Sunday 22 January 2017


Tun Mahathir Mohamad menegaskan, tempoh untuk Pas berbincang bagi mengadakan kerjasama dengan Pakatan Harapan sudah pun berakhir.

Menurut beliau, Bersatu sudah memberi lebih masa kepada Pas bagi membolehkan parti berkenaan memberi pandangan dan berbincang.

"Selepas Bersatu menyatakan syarat yang dikehendaki, Pas pula selepas sekian lama masih tidak memberi sebarang jawapan.

"Hasrat Bersatu, jika Pas tak nak sertai Pakatan Harapan, Bersatu akan berada dalam Pakatan Harapan. Kalau Pas tak nak, (biar) tak naklah," kata Tun Mahathir yang juga Pengerusi Bersatu.

Setakat ini status Bersatu adalah bekerjasama dengan Pakatan Harapan dan difahamkan keputusan untuk menyertai gabungan pembangkang itu secara rasmi akan diambil dalam mesyuaratnya yang akan datang.

Dengan penegasan Tun Mahathir ini, bermakna pertembungan sebenar dalam PRU 14 adalah antara BN dengan Pakatan Harapan. 

Maka,  sekarang ini terserahlah pula kepada Pas untuk membuat keputusan yang seterusnya. 

Hanya dua pilihan yang tinggal buat Pas bagi menghadapi pilihanraya akan datang - kekal bersendirian atau menjalin kerjasama secara rasmi dengan Najib, UMNO dan BN.

Tetapi, barang diingat, apa pun keputusan Pas selepas ini, ia tetap memihak untuk memberi kelebihan kepada Najib, UMNO dan BN.

Setelah berkali-kali memberi penegasan untuk bertanding hanya di 70 kerusi Parlimen saja, Pas, jika bertanding secara bersendirian,  tidak mungkin mencukupi untuk menubuhkan sebuah kerajaan.

Berada di tengah-tengah pertembungan antara BN dengan Pakatan Harapan, Pas lebih mungkin menjadi "kancil yang akan mati tersepit apabila terjadi pergaduhan antara gajah sama gajah".

Boleh jadi juga hasrat Pas untuk menjadi "king maker" tidak akan kesampaian kerana adalah lebih baik pengundi untuk terus saja membuat pilihan antara BN atau Pakatan Harapan untuk menjadi kerajaan yang mentadbir negara ini.

Jadi, pilihan yang terbaik ialah agar Pas dan cepat-cepat mengajak UMNO untuk "menikah" daripada terus-menerus hidup "bermukah" yang menyebabkan nasib masa depan turut tidak ketahuan. (SH 22/01/2017).


  1. Dah berbuih mulut ramai orang supaya Parti Putar Alam SeMalaysia (PAS) ni diperjahanamkan. Biar mereka yang tak reti bahasa pi cium ...tot BN dan selepas tu jangan lagi cuba laungkan sentimen Islam...sebab kamu semua dah munafik!

    1. Jgn dok layan pas tu. Parti syok sendiri.

    2. Parti PAS tiada nilai. Hipokrit bertopeng agama. Terima 90 juta sampai sekarang tak berani saman SR. Melayu dalam PAS adalah melayu pada nama...hakikat maruah tiada. Yang ada serban dengan segala kehipokritan hidup beragama.....

      Patutlah singapura maju ke depan. Melayu berundur ke belakang dan hidup berfantasi, berauta dan berkepalsuan. DUIT BOLEH BELI BANGSA, AGAMA DAN NEGARA

    3. Dulu aku dah kata, Ph jangan berunding
      apa-apa lagi dengan Pas@HadiUlarmak.
      Pas parti syaitan bertopengkan Islam.
      Pas parti syaitan bertopengkan Islam.
      Pas parti syaitan bertopengkan Islam.
      Biarkan mereka bersama Bn dan Umno.
      Biarkan Luncai terjun dengan labu-labinya.
      Selepas Pru14, Pas satu kerusi pun tarak.
      Kemudian bolehlah ditalqinkan, masuk kubur.

    4. hahahaha, kecewa!!!!! sudah jatuh ISIM! LOL

    5. Lupakan saja PAS tu. Kadang percaturan Allah tu tak boleh kita jangka......banyak perkara, banyak sebab musabab yg boleh jadi di masa akan datang.

      PAS bukanlah perkara pokok. Yang jadi perkara pokok ialah kepercayaan pengundi.

      Yg utama ialah meraih kepercayaan dan sokongan pengundi. Itu yg paling mustahak.

  2. pru14 nanti boleh jangka la apa yang terjadi. saingan sengit kerana ada yang pecah undi. 6% bagi setiap parti pakatan bawa nilai 24%, pas 21%, bn 41%, atas pagar 14%. nampaknya pas akan hilang kelantan. apakah yang boleh king maker buat? banyak la ahli parlimen pas makan pencen. adun pas kat selangor tak mau letak jawatan ker?


    2. Permatang pauh pun bn tak boleh menang lagi mau cakap besar

  3. pakcik cerita banyak tak nak, apa-apa pun BN menang juga akhirnya.


  4. Ko tengok muka Mahathir, baru lepas nangis kut, PAS tak mau kawan dg dia.

    1. Kamu pulak bandingkan siapa lebih nampak wajah Melayu antara Tun M dgn Tunku Aziz
      pujaan hati kamu itu? P

      Pastu, kamu bandingkan siapa kelihatan bertenaga & muda antara Tun M (92 tahun) dgn Hadi Awang/Najib...??

      Itulah tanda2 siapa diberkati Allah SWT.

  5. hahahahaha .... sian , TERBAEK!!!!

  6. tak senonoh dah tua nak mampus pun nak mengais si tua kutk ni ....

    1. Yg ko kata tua kutuk tu pernah jd perdana menteri selama 22 tahun.. Bapak ko tu bapak Ayam utk menyundal mak ko.. Dan ko tak tau anak bangla ka,Nepal ka entah lah.. Kesian kan

  7. Tanding 3 penjuru...kalau lah BN menang dan cukup untuk tubuh kerajaan manakala PAS pula menang tak banyak kerusi..masa tu nanti BN sebelah mata pun pandang PAS .Apa akan jadi pada PAS masa itu..Hadi tak de masaalah boleh bersara dengan 90j..yang lain macam mana?masa tu RUU pun dah di bakul sampah kan..

  8. Macam lah PAS nak layan "tantrum" si mamak tua nak mampos ni.

    PADAN MUKA!!!!

  9. hahahahaha, kata tak taku ..... suka hati PAS lah nak ke tak nak ....

  10. FON DAN

    Hidung Tak Mancung Pipi Tersorong-Sorong.

  11. hahahahaha, you are the BEST bro FON DAN!

  12. Saya menjangka BN tetap kecundang. Berdasarkan tinjauan random, utk mencari seorang yg sokong BN terlalu sukar bila kita bertanya. Seolah2 sokong BN merupakan satu dosa atau sin. Kecuali di kawasan kampung yang agak kurang pendedahan internet. Itu pon dlm 50:50.

    Di kawasan bandar atau kawasan "mudah internet"... harapan BN untuk menang hampir tiada.

    1. hahahaha, sila tinjau lagi, jangan tinjau celah kain makcik2 kat kampung tu dah lah..... LOL

  13. Obviously kalay PH boleh menang ngan sendiri tanpa PAS taklah si tua kutuk macam dah nak terceret merayu belas kasihan PAS! dak gitu?




