PH.

    1. Setuju perlu pengukuhan PH. Tapi perwatakan dan rekod Anwar tidak menyenangkan hati semua penyokong PH untuk dia pegang jawatan PM.

      Benar, sudah di ampun Agung, tanpa syarat. Tapi, selain dari itu dia nampak melulu ke istana selatan dan utara. Mereka yang tak minat kpd Tun Dr Mahathir. Dia nampak gelojoh, tak sabar, tidak cool and steady.

      Ingat lah, mana2 parti pun tidak kukuh sekarang. Terutama Umno yang sudah hampeh.

    2. "tidak menyenangkan hati semua penyokong PH" sepatut nya di tulis "bukan semua penyokong PH senaag hati dengan .."


    3. Sdr Bulat, betul Tun dah tunjukkan Anwar adalah penggantinya, tetapi itu tidak terkanun di atas batu.

      Soal nya ia lah: boleh kah Anwar meneruskan apa2 dasar yang Tun Mahathir mulakan sekarang, termasuk mengikis pemikiran pro-Najib di antara pegawai2 kerajaan sehingga KP Organisasi Perisik Hal2 Luar Negara (MEIO) mengkhianati negara menulis surat kpd CIA minta bantuan dan masuk Malaysia jika Najib menang tipis di Pru14.

      Aku juga tidak yakin Anwar akan giatkan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) bagi mencapai kekayaan Bumiputera sehingga sekurang kurang nya 40% DALAM SEMUA BIDANG EKONOMI. Anwar tiada ada pengalaman dalam melaksana DEB dan gigih tidak pendirian nya terhadap kekayaan Bumiputera tidak di ketahui, belom di lihat.

    4. On September 4, 2018 Dato’ Hanafiah, the Head, Appellate and Trial Division issued a press release. He made the following points:

      1. “....the Hon. Attorney General had no hand in the decision to enter nolle prosequi (where Public Prosecutor does not propose further to prosecute the accused) on the charges against Lim Guan Eng and Phang Li Koon”.

      2. He was “....tasked to decide on the representations made by both Lim Guan Eng and Phang Li Koon’s case as I had not participated in any way with the case earlier. Accordingly I was able to consider the matter with a fresh perspective.”

      3. “Having given the said task, I have perused the evidence that has been investigated by MACC and the evidence that have been adduced and tested under cross examination thus far, I concluded that as a result of the cross- examination of the prosecution witnesses who has testified so far, the evidence supporting the first charge under Section 23 of the MACC Act and under Section 165 of the Penal Code has been substantially weakened. This conclusion was arrived in light of fresh evidence that have arisen during the cross-examination of prosecution witnesses.

      4. “Having made the above findings, I opined that I would not be fulfilling my duties as Deputy Public Prosecutor to let the case continue knowing full well that that the case against ..... would not succeed at the end of the prosecution case. Hence, I decided for the prosecution to enter nolle prosequi against both....(of them) accordance with Section 254 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

      5. He further said, “....I wish to stress that I have decided the representations without any influence from any quarters.... based on available evidence and governing law, which I did, without fear or favour.”

      My preliminary comments are, first, I do not believe that this press release was issued without the approval, including the wording, by the AG.

    5. Secondly, and I direct these questions to Tommy Thomas: If Lim Guan Eng were not a PH Minister of Finance, would he have tasked Dato’ Hanafiah to study the case with the view not to further prosecute Lim Guan Eng? If only Phang Li Koon was charged, would he have done the same? If there was no representation by counsel for Lim Guan Eng, would he have done the same?

      We now come to Dato’ Hanafiah. I have no comments on paragraphs 1, 2 and 5. Paragraphs 3 and 4 may be taken together.

      My questions to Dato’ Hanafiah are: Even before he was tasked to study the case by AG, did the lead DPP, at least, not brief him, from time to time, how the case was

      proceeding? Being such an important case, did he not call the lead DPP, from time to time to know about the case? Did the lead DPP of the case not inform him of the effects of the cross-examination and the discovery of fresh evidence and discussed with him how to overcome it?

      Having perused the investigation papers and the notes of evidence and discovering the weakness of the prosecution’s case arising from the cross-examination and the discovery of the fresh evidence, did he call the lead DPP and the MACC officers and discuss the possibility of redressing it by looking for fresh evidence to rebut the fresh evidence to be adduced by the defence; the possibility of challenging the admissibility of the defence’s fresh evidence and the possibility of recalling and calling additional witnesses. After all, the prosecution has not closed its case.

      Dato’ Hanafiah was never in court. He did not observe the demeanours of the witnesses, instead he merely read the notes of evidence up to that stage and “opined that I would not be fulfilling my duties as Deputy Public Prosecutor to let the case continue knowing full well that that the case against Lim Guan Eng..... would not succeed at the end of the prosecution case.” Considering the circumstances under which he was asked to study the case because of the application by Lim Guam Eng’s counsel not to further prosecute the case, it looks as if he was merely looking for an excuse not to further prosecute Lim Guan Eng.