    Kit Siang extends olive branch to Hadi


      Desperado !!!!!!!


    The Eagles- DESPERADO

    Layan !!!!!!

  17. Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?



  18. Sebenarnya PH pun ada harapan menang, dg syarat, bila korang mesyuarat jangan panggil Mahathir sama. Kalau dia datang suruh dia berambus balik.


    'Political dictator' Dr M afraid of us, PAS leader claims

  20. Political dictator' Dr M afraid of us, PAS leader claims

    Dr Mahathir Mohamad is running down PAS because he is afraid of the party's influence, said the latter's central committee member.

    Zuhdi Marzuki claimed the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairperson is a “political dictator” who wants the opposition to bow to his will, and PAS is the only party that purportedly threatens this plan.

    Read more:

  21. PAS tidak relevent.
    Sabah dan Sarawak & Felda fix deposit.
    Modal Tong biru, dedak siki sebanyak.
    Malaysia sikit lagi jadi Nanyang...meKAYU melopong, kukok kuat, taek low penuh punggung.

    1. anda kecewa? tak apa lepas kan perasaan geram dan sedih anda disini, tuan budin sedia mendengar!!!!


    2. kecewa pala utohko 1922..komen tahap jamban.

  22. ok...kita dah dapat buat rumusan...kesimpulan tentang isu tpm ni....
    mca kata depa tak mau jadi tpm...dap pun kata depa tak mau jadi tpm...jadi dua dua parti dah tak akan jadi pm....tak payah kita dok bising lagi isu siapa jadi tpm lps pru14 ni...
    bila dah tak ada yang nak jadi...kekosongan terbuka pada siapa saja untuk calunkan diri...
    kita tengok senarai dibawah ni..mereka yang tersenarai ni...adalah calon yang cukup berpengaruh dan ada kelayakan...lps kita lihat senarai kita boleh pilih dan senarai pendek calun2....
    calun2nya adalah :

    1. jamal yunus
    2. tajudin rahman
    3. nazri aziz
    4. noh omar
    5. ahmad maslan
    6. jamil khir
    7. isa samad
    8. adnan yaakob
    9. salleh kruak
    10. pandikar amin
    11. bung mokhtar
    12. annuar musa
    13. shahrizat jalil
    14. azalina othman
    15. ahmad bashah

    apa pendapat anda?????

    1. bijok, bijok mengalahkan mamak tua kutuk, nak melawan taukeh nampak.

      kecewa, merapu sampai nak naik sewel dibuatnya.

      Mantap sekali tendangan Hj. Hadi!

    2. Untuk nampak adil....pangkah semua 15 nama tu dalam satu kertas undi. Kah,kah,kah...

    3. aku tak faham, tapi saja je bagi support gelak kat hang. Kah, kah , kah

    4. apa kau merepek ni cass?

    5. cass...

      Satu calon anda tertinggal..

      Mendiang Kejora @ Kojolla.

    6. lepaskan geram didada, teruskan. kami faham!

  23. PAS memang MANTAP !!!!!!!

    TG Haji. Hadi is a genius.

    TAKBIR 3X !!!

    1. Memang Genius.....90juta !!!!
      Ahli lain....ada dapat lebih drp 1 sen???

    2. hahahahaha, jangan berdendam, tu sifat syaitan, iblis tu kawan baik zunar.

      orang tak nak jangan paksa.

    3. PAS yg mengkafirkan jutaan sdra sesama Islam demi matlamat politiknya & memecah-belah ukhuwah Islam di Malaysia. Parti yg kini baru menyedari negara kebajikan tidak termaktub dalam Quran. Parti yg hanya pakar buat air jampi & ubat kuat tenaga seks dalam menjana ekonomi untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.

      Apakah PAS yg sedemikian mampu membangkit semula kehancuran ekonomi & keaiban maruah negara dek ulah Najib Dan Rosmah.....??????

    4. macam-macam kau ngan kawan2 haram jadah kau mengata dan menghina pemimpin PAS kau tak sedar pulak?

    5. Al Hudi pakar jual kincin berjampi tjap WalaUnta...*boleh diguna utk panjangangkan urat lelaki MeKayu

    6. Imam aku Tuan Guru Haji Hadi.

    7. Tuan guru haji abdul hadi awang almerengi...22 January 2017 at 23:43

      "Percayalah. Kita menentang UMNO bukan kerana nama dia UMNO. Kita menentang Barisan Nasional (BN), bukan kerana nama BN. Kita menentang dia kerana dia menegakkan perlembagaan penjajahan, mengekalkan peraturan kafir."

      "Oleh kerana itulah kita berjuang melawan mereka. Percayalah saudara- saudara, perjuangan kita adalah jihad, ucapan kita adalah jihad, derma kita adalah jihad dan kerana itu kita berjuang dengan puak-puak ini, kalau kita mati kerana berlawan ini, mati kita adalah mati syahid, mati kita adalah mati Islam."

      "Kita tidak payah masuk Yahudi, kita tidak payah masuk Kristian, kita tidak payah masuk Hindu, kita tidak payah masuk Buddha tetapi kita akan menjadi kafir dengan mengatakan politik suku (asing), agama suku."

  24. Political dictator' Dr M afraid of us, PAS leader claims

    Dr Mahathir Mohamad is running down PAS because he is afraid of the party's influence, said the latter's central committee member.

    Zuhdi Marzuki claimed the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairperson is a “political dictator” who wants the opposition to bow to his will, and PAS is the only party that purportedly threatens this plan.

    Read more:

    1. Now PAS is PAST !!!

    2. jangan marah ...... nanti kena jual!

  25. Haha..Party Ajaran Sesat...dah bercium mulut UMnok....jaja ayat syurga...perangai di dunia mengalahkan mendambakan dedak...Lebai Keldai 90J...dulu perjuangkan negara kebajikan..sekarang negara keBALAKan...

    1. Creater 727qp, hang ni bab lelaki cemolot lalaki lain memang topik kegemaran ...... tak lekang kisah homeseks terselit dalam setiap komen anda.


    2. eehhh..tak sangka kau ne penghadam dedak juga..balak dah habis kau sapu ke...minta serpihan 90J..

    3. masih kecewa? sian ....

    4. dah tahu pencuri balak pun simamak tua kutuk masih terhegeh-hegeh nak ajak bersama? jahat betul mamak u-turn ni, mcam kau gak!

    5. bukan taukeh balak kat kelantan tu kawan YB husam musang?


  26. Bagus la strategy ajak PAS.
    Only then we can know their mindset.

    No need.
    No meaning.

    1. hahahahaha, ajak pun strategy, mak ai hang ni belajar belit dari mamak tua king of u-turn?


  27. kalau dah berasa kuat sangat kenapa nak sebok ajak PAS...komen itu ini pasal PAs ,pegi lah bertanding lawan BN tu kalau dah rasa hebat sangat....jilake

    1. Ni bkn psal kuat atu menyibuk kami rakyat dah x than dgn pemetintahan gila skrang demi msa dpn n ank cucu kami... jgn kira ph ker pas ker mna letaknya simpati parti2 pda rakyat ramai.. kami anat memerlukn perubahn agar msadpn generasi muda akn dtg ada jln kuar.. berdosa besar kita jklau kekalkn kerjaan yg ada skg.. jgn marah fikir2 kn lh insan2 politik, pengundi baik dri pemetintah maupn pembngkng.. kita mmng x bole lgi keklkn bn n najib, mmng bn x akn berubh, wlau mcmna sklipn jnji2 pilihanraya... da bnyk kli kita jatuh dlm lubang yng sama.. kesedaran perlu. klu ada kesedran x perlu parti2 alternatif berbalh spnjng msa.. skin maafkn sya.. demi msa dpn msia yng terbela n gemilang.

    2. kami rakyat ok je! kau ni rakyat indon apa?

    3. Anon 2026 puteri umno,gemuk dan hodoh, asyik jadi bahan geli2 lepas tu kena bye2.usia dh lanjut tp balak asyik nak geli2 je ajak kawin tak nak. Tak ada keje tetap, jd lah cybertrooper umno, dpt la duit poket sikit. Zahid kata jenis INI tak ada nilai tambah tapi menyebabkan rakyat lg bertambah marah pd bn Dan umno

    4. jahat nya mulut, bini kau bukan gemok, pendek dan hitam?

    5. Itu kau, dh la Gemuk,pendek,hitam pulak tu. Asyik berpeluh je.. Bf ko nk geli2 pun anzal bau kuat Sgt..

  28. bagus gak PAS dok layan si tua kutuk, terbukti lah mindset hudoh dia yang sebenarnya.

  29. kalau dah berasa kuat sangat kenapa nak sebok ajak PAS...komen itu ini pasal PAs ,pegi lah bertanding lawan BN tu kalau dah rasa hebat sangat....jilake

  30. Sebenarnya PH pun ada harapan menang, dg syarat, bila korang mesyuarat jangan panggil Mahathir sama. Kalau dia datang suruh dia berambus balik.

  31. cakap berdegar2 ...nak lawan BN takut...lepas tu nak salahkan PAS....jilaker

  32. yang sebenarnya Pakatan ni memang akan kalahpun kalau lawan 3 penjuru....tu yang sebok nak ajak PAS tu...jilake

    1. Yes...BN letak batu pun boleh menang.
      Disarankan sangat2....3 penjuru ...ok.

    2. mungkin kalau PPBM letak calon-calon MAMAK untuk semua kerusi yang ditanding baru boleh menang sikit lagi?

    3. tak pun letak saja CHINA DOLLS koleksi pak sheik kita sebahai calon?

  33. jilake punya MAMAK TUA KUTUK .....

  34. Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?


  35. Walaupun pas tak join is okay..just wait and see till pru coming,kita nak tengok cemana manifesto parti2 bertanding, of course le, kleptokrasi ialah motonya, PH pulak tumbangkan kleptokrasi, pas ???.. teringin nak tengok...hihihi

  36. nyah kecewa lagi !!!!!! WAKAKAKAKAKAKA

  37. Mamak Tua Kutuk boleh merancang tapi Allah juga yang menentukan.

    Takbir x10 !!!!!!!!!!

  38. Pemimpin pas mungkin sudah dijanjikan berlori lori dedak menjelang pru14 sekiranya menyokong BN. Selori dedak mungkin dah diterima dan itu yang sebenarnya dimahukan pemimpin dan penyokong pas.

  39. tak baik menuduh tanpa bukti! dosa besar, perangai syaitan tu. orang tak sudi jangan dipaksa.....

  40. nyah tak rela .....

  41. cakap berdegar2 ...nak lawan BN takut...lepas tu nak salahkan PAS....jilaker


    Saya ingin mengucapkan sebanyak banyak nya terima kasih kepada semua ANONYMOUS.

    Saya selalu langgani majallah UJANG dan GILA GILA.

    Tapi setelah berjumpa blog ini rasa nya saya tidak perlu lagi membeli majallah berkenaan lagi.

    Brother Anon you always make my day.

    Memang seratus peratus kelakar.

    Mari sama sama ketawa tergelak hingga ke tepi gaung

    Lupakan masaalah tanah tergadai, maruah terinjak, hilang adab.


    1. Tuan Budin, mamat Indon ni kata blog Tuan Budin tahap majalah gila-gila ngan majalah ujang je. JILAKE!

    2. Salam bro Ismail.

      Your standard well above that idiot Kejora @ Kojolla. It's so obvious from his words & conduct that people can judge which testimony is the best.

      Ex Son Of Spura

    3. Salam Perjuangan Saudara Ismail dan Pak Othaman.

      It's true, bila kita tengok all those idiots kita gelak sendiri. Tak pernah saya terpikir ada jugak manusia serendah itu. Apa pon elok kita ignore jer mereka ni. Tak perlu kita layan. Walau kena provoke......silence is the best solution .....replying them is just a waste of time.

      Anyway Saudara Ismail and Pak Othaman, harap dapat meneruskan hantar posting2 yg bernas. We need more people like you to write in.

      Moga sentiasa dirahmati Allah swt.

    4. cakap berdegar2 ...nak lawan BN takut...lepas tu nak salahkan PAS....jilaker

  43. orang singapore layan UJANG dan GILA GILA! GILO APO!!!

    hahahhaha INDON ngaku singaporean .....

    1. Bro aku anak jati singapura lah bro. Saya tidak untuk menyamar. Kerana menyamar tu tak elok bro

    2. hahahahah, apap punya JILAKE mamat indon ni, oi wak pi balik jamban baca majalah gila-gila kau tu lah, menyibuk kat blog tuan budin ni buat apa

    3. aku ingat melayu singapore ada standard baca majalah Popular Mechanics. ...Popular Science... rupanya haprak macam melayu malaysia gak, baca gile-gile, ujang, apa ke baghal!

    4. Saudara Ismail.....never reply those idiots. Don't waste your time. Although your answer does make sense it'll never hit their common sense. In fact they don't have any common sense. Just leave them......they are not up to your par at at all...!!

    5. cakap berdegar2 ...nak lawan BN takut...lepas tu nak salahkan PAS....jilaker

  44. aku ingat melayu singapore ada standard baca majalah Popular Mechanics. ...Popular Science... rupanya haprak macam melayu malaysia gak, baca gile-gile, ujang, apa ke baghal!

  45. Semua buku yang dapat memberi manfaat aku baca bro tanpa bias bro.

    Dalam majallah Gila Gila kalau bro perhatikan kata2 memang macam bangang.

    Di sini berikan satu contoh ayat yang memberi kesedaran, BACA ELOK ELOK


    sekarang saya serahkan pada anda menilaikan kata2 itu

    Terima kasih dan mohon maaf

    1. majalah gile-gile ngan ujang beri manfaat? baik kau nengok majalah plaboy dalam jamban kau tu, dapek gak hasil.

      JILAKE punya INDON tak sedar diri!

    2. ismail ahmad,

      baca ni ....

      'stupid is as stupid does'

      indon singaporean mesti faham bahsa ingerris.

    3. Si gemuk hodoh puteri umno is a dumb ass retard moron... Zahid kata perabihkan beras je..melantak kuat pulak ko ajak geli2 tu..

    4. jahatnya mulut. anak didik mamak tua kutuk ni.

  46. Bro, keluarga saya masih simpan CARD PENGENALAN UMNO

    saya simpan dalam album.

    Kalau ada pejabat UMNO di johor menyimpan data2 lama.
    Periksalah ada tak card no.5801

    Sekian terima kasih

    1. Bro. Jgn layan paid umno cybertrooper tu.. Mereka tu retard moron... Cerodik buah pelior.

    2. waduh waduh ....

      aku syorkan kau mula kan lah hidup baru dengan membakar semua koleksi majalah-majalah gila-gila dan ujang yang kau langgan tu dan esok pi langgan majalah Popular Mechanics. ...Popular Science for a start ok.