      He could write that statement without opening the files. At the very least, he should have stated the evidence of the relevant part under examination-in-chief, the evidence under cross-examination and under re-examination and stated his reasons why he said it had “been substantially weakened”. The test should have been whether the cross-emanation had caused irreparable damage to the prosecution”s case, taking into account the evidence of all prosecution witnesses. Did he consider whether it could be repaired?

    6. In any event, the prosecution had not closed its case yet. Why not proceed and let the court decide at the end of the prosecution’s case? Was he afraid that the court would call for the defence?

      According to Dato’ Hanafiah, he merely requested for a discharge not amounting to an acquittal. Was he uncertain about the decision not to further prosecute or was he merely making a safe decision, the middle may, that he could not be blamed and his position would not be jeopardised? If the court orders a DAA, the court will be blamed while Lim Guan Eng, DAP and PH would be happy and the AG would not feel uncomfortable when meeting Lim Guan Eng?

      If the prosecution is really serious that it only wanted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal, it should appeal against the order. Or, is it very happy with the result since it got more than what it openly asked for and could blame the court for it?

      Clearly, from the day he was given the task, Dato’ Hanafiah was under pressure even if from August 2 , 2018 to September 3 , 2018 he did not meet Tommy Thomas and Tommy Thomas did not say anything to him. Under the circumstance, he knew he had to decide not to further prosecute Lim Guan Eng and he had to find a reason for it. So, he came out with reason that he found the prosecution’s case had

      weakened after the cross-examination and the discovery of new evidence! I feel sorry for him.

      I also feel sorry for Dato Hadariah, the Judge, who gets the blame for doing something right from the court’s perspective.

      It would not be complete without reverting to the statement made by Bersih and the Bar Council.

      On September 5, 2018, the Star Online reported a statement issued by Bersih 0.2.

      "With the sudden acquittal of Lim after Pakatan came into power, another concern arises whether the decision has been made due to external interference, especially from the Executive," it said in a statement on Wednesday (Sept 5).

      Bersih added that the MACC must be made a constitutional body, with the appointment of its members being made transparently.

      "This would ensure the anti-corruption body is free from external interference and does not become a tool of persecution against political enemies," it said.


      High Court judge Justice Hadhariah Syed Ismail acquitted both accused and decided the charges be dropped despite the prosecution only proposing a discharge not amounting to an acquittal.”

      The first paragraph should be read with the fourth paragraph which will read as follows: The decision by Justice Hadariah to acquit the accused when the prosecution had only asked for a DNAA has raised concern whether it was due to external interference, especially from the Executive.

    7. Najib’s cases

      The CBT and abuse of power case

      On July 3rd, 2018 The Edge Market reported, “Newly-appointed Attorney-General (AG) Tommy Thomas is expected to lead the prosecution team when former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is charged in court tomorrow.” As long a can remember, there had never been such a press report before. It is as if a celebrity, the greatest of all prosecutors in the Malaysian legal history would be making his first appearance in court.

      He appeared in court on the following day (July 4, 2018), the day Najib was charged. Anyone familiar with criminal trials knows that on that day, the case is fixed for mention. What it means is that the charges will be read to the accused person by the court interpreter and he will be asked whether he pleads guilty or claims trial. If, as happened in this case, Najib claimed trial, another date or dates would be fixed for the trial.

      All the AG has to do on the first mention date is to introduce himself and his team as well as the counsel for the accused person; inform the court whether he objects to bail being granted; if not how much and give his free dates for the trial. In this case he asked for more time to prepare his case causing Najib’s counsel, Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah, who had spent his whole life doing criminal cases, first as a DPP and later as defence counsel, to remark that, usually, it is the defence counsel who would ask for time as he is taken by surprise while the prosecution should be ready with the trial when charging a person.

      On August 31, 2018, about six months before the date fixed for the trial (about eight months if we were to calculate from the date Najib was charged), the AG issued a media release saying that his responsibilities as AG took precedence and he was unable to devote time to the case. (August 31st is the Merdeka day and a public holiday. Was he working in office while the parade was going on down below along the Boulevard? I pity him if he was).

    8. "I have come to the realisation that I cannot combine these onerous commitments with the simultaneous preparation and conduct of a seven-week trial in PP v Najib Razak, fixed to commence on February 12, 2019 and completing on March 29, 2019," he said.

      He would therefore use his discretion under Section 379 of the Criminal Procedure Code and appoint Sulaiman Abdullah, a former President of the Bar Council, to lead the prosecution instead, he said.

      This is another first scored by Tommy Thomas. Never in the legal history of Malaysia did an AG admit he was unable to cope with the demands of the work as an AG that he had to appoint a private lawyer to do the prosecution of a case. Or, is he

      chickening out because he had no experience in prosecution and this case is certainly not the kind of case for anyone to learn to prosecute? In any event, he was given eight month to prepare for the case while, at the same time, doing other works. No DPP gets eight months or even one month’s free in order to prepare for a case.