      Selamat Membaca dan Maju Jaya!!!!!

    3. labu labi kuat menuduh orang, jahat betul kau ni, anak yatim ke? mak bapak dulu tak ajar?

    4. Bro labu labi terima kasih atas informasi nya.

      Aku sepatut nya tak perlu memberi komen dalam ruang ini.

      Oleh kerana aku adalah anak persekutuan melayu satu ketika lahir sebelum di pisahkan.

      Aku tak ambil hati kalau di cemoh bro.

      Yang penting aku dapat luah rasa yang kurang enak dalam diri ini apabila orang2 tua terhadulu di caci dan hina.

      Itu saja bro kenspa aku menulis

      Maa bro

    5. Mak bapak kau kurang ajar aku. Jd aku kurang ajar la mcm ko. Umno bayar ko untuk pulihkan imej parti Dan persepsi rakyat yg negatif.. Krn ko la zahid marah dpt cybertrooper bangang.. GI lap badan ko yg berpeluh tu. Pompuan gemuk mmg kuat berpeluh.. Eh bf ko ajak geli2 tu.

    6. Budak mentah bro. Dia cover isu terdesak Najib. Mencarut dan maki ialah cara release tension seorang desperate. Mungkin big boss dah warning minggu lepas. Pelbagai isu dari mahkamah Singapura, pelaburan terhutang gadai dengan China dan kes anak tiri dengan DOJ. Paling kelakar dijadikan jenaka dalam Forum Ekonomi Dunia secara live. Hidup Mohd Najib Abdul Razak dan Rosmah Mansor takkan ada happy ending. Mungkin boleh google apa jadi kepada Marcos sebagai akhir hayat yang cocok untuk Najib.

    7. Saudara Ismail.....never reply those idiots. Don't waste your time. Although your answer does make sense it'll never hit their common sense. In fact they don't have any common sense. Just leave them......they are not up to your par at at all...!!

    8. Bro phantom and other Anon.
      Many thanks bro for your bad is the weather i will try to make good. Not all bad things are bad and not all good things are good.

      Now the best thing a man can have is to having a new friends.

      Many thanks bro

    9. kami hanya boleh tersenyum memerhati kemarahan yang membara dalam diri! lol

    10. ramai siot geng mamak kat sini, dicampur plak ngan singaporean indon gemar baca komik gila2 dan ujang.

      ganas sekali! :))))

    11. Ismail Ahmad kau memang sah gila, kenalah tu berkawan dengan si labi bahlul tua.

    12. cakap berdegar2 ...nak lawan BN takut...lepas tu nak salahkan PAS....jilaker

    13. Assallammuallaikum Anon22.10 ,22.12


      Tahukah awak orang gila ada kelebihan nya;

      1 Tak di wajibkan sholat
      2 Tak wajib mengundi
      3 tak akan merasa merana kerna kekecewaan
      4 Tidak ada hasad dengki
      5 Tidak ada sifat rakus
      6 Tidak ada sifat cemburu
      7 Tidak ada segala sifat tercela




  47. Nampaknya sejak akhir2 ini blog tuan budin telah menjadi target untuk puak2 pemakan dedak, kaki maki dan mencarut, orang yg mempermainkan agama dan mereka yg tiada adab dlm berbicara..nampaknya populariti blog tuan budin semakin tinggi...agaknya mereka itu semua takut kepada kebenaran yg ditulis disini..

    1. yang mencarut tu bukan penyokong parti bunga? cuba cakap benar, pi baca komen2 yang lama balik. tak baik menuduh!

    2. Denial syndrome bahaya untuk budak kecil. Boleh mencarut tapi bawah kawalan ibu bapa dik. Siapalah mereka yang melahirkan kamu ini? Kos pendidikan memang dah mahal tapi untuk budak yang suka mencarut dikira wajib dibantu.

    3. Report nk kena hantar ni pd zahid krn cybertrooper puteri umno ni tak reti hormat orang tua dan bekas pemimpin yg pernah berjasa pd umno. Zahid tak pernah suruh kutuk tun tua kutuk Dan Ada yg siap kata tun meninggal. Persepsi umno lg teruk mcm ni. Puteri ni buat geli2 boleh la,buat keje mcm ni jahanam parti.. Bangang.

    4. perasaan dendam yang membara anak didik mamak tua kutuk! bak kata ts zainuddin maidin, mahathir bukan nyanyok dia tak boleh kalah itu saja. LOL

    5. syndrome penyakit mamak tua kutuk, kalau tak sokong akan dicaci dan dihina, stail mamak tu! hahahahahaha

  48. Aku dan keluarga aku dh tinggalkan PAS. Parti yg paling mengarut pada masa kini.
    Parti yg dipimpim oleh lobai2 yg bangang politik.

    1. Selamat Berabus, senang sikit nak berbicara topic yang confidential. Ko pun bukan boleh simpan rahsia punya org.

    2. hahahaha padan muka kau 21.53, mengadu macam budak tadika, tak malu!

  49. Setelah di tutup pintu rundingan maka sebenarnya PAS sudah tidak ada pilihan. UMNO telah berjaya. Sekarang kuasa tawar menawar dalam tangan Najib. PAS pastinya akan kelihatan jadi pak pandir.

    1. ada pemimpin PAS heran ngan analysis tahap longkang kau?

    2. PAS di ibaratkan seperti hantu raya yang tak ada kawan.


      Mengilai ke sana sini.

    3. bagaimanapun aku setuju, UMNO memang selalu berjaya, kali ni akan berjaya dengan bergaya sekali.

    4. sampai naik sewel, macam dirasuk hantu raya sudah penyokong parti bunga sebab PAS tak hingin!

    5. Jangan lah berbangga .
      Setakat berjaya menipu Hj Hadi apa lah sangat.. nak bentang usul pun terkial-kial

    6. Kat sini kau lah hantu raya yang tak ada kawan.

      Walaupun kau tak ketawa mengilai-gilai.. komen kau menunjukkan kau hantu raya yang duduk sorang-sorang atas pokok.

      Nak tahu kata orang isteri najib ada bela... bukan lah hantu raya macam kau ...

    7. cakap berdegar2 ...nak lawan BN takut...lepas tu nak salahkan PAS....jilaker

    8. 22.30, kami semua nak berkawan dengan hang, bahlul 22.41 tu kau jangan layan, ada kurang sikit dia tu.


    PAS: Dr M feels threatened by our influence


    Senarai Bukti Penipuan Mahathir Tentang Pinjaman & Hutang.

    1. 800 Billion ke?

    2. lebih lagi ..... kalau dicampur jumlah yang digelapkan oleh anak-anak dan kroni-kroni dia.

    3. Selalu nya ada link.. 800 Billion tak ada link pulak. rupanya Najib yang sanggup menanggung beban hutang ya ?

      Tapi kenapa tak ada nama Alex Tan ke, Anda Lah ke ..

      Tu yang bagus nya Mahathir , banyak duit pun tak ada dia ajar kita orang dengan dedak macam kau yang di upah oleh Najib dengan dedak

    4. kesat dan kasar bahasa saudara ni.


    Taktik Keji Dr. Mahathir Mohamed
    Di Dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 1999

  53. Bila beberapa pemimpin PAS keluar tinggalkan parti, Hj Hadi merapu-rapu tak tentu arah. Yang lain-lain berlumba menunjukkan kebebalan masing-masing.

    Zuhdi dah mula merapu. Mana ada diktator politik. Yang ada ialah pemimpin yang punya kuasa jadi diktaktor. Bila di usik maka orang keliling nya menyalak.

    Lagi seorang pemimpin diktator ialah Presiden PAS tapi kurang cerdik.

    Mahathir tak ada pun cakap kalau nak bersama PPBM mesti ikut cara saya !

    1. itu semua tak penting lagi , PAS tak nak pun .... harap bersabar

    2. Kalau tak nak cakap lah tak nak.

      Jangan bagi syarat atau hantar wakil berunding.

      Apa perasaan bila datang berunding tapi akhirnya kena tolak.?

      Datang berunding dengan mendabik Islam nya. Kalau ikut Islam orang nya pandai berunding. Jadi orang yang menyelesaikan masalah kekeliruan. Tapi kena di rejek !

    3. were you there?


    Anwar did not have the moral fibre to be PM, says Mahathir Mohamad


    Can Dr Mahathir be trusted, asks The Economist

    1. Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi berkata berdasarkan kajian hanya 6.6% kumpulan cybertrooper mempertahankan agenda pentadbiran kerajaan manakala 93.4% menentang.

    2. kesimpulannya?

  56. Assalamualaikum. Ini nasihat saya kepada kedua-dua pihak. Jangan lupa bahawa ada rakyat Malaysia yang tidak gemar akan caci maki sebaliknya menghormati hujah yang rasional. Wakil-wakil parti yang mengemukakan komen dalam laman maya sila ambil perhatian. Kata-kata anda akan menjadi penentu sama ada kami memilih parti anda atau parti lain yang lebih santun. Ingat, kami MENGHORMATI HUJAH YANG RASIONAL. Maka itu, segeralah berkomentar dengan sopan. Semoga Allah memberi kebaikan kepada kita. Amin.

    1. setuju .... kalau nak menyokong pun jangan lah melampau .... menjadi hak masing-masing untuk memilih belah mana yang nak disokong ...... kepada yang terlalu fanatik bawa-bawa lah beristighfar. harap maklum.

    2. Assalamualaikum. Terima kasih Saudara 22:59. Saya sudah lama memerhatikan para pengomen dalam blog ini. Saya dapati bahawa makin lama makin banyak ulasan yang tidak bertatasusila sehinggakan saya terfikir apakah kita ini sudah terlalu miskin dengan kata-kata yang sopan. Maka itu sudah sampai masanya perkara ini diberi ingatan. Saya harap kita dapat meraikan perbezaan pendapat kita tanpa perlu memaki dan mencarut kerana Allah SWT tidak suka sikap seperti itu.

    3. salam 23.09,

      saya sangat berharap ulasan saudara dapat dihayati pengomen-pengomen disini tidak kira belah mana yang disokong. terima kasih.

    4. 22 56

      Tolong berlaku adil dan bijak.

      Tak masuk akal saya kerana kata-kata tidak sopan di sini tuan akan buat keputusan memilih parti mana ?

      Tuan sepatutnya memilih komen mana yang nak di baca !

      Apakah dakwaan ke atas Bahri satu tindakan yang sopan ?

      Apakah menyalah guna duit Mara adalah perbuatan bersopan?

    5. 23.14, he is referring to cara mengomen yang baik, tak perlu marah, dia cakap benda lain.



  58. Pendedak sedang implementasikan fasa jahanamkan ruang komen dibloh Tuan Budin. Usaha jiiik sebelum ni tak berkesan, skrg penjilat berbayar guna provokasi dan carut dan makian secara maximum. Boleh dah kalau Tn Budin dh apply rule sikit. Jangan jahanam blog yg popular ni, jgn biarkan matlamat jijik kerajaan jahiliah berjaya sini jugak.

    1. anon 23.00, tolong baca dan fahami komen anon 22.56. harap kerjasama anda.

    2. 23:00 saya rasa tidak perlu memanggil pengomen lain dengan gelaran pendedak, insyaallah kami boleh memahami apa yang saudara hendak sampaikan. bahasa iu mencerminkan bangsa.


    Next, after having curbed the independence of the Judiciary, Mahathir set about destroying its integrity. This was the removal of Tun Salleh Abas as Lord President in 1988, a move which Tunku Abdul Rahman described as "the most shocking story in modern legal and judicial history,"

    1. PPBM baru sahaja di resmi dan diantara perjuangan PPBM ialah rakyat bebas mendakwa pemimpin. Sistem akan di ubah mengikut selera rakyat.

    2. nah kalau tak faham baca sekali lagi,

      cakap semua orang boleh tapi realiti nya lain .... bacalah mungkin boleh sedar nanti.


    Tun Salleh Abas was a man of humble origins - his father was a sailor and small village trader - who rose to become Lord President, the highest judge in the land and head of the Judiciary while remaining a deeply religious man.
    Tun Salleh's suspension came after he refused to bow to Mahathir's pressure to either resign or retire, even though financial inducements were offered, including mention of a lucrative job in the International Development Bank in Jeddah. The initial reason given for the suspension was that the King had taken great displeasure over the letter Tun Salleh
    had written on behalf of all judges. According to official records prepared by the Attorney General, the King had requested Tun Salleh's removal in an audience with the Prime Minister on the "Wednesday morning of 1 May 1988" after the weekly Cabinet Meeting.

    1. Ghani Patail di pecat kerana masalah kesihatan dan kini jadi peguam. Sebab Ghani di pecat ialah dia mendapati cukup bukti untuk mendakwa Najib. Tun Salleh Abas di pecat kerana sebab lain.

    2. nak tahu sebab baca lah, artikel tu bukan pasal Ghani Patail ....

      nah link semula, baca ok, lepas tu komen balik....

  61. The facts in this summary are derived from the book "May Day for Justice" by Tun Salleh Abas with K. Das, Magnus Book Kuala Lumpur, 1989


    The Dirty Dozen
    A Ranking of the 12 Most Evil Persons in Malaysia

    Who are the most evil and corrupt men and women in Malaysia? Here is a listing of the Dirty Dozen, ranked in order of how evil the person is and his effect on society. The more evil the person and the more damaging his effect on society, the higher up the scale they go. Besides the top dog, the list includes his dark knights installed in every powerful institution that is meant to protect and uphold democracy in the land. From the Attorney-General to the Chief Justice, judges, the ACA, the Election Commission and the police force, there is no institution which has not been corrupted by Mahathir. As Tunku Abdul Rahman said after the sacking of the Lord President Tun Salleh Abas, we are all in grave

    1. Dan ranking pertama yang terkini ia lah Najib.

      Tahniah Najib.

      Ramai sungguh pengundi Najib di sini.

    2. jangan tuduh melulu, mana saudara tahu saya mengundi siapa? undi bukan hak masing2? baca dan cuba faham, kalau tak faham boleh bertanya, kita berbincang, bukan menuduh melulu tanpa fakta.


  63. we are all in grave danger.