      A young DPP has the advantage of being junior and, therefore, excusable if he makes mistakes. He also has the advantage of having a senior DPP to depend on. An AG is the PP. He is the No.1 prosecutor. He cannot be seen to be ignorant, inexperience, incapable or to make stupid mistakes publicly in such a high profile case, what more with counsel like Shafee on the opposite side. So, it is better for him “to step aside”.

      That is the reality. It proves the point I made earlier that no private lawyer, no matter how prominent, had seen investigation papers or had any experience prosecuting. For that reason an AG appointed from the Judicial and Legal Service has an advantage.

      In any event, he has missed the chance to prove himself as a capable prosecutor, if he is, in the most important and most controversial case in the Malaysian legal history that will be remembered for a long time. Hopefully, he will not be remembered as the AG who had chickened out from prosecuting the former Prime Minister.

      Coming to Sulaiman Abdullah, we know that he was defence counsel in a number of high profile criminal cases. But, he still lacks experience in leading evidence for the prosecution in a criminal trial. Is he going to leave that part of the job to the experienced DPPs from the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) who would be assisting him and taking over the submissions, which undoubtedly he could do well? Indeed, Tommy Thomas could do the same.

      Hopefully, Sulaiman’s health can withstand the pressure of a prolonged trial. We pray for his good health.

    9. Equanimity case

      Earlier, Tommy Thomas had appointed Sitpath Selvaratnam, a lawyer from his former law firm, whom he described as “one of Malaysia’s best leading shipping lawyers” to handle the Equanimity case in court.

      I admit I do not have the full facts before me. However, I wonder whether it was a correct thing to do. This is a criminal case and not a civil case. Being a civil litigator himself and never a DPP, he was thinking as a civil lawyer. So, he appointed Ms Sitpath. She may be the best shipping lawyer in the country, but her expertise may not be relevant. She is a civil lawyer. This is a criminal case.

      Why resort to civil procedure of arresting a ship which is a method of enforcement of a civil judgment to recover a debt? This is a criminal case. If the yacht is believed to be the subject matter of a criminal offence, why not use the criminal procedure to seize it in the same way as the millions of ringgits of cash, jewellery and hundreds of handbags were seized from Najib’s and Rosmah’s house and apartment? Both the CPC and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act, 2009 contain provisions for the purpose.

      Remember that in a civil litigation, the losing party has to pay cost. There are no costs in criminal proceedings.

      Withdrawal of charges against PH lawmakers and supporters

      On the other hand, Tommy Thomas had done a positive act of “withdrawing charges” (that is what newspapers reported) against PH MPs, State Assemblymen, former State Assemblyman and supporters. Hassan Karim, Member of Parliament (MP) for Pasir Gudang; Thomas Su Keong Siong, MP for Kampar; R Sivarasa, MP for Sungai Buloh and N Surendran, former MP for Padang Serai all of whom are PH MPs, PH State Assemblymen or former PH Assemblyman.

      He also dropped charges against PH supporters Syarul Ema Rena Abu Samah, popularly known as “Ratu Naga” and political cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar Haque, better known as Zunar. They were charged with offences under the Sedition Act, Communications and Multimedia Commission Act, and the Peaceful Assembly Act.- Freemalaysiatoday 10 08 2018.

      There could be other cases as well which escape my attention.

      Sarawak v Petronas case

      Tommy Thomas also did not intervene on behalf of the federal government in a civil suit by Petronas against Sarawak Government over petroleum issue. That suit involves constitutional issues on the relationship between federal and state governments and the validity of a federal law, the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 (Act 144), which the AG should defend.


    Tapi ada cavet sikit. Sebab ramai yang tak suka dia jadi PM. Kalau jadi Wakil Rakyat itu membawa dia jadi PM, ramai yang kata itu bukan kemenangan PH.

    Kalau jadi PM selepas 5 tahun, ia itu di Pru15, lain lah.

    1. cavet - caveat.

      Makna nya, ada pegangan, tersangkut sikit.


      Adakah PKR kini jadi kongsi gelap, Tian Chua tanya Rafizi

      PETALING JAYA: Naib Presiden PKR, Tian Chua hari ini mempersoalkan kenyataan calon timbalan presiden, Rafizi Ramli berhubung keputusan penting hanya dibincangkan antara beberapa pemimpin dalam parti itu.

      Katanya, kenyataan bekas ahli Parlimen Pandan itu semalam tidak sama dengan tindakannya sebelum ini yang sering bercakap mengenai ketelusan dan keterbukaan.

      “Sebelum ini, anda sering bercakap mengenai keterbukaan, ketelusan dan kebenaran; sekarang ia adalah okey untuk mendakwa hanya beberapa orang tertentu boleh membuat keputusan penting untuk parti tanpa berunding dengan pimpinan lain.

      “Adakah ini sebuah parti demokratik atau kongsi gelap?” soalnya menerusi Twitter.

      Hari ini, Rafizi dilaporkan berkata, perbincangan mengenai pengosongan kerusi Parlimen untuk Anwar hanya diadakan antara bekas ketua pembangkang itu bersama Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, dirinya dan beberapa pemimpin lain.

      Katanya, memang dari segi operasi dan kempen PKR selama ini, hanya mereka yang lebih rapat terlibat.

      “Saya tidak akan sebut sesuatu yang melibatkan Datuk Seri Anwar dan Wan Azizah tanpa persetujuan mereka.

      “Cuma ada keputusan penting tidak dibincangkan dengan semua dan hanya dilakukan dengan beberapa orang dalam kalangan kami,” katanya selepas Program Jelajah Reformasi 20 tahun di Kuantan, malam tadi.

      Tian Chua sebelum ini menyelar Rafizi yang disifatkan mendahului Azizah apabila mengumumkan satu kerusi Parlimen akan dikosongkan minggu depan bagi memberi laluan kepada Anwar memasuki Parlimen dan menjadi perdana menteri ke-8.

      Bekas ahli Parlimen Batu itu mempertikaikan tindakan berkenaan yang didakwa dilakukan tersorok dan tidak diketahui pimpinan parti.

      : Sediakan popcorn drama perang saudara dah nak mula....

  4. saya dah ramal kan yg anwar akan menang dgn lebih kurang 30% drpd jumlah undi.(namun,peluang utk dia tewas masih ada).

    tapi saya berpendpt yg pengesahan kemenangan nya akan d tentukan olih makhamah jika tiada keputusan muktamad k atas bantahan seorang pengundi PD mengenai kelayakan nya utk bertanding d buat/putuskan sebelum 13 okt ini.

  5. Tuan blog dan sahabat-sahabat sekalian,

    Saya percaya DS Anwar akan berjaya masuk ke Parlimen dan mungkin sekali melalui kerusi PD tetapi legitimasinya sebagai wakil rakyat akan menjadi persoalan. 

    Saya kira ia akan mendapat undi terbanyak di kalangan semua calon tetapi ia bukanlah 'pilihan majoriti pengundi'. Ia akan menjadi seorang ahli Parlimen yang gagal memenangi 'undi majoriti' dan legitimasinya akan menjadi persoalan. 

    Saya juga percaya apabila Allah merancang maka perancanganNya amat teliti dan tiada ruang lagi untuk beralasan. Saya telah beberapa kali menyebut tentang PERTEMPURAN KLIMAKS di antara pasukan Tun Mahathir dan pasukan-pasukan lawan yang bersekutu.

    Saya tidak dapat menolak kemungkinan untuk PERTEMPURAN KLIMAKS itu benar-benar berlaku ialah dengan DS Anwar benar-benar masuk ke Parlimen. Saya harap ia tidak betul tetapi segala petunjuk sedang menunjukkan ke arah itu.

    Sekiranya DS Anwar diisytiharkan pemenang PRK PD kelak, janganlah sesiapapun di kalangan orang-orang yang tidak bersetuju ia menjadi PM-8 berduka kerana ia sudah pasti adalah sebahagian daripada perancangan Allah sendiri untuk membawa pertempuran di antara kebenaran dan pendustaan ini ke klimaks. 

    Yakinlah dengan sebenar-benarnya yakin, bahawa menjadikan seorang pesalah LGBT yang telah diampunkan sebagai Perdana Menteri Kingdom yang bernama Malaysia ini tidak mungkin adalah sebahagian daripada perancangan Allah. 

    Tun Mahathir telah berjuang menyelamatkan negara ini daripada kleptokrasi dan di dalam proses itu ia telah mengikat tangannya kepada seorang pesalah LGBT yang telah disabitkan kesalahannya. Ia telah melakukan perkara yang betul pada tempat yang ia duduki.

    Walaubagaimanapun bagi kita yang lain yang tangan kita tidak terikat dengan 'perjanjian penyerahan kuasa' ini, adakah kita benar-benar redho di dalam hati kita untuk menerima seorang pesalah LGBT sebagai Perdana Menteri? Apatah lagi 'penyerahan takhta' hanya wujud di dalam monarki dan tidak di dalam demokrasi.

    Hukum memakan bangkai adalah haram tetapi di dalam keadaan darurat hukum itu boleh menjadi harus bagi sesetengah orang sedang ia kekal haram bagi yang lain.

    Malaysia negara yang benar-benar dirahmati Allah. Yakinlah bahawa negara ini tidak akan berduka untuk melihat seorang pesalah LGBT yang diampunkan mengangkat sumpah jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri.

    (Selamatlah Malaysia).

    Wallahu a'lam.

    1. pesalah LGBT yg diwayangkan bersalah..bukan pesalah LGBT sebenar... dengan bukti dan saksi merspu..dia dijatuhkan hukuman...ko jgn main sedap menaip jer..john doe..

    2. Anwar telah diberikan due process sebelum didapati bersalah. Di dalam due process itu dia sendiri enggan masuk ke kandang saksi untuk membolehkannya diperiksa balas.

      Dia juga tidak berani malah mengelak daripada bersumpah laknat sebagai membalas sumpah laknat Saiful Bukhari.