  64. 1. Mahathir Mohamed
    The Father of Corruption

    As the most dictatorial prime minister ever, this man certainly tops the list of most evil persons in Malaysia. He has practically destroyed all the institutions of democracy in Malaysia including the independence of the judiciary and there are no more checks and balances to his power. Concepts like justice, democracy and human rights mean little to him and he is comfortable hobnobbing with brutal regimes like Myanmar and Cuba. Corruption and cronyism flourish under his rule to an extent never before seen. Like a leader who corrupts all those under him, most of the people holding high office in the country are corrupt and beholden to him. The hallmark of Mahathir's rule is that corrupt men and women do not have to pay the price of their corruption as long as they remain loyal to him. An egomaniac who expounds large construction projects to cover his lack of spiritual values, he channeled the resources of the country into economically senseless mega projects to feed his ego and his cronies' pockets. Slowly but surely Mahathir's rule of corruption, cronyism and public-milking privatization is lowering the standard of living in Malaysia and making life harder for the ordinary citizen who must pay the ever increasing corruption tax. He will forever be remembered for his cruel and inhuman treatment of his deputy Anwar Ibrahim whom he jailed after Stalin and Hitler style show trials.

    1. Masa itu apa Bapak Rasuah Najib buat ?

      Antara Bapak Rasuah Mahathir dan Bapak Rasuah Najib, Najib lah yang tertor. Sampai kartun Najib pergi ke luar negara.

      Masuk terus duit ke akaun peribadi. Ini bukan Bapak Rasuah tapi Bapak Lanun segala lanun.

    2. itu saya tak pasti siapa yang lebih "tertor". kalau sudara nak berbincang fakta-fakta dalam artikel ni saya boleh jawab, kalau bab kartun, etc, mungkin ramai anon lain kat sini yang boleh tlg jawapkan

    3. Otak kau yang kartun.
      Tahu baca tang kartun.
      Yang duit masuk AKAUN PERIBADI tu yang patut menarik perhatian kau .

  65. 2. Daim Zainuddin
    A rapacious robber baron whose greed is boundless

    His low profile belie the immense power he wields in his hands and he has used his power to amass fabulous wealth. Never ever satisfied, this rapacious robber baron seems to want everything. A brazen attempt to force merge the country's banks to increase his share of banking assets to dangerous levels was aborted only because Umno needed Chinese votes win the elections. However billions of ringgit in frozen Clob shares fell prey to his greed when badly treated foreign investors had to pay him a cut to get their shares released. His economic plunder helps to keep the Mahathir regime in power and fuel the money politics that the party machinery runs on. Daim's lust for money is equal in intensity to Mahathir's lust for power. With the number one man in the country power crazy and the number two man money mad, the country is in "good" hands.

    1. Mana yang jadi pilihan orang melayu dan yang menjadi perjuangan UMNO ?

      Daim atau Jho Low ?

    2. ada mana-mana dalam artikel yang membuat perbandingan diantara tun daim dan jho low? artikel ada menyentuh apa-apa berkenaan jho low? saya selalu terbaca komen disini, yang menyebut "jangan alihkan tiang gol", mungking ia sesuai digunakan disini?

    3. Untuk kau alih tiang gol.

      Peranan Jho Low dengan Daim sama.

      Habis artikel Tuan Budin pasal apa ? Pasal Daim ?

  66. 3. Mohtar Abdullah
    A legal thug best describes this totally repulsive man

    For sheer gusto in carrying out Mahathir's nefarious designs, Mohtar Abdullah has no equal. In fact this most repulsive Attorney-General in Malaysia's history doesn't need orders from the top to go on a legal rampage, he sometimes pursue political opponents relentlessly on his own initiative. He turned the office of the A-G into a dictator's tool of oppression to drag to court perceived political critics and enemies. With the Chief Justice to select the proper judge to hear the case, he just can't lose. Lim Guan Eng felt brunt of his legal thuggery for merely criticizing his non-action over the statutory rape of a schoolgirl by powerful politician Rahim Thamby Chik. Datuk Nallakarupan was charged with mandatory death penalty for forgetting to renew his license for 100 lousy bullets because his life was to be used as a bargaining chip to fabricate evidence against Anwar. Mohtar's zeal in prosecuting politically unfavoured persons is matched by his stony inaction to go after really corrupt big shots. This evil man is not above fabricating evidence to secure convictions when real evidence is hard to come by in cases where innocent people are dragged to court. Mohtar is evil without conscience, a perverter who turns good and bad on its head landing hammer blows on society's moral shell with every politically motivated prosecution. Although Eusoff Chin's perversion of the rule of law is greater than Mohtar due to Eusoff's Chief Justice position, Mohtar has been ranked above him in evil due to his extraordinary enthusiasm in committing injustice and wickedness to serve the dictator and further his own worldly ambition.

    1. Mokhtar sudah terima bahagian dia .

  67. Salam semua kengkawan

    Saya sudah lama berpendapat PAS mesti ditinggalkan di dalam perjuangan menjatuhkan penyamun sebab mereka sendiri ada banyak isu.

    PAS nama sahaja parti Islam tapi tindak tanduk mereka lebih banyak membawa mudharat kepada agama. PAS bukan aset tetapi liabiliti.

    Haji Hadi adalah juara bolak balik agama. Daripada amanat sampai ke RUU355.

    In shaa Allah tanpa PAS perjuangan akan lebih mudah.

    Kemenangan adalah di tangan Allah dan bukan di tangan manusia.

    In shaa Allah PAS dan UMNO sama2 akan tumbang. Aamiin.

    1. saya harap PAS tidak tumbang malah lebih kukuh dalam perjuangan menegakkan syiar islam.

    2. Setuju dgn John Doe !!

    3. aku dan kawan-kawan plak SETUJU dengan 23.20

  68. 4. Eusoff Chin
    He sat on the bench to ensure its subservience to Mahathir

    When the country's Chief Justice is corrupt what can you expect of the judicial system? Eusoff Chin has been photographed holidaying in New Zealand with highly successful lawyer V.K. Lingam who has never lost a case in Eusoff Chin's court. But Eusoff's corruption goes has a far more sinister and damaging effect than mere personal enrichment. He is used by Mahathir to select suitable judges to hear important cases and to lean on judges to deliver the "correct" judgement. Any judge whose judgement displease Eusoff is bound to find himself packing for a posting in a backwater place and his career immediately stunted. Under this shady perverter of justice the judiciary has won a smelly reputation locally and abroad as being thoroughly compliant to the executive. With Eusoff at the helm the government has never lost an important case. But for Mahathir, having Mokhtar as Attorney-General and Eusoff Chin as Chief Justice is a dream come true and a combination not likely to be exceeded in future.

  69. 5. Kadir Jasin
    His newspapers were the propaganda machine of the ruling party

    Kadir Jasin does not hold any high office to directly corrupt the institutions of democracy but as Group Managing Director of the New Straits Times Press, his role in corrupting minds is far-reaching indeed. In the dung filled pages of the New Straits Times and Berita Harian, this sycophantic editor who once called for foreign journalist to be arrested under ISA for reporting the truth tried to mould public opinion by hiding the excesses of the ruling party and heaping undeserved praise on corrupt leaders to keep them in power. The strategies used include biased opinion pieces, omission of all negative reporting of the establishment, public airing of unsubstantiated allegations against political opponents without right of reply, sycophantic adulation of the prime minister, reporting only the negative points of the opposition and playing them up, outright lying and filtering foreign viewpoints for the favourable comments only. By covering up abuses and protecting the guilty from public exposure the mass media helps to perpetuate and deepen abuses and corruption. Kadir Jasin was certainly at the forefront of this information web of deceit until he was sacked by his political masters for not being sycophantic enough and daring to lose market share by feeding intelligent readers with politically motivated rubbish.