      Di dalam satu temuramah apabila ditanya 'are you a homo or a bi' dia langsung tidak menjawab soalan malah berpusing-pusing di dalam jawapannya.

      BERANI KERANA BENAR dan MENGELAK pula kerana apa?

      Itu saja sudah memadai sebagai bukti pertuduhan ke atasnya itu bukanlah fitnah.

      Kemudian dia juga bersetuju menerima 'Pengampunan Diraja'. Orang yang tahu dirinya tidak bersalah sudah pasti tidak akan mahu menerima apa-apa pengampunan apatah lagi ia sudah berada di hujung tempoh hukumannya.

      Menerima sebarang pengampunan adalah satu pengakuan konstraktif bahawa pertuduhan yang ia hadapi bukan fitnah.

      Kesemua fakta-fakta di atas sudah memadai bagi orang-orang yang mahu menggunakan akal untuk menilai bahawa dia memang seorang pengamal LGBT dan bukan seorang mangsa fitnah.

    3. well done sdr john doe.

      very well articulated.

    4. Setuju dengan hujah saudara john doe kita.....terutama "sumpah laknat".....

      "lawan tetap lawan" tapi tak berani saman saiful dan tak berani sumpah laknat....

      "penakut tetap penakut".......lawan la wei...

      ...apa sebab tak berani yaa......

      ulamak tak bagi???????kahkahkah......gelak sampai terkentut-kentut

    5. ooo...bila sumpah laknat...kira settle kes ker... seseorang yg berpengetahuan..takkan memperbuduhkan diri buat sumpah laknat atas arahan org yg tak berkelayakan...itu mainan politik utk dendangan org yg tak setuju jer..


    6. berani ka......atau berahi.....

    7. Silap tu. Anwar tidak disabitkan kesalahannya akibat sumpah laknat oleh Saiful sebaliknya dia disabitkan di atas keterangan dan due process.

      Sebenarnya di dalam undang-undang keterangan Islam, Anwar yang perlu bersumpah laknat selepas Saiful telah memberi keterangan dan keterangan ini disokong oleh bukti-bukti lain.

      Prinsipnya ialah "al-bayyinatu a'la al-mudda'i wal-yamin a'la man ankar" yang bermaksud 'keterangan adalah di atas penuduh sedang sumpah adalah di atas tertuduh yang menafikan tuduhannya'.

      Saiful bukan saja telah memberi keterangan bahkan juga membuat sumpah laknat.

      Anwar pula bukan saja tidak memberi apa-apa keterangan balas dari kandang saksi, malah tidak pula berani bersumpah laknat menafikan pertuduhan ke atasnya oleh Saiful.

      Perkara ini sememangnya telah selesai, dan kesimpulannya ialah sabitan ke atas Anwar adalah sah, dan Anwar sendiri tidak beramal dengan 'berani kerana benar' apabila enggan memberi keterangan bersumpah dari kandang saksi dan enggan pula bersumpah laknat menafikan dakwaan ke atasnya.

      Apabila ia bersetuju menerima 'pengampunan diraja' pula, maka hancur berteraburlah segala penafiannya selama ini disebabkan pelakuannya yang menerima pengampunan secara konstraktifnya ialah pengakuannya bahawa pertuduhan dan sabitan ke atasnya adalah benar.

      Apatah lagi fakta menunjukkan ia telah pun berada di hujung tempoh hukuman itu dan benar-benar tidak memerlukannya melainkan untuk kembali bertanding di dalam pilihanraya.

    8. Fakta yg kuat kah itu..itu tidak cukup menyakinkan dlm keseluruhan scenerio bg sabitan liwat Anwar..antara yakin dan percaya adalah dlm kerangka pemikiran setiap org yg mentelaah meneliti pertunjuk gambaran yg dbicarkan dlm kesnya..hanya penerimanya saja terbentuk keyakinan dan kepercayaan itu untuk dpersetujuannya..maka jdlh sebahagian menerimanya dan sebahagian menolaknya..
      Mohon maaf..memburukan seseorg tidak digalakkan apalg dcop sebagai lgbt..bkn kah itu satu fitnah yg tersebar luas..

    9. Hairannn hanya LGBT sahaja yang dipandang hinaa Dan menjijikkan..Habis tu Kalau pemimpin straight berzina..tu kira Okaylah??!! Takpe biarkan dia memimpin..dia berzina je dengan pompuan bukan isteri diadia,asalkan dia bukan Homo .Hahaah bullshit. Bukan takat Umno bahkan pemimpim Parti Surga pun terkait dengan video seks. Kesimpulannya, mmg benar kita tidak harus jadikan seseorang Homo dan juga Kaki zina sebagai Pemimpin. Fair And Square bukan?

    10. Sdr Ramly,

      Fakta dan sabitan yang tidak ada sebarang keraguan munasabah lagi bagi mereka yang mahu berfikir dan menggunakan akal.

      Tiada siapa yang menjawab dengan fakta yang menunjukkan tuduhan liwat itu satu fitnah melainkan hanya berkata 'ini fitnah dan tak meyakinkan'.

    11. Lokman Adam AMT Umno kata ada kes liwat satu lagi. Dia sudah di panggil Polis berkenaan tuduhah nya.

      Ingin tahu butiran tuduhan nya. Belom di umumkan. Tapi, kalau Lokman cakap tidak benar, mulut celupar, Lokman akan kena lock.

  6. "Anwarlah yang paling sesuai dan paling tepat untuk menerajui negara ini' - ada berbeza pendapat berkenaan perkara ini.

    Ramai yang mahu menerima nya jika Tun Dr Mahathir di beri sekurang kurang nya 5 tahun memerintah. Sebab amat banyak masalah dilakukan Najib, selain dari membangunkan negara ke tahap negara maju.

    Membetulkan jentera kerajaan yang Tun kata telah di rosakkan Najib memakan masa yang lama. Jentera yang tidak rosak akan melaksanakan dasar dasar kerajaan dengan lancar. Tambah pula bersedia bila bila masa membuat cadangan membaiki keadaan dari segi ekonomi, sosial, malah politik pun.

    Selain dari unsur unsur rasuah, jentera kerajaan sudah menjadi "Yes Men", sehingga sanggup menutup kesalahan.

    1. Kita tunggu saja 'ramai' itu sebenarnya berapa persen. Rasa kek hanya boleh diketahui selepas ia benar-benar dimakan.

      Kelak kalau DS Anwar 'menang' PRK PD dengan jumlah undi 30% daripada jumlah pemilih (seperti telahan Pak Rahman JPC), maka ia dan penyokongnya akan kehilangan hak untuk menggunakan kalimah 'ramai' kerana mereka gagal mendapat majoriti. Majoriti bermakna 51% ke atas dan bukan 49% ke bawah.

      Itupun selepas diambil kira ia lari dari Permatang Pauh yang memiliki 68% pengundi Melayu-Muslim ke Port Dickson yang memiliki 42% pengundi Melayu Muslim.

      Di mana legitimasi seorang bakal PM di negara yang memiliki sekitar 68% kaum Melayu Muslim apabila ia lari dari 68% dan bertanding di kawasan 42%?

    2. Pada hal, pegawai2 Kerajaan yang sudah di sahkan di dalam perkhidmatan (biasa nya di awal perkhidmatan mereka) tidak boleh dipecat dengan sewenang wenang nya, seperti ada dibuat di sektor swasta.

      Perlu ada berbagai tindakan sebelum seseorang pegawai boleh di pecat. Melibatkan penubuhan tribunal, umpama nya.

      Jadi, tidak ada masalah pegawai pegawai kerajaan rasa takut di buang kerja dan sentiasa "enggeh" kepada kehendak Njib atu Rosmah. Paling buruk akan di lakukan kepada mereka yang tak mahu lakukan apa yang Najib atau Rosmah mahu ia lah mereka di tukar tempat kerja.

      Memulihkan jentera kerajaan itu makan masa. Melibatkan penukaran "attitude".

    3. Pemikiran atau "attitude" sesetengah pegawai kerajaan di bawah Najib begitu kalut sehingga Pengarah badan perisik luar MEIO menulis surat kepada CIA meminta bantuan jika Najib menang tipis di Pru14.

      Tidak mungkin dia, yang mungkin ada kebolehan mem"brainwash" musuh, sendiri kena brainwashed supaya menulis surat itu dengan sukarela. Dia boleh menolak atau mendiamkan sahaja walau pun di arah membuat begitu. Mungkin mahukan anugerah Tan Sri atau sebagai nya.

      Menukar pemikiran begitu yang ada pada ramai pegawai yang mahukan itu ini di bawah Najib memerlukan lebih dari kursus demi kursus. Oleh itu, beri lah Tun Dr mahathir masa yang cukup bagi itu semua.

  7. Anggap aje Abang Non Insan yg Bertaubat.untuk memujuk hati tanpa perasaan was~was. Hehehekikikihahahakahkahkah

  8. Kami dendangkan..
    The Port Dickson Blues..

    Hebatnya Anwar sepanjang masa melawan kebobrokan kerajaan..
    Hebatnya Anwar dicop lgbt..
    Hebatnya Anwar dsabit dbicara dmakahmah undang2 manusia..
    Hebatnya Anwar tiada yg mampu mereka2 yg islam muslim dibicarakan dbawah hukum Tuhan..
    Hebatnya Anwar ramai yg bersangka buruk terhadapnya..
    Hebatnya Anwar dcop lgbt sebhgian org ramai..
    Hebatnya Anwar ramai yg bersangka baik terhadapnya..
    Hebatnya Anwar O hebatnya Anwar
    Hebatnya Anwar dcop lgbt Hebatnya Anwar Mahathir bertandang mau sokongannya..
    Hebatnya Anwar djanjikan penganti Mahathir..
    Hebatnya Anwar political undertaking yg membuat telahan kacau bilau para macainya..
    Hebatnya Anwar maka jgn risau dan nestapa kalian dbuatnya..
    Hebatnya Anwar hahaha jgn kalian dtaji taji buntut yg suci murni lg bergetah tu..
    Keh keh keh eh heh..