  70. 6. Augustine Paul
    A monster judge rode roughshod over all principles of jurisprudence to convict Anwar

    Augustine Paul was handpicked to do a specific dirty job, that is to find Anwar Ibrahim guilty of some fanciful trumped-up charges. Anxious not to disappoint his political masters on his first important assignment, he proceed to trample truth and justice in his courtroom in the crudest possible manner in his overzealous mission to convict the fallen politician. He ran a banal kangaroo court which was so blatantly biased that it will forever shame the nation in the eyes of the world. His parody of justice evoked memories of the infamous show trials of Stalin and Hitler.

    The evil of a man who is willing to send an innocent man to jail cannot be glossed over. One may argue that Augustine Paul was a puppet judge who had no choice. This is a false rationalization as he would never have been selected as a puppet judge if he wasn't rotten to the core and trusted to give the pre-determined judgement. He could have exercised his independence once on the case and there would be nothing that Mahathir can do to remove him without triggering world outrage. But why was Paul selected to grace this rogues' gallery instead of Lamin Yunus although he (Paul) has been known to betray justice in only one celebrated case while Lamin is an old government dog with a string of biased judgements to his name? And shouldn't Ariffin Jaka share the limelight? The fact is that the repercussion from Paul's evil deed was greater than Lamin's as he robbed the nation of a great leader who would have brought some morality, transparency and justice back into the government. Ariffin Jaka at least conducted the semblance of a real trial allowing all material evidence to be heard, even those highly embarrassing to his political masters. The way that Paul bulldozed the flimsy prosecution's case through while suppressing material evidence from being aired speaks of a pure unadulterated evil that makes the skin crawl. He held the future of the nation in his hands but he chose to sell his soul to the devil for a pittance.

  71. 7. Omar Mohammad
    With a corrupt man at the helm, the last bastion of democracy fell to Mahathir

    The name of Datuk Omar Mohammad does not ring a bell to most people and this is understandable as he is the Chairman of the Election Commission which comes to the fore to conduct the general elections every 5 years. But although rarely in the news, this is one of the most important instrument of democracy. When all checks and balances have been removed in the administration of government, the general election is the last bastion of democracy and the final check and balance to a power hungry dictator. It is the time when power returns to the people who can theoretically kick out an unjust government in free and fair elections.

    This is in theory but the sad reality is that even the Election Commission has been corrupted by Mahathir. Datuk Omar's declaration the Commission is independent rings hollow in the light of the 1999 general elections. In the first place gerry mandering of electoral boundaries to concentrate parliamentary seats in areas of greater support ensured that it would be very difficult to topple the ruling party. The 1999 elections was anything but free and fair. A massive 650,000 newly registered voters who were generally perceived as critical of the government were not allowed to vote on the shaky premise that it took the EC a mind boggling nine months to register them. The EC also failed to correct the total monopoly of the mass media by the ruling party, the unfair media blitz and the stirring of racial and religious fears by Barisan Nasional politicians to garner votes. The Election Commission failed the people and as its head, Omar Mohammad must be held responsible for the fall of the last bastion of


  72. .....for the fall of the last bastion of democracy.

  73. 9. Ling Liong Sik
    He is the epitome of village headman bought over with money and whisky to keep the natives in line

    As the most useless leader ever to do nothing for the people he represents, Ling Liong Sik has no equal. This political hack is only interested in maintaining the status quo while he goes about the serious business of gathering wealth. And what an embarrassment of riches it has been with his son coming from nowhere to be an instant billionaire at the age of 27. On issues affecting the Chinese, you will not find this timorous leader speaking out whether it is the Nipah virus devastating the pig industry, non-acceptance of Chinese High School Certificates or criticism of too many Chinese movies in Astro. In fact he is ready and willing to accept erosion in Chinese rights and mortgaging of Chinese future to maintain his personal position, a fine example being his declaration that TAR college will not be upgraded to university status. Ling is the towering epitome of the village headman who has been bought over by outside colonizers to keep the natives in line. Besides a genius at doing nothing, his other skills include the fine art of carrying the Prime Minister's balls on whom he depends to protect his position and keep a lid on his corruption. It must be a bitter irony to the Chinese that this bogus leader who claims to represent them is elected from a Malay dominated electorate. To Mahathir he is the perfect running dog in the so-called partnership of the Barisan Nasional - a convenient eyewash for power sharing and an apologist for Umno, never asking for anything for the Chinese and never critical of any government policies against Chinese interests. A more putrid, self-serving politician you could not find.

  74. 10. Samy Vellu
    Architect of the MAIKA Telecom shares scandal, Samy Vellu proves that corruption pays in Malaysia

    Samy Vellu is to the Indians what Ling Liong Sik is to Chinese. After 21 years of Samy Vellu at the helm of the MIC, Indians remain economically backward and left behind in Malaysia's economic growth. Trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty, they have no financial, commercial or industrialized structure, marginalised in every economic field and in danger of becoming an underclass. Despite the burden on the low income, Samy Vellu goes round the country opening and justifying road tolls, a super-apologist for the rich cronies set on milking the public and derisively berating those who criticize the proliferation of toll booths. His shinning achievement is the extension of Kamunting Berhad's concession to collect toll at Jalan Kuching in exchange for nothing despite the concession period having expired and company having recouped many times its original investment. An let's not forget Samy Vellu's role in hijacking MAIKA's Telecom shares to three unknown companies controlled by his proxy in 1990 thus depriving the agency entrusted with uplifting Indians of an estimated RM70 million in profits.

    Although Samy Vellu has done nothing for his race and got rich in the process just like Ling, he is a little more outspoken than the timorous Ling who would never stick an inch of his political neck out for the people he represents. Ling must certainly be ranked above Samy in evil as he betrays a larger group of people (30% of the population as against 10%) and he has enriched himself far more than Samy.

  75. 11. Rahim Noor
    The Chief of Police turned out to be a lawless thug but he beat one prisoner too many

    Rahim Noor was the Inspector-General of Police serving Mahathir faithfully by misusing the police force until he was forced to resign after beating up a deputy prime minister in prison. After shaming the police force and the nation he did not resign until his repulsive action was about to be exposed by a Royal Commission of Inquiry. And let's have no illusion that this Royal Commission was convened voluntarily by Mahathir to find out the truth. In true Mahathiran fashion he tried to protect the guilty and the corrupt until the insistent demands by the opposition and international critics were so great that there was no choice but to sacrifice Rahim Noor. But to this day the shame of the nation is not redeemed as Rahim Noor is treated with kid's glove by the corrupt judicial system and will no doubt escape with a wrist slap.

    Rahim Noor is certainly a willing evil minion of Mahathir. Under him the police were cruel and oppressive, sometimes summarily executing criminals and beating up people in detention to the point of death. The Special Branch was in charge of fabricating evidence from the dungeon of their confession factory with Muslim intellectual Munawar Anees as their most famous guest. Through Munawar's affidavit we are given a horrifying glimpse of torture Malaysian style. Rahim is not ranked higher on the evil scale because he is no longer in a position to influence matters. Also the behaviour of the police does not seem to have improved with his resignation which means that his influence wasn't that great.

  76. 12. Ummi Hafilda Ali
    She plays a virgin in the light but needs no urging in the night

    "Youthful feminine face hiding rotten starving soul" best describes Ummi Hafilda Ali. When she declared brazenly in a press statement that she was still a virgin in denial of media gossip about her, headlines ricocheted from that bold declaration and the nation gasped in disbelief. But subsequent testimony in court during Anwar's trial by a man who was intimate with her in London show the deeply deceitful nature of Ummi and the manner in which she can shamelessly lie through her teeth in public.