    Hidup Anwar!!
    Hidup Mahathir!!
    Hidup Pakatan Harapan !!

    1. Anwar tetap TIDAK hebat
      Sebab dia masuk penjara kerana kes liwat

    2. Sorilh bro..apabila lori membawa balak dan telo melalui terowong..balaknya lepas yg tersangkut telonya..keh keh ke heh eh..begitulh jd nye..

    3. Yg hebat ialah otai-otai reformasi
      Sbb mereka dilokap kerana menentang
      Mungkin mereka yakin ia adalah konspirasi
      Tapi mereka adalah pejuang sebenar

  9. Perjanjian yg termetrai adalah diantara empat2 pmimpin parti bagi pihak parti masing2, bukannya perjanjian rakyat atau mewakili rakyat. Merika yg undi ph lebih besar datang nya dari rakyat biasa yg x berparti. Pm adalah pilihan rakyat. Olih itu menang atau kalah nuar ni, tetapkan 3 thn untuk tun jd pm. Pastu bubar parlimen n dap betanding d kawasan majority cina sperti kebiasaan. Amanah, bersatu n pkr bertanding kerusi yg lain ikut level playing field. Ertinya sama banyak kerusi yg angap putih, kelabu dan hitam. Parti yg menang terbanyak antara 3 ini, presidennya jd Pm. Biarpun mad sabu. Jika d persetujui olih empat2 parti,hilang teruslah ngo ngek ngo ngek n ajenda mana2 team, curiga n curigi rakyat tentang permainan kotor pun terkambos. Wak jahid pun xde modal lagi nak kerajaan campuran. Jika nuar menang kecil sekali pun, dia x memalukan pakatan harapan, dia hanya memalukan pakatan sabahgian gulongan non cartel dari pkr. Olih itu, bagi pngundi pd, tepuklah dada tanya selera, kalau selera pd ketot undilah. Kalau selera pd lgbt, yg balon atau yg kena balon, undilah. Komen 2 sen saya.

    1. Tiada soal bubar Parlimen sebelom sampai tempoh biasa. Lihat lah apa jadi parti2 seperti di Britain yang coba menunjukkan mereka popular, ada yang nyaris lingkup di pilihanraya yang di adakan di luar jadual biasa.

      Jugak tiada soal mahu adakan cara lain daripada yang telah di lakukan selama ini untuk bertanding Pru - runding di antara parti2 komponen PH berkenaan jumlah kerusi bagi tiap2 satu parfti komponen, kawasan2 yang di tandingi dan lain2 nya.

  10. undilah pas.. parth lebai2 frust yg dah jenuh berdoa nk jadi kaya.. at last semua sapu..

  11. Sdr Shahbudin kata Mulut pengkritik dan pembangkang hanya akan tertutup dengan sendirinya selepas Anwar diumumkan menang dengan kejayaan gemilang.

    Tak setuju.

    Mana boleh pengkritik dan pembangkang tutup mulut. Selagi ada lubang, mesti korek. Takda pun, gigit, buat lobang dan korek.

    Politikus serupa di merata dunis. Melainkan di negara negara kominis.

  12. Umno tak mahu letak calon sebab nak elakkan splitting the votes, mahukan Anwar menang.

    Mereka mahukan Anwar menjadi masalah kpd Tun Dr Mahathir. Seperti di kata orang sekarang pun dia sudah mula nampak mahukan pegang jawatan PM cepat.

    Umno mencongak kalau dia menang besar, penyokong penyokong nya seperti Rafizi akan desak dia di beri jawatan itu secepat mungkin.

    1. Tun Dr Mahathir sudah kata di New York dan di London dia sudah berumur 93 tahun dan akan melepaskan jawatan PM 2 tahun lagi.

      Tapi ramai penyokong penyokong nya mahukan dia pegang jawatan itu sekurang kurang nya satu penggal penuh - 5 tahun. Berbagai sebab di berikan.

      Seorang Wakil Rakyat PKR menuduh Daim dan Azmin coba menyekat Anwar memegang jawatan itu. Anwar sudah beri tahu dia supaya berhenti buat begitu. Memang, kesan nya tidak baik, ramai yang mengatakan mengemukakan isu itu menonjolkan kemungkinan Anwar yang tidak sabar, "unbecoming of a PM-in-waiting".

    2. Kau ni jurucakap UMNO ke?
      UMNO dah jd pembangkang lah Wooi
      Tak perlu menyibuk pasal parti kerajaan
      Besok pi ziarah mama kat lokap

  13. Sifir politik muwazanah Hadi, Taki dan Mamak Strateji Pramatang Zuhdi jangan silap hari bulanje le diPD

    Mahathir ada memberi bayangan seolah syarat baru akan lepas jawatan PM kpd Anwar mengikut kehendak rakyat atau memantau
    reaksi umum dulu.