    Disowned by her family and revealed as a scheming, manipulative, evil woman who would stop at nothing to lie and cheat her way through life, she was the ideal person to be used by corrupt politicians in their conspiracy to destroy Anwar. They found in her the raw evil with the stomach to make vile accusations against an innocent man and even to draw the hapless Azizan Abu Bakar into her web of deceit. Totally without conscience and thinking nothing of shamelessly promoting her wicked lies in public, she was a cesspool of depravity and immorality which made her the darling of like-minded Umno politicians. Her declaration that she was motivated by religion and loyalty rings hollowly in the recesses of her empty soul.

    Whatever her motivation for taking part in the conspiracy to destroy a deputy prime minister who was fallen for standing in the way of corruption and cronyism, history has assured Ummi a place in the dark halls of shame after her brief moment of notoriety in a Malaysia made morally hollow by corrupt and evil men.

    So here we have a rogue's gallery of the worse that Malaysia can produce. It comes as no surprise that most of the corruption has stemmed from the font of evil, Mahathir himself. Evil men are useful and necessary to Mahathir. They will willingly do his bidding no matter how odious and they can be blackmailed on their past if they ever have a change of heart. So it is evil, corrupt men who fluorish under his rule and advance to positions of power and wealth. Working in co-operation with each other under the tyrant, they ensure that Mahathir, his family and his cronies continue the feast of corruption, cronyism and nepotism at the expense of ordinary Malaysians.


    Tunku on the Removal of Tun Salleh Abas

    Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj
    The First Prime Minister Of Malaysia

    This book tells the most shocking story in modern legal and judicial

    As one of the architects of the Malaysian Constitution, I must say it
    never occurred to the Constitutional Commission headed by Lord Scott Reid,
    that the day would come when the Head of the Judiciary, the Lord President,
    would be faced with charges of conduct unbecoming of a judge.

    There are special provisions in the Constitution for removing judges
    from office, but there is no specific provision in the Constitution for the
    removal of a Lord President himself. The thought was and is repugnant to
    any man of the law.

    Yet today we are lumbered with a judiciary of the most extraordinary
    character, created as a direct result of the disaster which overtook the
    Most Honourable Justice Tun Mohamed Salleh bin Abas, Lord President of
    the Courts of Malaysia, who was accused of misbehaving himself, and removed.

    A man does not climb that long ladder to the pinnacle of our judicial
    system without proving himself every inch of the way to be upright, and
    extremely fastidious about his honour. His integrity must have been
    proven again and again in his judicial actions, his private life and all his
    work in the public domain. Any man who was any less than that could not have
    even approached that position which, by its very nature, presupposes
    character of the greatest probity and rectitude. The very act of
    appointing such a man means that he is beyond reproach.

    Yet, exactly such a man was accused of misbehaviour as a judge! He was
    publicly humiliated and then removed from his post on what I can only
    describe as trumped-up charges.

    Tun Mohamed Salleh Abas, a man of humble origins - his father was a sailor
    and small village trader - rose to become the highest judge in the land through
    sheer hard work, a proven dedication to service and a great love for the law.
    He is also known to be a scholarly man, and a deeply religious Muslim

  79. I will not try to tell his story even in summary because this volume tells it all
    clearly and as truthfully as it is possible without breaking the laws covering
    official secrets, sedition and libel - though the disgraceful events surrounding
    his dismissal invited comments which courted all these dangers.

    That the Lord President was wronged was obvious not only to the
    intellectuals in the country and many countries abroad but also to the
    average man in Malaysia. I myself repeatedly objected to the action
    against the Lord President and the way the Tribunal to remove him was conducted.
    There were a great many protests by many learned men and women against
    the action by the Government, but these were ignored by the authorities as
    well as the frightened press and mass media.

    The world, nevertheless, found out what was going on. Condemnation of
    the affair from across the world made shameful reading. But I must say that
    the enormity of the travesty of justice perpetrated in order to remove
    Tun Salleh (and two other Supreme Court Judges) is disclosed in these pages
    in such detail, with such penetrating insights, that it will surely further
    shock and scandalize the civilised world.

    Episode after episode in the book shows the spiritual corruption, the
    cynicism, the moral turpitude, the viciousness and the horrible
    ruthlessness which attended the exercise of falsely accusing him,
    hastily putting him before a Tribunal of questionable character and quickly
    removing him from office.

    I do not know how any honourable government can stay in office after
    this book has been published. It constitutes a denunciation which cannot be
    answered without confessing to the most dishonourable conduct in public life.

    In my time I participated in and witnessed a great many dramatic events
    in the national life. There were great days and there were tragic ones,
    there were days of high euphoria and days of great sorrow, there were days to
    be proud of and some days to be ashamed of. But nothing that happened in
    all those years from 1955 to 1970 when I headed the Government, or in the
    days of Tun Abdul Razak who succeeded me and later in the years of Tun
    Hussein Onn, nothing occurred in all those years that so sullied the fair name
    of this country so completely as this sordid affair: it struck a terrible
    blow, not only to the independence of the Malaysian Judiciary - and
    ruined the careers of at least three honourable men - but to national pride
    itself. This affair has disillusioned and demoralised many lawyers. It
    has severely damaged the people's faith in the law and brought several
    judges into disrepute. It will take a long time for us to recover from the
    horror and shame of this episode.

    Our judges are the guardians of the Constitution and thus our democratic
    system of Government. When they lose their independence our precious
    freedoms are at once threatened. And our judges were indeed deprived of
    their independence in the year 1988. We are therefore in grave danger

    We must take care not to allow the mere appearance of security to lull
    us into believing that because there appears to be no immediate physical
    danger, all is well. it is not true. As the Malay people say, "Apabila
    air tenang, jangan disangka tiada buaya " (Because the water is still, do
    not think there are no crocodiles below.)

  80. It was not always like this.

    Our independence started off very well because of our fairness, our
    integrity and our honesty. We take pride in the fact that we were the
    only country in Southeast Asia which won the battle against the communists
    fairly and squarely. We beat President Sukarno of Indonesia in his plan
    to "Crush Malaysia" and we kept the Philippines from pursuing their claim
    to Sabah. We established ASEAN as an organisation and brought better
    understanding not only among these peoples of Southeast Asia but also
    among other countries.We even helped President Ngo Dinh Diem keep the
    communists out of Vietnam and develop Vietnam on the same basis as we
    had developed Malaysia. (But the Americans took up the fight and changed
    tactics, and the Vietnam war ended tragically).

    Times have changed.

    This terrible episode of sacking the Lord President should.serve as a
    lesson to the people of Malaysia as well as to people in many developing
    countries where judicial independence is seen by those who wield power
    only as an inconvenience and a threat to what they arrogantly believe is
    their God-given right to do as they please.

    The way I look at it, they have have made a martyr of Tun Salleh and he
    deserves to be honoured and respected as such. What happened to him may
    prevent others in this country from suffering the same fate.

    What is written in this book will be a lesson to young Malaysians who
    have a long way to go. Let us try do what is right for the future
    generations. I sincerely hope this story is widely read and always
    remembered by the people.

    Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra

    1. Usah lah mempertahankan diri untuk melakukan keburukan dengan mengguna nama orang lain.

      Seolah-olah memberitahu orang yang di burukkan dan yang dulu jahat telah berubah jadi baik.

    2. siapa yang gunakan nama orang lain? siap yang diburukan? are you refering to the article?