    Dikhabarkan Set Pol Zahid Md Ariff dilihat bersama Isa Samad diPD. Kalau benar, tak kebetulan kerana kalau masih ingat, Zahid yalah Mursidul Am TIBAI PRU13 juga Pegawai Khas Isa sama2 disiasat SPRM kes Felda. Bukan roket sains utk meneka, Isa lebih minat nak perabih masa enjoy duit yang dicilok dari Felda. Tapi situasi Win-win jugak kalau bantu ABAI, mungkin kes Feldanya diabaikan?

    Saiful yalah alat permainan konspirasi liwat Anwar, memang cocok dgn rentak geng2 ABAI BERSATU.

    Tidak mustahil Isa dan Saiful ditanam geng2 TIBAI dan ABAI dlm BERSATU utk terjemahkan syarat baru Mahathir kehendak rakyat, ganggu Anwar, kurangkan undi atau kalah terus. Inilah juga telahan bebas Sinchew, sekilas ikan diair tahu mainan politik Melayu dendam berkesumat.

    Lihat sahaja Anwar dibelasah oleh geng2 ni Kadir, OSTB malah Hishamuddin Rais yalah rekrut baru hanya berlagu tema bontot siang dan malam sampailah ke Oct13. Tidak hairan, jika RPK dan TTF dari Manchester pun direkrut sama join semangkuk utk bodek Mahathir. Tengok pada laungan pengomen2 tegar mantan peliwat yang diampunkan, semua nak bodek Mahathir dgn lagu ini. Ada yang berharap habuan politik jawatan Pengerusi atau BOD, ada yang dendam urusniaga tak sempurna.

    Tenggelam pengakuan Shafee Abdullah RM9.5 juta seolah ada konsaltasi konspirasi nak penjara kan Anwar diperingkat rayuan.
    Bagi yang maseh ragu2, saman fitnah boleh selesaikan dgn saksi2 konspirasi ini. Selepas PRU13, Papagomo diselamat duit curi Najib bangkrap RM800K kerana mengelar Anwar sbg homoseks. Anwar bisa mengheret sapa saja termasuk ExTKSU, habis lah pencen.

    Agak mengejut jugak Hadi pun belasah Anwar bagai nak rak dan memuji pulak Dr Klinik 1Malaysia yang patut menghabiskan sisa2 hidup ditikar sejadah. Muwazanah Hadi yalah Mahathir patut habiskan PM 5 tahun disambut sorak gumpita oleh Geng2 ABAI BERSATU.

    Tapi tiada yang lupa PRU13, Hadi boleh peluk Anwar sbg Ketua Pakatan Rakyat, LKS, Buku Jingga Manifesto PR, malah tiang2 Kota DarulEhsan umpamanya demi undi2, kerusi2 empuk exco, lantikan2 politik lain hasil dari menang kerusi terbanyak dalam sejarah 53% undi popular, terkedu Najib dan Mahathir. Dibawah PR kendalian Anwar.

    Tapi dimana DAP dan Amanah dlm kemelut PH dan PRK PD ini? Kalau LKS, LGE dan Mat Sabu dan jentera2 parti2 PH semua berkerja keras utk kemenangan Anwar dan PH mana BERSATU nak menyorok? Disebalik cop out pembubaran BERSATU NS satu hari sebelum nama calon PD?

    Apakata kalau Majlis Tertinggi PH mendesak solidariti PH dan Anwar dibantu mcm BERSATU dibantu oleh rakan2 lain diPRU14 termasuk pencalunan Mahathir sbg PM, PKR meminjamkan logo dan bendera tanpa syarat kehendak rakyat?

    Apakata Majlis Tertinggi PH mendesak Mahathir tunaikan janji2 asal tanpa syarat dan Anwar yalah rakan kongsi dalam PH tanpa syarat?

    PH akan kembali beroperasi spt biasa. Malah Zaid Ibrahim pun mengesyorkan betapa pentingnya maruah dan janji dalam politik dan hanya lawatan rakan kongsi Anwar, Mahathir kePD boleh redakan byk kekeliruan masa depan PH.

    Malah takdirnya ada musibah dipihak BERSATU, siapa lagi yang hendak diharapkan kalau bukan rakan2 PH, jentera2 dan grassroot2 mereka, karma politik boleh berlaku.

    PAS terlopong dahlah bermusuh dgn Anwar, tidak akan berlaku Kerajaan Perpaduan secara pintu belakang dgn UMNO dan BERSATU dan perjalanan royalti minyak masih berliku atau disalur terus kpd rakyat.

    Tidak salah Abdullah Sani menembak peluru kapor mengenai usaha terancang menghalang Anwar dalam PH seolah duri dalam daging dari hati2 yang tak kenal erti berbudi dan pengorbanan penjara 8 tahun dek konspirasi.

  14. Nada Tuan Shah terhadap Anwar Ibrahim lebih lunak dalam tulisan ini. Adakah kerana Bersatu sedang berkecamuk sekarang?
